Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

Talk­ing to Amer­i­cans got a lot of laughs when come­di­an Rick Mer­cer was doing his TV shows two decades ago. For Justin Trudeau right now, talk­ing to Amer­i­cans is part of a seri­ous com­mu­ni­ca­tion strat­e­gy, aimed at putting the…

Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

Three par­ty insid­ers join Pow­er & Pol­i­tics to help unpack how the…

Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

There is a good argu­ment for increas­ing the tax on cap­i­tal gains, and it goes…

When will Mark Carney run?

When will Mark Carney run?

Mark Car­ney might be set­ting the stage to run for the Lib­er­al lead­er­ship after the…

What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use both wisely

What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use…

The good news about the recent bud­get is that it at least talks about per capi­ta GDP,…

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

In the fall of 2021, the edi­tors of the Cana­di­an Tax Jour­nal devot­ed sev­er­al dozen…

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to Justin Trudeau we want?

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to…

Per­haps Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was feel­ing too com­fort­able. After…

If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

Russ­ian demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion leader Vladimir Kara-Murza’s health is fail­ing. As…

Ontario could be North America’s electric vehicle powerhouse—but it hinges on workforce alignment
You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

Every inter­view with Justin Trudeau now includes some vari­a­tion on the ques­tion, why…

Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

Mil­len­ni­als do not seem to have for­giv­en or for­got­ten what Trudeau failed to…

The CAQ’s language shell game fooled everyone

The CAQ’s language shell game fooled everyone

Take a moment to think of Emmanuel­la Lam­bropou­los today. In 2020, the Lib­er­al…

Trudeau's response to Ottawa hate rally too little, too late

Trudeau's response to Ottawa hate rally too little, too late

Late in the after­noon on Sat­ur­day, April 13, mas­sive street par­ties popped up in…

Young voters are calling the shots now

Young voters are calling the shots now

Young Cana­di­ans can be for­giv­en for being a bit con­fused by the lat­est…

The Liberal’s immigration policies have accomplished the opposite of what was intended

The Liberal’s immigration policies have accomplished the opposite of what was intended

In its well-mean­ing effort to encour­age the migra­tion of inter­na­tion­al stu­dents to…

For Danielle Smith even federal research grants to universities are part of a Liberal plot to ruin Alberta.

For Danielle Smith even federal research grants to universities are part of a Liberal plot to ruin…

So what’s next? Remov­ing books from uni­ver­si­ty libraries because they chal­lenge…

Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

Cana­da used to be a nation of peace, order, and good gov­ern­ment. Not any­more.…

Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

Danielle Smith has long promised to be the most com­bat­ive of Pre­miers. She has lived…

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

Per­haps slow­ing sales of elec­tric vehi­cles in Cana­da, indus­try cau­tion, and…

Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

Spring has sprung and with it the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is clear­ly wak­ing up from…

Keep calm and trade on: Canada’s Indo-Pacific trade engagement accelerates

Keep calm and trade on: Canada’s Indo-Pacific trade engagement accelerates

Over the past year, pun­dits in the busi­ness press have char­ac­ter­ized Canada’s…

Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

In mar­ket­ing as in pol­i­tics, a brand’s voice can make or break its abil­i­ty to…

Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

The pan­el unpacks the 2024 fed­er­al bud­get as well as more polit­i­cal high­lights of…

The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

We are part­way through the man­date of the Pub­lic Inquiry into For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who Canadians say they’d prefer to hang out with

Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who…

Pol­i­tics doesn’t feel like too much of a par­ty these days, which is more bad luck…

Budget 2024 highlights need for more workers, Regulated Career Colleges offer training solution
Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

Gov­ern­ments often use bud­gets to change the chan­nel from what their oppo­nents want…

A Budget for a Disenchanted Base

A Budget for a Disenchanted Base

One day four­teen years ago, after speak­ing to what was then called Ryer­son…

Will the Budget Move the Liberal Re-Election Needle? Likely Not.

Will the Budget Move the Liberal Re-Election Needle? Likely Not.

This year’s fed­er­al bud­get was pre­sent­ed against a chal­leng­ing back­ground.…

The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

What can be said about Canada’s health care sys­tem that hasn’t been said count­less…

We need more Canada, not less

We need more Canada, not less

As part of its weeks-long pre-bud­get roll­out, the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has sent…

Gusher of Liberal spending won't put out the fire in this dumpster

Gusher of Liberal spending won't put out the fire in this dumpster

The goal of Bud­get 2024(opens in a new tab) was sim­ple enough: Put out the rag­ing…

The federal budget is a Liberal strategy driven by panic

The federal budget is a Liberal strategy driven by panic

Chrys­tia Free­land is so averse to pri­vate enter­prise, she’s now try­ing to put…

Trudeau was Teflon, now he’s Velcro

Trudeau was Teflon, now he’s Velcro

The polit­i­cal tra­jec­to­ry of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau from 2015 to 2024 can…

The Importance of Journalists in a Dangerous Time
You cannot run a country on outrage and insults

You cannot run a country on outrage and insults

If recent polls remain the same, some­time between now and Octo­ber 2025 Con­ser­v­a­tive…

With its eighth budget, the Liberal government tries to re-win the fairness fight

With its eighth budget, the Liberal government tries to re-win the fairness fight

The Trudeau gov­ern­men­t’s eighth bud­get is aimed explic­it­ly at the fact that, for…

A Global Context for Canada’s Budget: The IMF’s ‘Policy Tests’

A Global Context for Canada’s Budget: The IMF’s ‘Policy Tests’

“With­out a course cor­rec­tion, we are indeed head­ing for ​‘Tepid Twen­ties’ –…

Justin Trudeau has a budget bucket list — and it’s aimed at Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau has a budget bucket list — and it’s aimed at Pierre Poilievre

One big thing has changed between the 2024 bud­get and the one Justin Trudeau’s…

A government with no priorities, no anchors, and when it comes to growth, no clue

A government with no priorities, no anchors, and when it comes to growth, no clue

“The Cana­di­an econ­o­my,” boasts the Trudeau government’s lat­est bud­get, ​“is doing…

Budget 2024: The Cost of Fairness

Budget 2024: The Cost of Fairness

Deputy Prime Min­is­ter and Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land tabled Bud­get 2024 on…

What sort of vision for the country can you conjure from inside a very deep hole?

What sort of vision for the country can you conjure from inside a very deep hole?

When you’re new to the job of gov­ern­ing, a bud­get is a man­i­festo writ­ten…

Liberal budget hits a home run on housing, but plays small ball on care economy

Liberal budget hits a home run on housing, but plays small ball on care economy

Chrys­tia Freeland’s Bud­get 2024 lets the fed­er­al Lib­er­als play two styles of…