Top News
National security adviser dismisses notion of treasonous MPs, despite watchdog report

National security adviser dismisses notion of treasonous MPs, despite watchdog report

The nation­al secu­ri­ty and intel­li­gence advis­er is reject­ing the notion there are trai­tors in the House of Com­mons, despite an eye­brow-rais­ing report from a spy watch­dog that flagged ques­tions about politi­cians’ loy­al­ties. The…

Blanchet says Liberals have just days left to support the Bloc's demands

Blanchet says Liberals have just days left to support the Bloc's demands

Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet says the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has only…

Alberta politician who compared transgender kids to feces rejoins UCP caucus

Alberta politician who compared transgender kids to feces rejoins UCP caucus

Alber­ta’s Unit­ed Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty says the leg­is­la­ture mem­ber who once…

'We want things to go forward': Bloc leader hints his party 'might' help end House impasse

'We want things to go forward': Bloc leader hints his party 'might' help end House impasse

The leader of the Bloc Québé­cois says his par­ty ​“might play a role” in help­ing…

Video shows Harper saying his warnings about Trudeau 'have come to pass'

Video shows Harper saying his warnings about Trudeau 'have come to pass'

“Unfor­tu­nate­ly, lit­er­al­ly every­thing I said would hap­pen in 2015 has now…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Feelings of pessimism decline but remain top emotion felt by Canadians toward the federal government

Feelings of pessimism decline but remain top emotion felt by Canadians toward the federal government

Although feel­ings of pes­simism remain the top emo­tion felt by Cana­di­ans when it…

Conservatives 40, Liberals 22, NDP 21

Conservatives 40, Liberals 22, NDP 21

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…


The Senate is already spoiling for fight against a Poilievre Conservative government

The Senate is already spoiling for fight against a Poilievre Conservative government

If the lat­est polls are to be believed, the Con­ser­v­a­tives are on course for…

Breaking the Glass: How Generative AI Can Revitalize Canada's Productivity


Former CIA director says Israel 'unlikely' to target Iranian nuclear sites as retaliation

Former CIA director says Israel 'unlikely' to target Iranian nuclear sites as retaliation

For­mer CIA Direc­tor and retired Gen. David Petraeus says it is ​“unlike­ly” Israel will…

Convicted in U.S. of violating Iran sanctions, brothers adopt new identities in Ontario

Convicted in U.S. of violating Iran sanctions, brothers adopt new identities in Ontario

Broth­ers con­vict­ed in the Unit­ed States of help­ing Iran evade sanc­tions were…

Politician's Pen

Involuntary care can stop overdose deaths and save lives

Involuntary care can stop overdose deaths and save lives

Cana­da is in the grips of an addic­tion cri­sis that shows no signs of slowing.

The Issue with Anti-Zionism

The Issue with Anti-Zionism

Opinion (Continued)

A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic
Is the Liberal ‘Light Brigade’ following their leader into disaster?

Is the Liberal ‘Light Brigade’ following their leader into disaster?

With the Thanks­giv­ing week­end approach­ing, there real­ly are only a very few…

Did Canada Betray Afghanistan’s Female Soccer Players?

Did Canada Betray Afghanistan’s Female Soccer Players?

When the Tal­iban retook the coun­try in 2021, Cana­da promised its nation­al team…

Beyond buzzwords: we need more disabled voices in Canadian politics

Beyond buzzwords: we need more disabled voices in Canadian politics

At the age of 22, I embarked on an exhil­a­rat­ing jour­ney work­ing on Par­lia­ment…

No Chip Wilson: David Eby and Justin Trudeau are not communists

No Chip Wilson: David Eby and Justin Trudeau are not communists

Chip Wil­son might be a bil­lion­aire, but he can’t buy him­self a clue when it…

Driving out deepfakes: Canada can lead on responsible AI innovation

Driving out deepfakes: Canada can lead on responsible AI innovation

Con­vinc­ing deep­fakes of polit­i­cal and busi­ness lead­ers pose seri­ous risks to our…

Pierre Poilievre's dramatic side could become his undoing

Pierre Poilievre's dramatic side could become his undoing

Com­mem­o­rat­ing the hor­rif­ic ter­ror­ist attacks by Hamas on Octo­ber 7th should have…

