Top News
PMO officials refute allegations against Han Dong at foreign interference inquiry

PMO officials refute allegations against Han Dong at foreign interference inquiry

Canada’s secu­ri­ty ser­vices did not tell the Lib­er­al Par­ty to drop 2019 can­di­date Han Dong over con­cerns about pos­si­ble cam­paign irreg­u­lar­i­ties and links to Chi­na, the For­eign Inter­fer­ence Com­mis­sion heard Tues­day. That…

‘An embarrassment to the administration of justice’: Trudeau government blamed as Toronto child sex assault cases fall apart

‘An embarrassment to the administration of justice’: Trudeau government blamed as Toronto child sex…

The fed­er­al government’s chron­ic fail­ure to quick­ly appoint judges has led to the…

How will Liberals pay for billions in promised spending, loans? Freeland won't say if wealth taxes coming

How will Liberals pay for billions in promised spending, loans? Freeland won't say if wealth taxes…

While selec­tive­ly rolling out ele­ments tar­get­ing mil­len­ni­als and Gen­er­a­tion Z,…

Liberals lose, Conservatives gain in new riding boundary breakdown of 2021 electoral results

Liberals lose, Conservatives gain in new riding boundary breakdown of 2021 electoral results

If the new rid­ing bound­aries had been in effect in 2021, the Lib­er­als would have won…

Conservative motion calls for PM, premiers to have 'emergency' carbon price meeting

Conservative motion calls for PM, premiers to have 'emergency' carbon price meeting

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is chal­leng­ing Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau…


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Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Bloc top in Quebec and hits a 10 year high

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Bloc top in Quebec and hits a 10 year high

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Strong support for forcing online pornography sites to verify their users are 18 and older and requiring websites remove any hateful content posted within 24 hours

Strong support for forcing online pornography sites to verify their users are 18 and older and…

Most Cana­di­ans sup­port or some­what sup­port online plat­forms found to host hate…



Quebec premier threatens 'referendum' on immigration if Trudeau fails to deliver

Quebec premier threatens 'referendum' on immigration if Trudeau fails to deliver

Que­bec Pre­mier François Legault is ratch­et­ing up pres­sure on the fed­er­al…

MPs have ordered a key ArriveCAN contractor to appear before the House of Commons next week. What happens now?

MPs have ordered a key ArriveCAN contractor to appear before the House of Commons next week. What…

It may have been over­shad­owed by the two-and-a-half min­utes of twi­light that briefly…

Politician's Pen

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The Risk of Manufacturing Chinese EVs in Mexico

The Risk of Manufacturing Chinese EVs in Mexico

The threat posed by the Peo­ple’s Repub­lic of Chi­na to the rules-based inter­na­tion­al…

Steven Guilbeault: Why I think the carbon tax is the right policy for Canada

Steven Guilbeault: Why I think the carbon tax is the right policy for Canada

The pol­i­tics sur­round­ing the price on car­bon have reached a fever pitch. The…

Opinion (Continued)

Canada’s new defence policy commits to exploring, instead of committing

Canada’s new defence policy commits to exploring, instead of committing

Cana­da is promis­ing to pump bil­lions into the mil­i­tary. The Lib­er­al government’s…

Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario

Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario

There’s fierce com­pe­ti­tion in the unof­fi­cial race for Canada’s most dan­ger­ous…

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

Any­one look­ing for evi­dence that we live in a post-pol­i­cy, post-fact,…

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

The stag­ger­ing death toll of Israel’s war of rage and vengeance demands an answer…

Dismissal of Royal Bank CFO is no run-of-the-mill firing

Dismissal of Royal Bank CFO is no run-of-the-mill firing

When cor­po­ra­tions have bad news to deliv­er, they often put it out late on…

Why Pierre Poilievre’s over-the-top attacks on Justin Trudeau is bad for the country

Why Pierre Poilievre’s over-the-top attacks on Justin Trudeau is bad for the country

There’s been some crit­i­cism of Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre because he…

Government bans on social media will only make them more desirable

Government bans on social media will only make them more desirable

Will Rogers has an old joke about Pro­hi­bi­tion: ​“Why don’t they pass…

Foreign interference goes far beyond federal elections

Foreign interference goes far beyond federal elections

While the for­eign inter­fer­ence inquiry head­ed by Com­mis­sion­er Marie-Josee Hogue…

