Top News
Poilievre hints to police he would use notwithstanding clause to change justice laws

Poilievre hints to police he would use notwithstanding clause to change justice laws

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre says he would use ​“what­ev­er tools the con­sti­tu­tion allows” to pass crim­i­nal jus­tice laws if his par­ty forms the next gov­ern­ment. Speak­ing to the Cana­di­an Police Asso­ci­a­tion on Mon­day,…

Federal minister Randy Boissonnault defends business ties to lobbyist

Federal minister Randy Boissonnault defends business ties to lobbyist

A lob­by­ist with busi­ness ties to fed­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter Randy Bois­son­nault…

Ottawa plans to launch controversial firearms buyback program during election year

Ottawa plans to launch controversial firearms buyback program during election year

Ottawa is plan­ning to roll out a manda­to­ry buy­back pro­gram for mil­i­tary-style…

Trudeau tells Grit MPs not to expect any dramatic boost in public support until next year

Trudeau tells Grit MPs not to expect any dramatic boost in public support until next year

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau told Lib­er­al MPs at their most recent nation­al cau­cus…

India summons Canadian envoy to protest Sikh separatist slogans at Justin Trudeau event

    India summons Canadian envoy to protest Sikh separatist slogans at Justin Trudeau event

    India has again lashed out at Cana­da for giv­ing space to ​“extrem­ism and vio­lence”…


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    This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
    Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period - Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points

    Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period - Conservatives lead…

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Protest Positions: Canadians say universities are fair game for demonstrations; hospitals, schools less so

    Protest Positions: Canadians say universities are fair game for demonstrations; hospitals, schools…

    While demon­stra­tions are far from new phe­nom­e­na in Cana­da, the last sev­er­al…


    The decline and fall of Canada

    The decline and fall of Canada

    A state’s cit­i­zens must have the will for it to exist in the world. Has there been any…

    For the good the Liberal party, Trudeau needs to think about his future

    For the good the Liberal party, Trudeau needs to think about his future

    Justin Trudeau was hop­ing his hous­ing bud­get would reverse the gov­ern­men­t’s slide…


    McGill requests 'police assistance' to remove pro-Palestinian encampment on campus

    McGill requests 'police assistance' to remove pro-Palestinian encampment on campus

    Montréal’s McGill Uni­ver­si­ty says it has request­ed police assis­tance to remove an…

    CSIS director says China’s concerted effort to steal Canadian technology is ‘mind-boggling’

    CSIS director says China’s concerted effort to steal Canadian technology is ‘mind-boggling’

    Canada’s top spy says China’s con­cert­ed efforts to steal cut­ting-edge Cana­di­an…

    Politician's Pen

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    Prioritizing Canada's Children: The Case for a National Strategy in Budget 2024
    Liberals are not doing enough to combat auto theft

    Liberals are not doing enough to combat auto theft

    Across Cana­da, a silent bat­tle is rag­ing against auto theft, a nation­al…

    Opinion (Continued)

    Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

    Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

    There is a lim­it to how far Con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cians can car­ry the…

    Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

    Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

    Susan Dela­court: The polit­i­cal chat­ter­ing class is obsessed this spring with how…

    Justin Trudeau Is No Match for a Polarized World

    Justin Trudeau Is No Match for a Polarized World

    Polit­i­cal careers often end in fail­ure — a cliché that exists because it too…

    Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

    Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

    Talk­ing to Amer­i­cans got a lot of laughs when come­di­an Rick Mer­cer was doing…

    Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

    Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

    Three par­ty insid­ers join Pow­er & Pol­i­tics to help unpack how the…

    Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

    Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

    There is a good argu­ment for increas­ing the tax on cap­i­tal gains, and it goes…

    When will Mark Carney run?

    When will Mark Carney run?

