Top News
Poilievre won’t axe all of the carbon tax, ex-Harper adviser says

Poilievre won’t axe all of the carbon tax, ex-Harper adviser says

‘I just don’t see any gov­ern­ment in any future get­ting rid of that, Con­ser­v­a­tive, Lib­er­al or New Demo­c­rat,’ Ken Boessenkool said. ​‘The ques­tion is: will it con­tin­ue to get more stringent?’

Federal firearm buyback program has cost $67M, still not collecting guns after 4 years

Federal firearm buyback program has cost $67M, still not collecting guns after 4 years

The fed­er­al firearm buy­back pro­gram has cost tax­pay­ers near­ly $67.2 mil­lion since…

Tensions flare between Poilievre and Singh in the House after NDP says it will back Trudeau Liberals

Tensions flare between Poilievre and Singh in the House after NDP says it will back Trudeau Liberals

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre and NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh got into…

Anita Anand sworn in as transport minister after Pablo Rodriguez resigns

Anita Anand sworn in as transport minister after Pablo Rodriguez resigns

Trea­sury Board Pres­i­dent Ani­ta Anand has been sworn in as fed­er­al trans­port…

Progressive Conservatives hold onto seat in eastern Ontario byelection

Progressive Conservatives hold onto seat in eastern Ontario byelection

The Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tives have won a provin­cial byelec­tion in east­ern…


Supported by

This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Premiers’ Performance: As Election Day looms for three, Eby up, Moe down, Higgs remains least approved-of

Premiers’ Performance: As Election Day looms for three, Eby up, Moe down, Higgs remains least approved-of

For three pre­miers in Cana­da, assess­ments of their job per­for­mances come with high…

Canadians divided on temporary foreign workers – Majority support businesses bringing in temporary foreign workers but favour reduced permits

Canadians divided on temporary foreign workers – Majority support businesses bringing in temporary foreign workers but favour reduced permits

Under 3 in 5 Cana­di­ans sup­port or some­what sup­port busi­ness­es bring­ing…


The conservative defeat of carbon pricing is the defeat of economics – and of conservatism

The conservative defeat of carbon pricing is the defeat of economics – and of conservatism

They are writ­ing the obit­u­ar­ies already for the car­bon tax. With the fed­er­al NDP…

In its current form, Canada’s public service can’t attract the best and the brightest

In its current form, Canada’s public service can’t attract the best and the brightest

The debate over the fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vice has most­ly cen­tred on its size – and…


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MPs to investigate former defence minister Harjit Sajjan’s use of special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs

MPs to investigate former defence minister Harjit Sajjan’s use of special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs

The Com­mons com­mit­tee on nation­al defence plans to inves­ti­gate the actions of…

NDP to join Bloc in defeating Conservatives' non-confidence motion

NDP to join Bloc in defeating Conservatives' non-confidence motion

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says he will join the Bloc Québé­cois in block­ing…

Politician's Pen

CUSMA 2026: An opportunity to combat China's overproduction

CUSMA 2026: An opportunity to combat China's overproduction

Over the past few decades, Chi­na’s rapid pro­gres­sion from an agrar­i­an soci­ety to an…

Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment

Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment

Last week, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau announced that he would be appoint­ing…

Opinion (Continued)

Liberal MPs, it’s time to stage an intervention

Liberal MPs, it’s time to stage an intervention

A dis­qui­et­ing real­i­ty is sink­ing in for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s cau­cus:…

Canada is saved from an election by the political party that wants to break it up

Canada is saved from an election by the political party that wants to break it up

Who would have thought Cana­da might be saved from an elec­tion by the only polit­i­cal…

Rumours of the Liberal Party’s death have been so often exaggerated it’s hard to keep track
The Real Campaign Hunger Games

The Real Campaign Hunger Games

In the mad­ness that is the US Pres­i­den­tial race, there’s been a lot of ran­cid…

The Liberals would do better if they replace their dead man walking

The Liberals would do better if they replace their dead man walking

The past isn’t always pro­logue. There’s a wide­spread view that it wouldn’t be…

Byelections suggest the Liberals are in fact cooked

Byelections suggest the Liberals are in fact cooked

The tra­di­tion­al wis­dom in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics is that byelec­tions don’t real­ly…

Distaste for Pierre Poilievre is political oxygen for the Bloc Québécois

Distaste for Pierre Poilievre is political oxygen for the Bloc Québécois

Only one polit­i­cal par­ty came out of Monday’s fed­er­al byelec­tions with total…

