Top News
Federal Liberals face ‘wipeout’ in B.C. blue wave, say pollsters

Federal Liberals face ‘wipeout’ in B.C. blue wave, say pollsters

The fed­er­al Lib­er­als are hun­ker­ing down in Nanaimo, but the par­ty faces a near-total ​“wipe­out” in British Colum­bia as the ris­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive tide threat­ens to breach even the Lib­er­als’ Van­cou­ver bul­wark, say poll­sters.…

Why the contract won by Boissonnault’s former company went undisclosed for months

Why the contract won by Boissonnault’s former company went undisclosed for months

The fed­er­al con­tract Elec­tions Cana­da award­ed to cab­i­net min­is­ter Randy…

Gun control group calls Trudeau government's buyback program a 'waste' of money

Gun control group calls Trudeau government's buyback program a 'waste' of money

The Trudeau gov­ern­ment is los­ing a key ally in its efforts to take hun­dreds of…

Liberals put up united front after fractious summer at Nanaimo retreat

Liberals put up united front after fractious summer at Nanaimo retreat

Lib­er­al MPs will have one last chance to tell their leader how they think their par­ty…

Palestinian envoy says Liberals 'trying' on statehood, urges more action

Palestinian envoy says Liberals 'trying' on statehood, urges more action

The Pales­tin­ian ambas­sador to Cana­da believes Ottawa has stepped up its efforts for…


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This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Nanos Weekly Ballot Tracking: Conservatives 39, Liberals 27, NDP 21

Nanos Weekly Ballot Tracking: Conservatives 39, Liberals 27, NDP 21

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Temporary Foreign Workers: Canadians support reduced program; few want workers to have path to citizenship

Temporary Foreign Workers: Canadians support reduced program; few want workers to have path to citizenship

As Cana­di­ans express more con­cern over immi­gra­tion, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is…


Like his father, Trudeau will know when to quit

Like his father, Trudeau will know when to quit

In the fall of 1983, I was work­ing as a min­is­te­r­i­al assis­tant in the…

Who benefits most from the end of Liberal-NDP alliance?

Who benefits most from the end of Liberal-NDP alliance?

The col­lapse of the Con­fi­dence and Sup­ply Agree­ment (CASA) between the Lib­er­als…


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Weekly Writ 9/11: Monday's byelection scenarios

Weekly Writ 9/11: Monday's byelection scenarios

The out­comes of Monday’s two byelec­tions in LaSalle – Émard – Ver­dun and…

The supply and confidence deal is dead. Can the minority Liberal government still control the House agenda?

The supply and confidence deal is dead. Can the minority Liberal government still control the House agenda?

Before dig­ging into exact­ly how last week’s deci­sion by the New Democ­rats to pull the…

Politician's Pen

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A pledge for civility as Parliament returns

A pledge for civility as Parliament returns

As par­lia­men­tar­i­ans return to Ottawa for the fall sit­ting in the House of Com­mons…

A Year of Progress: Citizens' Services Transformations with Terry Beech

A Year of Progress: Citizens' Services Transformations with Terry Beech

Hi, I’m Ter­ry Beech, your Min­is­ter of Cit­i­zens’ Ser­vices. What is that you ask?

Opinion (Continued)

‘They’re eating the dogs!’ Inside Donald Trump’s terrifying, absurd, and just maybe disastrous debate

‘They’re eating the dogs!’ Inside Donald Trump’s terrifying, absurd, and just maybe disastrous debate

If you had some­how watched the forty or so min­utes Kamala Har­ris spoke Tues­day night…

Help the Liberals? Oh, come on — Mark Carney is here for Canada

Help the Liberals? Oh, come on — Mark Carney is here for Canada

Mark Car­ney wants you to know he’s answer­ing a call from his coun­try, not…

It's time, Justin

It's time, Justin

When Pierre Trudeau decid­ed it was time to leave back in 1984, he took a walk in…

In semi-defence of the Temporary Foreign Workers program

In semi-defence of the Temporary Foreign Workers program

By now the con­sen­sus is iron­clad. It stretch­es from the far right to the near left,…

Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?

Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?

