Top News
Pierre Poilievre: Memo to corporate Canada - fire your lobbyist. Ignore politicians. Go to the people.

Pierre Poilievre: Memo to corporate Canada - fire your lobbyist. Ignore politicians. Go to the…

The Trudeau government’s tax hike on cap­i­tal gains has investors and busi­ness lead­ers blow­ing up my phone. They yelp: ​“What are you going to do about this?” My answer: ​“No. What are you going to do about it?”

Some 2019 candidates ‘appeared willing’ to engage with foreign interference: Hogue inquiry

Some 2019 candidates ‘appeared willing’ to engage with foreign interference: Hogue inquiry

A hand­ful of can­di­dates in Canada’s 2019 fed­er­al elec­tion ​“appeared will­ing” to…

Ontario Liberal MP Drouin may not run in the next election

Ontario Liberal MP Drouin may not run in the next election

So far, 21 MPs from all par­ties have announced they won’t seek re-elec­tion in the next…

Good Talk -- "Toxicity, Lies and Misinformation"

Good Talk -- "Toxicity, Lies and Misinformation"

A Lib­er­al MP says she’s had enough. After nine years as an MP Pam Damoff says she won’t…

Police make arrests in killing of B.C. Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar

Police make arrests in killing of B.C. Sikh activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar

Cana­di­an police have arrest­ed mem­bers of an alleged hit squad inves­ti­ga­tors…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Conservatives lead by 21 as the budget fails to change opinions

Conservatives lead by 21 as the budget fails to change opinions

From April 25 to 29, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,500…

Majority support or somewhat support building natural gas and hydrogen export facilities

Majority support or somewhat support building natural gas and hydrogen export facilities

A major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans sup­port (29%) or some­what sup­port (36%) build­ing Canada’s…


Hello, Saskatchewan? It’s the CRA calling

Hello, Saskatchewan? It’s the CRA calling

There was a time, just ear­li­er this year, when Pre­mier Scott Moe’s gov­ern­ment…

Death threats. A toxic culture. Is it any wonder MPs are saying, ’‘politics is no longer for me’?

Death threats. A toxic culture. Is it any wonder MPs are saying, ’‘politics is no longer for me’?

It used to be that when politi­cians announced they were step­ping down, you got…


Conservatives say Poilievre would only override Charter rights over criminal justice matters

Conservatives say Poilievre would only override Charter rights over criminal justice matters

A day after declin­ing to put any lim­its on how the Con­ser­v­a­tives would use the…

Foreign interference may have changed 2021 result in one riding, inquiry finds

Foreign interference may have changed 2021 result in one riding, inquiry finds

For­eign med­dling attempts didn’t change who won the last two fed­er­al elec­tions in…

Politician's Pen

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This section is sponsored by Canada's banks.
Fu–king right, people are dying because of "wacko" Liberal policies.

Fu–king right, people are dying because of "wacko" Liberal policies.

Moments ago, Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty Leader Pierre Poilievre was eject­ed from the House…

Creating Space for Jews and Muslims to Engage

Opinion (Continued)

Free Press, Fair Elections and Democracy.
It’s Donald Trump vs. the U.S., and it’s far from clear the U.S. will win

It’s Donald Trump vs. the U.S., and it’s far from clear the U.S. will win

If the Amer­i­can empire should fall, his­to­ry will record (if there are still…

With attacks on Poilievre fizzling, Liberals must fix Canada's problems

With attacks on Poilievre fizzling, Liberals must fix Canada's problems

We’re now a few weeks past the fed­er­al bud­get and the lat­est Lib­er­al offer to…

Who’s afraid of Mark Carney?

Who’s afraid of Mark Carney?

