Top News
Doctors say capital gains tax changes will jeopardize their retirement. Is that true?

Doctors say capital gains tax changes will jeopardize their retirement. Is that true?

The Cana­di­an Med­ical Asso­ci­a­tion asserts the Lib­er­als’ pro­posed changes to cap­i­tal gains tax­a­tion will put doc­tors’ retire­ment sav­ings in jeop­ardy, but some finan­cial experts insist incor­po­rat­ed pro­fes­sion­als are not as…

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

Tories stalled in Quebec, Liberal ministers in trouble

Tories stalled in Quebec, Liberal ministers in trouble

Accord­ing to 343Canada, a poll aggre­ga­tor that weighs the sound­ings of sev­er­al…

Honda expected to announce Ontario EV battery plant, part of a $15B investment

Honda expected to announce Ontario EV battery plant, part of a $15B investment

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau, Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford and Hon­da exec­u­tives are…

Ex-Calgary mayor Nenshi expected to be focus of first Alberta NDP leadership debate

Ex-Calgary mayor Nenshi expected to be focus of first Alberta NDP leadership debate

For­mer Cal­gary may­or Naheed Nen­shi is expect­ed to be the cen­tre of atten­tion as…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in their interest

‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in…

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment looks to address ​“gen­er­a­tion fair­ness” in its most…


With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

In the fall of 2021, the edi­tors of the Cana­di­an Tax Jour­nal devot­ed sev­er­al dozen…

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to Justin Trudeau we want?

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to…

Per­haps Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was feel­ing too com­fort­able. After…


Liberals pounce on Poilievre's visit to carbon tax protest, support from Alex Jones

Liberals pounce on Poilievre's visit to carbon tax protest, support from Alex Jones

As the Lib­er­als try to reverse their polit­i­cal for­tunes with the lat­est fed­er­al…

Poilievre visits convoy camp, claims Trudeau is lying about 'everything'

Poilievre visits convoy camp, claims Trudeau is lying about 'everything'

The Con­ser­v­a­tive leader is fac­ing ques­tions after stop­ping to cheer on an…

Politician's Pen

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This section is sponsored by Canada's banks.
Liberals are not doing enough to combat auto theft

Liberals are not doing enough to combat auto theft

Across Cana­da, a silent bat­tle is rag­ing against auto theft, a nation­al…

The Importance of Journalists in a Dangerous Time

This past week­end, the annu­al Cana­di­an Par­lia­men­tary Press Gallery din­ner was…

Opinion (Continued)

If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

Russ­ian demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion leader Vladimir Kara-Murza’s health is fail­ing. As…

Ontario could be North America’s electric vehicle powerhouse—but it hinges on workforce alignment
You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

Every inter­view with Justin Trudeau now includes some vari­a­tion on the ques­tion, why…

Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

Mil­len­ni­als do not seem to have for­giv­en or for­got­ten what Trudeau failed to…

The CAQ’s language shell game fooled everyone

The CAQ’s language shell game fooled everyone

Take a moment to think of Emmanuel­la Lam­bropou­los today. In 2020, the Lib­er­al…

Trudeau's response to Ottawa hate rally too little, too late

Trudeau's response to Ottawa hate rally too little, too late

Late in the after­noon on Sat­ur­day, April 13, mas­sive street par­ties popped up in…

Young voters are calling the shots now

Young voters are calling the shots now

Young Cana­di­ans can be for­giv­en for being a bit con­fused by the lat­est…

The Liberal’s immigration policies have accomplished the opposite of what was intended

The Liberal’s immigration policies have accomplished the opposite of what was intended

In its well-mean­ing effort to encour­age the migra­tion of inter­na­tion­al stu­dents to…

For Danielle Smith even federal research grants to universities are part of a Liberal plot to ruin Alberta.

For Danielle Smith even federal research grants to universities are part of a Liberal plot to ruin…

So what’s next? Remov­ing books from uni­ver­si­ty libraries because they chal­lenge…

Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

Cana­da used to be a nation of peace, order, and good gov­ern­ment. Not any­more.…

Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

Danielle Smith has long promised to be the most com­bat­ive of Pre­miers. She has lived…

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

Per­haps slow­ing sales of elec­tric vehi­cles in Cana­da, indus­try cau­tion, and…

Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

Spring has sprung and with it the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is clear­ly wak­ing up from…

Keep calm and trade on: Canada’s Indo-Pacific trade engagement accelerates

Keep calm and trade on: Canada’s Indo-Pacific trade engagement accelerates

Over the past year, pun­dits in the busi­ness press have char­ac­ter­ized Canada’s…

Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

In mar­ket­ing as in pol­i­tics, a brand’s voice can make or break its abil­i­ty to…

Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

The pan­el unpacks the 2024 fed­er­al bud­get as well as more polit­i­cal high­lights of…

The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

We are part­way through the man­date of the Pub­lic Inquiry into For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who Canadians say they’d prefer to hang out with

Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who…

Pol­i­tics doesn’t feel like too much of a par­ty these days, which is more bad luck…

Budget 2024 highlights need for more workers, Regulated Career Colleges offer training solution
Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

Gov­ern­ments often use bud­gets to change the chan­nel from what their oppo­nents want…

A Budget for a Disenchanted Base

A Budget for a Disenchanted Base

One day four­teen years ago, after speak­ing to what was then called Ryer­son…

Will the Budget Move the Liberal Re-Election Needle? Likely Not.

Will the Budget Move the Liberal Re-Election Needle? Likely Not.

This year’s fed­er­al bud­get was pre­sent­ed against a chal­leng­ing back­ground.…

The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

What can be said about Canada’s health care sys­tem that hasn’t been said count­less…

We need more Canada, not less

We need more Canada, not less

As part of its weeks-long pre-bud­get roll­out, the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has sent…

Gusher of Liberal spending won't put out the fire in this dumpster

Gusher of Liberal spending won't put out the fire in this dumpster

The goal of Bud­get 2024(opens in a new tab) was sim­ple enough: Put out the rag­ing…

The federal budget is a Liberal strategy driven by panic

The federal budget is a Liberal strategy driven by panic

Chrys­tia Free­land is so averse to pri­vate enter­prise, she’s now try­ing to put…

Trudeau was Teflon, now he’s Velcro

Trudeau was Teflon, now he’s Velcro

The polit­i­cal tra­jec­to­ry of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau from 2015 to 2024 can…

The Importance of Journalists in a Dangerous Time
You cannot run a country on outrage and insults

You cannot run a country on outrage and insults

If recent polls remain the same, some­time between now and Octo­ber 2025 Con­ser­v­a­tive…

With its eighth budget, the Liberal government tries to re-win the fairness fight

With its eighth budget, the Liberal government tries to re-win the fairness fight

The Trudeau gov­ern­men­t’s eighth bud­get is aimed explic­it­ly at the fact that, for…

A Global Context for Canada’s Budget: The IMF’s ‘Policy Tests’

A Global Context for Canada’s Budget: The IMF’s ‘Policy Tests’

“With­out a course cor­rec­tion, we are indeed head­ing for ​‘Tepid Twen­ties’ –…

Justin Trudeau has a budget bucket list — and it’s aimed at Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau has a budget bucket list — and it’s aimed at Pierre Poilievre

One big thing has changed between the 2024 bud­get and the one Justin Trudeau’s…

A government with no priorities, no anchors, and when it comes to growth, no clue

A government with no priorities, no anchors, and when it comes to growth, no clue

“The Cana­di­an econ­o­my,” boasts the Trudeau government’s lat­est bud­get, ​“is doing…

News (Continued)

Experts dispel myths about halal mortgages

Experts dispel myths about halal mortgages

Finan­cial and real estate pro­fes­sion­als are try­ing to clear the air on halal…

‘The hill to die on’: Force the Trudeau Liberals to increase their disability benefit, advocates tell NDP

‘The hill to die on’: Force the Trudeau Liberals to increase their disability benefit, advocates…

As NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says his par­ty is ​“unde­cid­ed” on sup­port­ing the…

BoC officials split on when to start cutting interest rates, summary shows

BoC officials split on when to start cutting interest rates, summary shows

The Bank of Cana­da is offer­ing more details today about its dis­cus­sions on rate cut…

The Logic tries to get into trouble with a ‘consumer hacking device’

The Logic tries to get into trouble with a ‘consumer hacking device’

OTTAWA — In March, after the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment promised a ban on ​“con­sumer…

Trudeau says Sask. premier is fighting CRA on carbon tax, wishes him 'good luck with that'

Trudeau says Sask. premier is fighting CRA on carbon tax, wishes him 'good luck with that'

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe’s deci­sion to stop…

Pierre Poilievre Meets with Far-Right Extremist Group at Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

Pierre Poilievre Meets with Far-Right Extremist Group at Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

Canada’s leader of the offi­cial oppo­si­tion pulled over on the side of a high­way…

Poilievre will do 'anything to win,' must condemn Alex Jones endorsement: Trudeau

Poilievre will do 'anything to win,' must condemn Alex Jones endorsement: Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is ramp­ing up his attacks on Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Our pub­lic opin­ion research sur­round­ing the fed­er­al bud­get reveals the Lib­er­als…

Canadians should expect politicians to support right to bail, Virani's office says

Canadians should expect politicians to support right to bail, Virani's office says