Justin Trudeau is getting impatient, and it shows

Justin Trudeau is getting impatient, and it shows

Justin Trudeau’s impa­tience is show­ing. It’s more than just the jump-start Trudeau has…

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

“Every­one has the fol­low­ing fun­da­men­tal free­doms,” the Cana­di­an Char­ter of…

MPs targeted by China describe eerie patterns at foreign interference inquiry

MPs targeted by China describe eerie patterns at foreign interference inquiry

Every­one has been on the receiv­ing end of a social cold shoul­der when you start…

Trudeau's seeking shelter from the housing storm he created

Trudeau's seeking shelter from the housing storm he created

For the fourth day in a row, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau took a cab­i­net…

It’s time for Canadians to have the right to a family doctor

It’s time for Canadians to have the right to a family doctor

In Cana­da, we used to tell our­selves that we have the best health care sys­tem in the…

Why do so many ignore facts, like the carbon tax works? Because we’re hard-wired to follow the pack

Why do so many ignore facts, like the carbon tax works? Because we’re hard-wired to follow the pack

I’ve been think­ing a lot about think­ing — about how we come to believe what we…

According to Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau is fear-mongering on immigration

According to Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau is fear-mongering on immigration

Some­one, some­where, appears to have tak­en a blow­torch to Canada’s immi­gra­tion…

The problem with the carbon tax is the carbon tax rebate

The problem with the carbon tax is the carbon tax rebate

“Con­ser­v­a­tive pre­miers across this coun­try are mis­lead­ing Cana­di­ans, are not…

Is it time for a Liberal-NDP merger?

Is it time for a Liberal-NDP merger?

Cana­di­an pro­gres­sives are slow­ly com­ing to terms with the idea, or per­haps even…

Trudeau shouldn’t reject Chrétien and Harper’s offer on 24 Sussex

Trudeau shouldn’t reject Chrétien and Harper’s offer on 24 Sussex

The res­i­dence at 24 Sus­sex Dri­ve is where more of this country’s his­to­ry has been…

Young voters aren’t buying whatever Trudeau is selling

Young voters aren’t buying whatever Trudeau is selling

Last sum­mer, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau gave a mas­ter class in the art of…

In the middle of a housing crisis, no one worries about constitutional niceties

In the middle of a housing crisis, no one worries about constitutional niceties

Last sum­mer — around the same time pub­lic sup­port for the gov­ern­ing Lib­er­als began…

As NATO turns 75, should Canada push for its original vision of the alliance?

As NATO turns 75, should Canada push for its original vision of the alliance?

On Thurs­day, NATO turned 75 and maybe we should pause to con­sid­er the nature of an…

Pierre Poilievre’s climate policy is a joke

Pierre Poilievre’s climate policy is a joke

There’s a grow­ing irony in the car­bon tax increase falling on April Fools’ Day…

Pierre Poilievre’s superpower: he doesn’t care what 'we' think of him

Pierre Poilievre’s superpower: he doesn’t care what 'we' think of him

If you’re wait­ing for Pierre Poilievre to start act­ing like a ​“prime…

NATO at 75 and Canada’s New Defence Reality

NATO at 75 and Canada’s New Defence Reality

NATO, the longest-endur­ing alliance of democ­ra­cies, turns 75 on April 4. The for­mal…

The pain is the point

The pain is the point

We all know how cli­mate change works by now, right? We light the hyper-com­pressed…

Goodbye to budget secrecy, and good riddance

Goodbye to budget secrecy, and good riddance

Day after day the Prime Min­is­ter appears bear­ing promis­es of cash and favours.…

Justin Trudeau is facing an all-out carbon levy revolt. There is a way to fight back

Justin Trudeau is facing an all-out carbon levy revolt. There is a way to fight back

New­found­land Pre­mier Andrew Furey has asked Justin Trudeau to call an emer­gency…

The booming use of productivity-eroding stock buybacks will come under the microscope with new federal tax

The booming use of productivity-eroding stock buybacks will come under the microscope with new…

Bank of Cana­da Senior Deputy Gov­er­nor Car­olyn Rogers set off anoth­er round of alarm…

Liberals' blind opposition to LNG is making us poorer and less safe

Liberals' blind opposition to LNG is making us poorer and less safe

“Not inter­est­ed.” Those are the words of Ener­gy and Nat­ur­al Resources Min­is­ter…

Want your kids to inherit a livable planet, Mr. Poilievre? Then 'Max the Tax!'