    Mark Car­ney might be set­ting the stage to run for the Lib­er­al lead­er­ship after the…

    What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use both wisely

    What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use…

    The good news about the recent bud­get is that it at least talks about per capi­ta GDP,…

    With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

    With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

    In the fall of 2021, the edi­tors of the Cana­di­an Tax Jour­nal devot­ed sev­er­al dozen…

    Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to Justin Trudeau we want?

    Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to…

    Per­haps Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was feel­ing too com­fort­able. After…

    If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

    If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

    Russ­ian demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion leader Vladimir Kara-Murza’s health is fail­ing. As…

    Ontario could be North America’s electric vehicle powerhouse—but it hinges on workforce alignment
    You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

    You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

    Every inter­view with Justin Trudeau now includes some vari­a­tion on the ques­tion, why…

    Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

    Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

    Mil­len­ni­als do not seem to have for­giv­en or for­got­ten what Trudeau failed to…

    The CAQ’s language shell game fooled everyone

    The CAQ’s language shell game fooled everyone

    Take a moment to think of Emmanuel­la Lam­bropou­los today. In 2020, the Lib­er­al…

    Trudeau's response to Ottawa hate rally too little, too late

    Trudeau's response to Ottawa hate rally too little, too late

    Late in the after­noon on Sat­ur­day, April 13, mas­sive street par­ties popped up in…

    Young voters are calling the shots now

    Young voters are calling the shots now

    Young Cana­di­ans can be for­giv­en for being a bit con­fused by the lat­est…

    The Liberal’s immigration policies have accomplished the opposite of what was intended

    The Liberal’s immigration policies have accomplished the opposite of what was intended

    In its well-mean­ing effort to encour­age the migra­tion of inter­na­tion­al stu­dents to…

    For Danielle Smith even federal research grants to universities are part of a Liberal plot to ruin Alberta.

    For Danielle Smith even federal research grants to universities are part of a Liberal plot to ruin…

    So what’s next? Remov­ing books from uni­ver­si­ty libraries because they chal­lenge…

    Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

    Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

    Cana­da used to be a nation of peace, order, and good gov­ern­ment. Not any­more.…

    Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

    Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

    Danielle Smith has long promised to be the most com­bat­ive of Pre­miers. She has lived…

    First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

    First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

    Per­haps slow­ing sales of elec­tric vehi­cles in Cana­da, indus­try cau­tion, and…

    Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

    Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

    Spring has sprung and with it the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is clear­ly wak­ing up from…

    Keep calm and trade on: Canada’s Indo-Pacific trade engagement accelerates

    Keep calm and trade on: Canada’s Indo-Pacific trade engagement accelerates

    Over the past year, pun­dits in the busi­ness press have char­ac­ter­ized Canada’s…

    Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

    Trudeau is at risk of weary voters tuning him out — and Poilievre needs to be cautious too

    In mar­ket­ing as in pol­i­tics, a brand’s voice can make or break its abil­i­ty to…

    Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

    Political Pulse panel: Federal budget, ArriveCan, labour union pushback

    The pan­el unpacks the 2024 fed­er­al bud­get as well as more polit­i­cal high­lights of…

    The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

    The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

    We are part­way through the man­date of the Pub­lic Inquiry into For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

    Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who Canadians say they’d prefer to hang out with

    Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who…

    Pol­i­tics doesn’t feel like too much of a par­ty these days, which is more bad luck…

    Budget 2024 highlights need for more workers, Regulated Career Colleges offer training solution
    Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

    Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

    Gov­ern­ments often use bud­gets to change the chan­nel from what their oppo­nents want…

    A Budget for a Disenchanted Base

    A Budget for a Disenchanted Base

    One day four­teen years ago, after speak­ing to what was then called Ryer­son…

    Will the Budget Move the Liberal Re-Election Needle? Likely Not.

    Will the Budget Move the Liberal Re-Election Needle? Likely Not.