Mark Car­ney set the cat among the pigeons last week with a speech that gen­tly…

Don’t fall for Pierre Poilievre’s rants that Canada is broken — it’s an insult to Canadians

Don’t fall for Pierre Poilievre’s rants that Canada is broken — it’s an insult to Canadians

These are bit­ter days for those who believe in the essen­tial role of a healthy…

Danielle Smith wants all the power

Danielle Smith wants all the power

In its per­pet­u­al sea of polit­i­cal blue, Alberta’s two biggest cities stand out as…

Poilievre flirts with far right while media looks away

Poilievre flirts with far right while media looks away

A dozen years ago, Pierre Poilievre was a rel­a­tive­ly obscure polit­i­cal fig­ure…

Poilievre's message to Canadians is right, and every honest person knows it
How AI is helping Canadians stay safe and informed in moments of crisis

How AI is helping Canadians stay safe and informed in moments of crisis

Today, Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) is one of the pri­ma­ry tools Google employs to…

Madness in the House is the prelude to a powerful reckoning There is a new pugnacity to the Liberals.

Madness in the House is the prelude to a powerful reckoning There is a new pugnacity to the…

There is a new pugnac­i­ty to the Lib­er­als. But the day will come when the NDP…

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre are both playing a dangerous game

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre are both playing a dangerous game

The main­stream U.S. media are gen­er­al­ly slow on the uptake when it comes to Cana­da.…

Stop whining about your capital gains

Stop whining about your capital gains

Some­times, it’s best to know when to shut up. I say this with some mea­sure of…

Jews have eyes. And they see that the antisemitism in the protests over Gaza is no aberration

Jews have eyes. And they see that the antisemitism in the protests over Gaza is no aberration

There is a point at which the gaslight­ing becomes gen­uine­ly insult­ing. When meek…

Campus crackdowns earning a failing grade

Campus crackdowns earning a failing grade

Take a deep breath. You smell that? It’s the scent of resis­tance affect­ing your…

Canadians need more assurance and enablement in financial services

Canadians need more assurance and enablement in financial services

The con­sumer-dri­ven bank­ing frame­work will help Cana­di­ans man­age their cred­it…

India is too important for cheap Liberal domestic politics

India is too important for cheap Liberal domestic politics

The world is becom­ing too dan­ger­ous to sur­ren­der for­eign pol­i­cy to dias­po­ra…

If Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to be portrayed as an authoritarian leader, maybe he should stop talking like one

If Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to be portrayed as an authoritarian leader, maybe he should stop…

It’s been an extra­or­di­nary cou­ple of days in the saga of Pierre Poilievre, unleashed.…

Labour vote turns right as Liberals continue to fail workers

Labour vote turns right as Liberals continue to fail workers

Work­ers of the world, unite! This is your moment. Across the globe, par­ties are…

The decline and fall of Canada

The decline and fall of Canada

A state’s cit­i­zens must have the will for it to exist in the world. Has there been any…

Advancing Canada's strategic interests in the North Pacific

Advancing Canada's strategic interests in the North Pacific

Liv­ing in Cana­da, it’s easy to take our safe­ty and secu­ri­ty for grant­ed, but that’s…

For the good the Liberal party, Trudeau needs to think about his future

For the good the Liberal party, Trudeau needs to think about his future

Justin Trudeau was hop­ing his hous­ing bud­get would reverse the gov­ern­men­t’s slide…

Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

There is a lim­it to how far Con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cians can car­ry the…

Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

Susan Dela­court: The polit­i­cal chat­ter­ing class is obsessed this spring with how…

Justin Trudeau Is No Match for a Polarized World

Justin Trudeau Is No Match for a Polarized World

Polit­i­cal careers often end in fail­ure — a cliché that exists because it too…

Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

Talk­ing to Amer­i­cans got a lot of laughs when come­di­an Rick Mer­cer was doing…

Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

Why are the Liberals struggling to sell their economic plan to Canadians?

Three par­ty insid­ers join Pow­er & Pol­i­tics to help unpack how the…

Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

There is a good argu­ment for increas­ing the tax on cap­i­tal gains, and it goes…

When will Mark Carney run?

When will Mark Carney run?