Want your kids to inherit a livable planet, Mr. Poilievre? Then 'Max the Tax!'

Last month, the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty tried to force a fed­er­al…

Meals on wheels - A traveling prime minister offers to work with provinces. Later.

Meals on wheels - A traveling prime minister offers to work with provinces. Later.

One tries to guard against cheap cyn­i­cism. On Mon­day the Prime Min­is­ter of Cana­da…

Is Doug Ford one — and how about Pierre Poilievre? What does it even mean to be a conservative in Canada these days?

Is Doug Ford one — and how about Pierre Poilievre? What does it even mean to be a conservative in…

In a recur­ring fea­ture, Susan Dela­court, a small‑l lib­er­al, and Matt…

Nobody really cares about renters

Nobody really cares about renters

Canada’s renters are final­ly get­ting their moment in the polit­i­cal sun. After…

News (Continued)

PM's six-day Indo-Pacific trip cost $2M, including $200K in catering

PM's six-day Indo-Pacific trip cost $2M, including $200K in catering

Names of hotels used dur­ing the trip’s three stops were redact­ed from the doc­u­ments.…

Canadian embassy in Syria damaged in Israeli strike on Iranian embassy next door

Canadian embassy in Syria damaged in Israeli strike on Iranian embassy next door

Cana­di­an offi­cials are say­ing lit­tle pub­licly about the state of the Cana­di­an…

Don't equate foreign meddling efforts with success: national security adviser

Don't equate foreign meddling efforts with success: national security adviser

The prime min­is­ter’s nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er says while for­eign med­dling takes…

Liberal government to launch $500M fund for youth mental health

Liberal government to launch $500M fund for youth mental health

Ottawa is set­ting up a $500−million fund to help com­mu­ni­ty health orga­ni­za­tions…

Staff from PM's office to testify at foreign interference inquiry

Staff from PM's office to testify at foreign interference inquiry

Staff from the Prime Minister’s Office are set to speak today at the pub­lic inquiry into…

Poilievre’s Youth: Meet the young voters supporting the Conservatives

Poilievre’s Youth: Meet the young voters supporting the Conservatives

Thir­ty years ago, a mantra for the U.S. Democ­rats ran ​“it’s the econ­o­my,…

Alberta distillery to stop making 4-litre vodka jugs after minister raises concern

Alberta distillery to stop making 4-litre vodka jugs after minister raises concern

A dis­tillery is halt­ing pro­duc­tion of dis­count four−litre vod­ka jugs after the…

Justin Trudeau’s government is $15 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

Justin Trudeau’s government is $15 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

he fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has failed to spend rough­ly $15 bil­lion that it com­mit­ted…

Canada-China relations committee questions witnesses on Winnipeg lab intelligence breach

Canada-China relations committee questions witnesses on Winnipeg lab intelligence breach

Fed­er­al Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land sug­gest­ed on Mon­day that there are gaps in…

Trudeau briefed on alleged interference in Dong’s riding before 2019 election: document

Trudeau briefed on alleged interference in Dong’s riding before 2019 election: document

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau received brief­in­gs about for­eign inter­fer­ence…

CSIS briefing for PMO in 2023 says China interfered in both 2019 and 2021 elections, inquiry told

CSIS briefing for PMO in 2023 says China interfered in both 2019 and 2021 elections, inquiry told

A top secret CSIS brief­ing pre­pared for the Prime Minister’s Office in Feb­ru­ary 2023…

Trudeau government announces billions more for the military — but still won’t meet NATO’s spending target

Trudeau government announces billions more for the military — but still won’t meet NATO’s spending…

Cana­da will raise mil­i­tary spend­ing by more than $8 bil­lion over the next five years…

Senior bureaucrats briefed Liberal Party on foreign interference in 2019 Don Valley North contest

Senior bureaucrats briefed Liberal Party on foreign interference in 2019 Don Valley North contest

5‑member pan­el decid­ed not to warn pub­lic about poten­tial inter­fer­ence dur­ing the…