    This year’s fed­er­al bud­get was pre­sent­ed against a chal­leng­ing back­ground.…

    The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

    The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

    What can be said about Canada’s health care sys­tem that hasn’t been said count­less…

    News (Continued)

    NDP says Ottawa's new grocery task force isn't living up to government promises

    NDP says Ottawa's new grocery task force isn't living up to government promises

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says the task force it cre­at­ed to mon­i­tor and…

    Canada Revenue Agency to audit Saskatchewan for not paying carbon levies: Moe

    Canada Revenue Agency to audit Saskatchewan for not paying carbon levies: Moe

    Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe says the Cana­da Rev­enue Agency plans to audit the…

    MPs, senator ask why government didn't warn them they were targeted by China-backed hackers

    MPs, senator ask why government didn't warn them they were targeted by China-backed hackers

    Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Gar­nett Genuis says his priv­i­lege as a par­lia­men­tar­i­an…

    Conservatives push federal Liberals on drug decriminalization after B.C. reverses course

    Conservatives push federal Liberals on drug decriminalization after B.C. reverses course

    The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives are push­ing the Lib­er­als to stop allow­ing drug use in…

    International students will be allowed to work 24 hours a week starting in September

    International students will be allowed to work 24 hours a week starting in September

    Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter Marc Miller says inter­na­tion­al stu­dents will be able to work…

    Trudeau says he will help keep jobs local for EV projects

    Trudeau says he will help keep jobs local for EV projects

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says his Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment will do every­thing it…

    Tories dismiss fishing harbour repairs by federal Liberals as 'electioneering'

    Tories dismiss fishing harbour repairs by federal Liberals as 'electioneering'

    The Trudeau gov­ern­ment has announced that dozens of small craft har­bours in Atlantic…

    Royal Military College promo video includes Kanye West song about fellatio and sexual intercourse

    Royal Military College promo video includes Kanye West song about fellatio and sexual intercourse

    A new pro­mo­tion­al video for the Roy­al Mil­i­tary Col­lege uses a song by Kayne…

    Pro-Palestinian encampment illegal and violates policies: McGill University

    Pro-Palestinian encampment illegal and violates policies: McGill University

    McGill Uni­ver­si­ty says the camp set up by pro−Palestinian stu­dent activists on the…

    Pro-Palestinian encampment grows at Montreal's McGill university

    Pro-Palestinian encampment grows at Montreal's McGill university

    Pro−Palestinian stu­dent activists in Mon­tréal have set up camp on the grounds of McGill…

    Poilievre’s failure to condemn far-right speaks volumes: extremism researchers

    Poilievre’s failure to condemn far-right speaks volumes: extremism researchers

    Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s lack of explic­it con­dem­na­tion of far-right…

    Parliamentarians say Ottawa never informed them of targeting by Beijing-linked hackers

    Parliamentarians say Ottawa never informed them of targeting by Beijing-linked hackers

    A group of Cana­di­an MPs and sen­a­tors who belong to an inter­na­tion­al…

    New federal ridings will create big changes in the GTA. Here’s where the drama will be

    New federal ridings will create big changes in the GTA. Here’s where the drama will be

    It’s some­thing every fed­er­al par­ty knows: the GTA is one of the most seat-rich parts…

    Federal, provincial politicians leave door open to foreign workers' involvement in Honda deal

    Federal, provincial politicians leave door open to foreign workers' involvement in Honda deal

    Par­ties to the mas­sive Hon­da EV invest­ment deal reached this week have tac­it­ly…

    Quebec unveils $603-million five-year plan to protect French language

    Quebec unveils $603-million five-year plan to protect French language

    Que­bec is ​“going on the offen­sive” to pro­tect and pro­mote French, Min­is­ter…

    Ontario introducing plan to limit cellphone use, social media and vaping in schools

    Ontario introducing plan to limit cellphone use, social media and vaping in schools

    Ontario’s edu­ca­tion min­is­ter says new poli­cies lim­it­ing cell­phone use in…

