Federal Voting Intentions: April 2024

Federal Voting Intentions: April 2024

Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty remains in the lead, 21 points ahead of Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­al Par­ty. If a fed­er­al elec­tion were to be held today, 44% of Cana­di­ans would vote for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da,…

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them

Near­ly nine in ten Cana­di­ans strong­ly agree (44%) or agree (45%) that ocean health is…

Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period - Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points

Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period - Conservatives lead…

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Protest Positions: Canadians say universities are fair game for demonstrations; hospitals, schools less so

Protest Positions: Canadians say universities are fair game for demonstrations; hospitals, schools…

While demon­stra­tions are far from new phe­nom­e­na in Cana­da, the last sev­er­al…

Perceptions that real estate will increase in value hits 100 week high

Perceptions that real estate will increase in value hits 100 week high

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Over two in five Canadians have either been a victim of vehicle theft or know someone who has

Over two in five Canadians have either been a victim of vehicle theft or know someone who has

Nanos was retained by the Globe and Mail to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge…

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

Majority of Canadians still prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target

Majority of Canadians still prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target

Sim­i­lar to pre­vi­ous waves, near­ly two in three Cana­di­ans pre­fer increas­ing…

‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in their interest

‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in…

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment looks to address ​“gen­er­a­tion fair­ness” in its most…

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Healthcare Confidence and Accessibility in Canada

Bridging the Gap: Addressing Healthcare Confidence and Accessibility in Canada

From April 11 to 16, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­wide sur­vey involv­ing…

Reaction to the Canadian Federal budget

Reaction to the Canadian Federal budget

This web sur­vey was con­duct­ed from April 19 to 21, 2024, with 1,522 Cana­di­ans aged…

No Bounce: Liberals’ hoped-for support surge in wake of under-40 targeted spending blitz has yet to materialize

No Bounce: Liberals’ hoped-for support surge in wake of under-40 targeted spending blitz has yet to…

A month-long polit­i­cal sales job by Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau, his cab­i­net and…

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

spark*insights post-Bud­get research shows Cana­di­ans are wor­ried the 2024 Bud­get will…

No lift for federal Liberals coming out of budget – Conservatives ahead by 19 points

No lift for federal Liberals coming out of budget – Conservatives ahead by 19 points

In the wake of the fed­er­al Lib­er­al bud­get and an increase in con­cern about the…

Tories (43%) Hold a Steady 19-Point Lead over Liberals (24%), as a Third of Canadians Say They Would Never Vote Liberal in the Next Election

Tories (43%) Hold a Steady 19-Point Lead over Liberals (24%), as a Third of Canadians Say They…

When asked which par­ty they would nev­er con­sid­er vot­ing for in the next elec­tion,…

Young Canadians hit a 14 month low in consumer confidence

Young Canadians hit a 14 month low in consumer confidence

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence has begun to decline. Of note con­fi­dence among…

Conservatives maintain 20-point lead

Conservatives maintain 20-point lead

From April 11 to 16, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,300…

Political Alignment of Newcomers to Canada

Political Alignment of Newcomers to Canada

Fol­low­ing the release of our recent study, Crack­ing the New­com­er Code, Leg­er…

Majority of Canadians support requiring telecom companies and their employees to continue providing services in the event of a labour dispute; nearly two in three support companies employing temporary workers to ensure consistent service

Majority of Canadians support requiring telecom companies and their employees to continue providing…

A strong major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans say it is impor­tant that telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions…

Feelings of anger toward the federal government hit new high – Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

Feelings of anger toward the federal government hit new high – Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

Feel­ings of anger toward the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment have increased or held steady in…

Conservative lead Liberals by 16 points – Jobs/the economy and inflation numerically top concerns (

Conservative lead Liberals by 16 points – Jobs/the economy and inflation numerically top concerns (

Con­ser­v­a­tive cur­rent­ly have a 16 point advan­tage over the Lib­er­als.…

Conservatives Maintain Double-Digit Advantage in Canada

Conservatives Maintain Double-Digit Advantage in Canada

Sup­port for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty remains sta­ble and supe­ri­or to that of all…

Canadian Federal Budget

Canadian Federal Budget

As the fed­er­al bud­get unveil­ing approach­es, Cana­di­ans are more con­cerned than…

Consumer confidence remains positive for fourth month in succession

Consumer confidence remains positive for fourth month in succession

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Liberals less trusted than Conservatives, New Democrats or no party at all on the issue of housing.