Carney’s advice to Liberals puts low-carbon future above all

Carney’s advice to Liberals puts low-carbon future above all

Mark Car­ney has final­ly entered the polit­i­cal fray, although in a spe­cial role…

Urban and rural voters find themselves on a collision course as Poilievre seeks to unite

Urban and rural voters find themselves on a collision course as Poilievre seeks to unite

Build­ing a last­ing lega­cy can be very tricky for present-day politi­cians. As…

The Liberals can't win a general election if they keep losing safe seats

The Liberals can't win a general election if they keep losing safe seats

In the sum­mer of 1978, against his top polit­i­cal strate­gist’s advice, Pierre Trudeau…

Justin Trudeau partakes in that great Canadian tradition: refusing to quit as PM

Justin Trudeau partakes in that great Canadian tradition: refusing to quit as PM

I sup­pose it could have been worse for the Lib­er­als. For exam­ple, their can­di­dates…

The Chance for Justin to Leave has Passed
Byelection results don’t just signal the Liberals will lose the next election. They signal a wipeout

Byelection results don’t just signal the Liberals will lose the next election. They signal a wipeout

As of ear­ly Tues­day morn­ing, with all polls report­ing but at least one recount…

There are no more safe spaces for Trudeau’s Liberals — Montreal byelection loss proves it

There are no more safe spaces for Trudeau’s Liberals — Montreal byelection loss proves it

The results are in. Bloc can­di­date Louis-Philippe Sauvé is now MP for…

Liberals are already acting like the unofficial opposition to Pierre Poilievre

Liberals are already acting like the unofficial opposition to Pierre Poilievre

Hints of the Con­ser­v­a­tive ​‘hid­den agen­da’ folk­lore that has been used to scare…

Byelection losses show Trudeau and the Liberals are courting extinction in general election

Byelection losses show Trudeau and the Liberals are courting extinction in general election

Cana­da edged clos­er to an ear­ly elec­tion Mon­day night – two rid­ings clos­er. The…

A complicated Montreal byelection should provide clarity for Trudeau and the Liberals

A complicated Montreal byelection should provide clarity for Trudeau and the Liberals

In Monday’s byelec­tion in LaSalle — Émard — Ver­dun, vot­ers faced an unprece­dent­ed…

AI According to Oprah: A Story of America’s Future
Trudeau to Canadians — how dare you not vote Liberal?

Trudeau to Canadians — how dare you not vote Liberal?

It’s not me, it’s you! If you’re won­der­ing why the Lib­er­als lost this week’s…

With the Liberals losing once-safe seats, an election can’t be far off

When it comes to the carbon tax, the truth never stood a chance

When it comes to the carbon tax, the truth never stood a chance

This is appar­ent­ly how the car­bon tax ends in Cana­da: not with a bang but…

The Conservatives poisoned the carbon tax. The NDP killed it off

The Conservatives poisoned the carbon tax. The NDP killed it off

If the fed­er­al car­bon tax is not yet dead, it has suf­fered a mor­tal wound.…

The Bloc Québécois lost, then regained influence

The Bloc Québécois lost, then regained influence

The end of the sup­ply and con­fi­dence agree­ment between the New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty…

How to know when media are ‘sanewashing’ politics

How to know when media are ‘sanewashing’ politics

The newest term of the day is ​“sanewash­ing” — when media does back­flips to try to…

Welcome Back, to a Fractious, Survivalist, Precarious Parliament

Welcome Back, to a Fractious, Survivalist, Precarious Parliament

For months, Cana­di­an pub­lic opin­ion polls have shown such a daunt­ing lead for…

It’s not just Trudeau: The Liberals’ days as the natural governing party are done

It’s not just Trudeau: The Liberals’ days as the natural governing party are done

Cana­da is like­ly on track for a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone. If there were…

NDP reversals on carbon taxes a pre-election gift to Poilievre

NDP reversals on carbon taxes a pre-election gift to Poilievre

So accord­ing to David Eby, the NDP pre­mier of British Colum­bia, the best car­bon tax…

Justin Trudeau ‘unleashed’ is the Liberals’ new weapon in their battle with Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau ‘unleashed’ is the Liberals’ new weapon in their battle with Pierre Poilievre

“I believe we’re going to win every­thing!” Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau respond­ed…