    'Of course, yes': Poland latest European country with interest in Canadian LNG

    'Of course, yes': Poland latest European country with interest in Canadian LNG

    The Pres­i­dent of Poland says his coun­try would ​“of course” be inter­est­ed in…

    Health minister 'deeply appreciative' of doctors but capital gains changes here to stay

    Health minister 'deeply appreciative' of doctors but capital gains changes here to stay

    Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says while he is ​“deeply appre­cia­tive” of the work…

    First, she aimed to transform Canada's military culture. The public service is next

    First, she aimed to transform Canada's military culture. The public service is next

    Cor­po­rate board­rooms. Mil­i­tary bar­racks. Fed­er­al gov­ern­ment offices. They’re…

    What Trudeau's podcast appearances say about the Liberals' next ballot box question

    What Trudeau's podcast appearances say about the Liberals' next ballot box question

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau knows Cana­di­ans aren’t lis­ten­ing. He knows his…

    In videos and podcasts, Poilievre and Trudeau are eager to explain themselves — at length

    In videos and podcasts, Poilievre and Trudeau are eager to explain themselves — at length

    Nathaniel Ersk­ine-Smith, the Lib­er­al MP who made a name for him­self as…

    'We are declaring our readiness': No decision made yet as Poland declares it's ready to host nuclear weapons

    'We are declaring our readiness': No decision made yet as Poland declares it's ready to host…

    Pol­ish Pres­i­dent Andrzej Duda says while no deci­sion has been made around whether…

    Trudeau visit to Sask. sparks new round in carbon tax spat, attack ad

    Trudeau visit to Sask. sparks new round in carbon tax spat, attack ad

    A vis­it from the prime min­is­ter to the province this week put fed­er­al poli­cies and…

    Another Toronto sex assault case is tossed as spotlight turns on Trudeau government’s failure to solve vacancy crisis

    Another Toronto sex assault case is tossed as spotlight turns on Trudeau government’s failure to…

    On a Tues­day after­noon this month, an alarm­ing­ly famil­iar scene played out in…

    Foreign workers issue reignites at Windsor's NextStar plant

    Foreign workers issue reignites at Windsor's NextStar plant

    The issue of tem­po­rary for­eign work­ers being used to build the NextStar Ener­gy…

    Good Talk - What Was Poilievre Thinking?

    Good Talk - What Was Poilievre Thinking?

    Pierre Poilievre ends up with a group of F‑Trudeau flag wavers in the Mar­itimes.…

    'The world is too messy for bureaucratic hurdles': Canada still bars Afghanistan aid

    'The world is too messy for bureaucratic hurdles': Canada still bars Afghanistan aid

    Ottawa has plans to final­ly stop block­ing Cana­di­an devel­op­ment aid to Afghanistan…

    Months after they were promised, Ottawa still hasn't imposed sanctions on violent Israeli settlers

    Months after they were promised, Ottawa still hasn't imposed sanctions on violent Israeli settlers

    The Gov­ern­ment of Cana­da has announced mul­ti­ple rounds of sanc­tions against…

    Ontario to introduce tough new limits on cellphones in schools: sources

    Ontario to introduce tough new limits on cellphones in schools: sources

    Ontario will intro­duce tough new lim­its on cell­phones in schools amid increased…

    B.C. asks Health Canada to make drug use in public illegal again

    B.C. asks Health Canada to make drug use in public illegal again

    The British Colum­bia gov­ern­ment is ask­ing Health Cana­da to ​“urgent­ly change” the…

    ‘He didn’t need to pick sides’: Behind closed doors, kaffiyeh ban exposes divisions in Doug Ford’s Tory caucus

    ‘He didn’t need to pick sides’: Behind closed doors, kaffiyeh ban exposes divisions in Doug Ford’s…

    Pre­mier Doug Ford’s mes­sage to Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive MPPs was clear. Behind…


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    This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
    Judge holds Trump in contempt, fines him $9,000 and raises threat of jail in hush money trial