Pierre Poilievre, champion of the little guy, just voted to hurt young workers

Pierre Poilievre, champion of the little guy, just voted to hurt young workers

Back in 2012, a young Pierre Poilievre, who was par­lia­men­tary sec­re­tary to the…

Mélanie Joly is the one gaslighting Canadians about antisemitism

Mélanie Joly is the one gaslighting Canadians about antisemitism

“Anti­se­mit­ic mobs take to the street shout­ing, ​‘From Pales­tine to Lebanon, Israel…

How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech

Conservatives are relying on Trudeau refusing to step down

Conservatives are relying on Trudeau refusing to step down

Pierre Poilievre and his Con­ser­v­a­tive mem­bers of Par­lia­ment must be ecsta­t­ic…

For Pierre Poilievre, the conflict appears to be the point

For Pierre Poilievre, the conflict appears to be the point

Some amount of con­flict is inher­ent to democ­ra­cy — par­tic­u­lar­ly so in…

With business leaders like these, who needs enemies?

With business leaders like these, who needs enemies?

If you ran an oil and gas com­pa­ny into the ground while also help­ing dump hun­dreds of…

Why Justin Trudeau can’t open the door Canadians have locked

Why Justin Trudeau can’t open the door Canadians have locked

There’s a rea­son why Kamala Harris’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign puts out…

Residential school denialism should be illegal

Residential school denialism should be illegal

Here’s a bold idea: let’s set out the basic knowl­edge and capac­i­ty to run in…

Adaptation to climate change should be a non-partisan priority

Adaptation to climate change should be a non-partisan priority

It was a sum­mer of weath­er-relat­ed loss­es in Cana­da. And it’s clear that we…

What happened to all that talk of a Liberal mutiny?

What happened to all that talk of a Liberal mutiny?

Matt Gur­ney: This one feels a bit like déjà vu all over again, but not a ton…

Political Pulse Panel: Standoff over Bloc's Old Age Security boost

Political Pulse Panel: Standoff over Bloc's Old Age Security boost

Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss the threat to the Lib­er­al minor­i­ty’s lifes­pan from the…

Has Justin Trudeau given his cellphone number to the Bloc Québécois leader? The future of this shaky Parliament may rest on it

Has Justin Trudeau given his cellphone number to the Bloc Québécois leader? The future of this shaky Parliament may rest on it

Justin Trudeau sat down recent­ly for an inter­view with his fel­low Lib­er­al MP Nate…

Nice little news network you got there. Pity if anything should happen to it …

Nice little news network you got there. Pity if anything should happen to it …

So appar­ent­ly the boy­cott is off: Pierre Poilievre has announced he has lift­ed last…

Ottawa could be a great world capital — if the next prime minister makes it one

Ottawa could be a great world capital — if the next prime minister makes it one

When thoughts turn to rev­o­lu­tion, Ottawa isn’t a place that nat­u­ral­ly springs…

The Liberals are caught in the balancing act of their lives

The Liberals are caught in the balancing act of their lives

That pol­i­tics is about pow­er ought to go with­out say­ing, but we who write about…

The unity crisis that awaits us on the other side of the next election

The unity crisis that awaits us on the other side of the next election

In the elec­tion of 1958, the Con­ser­v­a­tives under John Diefen­bak­er swept the…

The next federal election needs to be about the economy, stupid

The next federal election needs to be about the economy, stupid

Fed­er­al law says there has to be an elec­tion by Oct. 20 of next year. The cur­rent…

Poilievre moving down a sliding scale toward admitting he’ll cut some Liberal social programs

Poilievre moving down a sliding scale toward admitting he’ll cut some Liberal social programs

Nine months ago, Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre told a tele­vi­sion…

Would Trudeau stepping down trigger another Liberal civil war?

Would Trudeau stepping down trigger another Liberal civil war?