Liberals less trusted than Conservatives, New Democrats or no party at all on the issue of housing.

The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on hous­ing includ­ing which…

Budget 2024: Majority of Canadians concerned about deficit, say federal government is spending ‘too much’

Budget 2024: Majority of Canadians concerned about deficit, say federal government is spending ‘too…

Days ahead of a fed­er­al bud­get that’s had most of the mys­tery tak­en out of it…

Conservatives open up their largest lead yet.

Conservatives open up their largest lead yet.

From April 3 to 9, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,000…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Bloc top in Quebec and hits a 10 year high

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Bloc top in Quebec and hits a 10 year high

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Strong support for forcing online pornography sites to verify their users are 18 and older and requiring websites remove any hateful content posted within 24 hours

Strong support for forcing online pornography sites to verify their users are 18 and older and…

Most Cana­di­ans sup­port or some­what sup­port online plat­forms found to host hate…

Canadians more likely to blame grocery stores than others for rising food prices; nearly one in five say they or someone they know has used a food bank in past year

Canadians more likely to blame grocery stores than others for rising food prices; nearly one in…

Cana­di­ans more like­ly to blame gro­cery stores than oth­ers for ris­ing food prices;…

Canada Disability Benefit: Nine-in-ten support benefit, but most doubt federal government will get it done

Canada Disability Benefit: Nine-in-ten support benefit, but most doubt federal government will get…

As Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land pre­pares to deliv­er the fed­er­al…

Forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice hits 23 month high

Forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice hits 23 month high

The Nanos Bloomberg track­ing has tra­di­tion­al­ly been a lead­ing indi­ca­tor of…

Two thirds of Canadians say they are not confident or somewhat not confident in police finding stolen vehicles (CTV/Nanos)

Two thirds of Canadians say they are not confident or somewhat not confident in police finding…

Two in three Cana­di­ans are not con­fi­dent or some­what not con­fi­dent that the police…

Conservatives now have a 16-point advantage over the Liberals in terms of trust to responsibly manage federal government finances

Conservatives now have a 16-point advantage over the Liberals in terms of trust to responsibly…

The gap between trust in the Con­ser­v­a­tives and the Lib­er­als to best man­age the…

Former 20 point Conservative ballot advantage becomes a 12 point advantage.

Former 20 point Conservative ballot advantage becomes a 12 point advantage.

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Federal Voting Intentions

Federal Voting Intentions

Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty remains in the lead, 16 points ahead of Justin…

Ontario Spotlight: Budget deficit adds to Ford government’s challenges, as criticism on top issues mounts from all sides

Ontario Spotlight: Budget deficit adds to Ford government’s challenges, as criticism on top issues…

As Ontario’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment releas­es its 2024 bud­get, some…

B.C. Politics Deep Dive: How does current federal vote intention impact this fall’s provincial vote?

B.C. Politics Deep Dive: How does current federal vote intention impact this fall’s provincial vote?

As British Columbians look ahead to mark­ing their bal­lot in a provin­cial…

Views on real estate values increasing hits a three-month low

Views on real estate values increasing hits a three-month low

Week over week data gen­er­al­ly remains mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive and sta­ble. Of note,…

Tories (41%) Open 18-Point Lead Over Liberals (23%), Lead in Every Region Except Quebec

Tories (41%) Open 18-Point Lead Over Liberals (23%), Lead in Every Region Except Quebec

The Con­ser­v­a­tives have opened an 18-point lead over the Lib­er­als, who still appear…

Alberta Politics: UCP ahead of NDP by 15-points. Naheed Nenshi is the most well-known and well-liked NDP leadership candidate.

Alberta Politics: UCP ahead of NDP by 15-points. Naheed Nenshi is the most well-known and…

From March 14 to 21, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000 Alber­ta…

Healthcare moves up as a first tier national issue of concern

Healthcare moves up as a first tier national issue of concern

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Ford vs. Poilievre: What Ontarians think plus the latest Ontario politics tracker

Ford vs. Poilievre: What Ontarians think plus the latest Ontario politics tracker

From March 14 to 21, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,500 Ontario…