Susan Riley

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Susan Riley.

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

The stereo­typ­i­cal ​“Ottawa” bureau­crat arous­es as much sym­pa­thy with the pub­lic…

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

Per­haps slow­ing sales of elec­tric vehi­cles in Cana­da, indus­try cau­tion, and…

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

Any­one look­ing for evi­dence that we live in a post-pol­i­cy, post-fact,…

There are signs of resistance to the right-wing juggernaut, if you look hard enough

There are signs of resistance to the right-wing juggernaut, if you look hard enough

Lurk­ing some­where between despair and denial, you can spot tiny glim­mers of hope for…

‘Baby-steps’ pharmacare a test of our humanity and of our political leaders

‘Baby-steps’ pharmacare a test of our humanity and of our political leaders

The recent announce­ment of the first baby steps towards a nation­al phar­ma­care…

A rapidly changing climate and a glaring political disconnect

A rapidly changing climate and a glaring political disconnect

A block or so from Par­lia­ment Hill, Ottawa’s fabled Rideau Canal Skate­way has been…

For climate progress, maybe the rest of Canada should join Quebec

For climate progress, maybe the rest of Canada should join Quebec

At a Que­bec all-sea­sons park, more than 100 kilo­me­tres north of both Ottawa and…

Will Trudeau’s third act include a surprise ending?

Will Trudeau’s third act include a surprise ending?

Will Trudeau’s third act include a sur­prise end­ing? And will any­one be watch­ing?…

Oil and gas industry’s fancy foot-dragging wins the day, again

Oil and gas industry’s fancy foot-dragging wins the day, again

It has been a splen­did cou­ple of weeks for the oil and gas indus­try. Over the…