Justin Trudeau’s deter­mi­na­tion to stay the leader of the fed­er­al Lib­er­al…

The Likable Lies of Campaign 2024

The Likable Lies of Campaign 2024

After the Tues­day night vice pres­i­den­tial debate end­ed, there was wide­spread praise…

Danielle Smith’s supporters can’t handle the truth

Danielle Smith’s supporters can’t handle the truth

Live by the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry, die by the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. That seems to be…

Many Canadian voters say they feel caught between extremes — and that’s not helping Justin Trudeau

Many Canadian voters say they feel caught between extremes — and that’s not helping Justin Trudeau

Two of the most recent polls are putting Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als back in 2015 — and…

Bloc’s demands for Trudeau government are both terrible ideas

Bloc’s demands for Trudeau government are both terrible ideas

Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet is mak­ing two demands of Prime Min­is­ter…

Liberal Free Fall Fuels Quebec Sovereignty

Liberal Free Fall Fuels Quebec Sovereignty

AFTER LOSING the by-elec­tion in the Toron­to – St. Paul’s rid­ing in June, Justin…

Mark Carney is a litmus test

Mark Carney is a litmus test

You can’t real­ly blame Mark Car­ney for not tak­ing the plunge into par­ti­san…

J.D. Vance isn’t a turncoat, he’s a shape-shifter - and always has been

J.D. Vance isn’t a turncoat, he’s a shape-shifter - and always has been

The broad under­stand­ing of J.D. Vance’s per­son­al road map to the vice-pres­i­den­tial…

News (Continued)

Nova Scotia premier says police investigating theft from his riding association fund

Nova Scotia premier says police investigating theft from his riding association fund

HALIFAX — Nova Sco­tia Pre­mier Tim Hous­ton says police are inves­ti­gat­ing the theft…

Sikh Separatist Targeted in US Says India Still Wants Him Dead

Sikh Separatist Targeted in US Says India Still Wants Him Dead

The Amer­i­can Sikh sep­a­ratist tar­get­ed in a foiled assas­si­na­tion plot…

A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic

A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic

Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Pro­fes­sor Geof­frey Hin­ton has won the 2024 Nobel Prize in…

Canada seeks deeper ties with Indo-Pacific as Trudeau attends ASEAN summit in Laos

Canada seeks deeper ties with Indo-Pacific as Trudeau attends ASEAN summit in Laos

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is in Laos this week to meet with south­east Asian…

A new age for Canada-Saudi relations? Human rights concerns passed over for economic links

A new age for Canada-Saudi relations? Human rights concerns passed over for economic links

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment wel­comed a Sau­di minister’s high-lev­el vis­it with…

Canada 'seriously' considering high-speed rail link between Toronto and Quebec City: minister

Canada 'seriously' considering high-speed rail link between Toronto and Quebec City: minister

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is ​“seri­ous­ly” con­sid­er­ing build­ing the coun­try’s…

NB Liberal candidate John Higham faces some anti-Trudeau vitriol while canvassing in Tantramar riding

NB Liberal candidate John Higham faces some anti-Trudeau vitriol while canvassing in Tantramar riding

“I’ve been told that I have joined the biggest mafia in the world,” says High­am.…

Leaders condemn B.C. rally where 'death to Canada' cry went up

Leaders condemn B.C. rally where 'death to Canada' cry went up

Polit­i­cal lead­ers are con­demn­ing what they describe as ​“hate­ful rhetoric” from…

Poilievre says Israel hit on Iran nuclear sites would be ‘gift’ to humanity

Poilievre says Israel hit on Iran nuclear sites would be ‘gift’ to humanity

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre on Tues­day dou­bled down on his call for Israel…

Vancouver Police probe Oct. 7 rally where 'death to Canada' cry went up

Vancouver Police probe Oct. 7 rally where 'death to Canada' cry went up

VANCOUVER — Van­cou­ver Police say they are con­duct­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion into…

'I hope so': Marc Garneau on whether Liberal party still has room for Blue Liberals

'I hope so': Marc Garneau on whether Liberal party still has room for Blue Liberals

For­mer cab­i­net min­is­ter Marc Gar­neau, who describes him­self in his new book as…

28 Days left, and Too Close to Call, Bruce Anderson's Race Next Door

28 Days left, and Too Close to Call, Bruce Anderson's Race Next Door

The US econ­o­my is in pret­ty sol­id shape – grow­ing at a healthy clip, low…

'Thank you, Jim': Ballet legend Baryshnikov honours late politician Jim Peterson

'Thank you, Jim': Ballet legend Baryshnikov honours late politician Jim Peterson

Rough­ly half a cen­tu­ry ago, Mikhail Barysh­nikov dashed into a wait­ing car…

N.W.T. leaders present unified front in meetings with federal government

N.W.T. leaders present unified front in meetings with federal government

A hand­ful of N.W.T. lead­ers are in Ottawa this week to pitch the impor­tance of the…