The office of Canada’s jus­tice min­is­ter says the pub­lic should expect politi­cians to…

‘Overtaxed and overburdened’: cannabis industry suffocating under regulatory regime as feds take puff past excise relief in budget

‘Overtaxed and overburdened’: cannabis industry suffocating under regulatory regime as feds take…

With thou­sands of job loss­es since marijuana’s legal­iza­tion in 2018, cannabis…

Trudeau dismisses plea from doctors to reconsider capital gains tax change

Trudeau dismisses plea from doctors to reconsider capital gains tax change

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is reject­ing a call from some doc­tors for his…

Poll suggests half of Canadians have negative opinion of latest Liberal budget

Poll suggests half of Canadians have negative opinion of latest Liberal budget

A new poll sug­gests the Lib­er­als have not won over vot­ers with their lat­est bud­get,…

Table set for Honda's massive bet on Canada's electric vehicle sector

Table set for Honda's massive bet on Canada's electric vehicle sector

When word of Hon­da’s soon-to-be-announced elec­tric vehi­cle invest­ment leaked to…

Trudeau says Saskatchewan to get carbon rebates despite province not paying levies

Trudeau says Saskatchewan to get carbon rebates despite province not paying levies

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says Saskatchewan res­i­dents will con­tin­ue to get…

Saskatchewan MP won't run again, cites Tory decision to disallow open nomination race

Saskatchewan MP won't run again, cites Tory decision to disallow open nomination race

A Con­ser­v­a­tive mem­ber of Par­lia­ment says he isn’t seek­ing re−election because his…

Nextstar giving work promised to Canadians to foreign workers at Windsor battery plant: CBTU

Nextstar giving work promised to Canadians to foreign workers at Windsor battery plant: CBTU

The cor­po­rate con­glom­er­ate build­ing an elec­tric bat­tery plant in Wind­sor that is…

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau says family life with PM post-separation 'gets messy,' but they have each other's back

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau says family life with PM post-separation 'gets messy,' but they have each…

Sophie Gré­goire Trudeau’s new book isn’t going to have the ​“gos­sip” that some peo­ple…

Motion to allow keffiyehs in Ontario legislature fails for a second time

Motion to allow keffiyehs in Ontario legislature fails for a second time

A few Ontario gov­ern­ment mem­bers have vot­ed again today to uphold a ban on…

Sask. officials knew COVID-19 was spreading at an 'exponential' rate in 2021, but refused restrictions

Sask. officials knew COVID-19 was spreading at an 'exponential' rate in 2021, but refused…

New­ly obtained inter­nal data shows the Saskatchewan gov­ern­ment knew COVID-19 was…

Doctors ask Liberal government to reconsider capital gains tax change

Doctors ask Liberal government to reconsider capital gains tax change

The Cana­di­an Med­ical Asso­ci­a­tion is ask­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to…

‘Secret’ drone installation to be built at Uplands, federal records reveal

‘Secret’ drone installation to be built at Uplands, federal records reveal

Uplands will be the site for a new $65-mil­lion mil­i­tary facil­i­ty to con­trol…

Budget 2024 failed to spark ‘political reboot’ for Liberals, polling suggests

Budget 2024 failed to spark ‘political reboot’ for Liberals, polling suggests

The 2024 fed­er­al bud­get failed to spark a much-need­ed rebound in the polls for…

Canada Post refusing to collect banned guns for Ottawa's buyback program

Canada Post refusing to collect banned guns for Ottawa's buyback program

Cana­da Post is refus­ing to col­lect firearms that were banned by the fed­er­al…

Singh noncommittal on keeping scheduled increases to Liberals' carbon price in place

Singh noncommittal on keeping scheduled increases to Liberals' carbon price in place

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh is rais­ing eye­brows anew over his car­bon pric­ing stance,…

Singh says NDP still hasn't decided whether to support Liberals' new budget

Singh says NDP still hasn't decided whether to support Liberals' new budget

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh said Mon­day his par­ty still has­n’t decid­ed whether it will…

Ottawa police investigating chant on Parliament Hill glorifying Oct. 7 Hamas attack

Ottawa police investigating chant on Parliament Hill glorifying Oct. 7 Hamas attack

It can some­times be dif­fi­cult to dis­cern what con­sti­tutes a hate crime,…

O’Regan to name Vincent Ready to lead next phase of ports labour review: sources

O’Regan to name Vincent Ready to lead next phase of ports labour review: sources

The Lib­er­als have found their man to lead the sec­ond phase of the ports labour review.…

How much will 24 Sussex cost to repair? Expert weighs in

How much will 24 Sussex cost to repair? Expert weighs in

The prime min­is­ter’s res­i­dence, 24 Sus­sex Dri­ve, is under­go­ing a mas­sive…

Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Insists Pierre Poilievre is ‘Saying The Same Things as Me’

Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Insists Pierre Poilievre is ‘Saying The Same Things as Me’

Amer­i­can far-right con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist Alex Jones is dou­bling-down on his recent…

Honda to build electric vehicles and battery plant in Ontario, sources say

Honda to build electric vehicles and battery plant in Ontario, sources say

Hon­da Cana­da is set to build an elec­tric vehi­cle bat­tery plant near its auto…

Trudeau, Poilievre condemn chant on Parliament Hill glorifying Hamas attack on Israel

Trudeau, Poilievre condemn chant on Parliament Hill glorifying Hamas attack on Israel

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is con­demn­ing a week­end protest on Par­lia­ment…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.

    No one is above the law. Supreme Court will decide if that includes Trump while he was president

    WASHINGTON (AP) — On the left and right, Supreme Court jus­tices seem to agree on…

    Arizona indicts 18 in election interference case, including Giuliani and Meadows

      Arizona indicts 18 in election interference case, including Giuliani and Meadows

      PHOENIX (AP) — An Ari­zona grand jury has indict­ed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump ​‘s…

        Arizona grand jury indicts 11 Republicans who falsely declared Trump won the state in 2020

        PHOENIX (AP) — Eleven Repub­li­cans who sub­mit­ted a doc­u­ment to Con­gress…

          Investigator says Trump, allies were uncharged co-conspirators in plot to overturn Michigan election

          DETROIT (AP) — A state inves­ti­ga­tor tes­ti­fied Wednes­day that he con­sid­ers…

          To pass Ukraine aid, 'Reagan Republican' leaders in Congress navigated a party transformed by Trump

            To pass Ukraine aid, 'Reagan Republican' leaders in Congress navigated a party transformed by Trump

            WASHINGTON (AP) — For Sen­ate Repub­li­can leader Mitch McConnell and House Speak­er Mike…

            Think Tank

            Widespread shortages, skyrocketing costs: the growing calamity that is government-controlled child care

            Widespread shortages, skyrocketing costs: the growing calamity that is government-controlled child…

            In its 2021 fed­er­al bud­get, the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment intro­duced its nation­al child…

            Budget 2024: A glaring omission in Canada’s health security defenses

            Budget 2024: A glaring omission in Canada’s health security defenses

            The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment out­lined a num­ber of small steps in pan­dem­ic…

            Budget 2024: A major step forward for Indigenous project ownership

            Budget 2024: A major step forward for Indigenous project ownership

            A doc­u­ment imbued with incre­men­tal­ism offered at least one big ener­gy pol­i­cy…


            A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

            Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

            Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

            With the new elec­toral map now in force and the num­bers of months before the next…

            The AI wars have begun. Is it too late to stop them?

            The AI wars have begun. Is it too late to stop them?

            “Bring us more tar­gets!” the Israel Defence Force (IDF) com­man­ders shout­ed at…

            Confessions of a Spendaholic

            Confessions of a Spendaholic

            Remem­ber the Shopa­holic book series of the ear­ly 2000’s? Author Sophie Kin­sel­la made…


            ‘The fascinating economist’ Craig Wright, on the role of a big bank forecaster

              ‘The fascinating economist’ Craig Wright, on the role of a big bank forecaster

              This week on WONK, Craig Wright, chief econ­o­mist at the Roy­al Bank of Cana­da for the…

              Jason Kenney's mea culpa

                Jason Kenney's mea culpa

                The vet­er­an Alber­ta pol on hind­sight, fore­sight and a trou­bled world. Get­ting…

                Conservative Comic-Con

                  Conservative Comic-Con

                  The par­ty is polling high, and this event was set to be a launch­ing point for an…

                  Cue John Manley

                    Cue John Manley

                    Curse of Pol­i­tics was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                    Sean Fraser vs Fred DeLorey: Round Two

                      Sean Fraser vs Fred DeLorey: Round Two

                      We go On Back­ground with Sean Fras­er, min­is­ter of hous­ing, infra­struc­ture and…

                      Ottawa just guaranteed we’ll all be paying higher taxes soon

                        Ottawa just guaranteed we’ll all be paying higher taxes soon

                        The recent budget’s tax hikes won’t be enough to get us out of the fis­cal mess the…

                        Thunder Bay Police Chaos

                          Thunder Bay Police Chaos

                          On April 12, 2024, news broke that Sylvie Hauth, the for­mer police chief of Thun­der…

                          A new tax on the rich, a long awaited pipeline, and a crisis in sports betting

                            A new tax on the rich, a long awaited pipeline, and a crisis in sports betting

                            It may sound bor­ing, it might be con­fus­ing, but the fed­er­al government’s new…