A future worth fighting for: Supplying the confidence for change
What's the future of the Liberal carbon tax? | Power & Politics

What's the future of the Liberal carbon tax? | Power & Politics

Fed­er­al NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh and B.C. Pre­mier David Eby have dis­tanced…

PSAC’s spiteful protest against back-to-office rules points to a bigger problem

PSAC’s spiteful protest against back-to-office rules points to a bigger problem

It’s fun to imag­ine the plan­ning that went into the cam­paign launched this week by the…

After the deal: the NDP is exposed and the Liberals are stuck

After the deal: the NDP is exposed and the Liberals are stuck

So. Farewell then, sup­ply and con­fi­dence agree­ment, mak­er of gov­ern­ments, binder…

As a Sikh, Jagmeet Singh is an inspiration to me. He still has to go.

As a Sikh, Jagmeet Singh is an inspiration to me. He still has to go.

I for­get exact­ly how it hap­pened, but a few months ago, on a patio in…

News (Continued)

Jason Kenney blasts Trudeau government’s ‘catastrophic’ mass immigration agenda, accuses Liberals of trying to create a ‘voting bloc’

Jason Kenney blasts Trudeau government’s ‘catastrophic’ mass immigration agenda, accuses Liberals of trying to create a ‘voting bloc’

Jason Ken­ney, for­mer pre­mier of Alber­ta and fed­er­al immi­gra­tion min­is­ter, said…

Climate, food security, Arctic among Canada's intelligence priorities, Ottawa says

Climate, food security, Arctic among Canada's intelligence priorities, Ottawa says

The press­ing issues of cli­mate change and food secu­ri­ty join more famil­iar ones like…

Parliament Hill security tightened after Singh's confrontation — one MP says it's not enough

Parliament Hill security tightened after Singh's confrontation — one MP says it's not enough

The ser­vice in charge of keep­ing Par­lia­ment Hill safe says it has sig­nif­i­cant­ly…

Anita Anand taking on transport portfolio after Pablo Rodriguez leaves cabinet

Anita Anand taking on transport portfolio after Pablo Rodriguez leaves cabinet

Trea­sury Board Pres­i­dent Ani­ta Anand will take on the addi­tion­al role of trans­port…

Premiers’ Performance: As Election Day looms for three, Eby up, Moe down, Higgs remains least approved-of

Premiers’ Performance: As Election Day looms for three, Eby up, Moe down, Higgs remains least approved-of

For three pre­miers in Cana­da, assess­ments of their job per­for­mances come with high…

Far-right Rebel News not eligible for journalism tax credits, Federal Court rules

Far-right Rebel News not eligible for journalism tax credits, Federal Court rules

A Fed­er­al Court judge has upheld the gov­ern­men­t’s deci­sion that far-right media…

Pablo Rodriguez to sit as Independent while seeking Quebec Liberal leadership

Pablo Rodriguez to sit as Independent while seeking Quebec Liberal leadership

Lib­er­al MP Pablo Rodriguez announced his res­ig­na­tion from cab­i­net on Thurs­day and…

CityNews poll shows flagging support for federal Liberals in major cities

CityNews poll shows flagging support for federal Liberals in major cities

After the fed­er­al Lib­er­als lost byelec­tions in Toron­to and Mon­tréal, new polling…

Quebec premier calls on Bloc Québécois to help topple Trudeau government next week

Quebec premier calls on Bloc Québécois to help topple Trudeau government next week

Que­bec Pre­mier François Legault says the Bloc Québé­cois must vote to top­ple the…

PM Justin Trudeau to adjust cabinet roles today, as Pablo Rodriguez quits

PM Justin Trudeau to adjust cabinet roles today, as Pablo Rodriguez quits

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will be mak­ing adjust­ments to his cab­i­net today, CTV…

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs kicks off provincial election

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs kicks off provincial election

New Brunswick Pre­mier Blaine Hig­gs has called for a provin­cial elec­tion. Vot­ers…

‘Idiots’ or ‘knuckleheads’? Federal-provincial immigration dispute gets personal

‘Idiots’ or ‘knuckleheads’? Federal-provincial immigration dispute gets personal

Ottawa is con­sid­er­ing dis­solv­ing a joint fed­er­al-provin­cial work­ing group…

PM Trudeau to shuffle cabinet as Rodriguez quits to enter Quebec Liberal leadership race, source says