      Judge holds Trump in contempt, fines him $9,000 and raises threat of jail in hush money trial

      NEW YORK (AP) — Don­ald Trump was held in con­tempt of court Tues­day and fined $9,000…

      In Week 2 of testimony at Donald Trump's hush money trial, prosecutors zero in on the details

        In Week 2 of testimony at Donald Trump's hush money trial, prosecutors zero in on the details

        NEW YORK (AP) — The first week of tes­ti­mo­ny at Don­ald Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al was…

        Florida Democrats hope abortion and marijuana questions draw young voters despite low enthusiasm

          Florida Democrats hope abortion and marijuana questions draw young voters despite low enthusiasm

          WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Jor­dan Vas­sal­lo is luke­warm about cast­ing her first…

          Politicians and dog experts vilify South Dakota governor after she writes about killing her dog

            Politicians and dog experts vilify South Dakota governor after she writes about killing her dog

            Politi­cians and dog experts alike are vil­i­fy­ing South Dako­ta Gov. Kristi Noem after…

            Trump and DeSantis meet to bury the hatchet

              Trump and DeSantis meet to bury the hatchet

              NEW YORK (AP) — For­mer pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump met pri­vate­ly with Flori­da Gov. Ron…

              Think Tank

              Development needs can conflict with nature,  but with knowledge we can grow together
              Widespread shortages, skyrocketing costs: the growing calamity that is government-controlled child care

              Widespread shortages, skyrocketing costs: the growing calamity that is government-controlled child…

              In its 2021 fed­er­al bud­get, the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment intro­duced its nation­al child…

              Budget 2024: A glaring omission in Canada’s health security defenses

              Budget 2024: A glaring omission in Canada’s health security defenses

              The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment out­lined a num­ber of small steps in pan­dem­ic…


              A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

              7 ways to talk about Israel and Gaza

              7 ways to talk about Israel and Gaza

              Pro-Pales­tine encamp­ments are spring­ing up on cam­pus­es across the Unit­ed States.…

              Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

              Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

              With the new elec­toral map now in force and the num­bers of months before the next…

              The AI wars have begun. Is it too late to stop them?

              The AI wars have begun. Is it too late to stop them?

              “Bring us more tar­gets!” the Israel Defence Force (IDF) com­man­ders shout­ed at…


              'F--k Trudeau,' from fringe to mainstream

                'F--k Trudeau,' from fringe to mainstream

                When Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre vis­it­ed a con­voy camp on the…

                Border-line obsessed

                  Border-line obsessed

                  This week, we go On Back­ground with Dan Arnold, chief strat­e­gy offi­cer at Pol­lara…

                  In the Shadow of the Shadow War

                    In the Shadow of the Shadow War

                    As the con­flict in the Mid­dle East con­tin­ues to heat up, many Cana­di­an dias­po­ra…

                    A conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

                      A conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

                      After an announce­ment at a Hon­da plant in Allis­ton, Ontario that will bring…

                      Trash talking: High-stakes UN plastics negotiations unfold in Ottawa

                        Trash talking: High-stakes UN plastics negotiations unfold in Ottawa

                        There’s a lot of garbage talk hap­pen­ing in the nation’s cap­i­tal, as…

                        Good Talk -- What Was He Thinking?

                          Good Talk -- What Was He Thinking?

                          Pierre Poilievre ends up with a group of F‑Trudeau flag wavers in the Mar­itimes.…

                          Fixing family medicine, Part 2, with Dr. Kathleen Ross

                            Fixing family medicine, Part 2, with Dr. Kathleen Ross

                            Kath­leen Ross, a fam­i­ly doc­tor and the pres­i­dent of the Cana­di­an Med­ical…

                            Was the Liberal budget a bust with Canadians?

                              Was the Liberal budget a bust with Canadians?

                              At Issue this week: Ear­ly polling sug­gests the Lib­er­als didn’t get the bump from the…