Catharine Tunney

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Catharine Tunney.

Crown seeks closed-door hearings for lawsuit claiming feds contributed to Canadian's torture

Crown seeks closed-door hearings for lawsuit claiming feds contributed to Canadian's torture

After years of delays, a Cana­di­an man’s law­suit accus­ing the fed­er­al…

Provinces' capacity to respond to foreign interference questioned ahead of busy election season

Provinces' capacity to respond to foreign interference questioned ahead of busy election season

As a long­time for­mer pub­lic ser­vant, Michael Wer­nick is lis­ten­ing when the…

Man accused of planning terror attack in Toronto screened twice before getting citizenship: officials

Man accused of planning terror attack in Toronto screened twice before getting citizenship: officials

A father accused of plot­ting an attack in Toron­to under­went two nation­al secu­ri­ty…

Trains could start rolling 'within days,' labour minister says after sending dispute to binding arbitration

Trains could start rolling 'within days,' labour minister says after sending dispute to binding arbitration

Freight traf­fic on Canada’s two largest rail net­works could resume ​“with­in days,”…

Freeland calls on railways, union to 'get a deal' to avoid a massive work stoppage

Freeland calls on railways, union to 'get a deal' to avoid a massive work stoppage

Fac­ing mount­ing calls to pre­vent a mas­sive rail­way dis­rup­tion in the com­ing…

Singh urges Liberals to stay out of rail dispute as deadline to avoid massive shutdown looms

Singh urges Liberals to stay out of rail dispute as deadline to avoid massive shutdown looms

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says his par­ty would oppose any gov­ern­ment inter­ven­tion in…

'Disgusted' immigration minister looking into revoking citizenship of Toronto terror suspect

'Disgusted' immigration minister looking into revoking citizenship of Toronto terror suspect

Min­is­ter says he’s ordered deputy min­is­ter to review time­line of events. The…

During a tense summer in politics, RCMP union calls for Mounties to police Parliament Hill again

During a tense summer in politics, RCMP union calls for Mounties to police Parliament Hill again

More than halfway through a year that’s seen an attempt on the life of…

Jordan Peterson agrees to social media coaching after Supreme Court declines free speech case

Jordan Peterson agrees to social media coaching after Supreme Court declines free speech case

Polar­iz­ing psy­chol­o­gist Jor­dan Peter­son now says he will attend the social media…

Canadian Armed Forces 'pre-positioning' ahead of possible evacuation from Lebanon as tensions mount

Canadian Armed Forces 'pre-positioning' ahead of possible evacuation from Lebanon as tensions mount

GAC says Cana­da send­ing assets to region as fears of Hezbol­lah-Israel war grow. The…

For the first time ever, a woman is leading CSIS — temporarily

For the first time ever, a woman is leading CSIS — temporarily

For the first time in its 40-year his­to­ry, a woman will lead the Cana­di­an…

B.C. backing legal challenge of equalization formula, may launch its own lawsuit

B.C. backing legal challenge of equalization formula, may launch its own lawsuit

British Colum­bia Pre­mier David Eby said Wednes­day his province sup­ports…

Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to move up NATO spending timeline to save Canada-U.S. relationship

Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to move up NATO spending timeline to save Canada-U.S. relationship

Man­i­to­ba Pre­mier Wab Kinew is urg­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to speed up its plan…

After Ottawa committed to keeping contract policing, premiers ask: where are the Mounties?

After Ottawa committed to keeping contract policing, premiers ask: where are the Mounties?

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s vision for the future of the RCMP comes into focus,…

Premiers gather in Halifax with a message for Trudeau: stick to your lane

Premiers gather in Halifax with a message for Trudeau: stick to your lane

As the pre­miers gath­er in Hal­i­fax this week for their annu­al sum­mer meet­ings,…

Alberta premier calls on 'progressive' politicians to 'dial down' rhetoric after attack on Trump

Alberta premier calls on 'progressive' politicians to 'dial down' rhetoric after attack on Trump

Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith — who once told for­mer Fox News per­son­al­i­ty Tuck­er…

Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus

Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus

Lib­er­al back­bencher Wayne Long has sent an email to cau­cus call­ing for Prime…

Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?

Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?

After los­ing a Toron­to-area rid­ing that’s been solid­ly Lib­er­al for decades,…

RCMP chief says he hopes MPs don't name politicians accused of aiding foreign powers in the House

RCMP chief says he hopes MPs don't name politicians accused of aiding foreign powers in the House

The head of RCMP says he’s uneasy with the idea that politi­cians could use their…

Top Mountie says he's keen on Ottawa's plan for a 'separate and distinct' federal policing unit

Top Mountie says he's keen on Ottawa's plan for a 'separate and distinct' federal policing unit

A loom­ing shake­up in how the RCM­P’s fed­er­al polic­ing wing tack­les nation­al…

Bloc leader says he's in no hurry to read intelligence report linking parliamentarians to foreign interference

Bloc leader says he's in no hurry to read intelligence report linking parliamentarians to foreign interference

Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet says that while he plans to read the…

Nomination races are a 'gateway' for foreign interference — is anyone doing anything about it?