PM Trudeau to shuffle cabinet as Rodriguez quits to enter Quebec Liberal leadership race, source says

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will shuf­fle his cab­i­net Thurs­day after­noon to fill…

Canada’s carbon emissions drop for first time since the pandemic

Canada’s carbon emissions drop for first time since the pandemic

Canada’s nation­al car­bon emis­sions have record­ed their first post-pan­dem­ic drop,…

Senior civil servant invites provincial counterparts to seek top secret clearance

Senior civil servant invites provincial counterparts to seek top secret clearance

Canada’s senior pub­lic ser­vant has invit­ed his provin­cial and ter­ri­to­r­i­al…

Voters head to polls in quickly called eastern Ontario byelection

Voters head to polls in quickly called eastern Ontario byelection

Polls are set to soon open in the east­ern Ontario rid­ing of Bay of Quinte, where…

India and China use illegal funds and disinformation to sway politicians, CSIS report says

India and China use illegal funds and disinformation to sway politicians, CSIS report says

Chi­na and India are deeply engaged in attempt­ing to influ­ence dias­po­ra…

Rodriguez stepping down triggers speculation about cabinet shuffle

Rodriguez stepping down triggers speculation about cabinet shuffle

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s Trans­port Min­is­ter and Que­bec lieu­tenant Pablo…

Ethics commissioner closes most recent probe into Randy Boissonnault's business dealings

Ethics commissioner closes most recent probe into Randy Boissonnault's business dealings

Ethics Com­mis­sion­er Kon­rad von Finck­en­stein says he has reviewed Employ­ment…

O'Toole says he considered expelling a Conservative senator over foreign influence concerns

O'Toole says he considered expelling a Conservative senator over foreign influence concerns

For­mer Con­ser­v­a­tive leader says he was told sen­a­tor was advo­cat­ing for…

Manitoba NDP caucus chair says turfed backbencher was disrespectful, deceitful

Manitoba NDP caucus chair says turfed backbencher was disrespectful, deceitful

Man­i­to­ba’s NDP says a boot­ed back­bencher’s ties to the lawyer rep­re­sent­ing…

Conservatives deny link to protesters that harassed Singh after Liberals blame them

Conservatives deny link to protesters that harassed Singh after Liberals blame them

Con­ser­v­a­tives are deny­ing any asso­ci­a­tion with pro­test­ers who harassed Jag­meet…

Tories feeling blue in Elmwood-Transcona after trying to convince orange voters to see red

Tories feeling blue in Elmwood-Transcona after trying to convince orange voters to see red

When a fed­er­al byelec­tion was held in 2023 in the south­ern Man­i­to­ba…

Brookfield chair’s Liberal ties make firm’s pension proposal toxic: Tories

Brookfield chair’s Liberal ties make firm’s pension proposal toxic: Tories

News that invest­ment giant Brook­field is in talks with Cana­di­an pen­sions to cre­ate…

Federal government to further limit number of international students

Federal government to further limit number of international students

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will be fur­ther lim­it­ing the num­ber of inter­na­tion­al…

Canada has become 'playground' for foreign interference, Tory MP Chong tells inquiry

Canada has become 'playground' for foreign interference, Tory MP Chong tells inquiry

A Con­ser­v­a­tive MP who was tar­get­ed by Bei­jing told a fed­er­al inquiry today…

Conservatives are targeting Singh over his pension — but Poilievre's is three times larger

Conservatives are targeting Singh over his pension — but Poilievre's is three times larger

First elect­ed in 2004, Poilievre is set to receive more than $200K annu­al­ly when he…

If Pierre Poilievre Wins: The Conservative leader speaks in punchy slogans. What would he do in power?

    If Pierre Poilievre Wins: The Conservative leader speaks in punchy slogans. What would he do in power?

    OR OVER A YEAR, Pierre Poilievre and his team have been putting out…

    Pablo Rodriguez to resign from cabinet, seek Quebec Liberal leadership: sources

      Pablo Rodriguez to resign from cabinet, seek Quebec Liberal leadership: sources

      Fed­er­al Trans­port Min­is­ter Pablo Rodriguez is expect­ed to resign from cab­i­net in…

      Bloc Québécois says it will vote against Poilievre's non-confidence motion, making early election unlikely

      Bloc Québécois says it will vote against Poilievre's non-confidence motion, making early election unlikely

      Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet said Wednes­day his par­ty will vote…