We watched Pierre Poilievre spend the weekend courting Toronto’s Jewish community

We watched Pierre Poilievre spend the weekend courting Toronto’s Jewish community

For the sec­ond time in less than two weeks, Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre is…

Fate of giant carbon capture project still uncertain, but Pathways Alliance hopeful for deal with feds

Fate of giant carbon capture project still uncertain, but Pathways Alliance hopeful for deal with…

Despite grow­ing frus­tra­tions and pro­longed nego­ti­a­tions with the fed­er­al…

Liberal ridings raised more cash in 2022, but Conservatives had $12-million more in the bank

Liberal ridings raised more cash in 2022, but Conservatives had $12-million more in the bank

Lib­er­al rid­ing asso­ci­a­tions across the coun­try raised more mon­ey in 2022 than…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces billions to build Canada's AI capacity

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces billions to build Canada's AI capacity

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is set­ting aside $2.4 bil­lion in the upcom­ing bud­get to…

Canadian soldier missing, presumed dead in Swiss avalanche: Armed Forces

Canadian soldier missing, presumed dead in Swiss avalanche: Armed Forces

The Cana­di­an mil­i­tary says a sol­dier is pre­sumed dead after being caught in an…

Deluge of federal pre-budget announcements draws fire from opposition, premiers

Deluge of federal pre-budget announcements draws fire from opposition, premiers

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau con­tin­ues to face resis­tance from the Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Ottawa now doing more than 'fair share' on housing: House Leader

Ottawa now doing more than 'fair share' on housing: House Leader

Gov­ern­ment House Leader Steven MacK­in­non says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is now doing…

A battle for hope: the brewing campaign clash between the Conservatives and the NDP

A battle for hope: the brewing campaign clash between the Conservatives and the NDP

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s path to pow­er may be by pros­e­cut­ing Prime…

Nova Scotia premier joins calls for meeting with Trudeau about carbon pricing

Nova Scotia premier joins calls for meeting with Trudeau about carbon pricing

Nova Scotia’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive pre­mier has joined a call from…

Trudeau doubles down as premiers push back on federal ‘overreach’

Trudeau doubles down as premiers push back on federal ‘overreach’

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is fir­ing back at crit­i­cism his gov­ern­ment is…

The Canadian Dental Care Plan starts next month — but many dentists are reluctant to participate

The Canadian Dental Care Plan starts next month — but many dentists are reluctant to participate

The Cana­di­an Den­tal Care Plan (CDCP) is set to start pro­vid­ing cov­er­age next…

Former Quebec premier Jean Charest calls on Canada's leaders to promote civility

Former Quebec premier Jean Charest calls on Canada's leaders to promote civility

For­mer Que­bec Pre­mier Jean Charest is con­cerned about what he says has been…

Chrystia Freeland is at the centre of a political storm. The course she charts out of it could save her Liberal government — or make matters even worse

Chrystia Freeland is at the centre of a political storm. The course she charts out of it could save…

It’s 2014, and Chrys­tia Free­land is laugh­ing on the streets of Lon­don. In clas­sic…

Federal minister says nuclear power is key part of renewable energy expansion

Federal minister says nuclear power is key part of renewable energy expansion

The fed­er­al min­is­ter respon­si­ble for inno­va­tion and indus­try says Cana­da could…

Guns and Death Threats Spur Canada to Reel in Baby-Eel Fishing

Guns and Death Threats Spur Canada to Reel in Baby-Eel Fishing

Back in 1996, Louis Mac­Don­ald was among the first fish­er­men to acquire a license…

Morneau, Charest push for focus on economic growth ahead of federal budget

Morneau, Charest push for focus on economic growth ahead of federal budget

For­mer fed­er­al finance min­is­ter Bill Morneau and for­mer Que­bec pre­mier Jean…

Conservative Party reacts to Alex Jones’ endorsement of Pierre Poilievre

Conservative Party reacts to Alex Jones’ endorsement of Pierre Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre is receiv­ing a con­tro­ver­sial endorse­ment in the U.S. Infowars…

B.C.'s first female lieutenant-governor, Iona Campagnolo, dies at 91

B.C.'s first female lieutenant-governor, Iona Campagnolo, dies at 91

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has con­firmed for­mer B.C. lieutenant−governor Iona…