Mark Car­ney might be set­ting the stage to run for the Lib­er­al lead­er­ship after the…

What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use both wisely

What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use…

The good news about the recent bud­get is that it at least talks about per capi­ta GDP,…

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

In the fall of 2021, the edi­tors of the Cana­di­an Tax Jour­nal devot­ed sev­er­al dozen…

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to Justin Trudeau we want?

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to…

Per­haps Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was feel­ing too com­fort­able. After…

If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

If the world doesn’t act, Canada’s newest honorary citizen will die

Russ­ian demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­si­tion leader Vladimir Kara-Murza’s health is fail­ing. As…

Ontario could be North America’s electric vehicle powerhouse—but it hinges on workforce alignment

News (Continued)

Foreign interference a ‘stain’ on Canada’s electoral processes, but did not undermine 2019, 2021 elections, says Hogue

Foreign interference a ‘stain’ on Canada’s electoral processes, but did not undermine 2019, 2021…

Pre­lim­i­nary find­ings from the fed­er­al Pub­lic Inquiry into For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

Foreign meddling didn't affect who formed government in past elections — but inquiry flags 'troubling' events

Foreign meddling didn't affect who formed government in past elections — but inquiry flags…

The pub­lic inquiry inves­ti­gat­ing for­eign inter­fer­ence says attempts from oth­er…

Canada will send $65M for humanitarian assistance and economic development to Lebanon

Canada will send $65M for humanitarian assistance and economic development to Lebanon

Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment Min­is­ter Ahmed Hussen announced a $65−million aid…

Conservatives don’t rule out using notwithstanding clause beyond criminal justice matters

Conservatives don’t rule out using notwithstanding clause beyond criminal justice matters

The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives say their pro­posed use of the notwith­stand­ing clause…

More than half of Canadians say freedom of speech is under threat, new poll suggests

More than half of Canadians say freedom of speech is under threat, new poll suggests

A new poll sug­gests a major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans feel their right to free­dom of…

Top soldier says military looking for 'clarity' on Ottawa's budget plans

Top soldier says military looking for 'clarity' on Ottawa's budget plans

Just over a month into the new fis­cal year and two weeks after the fed­er­al…

Progressive Conservatives win both Ontario byelections

Progressive Conservatives win both Ontario byelections

Pre­mier Doug Ford’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­dates have won both Ontario…

Tories grill Liberals in question period about minister’s ties to lobbyist, PPE company

Tories grill Liberals in question period about minister’s ties to lobbyist, PPE company

Employ­ment Min­is­ter Randy Bois­son­nault faced heat­ed remarks from Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Conservative MP says Chinese hacking attack targeted his personal email

Conservative MP says Chinese hacking attack targeted his personal email

A Con­ser­v­a­tive MP is chal­leng­ing claims by House of Com­mons admin­is­tra­tion that…

Federal procurement already feeling blowback from ArriveCan scandal, say experts

Federal procurement already feeling blowback from ArriveCan scandal, say experts

As the Arrive­Can scan­dal unfolds, the rip­ple effects from the fed­er­al government’s…

Planned anti-carbon price protests prompt security warning to MPs

Planned anti-carbon price protests prompt security warning to MPs

Planned protests against the car­bon price out­side Lib­er­al and NDP MP offices on May…

'Shocked' public service unions promise to fight new 3-day in-office mandate

'Shocked' public service unions promise to fight new 3-day in-office mandate

Unions rep­re­sent­ing pub­lic ser­vants say they are blind­sided and out­raged by new…

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions climbed in 2022, after pandemic slowdown

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions climbed in 2022, after pandemic slowdown

Canada’s green­house gas emis­sions rose in 2022, as the econ­o­my rebound­ed from the…

'We are getting closer' to cutting interest rates, Bank of Canada governor tells MPs

'We are getting closer' to cutting interest rates, Bank of Canada governor tells MPs

The Bank of Cana­da is get­ting clos­er to cut­ting inter­est rates as infla­tion shows…

Campus protests: Israeli academics say their universities are 'best chance' for peace

