India’s “Horrific Mistake” in Canada

    India’s “Horrific Mistake” in Canada

    A mas­sive crim­i­nal cam­paign — extor­tion, intim­i­da­tion, coer­cion, harass­ment, even mur­der — alleged­ly orches­trat­ed by India on Cana­di­an soil. This is a BIG deal. After Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau accused India and expelled…

    How Donald Trump embraced the ‘manosphere’ for votes

      How Donald Trump embraced the ‘manosphere’ for votes

      In the last few months, U.S. pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump has appeared on…

      The underqualified, anti-racist activist doctor will see you now

        The underqualified, anti-racist activist doctor will see you now

        Pri­or­i­tiz­ing med­ical exper­tise and skill in doc­tors is so passé. If pow­er­ful…

        The opioid crisis has a 'hidden' brain injury epidemic

          The opioid crisis has a 'hidden' brain injury epidemic

          For years, Cana­da has wres­tled with an over­dose cri­sis, with thou­sands of peo­ple…

          Detailing India’s alleged global criminal conspiracy

            Detailing India’s alleged global criminal conspiracy

            The alle­ga­tions from the RCMP and the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment last week are noth­ing…

            The City that Gets its News from a Dumpster Company

              The City that Gets its News from a Dumpster Company

              Cana­da needs rig­or­ous, deeply report­ed inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ism now more than ever.…

              Canada's bail reform debate, explained

                Canada's bail reform debate, explained

                The sto­ries of crimes com­mit­ted by peo­ple out on bail are hor­rif­ic. And they hit…

                Trudeau's showdown with the Indian government — and his own caucus

                  Trudeau's showdown with the Indian government — and his own caucus

                  On Mon­day, RCMP offi­cials dropped bomb­shell alle­ga­tions that Indi­an gov­ern­ment…

                  India vs. Canada, With Bhagwant Sandhu

                    India vs. Canada, With Bhagwant Sandhu

                    Hill Times colum­nist Bhag­want Sand­hu weighs in on the dis­pute between Cana­da and…

                    Trudeau goes after Poilievre on foreign interference

                      Trudeau goes after Poilievre on foreign interference

                      At Issue this week: Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau accus­es Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

                      Trudeau grilled on foreign interference and Indian expulsions

                        Trudeau grilled on foreign interference and Indian expulsions

                        The hear­ings for the pub­lic inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence led by Jus­tice…

                        Conspiracies, controversies, and B.C’s election drama

                          Conspiracies, controversies, and B.C’s election drama

                          Tomor­row, British Columbians head to the polls in a provin­cial elec­tion that’s…

                          David Campbell on what’s driving Atlantic Canada’s big boom

                            David Campbell on what’s driving Atlantic Canada’s big boom

                            On this week’s episode of WONK, the econ­o­mist and ​‘wonk of the East’ explains the…

                            Marc Garneau on space and politics

                              Marc Garneau on space and politics

                              It’s get­ting to be quite a stack of mem­oirs by for­mer min­is­ters in Justin…

                              Politics! India-Canada dispute escalates, Liberal caucus revolt

                                Politics! India-Canada dispute escalates, Liberal caucus revolt

                                The Thanks­giv­ing long week­end end­ed with a bomb­shell from the RCMP and Prime…

                                B.C.’s Batsh*t Election

                                  B.C.’s Batsh*t Election

                                  Shit-post­ing can­di­dates, cli­mate change denial, out­right racism, and those damn…

                                  My Life in Politics with Lloyd Axworthy.

                                    My Life in Politics with Lloyd Axworthy.

                                    Time in the cab­i­nets of Pierre Trudeau, John Turn­er and Jean Chre­tien allowed…

                                    THE SOULLESSNESS OF DONALD TRUMP" by Keith Boag

                                      THE SOULLESSNESS OF DONALD TRUMP" by Keith Boag

                                      Alright, you curi­ous, you coura­geous Her­le Burly-ites… the tick­et is set: Trump +…

                                      David Eby pivots in panic away from the NDP’s unpopular policies

                                        David Eby pivots in panic away from the NDP’s unpopular policies

                                        British Colum­bia vot­ers are so unhap­py that they might elect a par­ty this week…

                                        How a New Brunswick Policy enflamed the 'parental rights' debate in Canada

                                          How a New Brunswick Policy enflamed the 'parental rights' debate in Canada

                                          At the time it was imple­ment­ed, there was noth­ing at all remark­able about Pol­i­cy…

                                          Ashley Madison

                                            Ashley Madison

                                            David Her­le, Scott Reid, Jor­dan Leich­nitz and Kory Ten­ey­cke pro­vide insights on the…

                                            Leveraging Canada's G7 Presidency

                                              Leveraging Canada's G7 Presidency

                                              For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Hon.…

                                              Even A.I.’s Creators don’t Understand how it Works

                                                Even A.I.’s Creators don’t Understand how it Works

                                                “Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence was con­sid­ered the realm of lunatics and wack­os and…

                                                Is Canada’s immigration consensus in jeopardy?