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Democrats pounce on Arizona abortion ruling and say it could help them in November's election

    Democrats pounce on Arizona abortion ruling and say it could help them in November's election

    PHOENIX (AP) — Democ­rats pounced Tues­day on an Ari­zona Supreme Court rul­ing that…

      An Arizona court ruling makes nearly all abortions illegal in a presidential battleground state

      PHOENIX (AP) — An Ari­zona Supreme Court deci­sion on Tues­day that could end…

      Conservative hoaxers to pay up to $1.25M under agreement with New York over 2020 robocall scheme

        Conservative hoaxers to pay up to $1.25M under agreement with New York over 2020 robocall scheme

        ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Two con­ser­v­a­tive polit­i­cal oper­a­tives who orches­trat­ed…

        GOP's Marjorie Taylor Greene delivers fresh threats of ousting Speaker Johnson in scathing rebuke

          GOP's Marjorie Taylor Greene delivers fresh threats of ousting Speaker Johnson in scathing rebuke

          WASHINGTON (AP) — Hard-right Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene is esca­lat­ing her…

          Trump's abortion statement angers conservatives and gives the Biden campaign a new target

            Trump's abortion statement angers conservatives and gives the Biden campaign a new target

            NEW YORK (AP) — Don­ald Trump still says he’s proud that the Supreme Court jus­tices he…

            Think Tank

            Dire Straits: Houthi aggression in the Bab al-Mandab Strait

            Dire Straits: Houthi aggression in the Bab al-Mandab Strait

            Since Novem­ber 2023, Yemen’s Ansar Allah mili­tia – known as the Houthis, after its…

            The New Mobility Era: Leveraging Digital Technologies for More Equitable, Efficient and Effective Public Transportation

            The New Mobility Era: Leveraging Digital Technologies for More Equitable, Efficient and Effective…

            Dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies have the poten­tial to enhance urban mobil­i­ty to achieve…

            What Spending Two Per Cent of GDP on National Defence Means for Canada

              What Spending Two Per Cent of GDP on National Defence Means for Canada

              The authors are grate­ful to numer­ous defence and secu­ri­ty strate­gists includ­ing…


              A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

              Diaspora Nation

              Diaspora Nation

              Immi­gra­tion has built Cana­da since its ear­li­est days. While main­tain­ing har­mo­ny…

              Where are the hostages?

              Where are the hostages?

              There is a new polit­i­cal force grow­ing inside Israel, and it may offer the best…

              Labour Politics: How does union membership impact political behaviour?

              In my last post, I explored three key groups of vot­ers I termed ​“the…


              State of Emergency Rooms

                State of Emergency Rooms

                We’re bring­ing you a spe­cial episode today from our friends at Com­mons. Over…

                Reflections on A Life in the American Century with Joe Nye

                  Reflections on A Life in the American Century with Joe Nye

                  For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Joe Nye…

                  Should Gaza Compel a Return to Canadian Peacekeeping?

                    Should Gaza Compel a Return to Canadian Peacekeeping?

                    Cana­di­ans have long thought of them­selves as peace­keep­ers. But can we still make…

                    Trudeau's pre-budget extravaganza, and what a post-axe-the-tax Canada might look like

                      Trudeau's pre-budget extravaganza, and what a post-axe-the-tax Canada might look like

                      We’ve already had a few glimpses at the next fed­er­al bud­get, thanks to…

                      Good Talk -- Is The NDP On The Verge of Collapse?

                        Good Talk -- Is The NDP On The Verge of Collapse?

                        We start this week with a sim­ple ques­tion — where is all the mon­ey com­ing from…

                        NORAD Modernization: From Sensors to Infrastructure

                          NORAD Modernization: From Sensors to Infrastructure

                          On this episode of Defence Decon­struct­ed, we’re offer­ing you a two-parter on…

                          The online hate speech bill, with Justice Minister Arif Virani

                            The online hate speech bill, with Justice Minister Arif Virani

                            Jus­tice Min­is­ter Arif Virani joins The Hot Room to talk about his con­tro­ver­sial…

                            The Numbers: A new trend or another blip?

                              The Numbers: A new trend or another blip?

                              This week on The Num­bers, we dis­cuss the lat­est fed­er­al polls and whether or not the…