Campus protests: Israeli academics say their universities are 'best chance' for peace

One of the demands of pro−Palestinian activists who have set up protest encamp­ments on…

Justin Trudeau’s budget fails to find support from many Canadians, poll suggests

Justin Trudeau’s budget fails to find support from many Canadians, poll suggests

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s lat­est bud­get was aimed at mak­ing Cana­di­ans feel…

Abacus Data Poll: Conservatives lead by 21 as the budget fails to change opinions

Abacus Data Poll: Conservatives lead by 21 as the budget fails to change opinions

From April 25 to 29, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,500…

'I love this guy': Is there a budding bromance between Ford and Sutcliffe?

'I love this guy': Is there a budding bromance between Ford and Sutcliffe?

Over three meet­ings this spring, May­or Mark Sut­cliffe has pre­sent­ed Doug Ford with…

Provincial byelections being held in two Ontario ridings, one race quite competitive

Provincial byelections being held in two Ontario ridings, one race quite competitive

It’s byelec­tion day in two Ontario rid­ings and one of the races appears to be quite…

Macklem says he doesn't think federal budget will have much of an impact on inflation

Macklem says he doesn't think federal budget will have much of an impact on inflation

Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Tiff Mack­lem says he doesn’t think the fed­er­al bud­get…

Blair says he couldn't sell Canadians, cabinet on 'magical threshold' of NATO target

Blair says he couldn't sell Canadians, cabinet on 'magical threshold' of NATO target

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair says it’s hard to con­vince cab­i­net and Cana­di­ans that…

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh confirms his party will support the Liberals' federal budget

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh confirms his party will support the Liberals' federal budget

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says his par­ty will sup­port the fed­er­al bud­get, end­ing…

Conservative lead rises after Liberal budget, but more Tory voters open to switching: poll

Conservative lead rises after Liberal budget, but more Tory voters open to switching: poll

While Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue to endear them­selves to vot­ers,…

Court rejects students' request for injunction against McGill encampment

Court rejects students' request for injunction against McGill encampment

A Que­bec judge has reject­ed a request for an injunc­tion against an encamp­ment…

Liberal MP won’t seek re-election, citing fears for her safety and disgust with toxicity in politics

Liberal MP won’t seek re-election, citing fears for her safety and disgust with toxicity in politics

Describ­ing how pol­i­tics has grown so ​“tox­ic” and ​“hyper­par­ti­san” that she is…

‘What choice did I have?’ Guilbeault says Highway 413 deal meant to ‘protect’ key environmental law

‘What choice did I have?’ Guilbeault says Highway 413 deal meant to ‘protect’ key environmental law

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment had lit­tle choice but to cut a deal with Ontario over…

Poilievre unrepentant over calling Trudeau 'wacko' as his MPs say Speaker should resign

Poilievre unrepentant over calling Trudeau 'wacko' as his MPs say Speaker should resign

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says he does not regret call­ing Prime…

Federal cabinet minister Randy Boissonnault linked to PPE company embroiled in lawsuits

Federal cabinet minister Randy Boissonnault linked to PPE company embroiled in lawsuits

Afed­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter remained list­ed as direc­tor of a med­ical sup­ply…

Canada's dental care plan begins today. Here's what you need to know

Canada's dental care plan begins today. Here's what you need to know

The Cana­di­an Den­tal Care Plan (CDCP) begins cov­er­ing 1.7 mil­lion seniors…

Two byelections loom for Ontario; Milton race high stakes for Ford and Crombie

Two byelections loom for Ontario; Milton race high stakes for Ford and Crombie

Vot­ers in two Ontario rid­ings head to the polls in a pair of byelec­tions…

Canada’s pledged forced labour bill should follow U.S. example banning Xinjiang imports, says Uyghur advocate

Canada’s pledged forced labour bill should follow U.S. example banning Xinjiang imports, says…