Nomination races are a 'gateway' for foreign interference — is anyone doing anything about it?

Two land­mark reports have flagged fed­er­al nom­i­na­tion races as ​“par­tic­u­lar­ly…

Trudeau says Canadians should be 'wary' of leaders who say foreign interference hasn't touched their teams

Trudeau says Canadians should be 'wary' of leaders who say foreign interference hasn't touched their teams

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says Cana­di­ans should be wary of polit­i­cal lead­ers…

Green Party leader calls on colleagues to discuss contentious NSICOP report in private

Green Party leader calls on colleagues to discuss contentious NSICOP report in private

Green Par­ty Leader Eliz­a­beth May says it’s time for her fel­low par­ty lead­ers to sit…

Conservative leader calls on Liberal government to release names of MPs accused of helping foreign states

Conservative leader calls on Liberal government to release names of MPs accused of helping foreign states

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says that Cana­di­ans have a right to know…

Trudeau's government slow response to foreign interference 'a serious failure': intelligence watchdog

Trudeau's government slow response to foreign interference 'a serious failure': intelligence watchdog

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has known since 2018 that it need­ed to take for­eign…

Ahead of Paris Olympics, Canadian intelligence agency warns attendees to be on guard for cyberattacks

Ahead of Paris Olympics, Canadian intelligence agency warns attendees to be on guard for cyberattacks

As ath­letes and atten­dees pre­pare for the Paris Olympics this sum­mer, Canada’s…

Intelligence watchdog calls out panel for failing to sound alarm on election interference

Intelligence watchdog calls out panel for failing to sound alarm on election interference

One of the core poli­cies the Lib­er­als intro­duced to pro­tect Canada’s elec­tions has…

Conservatives offer to help Liberals pass foreign interference bill quickly

Conservatives offer to help Liberals pass foreign interference bill quickly

In a rare ges­ture dur­ing a tur­bu­lent sit­ting of Par­lia­ment, the…

CSIS and Trudeau's adviser clashed on foreign inference threat during 2021: report

CSIS and Trudeau's adviser clashed on foreign inference threat during 2021: report

Intel­li­gence regard­ing for­eign inter­fer­ence some­times did­n’t make it to the prime…

RCMP warns push to switch to electric vehicles faces 'significant challenges'

RCMP warns push to switch to electric vehicles faces 'significant challenges'

Can the RCMP turn North Amer­i­ca’s largest law enforce­ment vehi­cle fleet green?…

Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them

Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them

In some of his most hawk­ish com­ments to date, the head of Canada’s intel­li­gence…

Watchdog finds Mounties failed to properly investigate Indigenous woman's death — twice

Watchdog finds Mounties failed to properly investigate Indigenous woman's death — twice

More than two decades after her body was found at the side of a road, the RCMP has…

Border officers relied on outdated intel to decide whether to search incoming vessels, audit warns

Border officers relied on outdated intel to decide whether to search incoming vessels, audit warns

The risk assess­ments bor­der offi­cers have used for years to decide whether ves­sels…

Foreign meddling didn't affect who formed government in past elections — but inquiry flags 'troubling' events

Foreign meddling didn't affect who formed government in past elections — but inquiry flags 'troubling' events

The pub­lic inquiry inves­ti­gat­ing for­eign inter­fer­ence says attempts from oth­er…

House says it didn't alert MPs targeted in Chinese hack because there was 'no cybersecurity impact'

House says it didn't alert MPs targeted in Chinese hack because there was 'no cybersecurity impact'

Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment tar­get­ed in a sus­pect­ed Chi­na-backed espi­onage…

MPs, senator ask why government didn't warn them they were targeted by China-backed hackers

MPs, senator ask why government didn't warn them they were targeted by China-backed hackers

Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Gar­nett Genuis says his priv­i­lege as a par­lia­men­tar­i­an…

RCMP's ability to defend national security is eroding, report warns

RCMP's ability to defend national security is eroding, report warns

The RCM­P’s fed­er­al wing is at a ​“crit­i­cal junc­ture” and its abil­i­ty to police…

Poilievre visits convoy camp, claims Trudeau is lying about 'everything'

Poilievre visits convoy camp, claims Trudeau is lying about 'everything'

The Con­ser­v­a­tive leader is fac­ing ques­tions after stop­ping to cheer on an…

CSIS chief defends his spies' work after PM casts doubt on reliability of agency's reports

CSIS chief defends his spies' work after PM casts doubt on reliability of agency's reports

The head of the Cana­di­an Secu­ri­ty Intel­li­gence Ser­vice appeared before the…

Trudeau says it's his job to question CSIS intelligence, call out 'contradictions'

