Jasper falls victim to wildfire. Can the next one be stopped?

    Jasper falls victim to wildfire. Can the next one be stopped?

    Yet anoth­er dev­as­tat­ing wild­fire has caused sig­nif­i­cant dam­age, this time at one of Canada’s icon­ic sites: Jasper, Alber­ta. The House speaks to a wild­fire expert to dig into how the fire reached the town — and what can be done to…

    From Women, Peace, Security to Intelligence Mission Data

      From Women, Peace, Security to Intelligence Mission Data

      First, Char­lotte Duval-Lan­toine speaks to Ste­fanie von Hlatky about the new NATO…

      The Numbers: Trudeau's next byelection test

        The Numbers: Trudeau's next byelection test

        A byelec­tion call looms in LaSalle – Émard – Ver­dun in a con­test that could prove…

        Welcome to Paris! Here's a Canadian Olympic cheating scandal!

          Welcome to Paris! Here's a Canadian Olympic cheating scandal!

          The Paris games kicks off with the Open­ing Cer­e­monies today, but the Cana­di­an…

          Canadian treasure Jasper hit by wall of fire

            Canadian treasure Jasper hit by wall of fire

            Jasper is a his­toric resort town in west­ern Alber­ta’s Rocky Moun­tains,…

            Has the promise of plant-based meats gone bust?

              Has the promise of plant-based meats gone bust?

              Plant-based meat has been tout­ed as a way of hav­ing our steak and eat­ing it too.…

              The paradox – and potential – of Kamala Harris’ campaign

                The paradox – and potential – of Kamala Harris’ campaign

                In under two days, the nar­ra­tive around Kamala Har­ris has com­plete­ly shift­ed. It…

                The drug harm reduction backlash

                  The drug harm reduction backlash

                  Vin­cent Lam is a Cana­di­an addic­tions doc­tor and award-win­ning author who’s…

                  National Defence with David Perry

                    National Defence with David Perry

                    The Her­le Burly was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                    Passing the Torch ... down south and at home?

                      Passing the Torch ... down south and at home?

                      Curse of Pol­i­tics was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                      Navigating a Turbulent Canada-US Relationship

                        Navigating a Turbulent Canada-US Relationship

                        For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Roy…

                        Joe Biden drops out. Now what?

                          Joe Biden drops out. Now what?

                          After a dis­as­trous debate per­for­mance in June, the cho­rus of ques­tions and…

                          How Biden’s exit fits into American political history

                            How Biden’s exit fits into American political history

                            After weeks of pres­sure, spec­u­la­tion and open ques­tions from polit­i­cal lead­ers…

                            How to Beat the Airline that Screwed You

                              How to Beat the Airline that Screwed You

                              Gabor Lukacs has won over 25 reg­u­la­to­ry com­plaints against air­lines – and even…

                              Is the Trudeau circus in need of a Carney?

                                Is the Trudeau circus in need of a Carney?

                                What a week, on both sides of the bor­der. In Cana­da, cab­i­net min­is­ter Sea­mus…

                                The Numbers: Don't you know who I am?

                                  The Numbers: Don't you know who I am?

                                  On this episode of The Num­bers, we dis­cuss a new poll that gauges just how…

                                  Why discount airlines keep going bust in Canada

                                    Why discount airlines keep going bust in Canada

                                    In late Febru­rary, Cal­gary-based dis­count air­line Lynx Air, which launched…

                                    Donald Trump's Republican Party

                                      Donald Trump's Republican Party

                                      It was a Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion unlike any oth­er in Mil­wau­kee, Wis.,…

                                      Addressing political violence with Marco Mendicino

                                        Addressing political violence with Marco Mendicino

                                        The Her­le Burly was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                                        The sorry state of Canada’s water pipes

                                          The sorry state of Canada’s water pipes

                                          When a large drink­ing water pipe burst in Cal­gary last month, city res­i­dents…

                                          Dealing with Energy Misinformation with Stewart Muir

                                            Dealing with Energy Misinformation with Stewart Muir

                                            On this episode of the Ener­gy Secu­ri­ty Cubed Pod­cast, Kel­ly Ogle and Joe Cal­nan…

                                            Introducing Inside Kabul

                                              Introducing Inside Kabul

                                              We’re bring­ing you a spe­cial sneak pre­view of Inside Kab­ul, an Award Win­ning…