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment renews a bud­get pledge to bring for­ward…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
Hope Hicks, ex-Trump adviser, recounts fear in Trump's 2016 campaign over 'Access Hollywood' tape

    Hope Hicks, ex-Trump adviser, recounts fear in Trump's 2016 campaign over 'Access Hollywood' tape

    NEW YORK (AP) — Don­ald Trump’s 2016 cam­paign was seized with wor­ry about the…

    The Latest | Hope Hicks takes the witness stand in Trump's hush money trial

      The Latest | Hope Hicks takes the witness stand in Trump's hush money trial

      NEW YORK (AP) — Hope Hicks, who served as Don­ald Trump’s 2016 cam­paign press…

      Arizona is relegating a Civil War-era ban of most abortions to the past under repeal bill

        Arizona is relegating a Civil War-era ban of most abortions to the past under repeal bill

        PHOENIX (AP) — Ari­zona is rel­e­gat­ing a Civ­il War-era ban of near­ly all…

        'What have we done?' Lawyer describes shock at possible role in Trump's 2016 victory

          'What have we done?' Lawyer describes shock at possible role in Trump's 2016 victory

          NEW YORK (AP) — A lawyer who nego­ti­at­ed a pair of hush mon­ey deals at the…

          Trump calls judge 'crooked' after facing a warning of jail time if he violates a trial gag order

            Trump calls judge 'crooked' after facing a warning of jail time if he violates a trial gag order

            WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) — Don­ald Trump returned briefly to the cam­paign trail Wednes­day…

            Think Tank

            Emerging Technology and Five Eyes: Implications for Canadian Defence

            Emerging Technology and Five Eyes: Implications for Canadian Defence

            In 2017, the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment unveiled its updat­ed defense pol­i­cy, Strong…

            Canada’s resource sector: protecting the Golden Goose

            Canada’s resource sector: protecting the Golden Goose

            Despite the impor­tance of nat­ur­al resources to our econ­o­my, Cana­di­ans often…

            Development needs can conflict with nature,  but with knowledge we can grow together


            A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

            The Perfect Image of Pierre Poilievre

            The Perfect Image of Pierre Poilievre

            A few days ago, Pierre Poilievre’s offi­cial social media chan­nels shared a fair­ly…

            7 ways to talk about Israel and Gaza

            7 ways to talk about Israel and Gaza

            Pro-Pales­tine encamp­ments are spring­ing up on cam­pus­es across the Unit­ed States.…

            Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

            Weekly Writ for Apr. 24: Battleground spotlight on The 905

            With the new elec­toral map now in force and the num­bers of months before the next…


            Modernizing the CAF for Modernized Continental Defence

              Modernizing the CAF for Modernized Continental Defence

              On his episode of Defence Decon­struct­ed, The Hon. Bill Blair speaks to Our North,…

              Poilievre calls Trudeau’s drug policies ‘wacko’

                Poilievre calls Trudeau’s drug policies ‘wacko’

                At Issue this week: Pierre Poilievre gets boot­ed from the House of Com­mons after…

                Trevor Tombe, economic truth-teller, is kind of a big deal right now

                  Trevor Tombe, economic truth-teller, is kind of a big deal right now

                  This week on WONK, Trevor Tombe talks to host Edward Green­spon about the Trans Moun­tain…

                  Navigating Engagement with China with Paul Evans

                    Navigating Engagement with China with Paul Evans

                    For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Paul…

                    How China played Canada for a sucker

                      How China played Canada for a sucker

                      Don’t expect the for­eign inter­fer­ence inquiry to do much to impede Beijing’s…

                      Everything but eat the rich

                        Everything but eat the rich

                        Curse of Pol­i­tics was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                        What Would Pearson Do?

                          What Would Pearson Do?

                          The world has changed dra­mat­i­cal­ly since Lester Pear­son accept­ed the Nobel Peace…

                          'F--k Trudeau,' from fringe to mainstream

                            'F--k Trudeau,' from fringe to mainstream

                            When Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre vis­it­ed a con­voy camp on the…