Liberal minister's former business associate could soon be found in contempt in 'other Randy' saga

Liberal minister's former business associate could soon be found in contempt in 'other Randy' saga

Par­lia­ment has been seized by a ques­tion of priv­i­lege regard­ing the so-called…

Conservatives promise to list group that called Hamas 'heroic and brave' as terrorist entity

Conservatives promise to list group that called Hamas 'heroic and brave' as terrorist entity

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is call­ing on the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to…

Speaker silences Poilievre for a day after he accused foreign minister of pandering to Hamas

Speaker silences Poilievre for a day after he accused foreign minister of pandering to Hamas

Poilievre’s refusal to with­draw charged lan­guage is hav­ing a ​‘cor­ro­sive effect on…

Attitudes on use of notwithstanding clause have changed, and Senate’s approach should, too: Senator Harder

Attitudes on use of notwithstanding clause have changed, and Senate’s approach should, too: Senator Harder

Spurred on by use of the con­tro­ver­sial clause in recent years, Ontario PSG Sen­a­tor…

Liberals won't prorogue Parliament as impasse over green tech fund documents drags on

Liberals won't prorogue Parliament as impasse over green tech fund documents drags on

OTTAWA — Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says the gov­ern­ment has no…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau headed to Laos for ASEAN Summit

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau headed to Laos for ASEAN Summit

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is trav­el­ling to Laos today to take part in…

Inflation, interest rates eroded Canadians' purchasing power since 2022: PBO report

Inflation, interest rates eroded Canadians' purchasing power since 2022: PBO report

A new report from the Par­lia­men­tary Bud­get Offi­cer says infla­tion and high­er…

He’s accused of corruption and war crimes. How Benjamin Netanyahu is side-stepping a political reckoning

He’s accused of corruption and war crimes. How Benjamin Netanyahu is side-stepping a political reckoning

A sur­pris­ing thing hap­pened in the lead-up to the one-year anniver­sary of the war…

Canadian Chamber of Commerce sends stark warning about U.S. trade relationship

Canadian Chamber of Commerce sends stark warning about U.S. trade relationship

A new report from the Cana­di­an Cham­ber of Com­merce is send­ing a stark warn­ing…

Canada could help balance the scales with China as tensions rise in South China Sea, experts say

Canada could help balance the scales with China as tensions rise in South China Sea, experts say

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has an open­ing dur­ing this week’s sum­mit with…

How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech

How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech

Speech sets humans apart from oth­er crea­tures — or it did, until chat­bots came along.…

Poilievre blames Liberals for rising antisemitism in remarks at Oct. 7 commemoration ceremony

Poilievre blames Liberals for rising antisemitism in remarks at Oct. 7 commemoration ceremony

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre marked the…

Poilievre supports Israel 'proactively striking' Iranian nuclear sites to defend itself

Poilievre supports Israel 'proactively striking' Iranian nuclear sites to defend itself

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is sup­port­ing Israel’s right to defend itself…

Minister demands apology after Poilievre accuses her of pandering to 'Hamas supporters'

Minister demands apology after Poilievre accuses her of pandering to 'Hamas supporters'

Ten­sions flared on Par­lia­ment Hill Mon­day as MPs marked the one-year anniver­sary of…

Rustad's Nuremberg, Nazi comparisons to COVID-19 measures 'regrettable,' says Eby

Rustad's Nuremberg, Nazi comparisons to COVID-19 measures 'regrettable,' says Eby

MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. — British Columbi­a’s elec­tion cam­paign was dragged far off course…

A 2021 analysis of Chinese interference stalled with Trudeau’s national security adviser

A 2021 analysis of Chinese interference stalled with Trudeau’s national security adviser

A 2021 analy­sis of China’s for­eign inter­fer­ence oper­a­tions intend­ed to spark…

Pierre Poilievre has a plan to attract very specific voters. Here’s how he is doing it

Pierre Poilievre has a plan to attract very specific voters. Here’s how he is doing it

He’s railed against main­stream media he says is ​“bought-and-paid-for” by the Trudeau…

Former Bank of Canada Official Sees Jumbo Rate Cut in October

Former Bank of Canada Official Sees Jumbo Rate Cut in October

An ex-mem­ber of the Bank of Canada’s gov­ern­ing body said offi­cials should cut…