Trudeau says it's his job to question CSIS intelligence, call out 'contradictions'

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau said Thurs­day he feels it’s part of his job to ques­tion…

Liberal minister 'not concerned' about Don Valley North interference allegations, inquiry hears

Liberal minister 'not concerned' about Don Valley North interference allegations, inquiry hears

A high-rank­ing cab­i­net min­is­ter says he was not con­cerned about alle­ga­tions…

Provinces say Ottawa is leaving them in the dark about RCMP's future

Provinces say Ottawa is leaving them in the dark about RCMP's future

Frus­tra­tion is mount­ing in provin­cial and ter­ri­to­r­i­al gov­ern­ments that rely on…

Intelligence watchdog completes report on Chinese interference allegations, sends it to PM

Intelligence watchdog completes report on Chinese interference allegations, sends it to PM

One of Canada’s intel­li­gence watch­dogs has fin­ished its inves­ti­ga­tion into…

Virani defends Online Harms Bill after Margaret Atwood warns of 'thoughtcrime' risk

Virani defends Online Harms Bill after Margaret Atwood warns of 'thoughtcrime' risk

Jus­tice Min­is­ter Arif Virani is defend­ing his gov­ern­men­t’s Online Harms Bill after…

A Mountie botched her assault investigation when she was 14. The RCMP apologized 20 years later

A Mountie botched her assault investigation when she was 14. The RCMP apologized 20 years later

Jen­nifer John­er’s voice shakes when she reads the RCMP report from the night of Dec. 9,…

Federal government set to deliver update on Emergencies Act report's recommendations

Federal government set to deliver update on Emergencies Act report's recommendations

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is expect­ed to deliv­er an update this morn­ing on which…

Scientist fired from Winnipeg disease lab intentionally worked to benefit China: CSIS report

Scientist fired from Winnipeg disease lab intentionally worked to benefit China: CSIS report

One of the sci­en­tists who was fired from Canada’s top infec­tious dis­ease…

RCMP head says force is 'vulnerable' to leaks after Mountie arrested in Alberta

RCMP head says force is 'vulnerable' to leaks after Mountie arrested in Alberta

The head of the RCMP says the nation­al police force is vul­ner­a­ble to…

Ex-minister Lametti agrees to send social media records to official archives following Rebel suit

Ex-minister Lametti agrees to send social media records to official archives following Rebel suit

In a Fed­er­al Court case that rais­es ques­tions about the preser­va­tion of…

Public Safety Minister LeBlanc says he's 'obviously worried' about latest alleged RCMP leak

Public Safety Minister LeBlanc says he's 'obviously worried' about latest alleged RCMP leak

Pub­lic Safe­ty Min­is­ter Dominic LeBlanc said Thurs­day he’s trou­bled by news that an…

CSIS warns that the 'anti-gender movement' poses a threat of 'extreme violence'

CSIS warns that the 'anti-gender movement' poses a threat of 'extreme violence'

Canada’s intel­li­gence agency is warn­ing that extrem­ists could ​“inspire and…

Court says Trudeau, justice minister 'failed' Canadians by letting judicial vacancies build up

Court says Trudeau, justice minister 'failed' Canadians by letting judicial vacancies build up

A scathing Fed­er­al Court deci­sion says Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and the…

Trudeau 'pissed off' by Bell Media's 'garbage decision' to lay off journalists

Trudeau 'pissed off' by Bell Media's 'garbage decision' to lay off journalists

A fired-up Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau unleashed on Bell on Fri­day, call­ing its…

Most border agency criminal investigators lack basic training, audit says

Most border agency criminal investigators lack basic training, audit says

Most crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tors tasked with hunt­ing down crimes at Canada’s ports and…

Growing number of Conservative voters think Canada gives 'too much support' to Ukraine, poll suggests

Growing number of Conservative voters think Canada gives 'too much support' to Ukraine, poll suggests

As the grim two-year anniver­sary of Rus­si­a’s full-scale inva­sion of Ukraine…

Who's who at the foreign interference inquiry

Who's who at the foreign interference inquiry

The inde­pen­dent inquiry into for­eign elec­toral inter­fer­ence is offi­cial­ly…

AI-powered disinformation is spreading — is Canada ready for the political impact?

AI-powered disinformation is spreading — is Canada ready for the political impact?

Just days before Slo­va­ki­a’s nation­al elec­tion last fall, a mys­te­ri­ous voice…

Head of RCMP's advisory board resigns, citing frustrations with federal government

Head of RCMP's advisory board resigns, citing frustrations with federal government

Point­ing to his frus­tra­tions with the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, the head of the RCM­P’s…

Jody Thomas, PM's national security adviser, set to retire in the new year

Jody Thomas, PM's national security adviser, set to retire in the new year

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s nation­al secu­ri­ty and intel­li­gence advis­er Jody…