                                              What a second Trump presidency means for Canada

                                                What a second Trump presidency means for Canada

                                                Hub Head­lines fea­tures audio ver­sions of the best com­men­taries and analy­sis…

                                                2024: The year of the election

                                                  2024: The year of the election

                                                  This is a big year for nation­al elec­tions around the world. More than 80…

                                                  Inside WestJet's summer strike meltdown

                                                    Inside WestJet's summer strike meltdown

                                                    Its mechan­ics were offi­cial­ly off the job only 29 hours. But more than…

                                                    Pierre Poilievre gets it right with message to First Nations

                                                      Pierre Poilievre gets it right with message to First Nations

                                                      Hub Head­lines fea­tures audio ver­sions of the best com­men­taries and analy­sis…

                                                      America's history of assassinations and political violence

                                                        America's history of assassinations and political violence

                                                        At this point, it’s still unclear what moti­vat­ed Thomas Matthew Crooks to climb…

                                                        Unnamed PMO Sources

                                                          Unnamed PMO Sources

                                                          Curse of Pol­i­tics was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                                                          One province is still fighting Trudeau’s carbon taxes—and winning

                                                            One province is still fighting Trudeau’s carbon taxes—and winning

                                                            The province caus­ing pain in Ottawa’s side these days isn’t Que­bec or Alber­ta — it’s…

                                                            The Future of Trade is Regional

                                                              The Future of Trade is Regional

                                                              For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, we are fea­tur­ing a ses­sion…

                                                              Trump, NATO, and submarines, with Steve Saideman

                                                                Trump, NATO, and submarines, with Steve Saideman

                                                                Peter Maz­ereeuw talks with Stephen Saide­man, the direc­tor of the Cana­di­an Defence…

                                                                Two Cheers for Democracy

                                                                  Two Cheers for Democracy

                                                                  Just as the pun­dits are writ­ing their epi­taphs for democ­ra­cy, two more…

                                                                  2024 NATO Summit in Vignettes

                                                                    2024 NATO Summit in Vignettes

                                                                    On this episode of Defence Decon­struct­ed, David Per­ry dis­cuss­es the 2024 NATO…

                                                                    Will Justin Trudeau take his own 'walk in the snow'?

                                                                      Will Justin Trudeau take his own 'walk in the snow'?

                                                                      A win­ter hike was the way his father, then prime Min­is­ter Pierre Trudeau, decid­ed he…

                                                                      Has NATO outlived its purpose?

                                                                        Has NATO outlived its purpose?

                                                                        As the NATO sum­mit wraps up in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., this week, Cana­da has final­ly…

                                                                        The Numbers: Summer mailbag!

                                                                          The Numbers: Summer mailbag!

                                                                          As we wait to return from our break, we’re back this week with an extend­ed mail­bag…

                                                                          Dan Gardner: Elections in the modern era and what matters in them

                                                                            Dan Gardner: Elections in the modern era and what matters in them

                                                                            The Her­le Burly was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                                                                            Preparing for ‘war’: the Alberta blockade trial so far

                                                                              Preparing for ‘war’: the Alberta blockade trial so far

                                                                              In 2022, a con­voy of truck­ers angry with COVID-19 mea­sures staged an 18-day…

                                                                              Ed Greenspon on the fast-evolving policy landscape and the role of think tanks

                                                                                Ed Greenspon on the fast-evolving policy landscape and the role of think tanks

                                                                                Ed Green­spon, pres­i­dent and CEO of the Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Forum, dis­cuss­es the…

                                                                                Life on the border of Myanmar’s civil war

                                                                                  Life on the border of Myanmar’s civil war

                                                                                  The Myan­mar civ­il war has been rag­ing on for over three years now. Over 50,000 peo­ple…

                                                                                  Take Me To Church

                                                                                    Take Me To Church

                                                                                    Curse of Pol­i­tics was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                                                                                    Unpacking Canada's Role in NATO before the Washington Summit

                                                                                      Unpacking Canada's Role in NATO before the Washington Summit

                                                                                      For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with David…

                                                                                      Where does Joe Biden go from here?

                                                                                        Where does Joe Biden go from here?

                                                                                        On Fri­day, in an exclu­sive inter­view with ABC news anchor George Stephanopou­los, U.S.…