Darrell Bricker

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Darrell Bricker.

Majority (56%) feel opposition parties should work with government to avoid an early election, even amidst low support for Trudeau

Majority (56%) feel opposition parties should work with government to avoid an early election, even amidst low support for Trudeau

In response to Jag­meet Singh’s with­draw­al of sup­port for Justin Trudeau’s…

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Pierre Poilievre as the pre­ferred choice for Prime Min­is­ter, with sig­nif­i­cant…

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Pierre Poilievre as the pre­ferred choice for Prime Min­is­ter, with sig­nif­i­cant…

NDP Falters but Liberals Can't Capitalize as Conservatives Maintain 19-point Lead

NDP Falters but Liberals Can't Capitalize as Conservatives Maintain 19-point Lead

Canada’s NDP, the junior part­ner in the con­fi­dence-and-sup­ply agree­ment, has…

Tories (43%) Hold a Steady 19-Point Lead over Liberals (24%), as a Third of Canadians Say They Would Never Vote Liberal in the Next Election

Tories (43%) Hold a Steady 19-Point Lead over Liberals (24%), as a Third of Canadians Say They Would Never Vote Liberal in the Next Election

When asked which par­ty they would nev­er con­sid­er vot­ing for in the next elec­tion,…

Tories (41%) Open 18-Point Lead Over Liberals (23%), Lead in Every Region Except Quebec

Tories (41%) Open 18-Point Lead Over Liberals (23%), Lead in Every Region Except Quebec

The Con­ser­v­a­tives have opened an 18-point lead over the Lib­er­als, who still appear…

Growing Proportion Of Canadians Want Trudeau To Step Down

Growing Proportion Of Canadians Want Trudeau To Step Down

ith Lib­er­al polling num­bers in free fall, it appears that Cana­di­ans increas­ing­ly…