      Conservative MP Michael Cooper Parties With Far-Right Group That Mobbed MPs, Disrupted Terry Fox Ceremony

      Conservative MP Michael Cooper Parties With Far-Right Group That Mobbed MPs, Disrupted Terry Fox Ceremony

      One of Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tive MPs was spot­ted at an after-par­ty for…

      Liberals, NDP hope to unseat PCs in Bay of Quinte provincial byelection

      Liberals, NDP hope to unseat PCs in Bay of Quinte provincial byelection…

      NDP growth and Tory ground game spell ‘doomsday’ scenario for Liberals: Nanos

      NDP growth and Tory ground game spell ‘doomsday’ scenario for Liberals: Nanos

      In the wake of anoth­er ​“epic dis­as­ter” byelec­tion, Lib­er­als should be seri­ous­ly…

      US Poli

      Voters split on whether Harris or Trump would do a better job on the economy: AP-NORC poll

      Voters split on whether Harris or Trump would do a better job on the economy: AP-NORC poll

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Going into Novem­ber’s elec­tion, nei­ther Kamala Har­ris nor Don­ald…

      A news site that covers Haitian Americans is facing harassment over its post-debate coverage of Ohio

      A news site that covers Haitian Americans is facing harassment over its post-debate coverage of Ohio

      NEW YORK (AP) — Jour­nal­ists at a news site that cov­ers the Hait­ian com­mu­ni­ty…

      Harris plans a livestream with Oprah Winfrey while Trump is set to address an Israeli-American group

      Harris plans a livestream with Oprah Winfrey while Trump is set to address an Israeli-American group

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Both major pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates are mak­ing appear­ances…

      Threats and assassination attempts come with the office Donald Trump once held and is seeking again

      Threats and assassination attempts come with the office Donald Trump once held and is seeking again

      WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, fol­low­ing an appar­ent…


      Supported by

      This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
      Trump Media plummets to new lows on the first day the former president can sell his shares

      Trump Media plummets to new lows on the first day the former president can sell his shares

      Shares of Trump Media & Tech­nol­o­gy Group Corp. slumped to their low­est…

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being investigated for collecting dead whale

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is being investigated for collecting dead whale

      GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) — A fed­er­al law enforce­ment agency con­firmed it’s opened an…

      Jimmy Carter receives Holbrooke award from Dayton Literary Peace Prize Foundation

      Jimmy Carter receives Holbrooke award from Dayton Literary Peace Prize Foundation

      NEW YORK (AP) — Less than two weeks before his 100th birth­day, for­mer Pres­i­dent…

      Federal Reserve cuts key rate by sizable half-point, signaling end to its inflation fight

        Federal Reserve cuts key rate by sizable half-point, signaling end to its inflation fight

        The Fed­er­al Reserve on Wednes­day cut its bench­mark inter­est rate by an unusu­al­ly…

        Hundreds wounded after another wave of device explosions in Lebanon

          Hundreds wounded after another wave of device explosions in Lebanon

          Explo­sions went off in Beirut and mul­ti­ple parts of Lebanon in an appar­ent sec­ond…

          Think Tank

          Chasing the Wind

          Incapacitated - Why Canada has a state capacity problem — and how to fix it

          Incapacitated - Why Canada has a state capacity problem — and how to fix it

          The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic high­light­ed both the strengths and weak­ness­es of Canada’s…


          A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

          Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

          Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

          What does the now-defunct Lib­er­al-NDP coop­er­a­tion agree­ment teach us about…

          Poverty on the rise: memo for Trudeau

          An inter­nal memo for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau acknowl­edges that pover­ty is on…

          The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

          The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

          The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in 2004 cre­at­ed a kind of dis­as­ter bunker, where…


          Trudeau belongs to the Bloc separatists now

            Trudeau belongs to the Bloc separatists now

            The Con­ser­v­a­tives’ attempt to bring down Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­al…

            The Numbers: After another defeat, where do the Liberals go from here?

              The Numbers: After another defeat, where do the Liberals go from here?

              This week on The Num­bers, we parse through the results of Mon­day’s byelec­tions in…

              Conservatives try to bring down the government

                Conservatives try to bring down the government

                At Issue this week: The Con­ser­v­a­tives are ready to make their first attempt to…

                Sean Speer on how governments can get stuff done

                  Sean Speer on how governments can get stuff done

                  This week on WONK, lead­ing con­ser­v­a­tive thinker Sean Speer talks polit­i­cal…