Summaries of cabinet documents on foreign interference to be disclosed at inquiry

Summaries of cabinet documents on foreign interference to be disclosed at inquiry

OTTAWA — A fed­er­al inquiry says the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has con­sent­ed to the…

US Poli

Trump sets sights on Pennsylvania and Harris plans to head west as hurricane scrambles campaigning

Trump sets sights on Pennsylvania and Harris plans to head west as hurricane scrambles campaigning

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump is hold­ing ral­lies on Wednes­day in piv­otal…

28 Days left, and Too Close to Call, Bruce Anderson's Race Next Door
CBS News says Trump campaign had 'shifting explanations' for why he snubbed '60 Minutes'

CBS News says Trump campaign had 'shifting explanations' for why he snubbed '60 Minutes'

NEW YORK (AP) — CBS News said the Trump cam­paign offered ​“shift­ing expla­na­tions” for…

Harris is still introducing herself as she sets out on a media tour with voting already underway

Harris is still introducing herself as she sets out on a media tour with voting already underway

NEW YORK (AP) — When Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris sat down for an inter­view with…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
Trump-Putin ties are back in the spotlight after new book describes calls

Trump-Putin ties are back in the spotlight after new book describes calls

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new book’s asser­tion that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump may…

Woodward book reveals Trump's calls with Putin and Biden's private remarks on Obama and Netanyahu

Woodward book reveals Trump's calls with Putin and Biden's private remarks on Obama and Netanyahu

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump has had as many as sev­en pri­vate phone calls with…

Supreme Court won't hear appeal from Elon Musk's X platform over warrant in Trump case

Supreme Court won't hear appeal from Elon Musk's X platform over warrant in Trump case

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court said Mon­day it won’t hear an appeal from the social…

US adds a robust 254,000 jobs and unemployment dips to 4.1% in sign of still-sturdy labor market

US adds a robust 254,000 jobs and unemployment dips to 4.1% in sign of still-sturdy labor market

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amer­i­ca’s employ­ers added a sur­pris­ing­ly strong 254,000 jobs…

The US and Microsoft disrupt a Russian hacking group targeting American officials and nonprofits

The US and Microsoft disrupt a Russian hacking group targeting American officials and nonprofits

WASHINGTON (AP) — A hack­ing group tied to Russ­ian intel­li­gence tried to worm its…

Think Tank

Adjusting the Sails - 2024  Atlantic Canada Momentum Index

Adjusting the Sails - 2024 Atlantic Canada Momentum Index

This year’s Atlantic Cana­da Momen­tum Index offers evi­dence of a region at…

Should Governments Steer Private Investment Decisions? Framing Canada’s Industrial Policy Choices

    Should Governments Steer Private Investment Decisions? Framing Canada’s Industrial Policy Choices

    Indus­tri­al pol­i­cy is a loaded term. To some, it sig­nals a return to the…

    Japan’s New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru Faces Internal, External Challenges in Lead-up to National Election

    Japan’s New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru Faces Internal, External Challenges in Lead-up to National Election

    The selec­tion of Ishi­ba Shigeru, who won his party’s lead­er­ship race to become…


    A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

    Delay is toxic for freedom of information

    Delay is toxic for freedom of information

    In pub­lic affairs jour­nal­ism, all infor­ma­tion has a best-before date.…

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    The prospect for peace in the Mid­dle East is far­ther away than ever, with both…

    Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

    Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

    What does the now-defunct Lib­er­al-NDP coop­er­a­tion agree­ment teach us about…


    Historian Tim Cook on the Canada-US Alliance

      Historian Tim Cook on the Canada-US Alliance

      At the end of the sum­mer I shoved an assort­ment of record­ing equip­ment into the…

      To prorogue or not to prorogue that is the question

        To prorogue or not to prorogue that is the question

        David Her­le, Scott Reid, Jor­dan Leich­nitz and Kory Ten­ey­cke pro­vide insights on the…

        A terrifying hurricane is headed toward Florida

          A terrifying hurricane is headed toward Florida

          Florid­i­ans are pack­ing up and evac­u­at­ing their homes as Hur­ri­cane Mil­ton, one of…

          Rebuilding the Public Service, with Donald Savoie

            Rebuilding the Public Service, with Donald Savoie

            For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Don­ald…