                                                  Is Canada’s immigration consensus in jeopardy?

                                                  It’s almost part of Cana­di­an lore that as a nation, across the polit­i­cal…

                                                  Why Conservatives are supporting an increase for old age pensions

                                                    Why Conservatives are supporting an increase for old age pensions

                                                    In the wake of the NDP end­ing its agree­ment to keep the Trudeau gov­ern­ment afloat,…

                                                    How to fix Canada’s immigration system?

                                                      How to fix Canada’s immigration system?

                                                      Immi­gra­tion has become a hot polit­i­cal issue with politi­cians — fed­er­al­ly…

                                                      Poilievre accuses Trudeau of paralyzing parliament

                                                        Poilievre accuses Trudeau of paralyzing parliament

                                                        A Lib­er­al-Con­ser­v­a­tive stand­off over releas­ing unredact­ed doc­u­ments to the…

                                                        Privilege Debate Continues to Stall House Business – October 9, 2024

                                                          Privilege Debate Continues to Stall House Business – October 9, 2024

                                                          Green Par­ty Leader Eliz­a­beth May com­ments on the con­tin­ued grid­lock in the House.…

                                                          Inside controversial Trump biopic ‘The Apprentice’

                                                            Inside controversial Trump biopic ‘The Apprentice’

                                                            ‘The Appren­tice’ pre­miered at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val and received an eight minute…

                                                            Your Turn -- The Canadian From History You Want to Talk With

                                                              Your Turn -- The Canadian From History You Want to Talk With

                                                              “Who is the Cana­di­an from his­to­ry you would like to have a long con­ver­sa­tion…

                                                              B.C., New Brunswick and Saskatchewan election updates

                                                                B.C., New Brunswick and Saskatchewan election updates

                                                                There are less than two weeks to go in the B.C. and New Brunswick provin­cial elec­tions,…

                                                                Privilege Debate Continues to Stall House Business

                                                                  Privilege Debate Continues to Stall House Business

                                                                  Green Par­ty Leader Eliz­a­beth May com­ments on the con­tin­ued grid­lock in the House.…

                                                                  Historian Tim Cook on the Canada-US Alliance

                                                                    Historian Tim Cook on the Canada-US Alliance

                                                                    At the end of the sum­mer I shoved an assort­ment of record­ing equip­ment into the…

                                                                    To prorogue or not to prorogue that is the question

                                                                      To prorogue or not to prorogue that is the question

                                                                      David Her­le, Scott Reid, Jor­dan Leich­nitz and Kory Ten­ey­cke pro­vide insights on the…

                                                                      A terrifying hurricane is headed toward Florida

                                                                        A terrifying hurricane is headed toward Florida

                                                                        Florid­i­ans are pack­ing up and evac­u­at­ing their homes as Hur­ri­cane Mil­ton, one of…

                                                                        Rebuilding the Public Service, with Donald Savoie

                                                                          Rebuilding the Public Service, with Donald Savoie

                                                                          For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Don­ald…

                                                                          R.J. Simpson on why the North is hot right now

                                                                            R.J. Simpson on why the North is hot right now

                                                                            This week on WONK, the pre­mier of the North­west Ter­ri­to­ries dis­cuss­es the grow­ing…

                                                                            Trump Says Canada Doesn’t Pull Its Weight in NATO—He’s Right

                                                                              Trump Says Canada Doesn’t Pull Its Weight in NATO—He’s Right

                                                                              It feels like we’ve nev­er been clos­er to anoth­er world war. If our NATO allies called…

                                                                              MP's Mark One-Year Anniversary of Oct. 7 Attack – October 7, 2024

                                                                                MP's Mark One-Year Anniversary of Oct. 7 Attack – October 7, 2024

                                                                                B’nai Brith’s Richard Robert­son speaks about the impact on canada’s Jew­idh com­mu­ni­ty…

                                                                                How Russia's influence campaign is paying off

                                                                                  How Russia's influence campaign is paying off

                                                                                  Last month, the US Depart­ment of Jus­tice charged two employ­ees of RT, a Russ­ian…

                                                                                  ‘Time stopped on October 7th’

                                                                                    ‘Time stopped on October 7th’

                                                                                    Jonathan Dekel-Chen was a long­time res­i­dent of Nir Oz, an Israeli kib­butz near…

                                                                                    One year after Israel’s ‘Black Saturday’

                                                                                      One year after Israel’s ‘Black Saturday’

                                                                                      The Hamas-led attack on Israel on Octo­ber 7, 2023, killed near­ly 1,200 Israelis and saw…

                                                                                      Israel: the Canadaland Interview

                                                                                        Israel: the Canadaland Interview

                                                                                        Israel’s Ambas­sador to Cana­da, Iddo Moed, sits down with Jesse for a can­did and…