Elon Musk appar­ent­ly thinks that run­ning Tes­la, Space X, xAI, X (Twit­ter), and…

Carney should be careful. We all know what happens to Trudeau's friends

Carney should be careful. We all know what happens to Trudeau's friends

As if for­mer Bank of Cana­da Gov­er­nor Mark Carney’s resume wasn’t long enough, he has…

Mark Carney gets hired to tell Liberals they've been doing it all wrong

Mark Carney gets hired to tell Liberals they've been doing it all wrong

Why is Car­ney doing it? I think he wants to keep him­self in the pub­lic eye, in…

Will Canadians end up paying to clean up thousands of Alberta’s abandoned oil and gas wells?

Will Canadians end up paying to clean up thousands of Alberta’s abandoned oil and gas wells?

Last week, Alber­ta envi­ron­ment min­is­ter Rebec­ca Schulz took to Rebel Media to brag…

Why can’t Canada build more homes?

Why can’t Canada build more homes?

‘Too preachy’: Liberal MPs admit some of their constituents want Justin Trudeau gone

‘Too preachy’: Liberal MPs admit some of their constituents want Justin Trudeau gone

It’s become too obvi­ous to hide. Lib­er­al MPs pub­licly acknowl­edged Mon­day that some…

For Small Businesses and their Employees, Every Dollar Counts – The Case for Lower EI Premiums
Justin Trudeau says he’s staying, but his government acts like time is almost up

Justin Trudeau says he’s staying, but his government acts like time is almost up

The cam­paign direc­tor quit. Five chiefs of staff to cab­i­net min­is­ters are leav­ing.…

Who was the biggest loser in the Liberal-NDP breakup?

Who was the biggest loser in the Liberal-NDP breakup?

Matt Gur­ney: Well, that was a week. I’d hoped for a bit more of…

Liberals are facing a palpable appetite for change, but their path forward is unclear

Liberals are facing a palpable appetite for change, but their path forward is unclear

These should be con­se­quen­tial meet­ings. Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als face the…

Safety concerns are at the heart of the railway dispute as arbitration decision draws near

Safety concerns are at the heart of the railway dispute as arbitration decision draws near

On Aug. 24, Canada’s fed­er­al labour board ordered the Cana­di­an Nation­al (CN) and…

An Extraordinary Debate for an Extraordinary Campaign

An Extraordinary Debate for an Extraordinary Campaign

In the Before Times, when Amer­i­can pol­i­tics had not yet been repur­posed as aver­sion…

Debate critical to Harris and Trump’s chances

Debate critical to Harris and Trump’s chances

All eyes are on Philadel­phia, Penn., as this week’s U.S. pres­i­den­tial cam­paign…

I cover the far right for a living. This is why I wasn’t surprised to find Canadian names all over the latest alleged Russian propaganda scheme

I cover the far right for a living. This is why I wasn’t surprised to find Canadian names all over the latest alleged Russian propaganda scheme

Luke LeBrun is the edi­tor of PressProgress. His report­ing focus­es on fed­er­al…

Justin Trudeau and the angry steelworker is a perfect miniature of the moment

Justin Trudeau and the angry steelworker is a perfect miniature of the moment

If you want­ed to see a blue-col­lar guy con­ver­sa­tion­al­ly cold-cock…

Being tired of Justin Trudeau is no reason to not to vote for him

Being tired of Justin Trudeau is no reason to not to vote for him

The oth­er day I walked into my favourite bagel bak­ery and made…

Will the end of NDP's deal with Liberals mean an early election? | Political Pulse Panel

Will the end of NDP's deal with Liberals mean an early election? | Political Pulse Panel

Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss what the end of the NDP’s sup­ply-and-con­fi­dence agree­ment…

NDP Déjà vú

NDP Déjà vú

Justin Trudeau’s ‘relentless and insufferable’ optimism no longer matches the national mood. Could another byelection loss be enough to push him out for good?

Justin Trudeau’s ‘relentless and insufferable’ optimism no longer matches the national mood. Could another byelection loss be enough to push him out for good?

There is cer­tain­ly a vibe on the cam­paign trail in Mon­tréal, Craig Sauvé told me…

Singh can say what he’d like, but there’s only one winner in his breakup with the Liberals

Singh can say what he’d like, but there’s only one winner in his breakup with the Liberals

The roost­er crowed three times … Which doesn’t hold a can­dle to the cock who…

A free NDP is party’s best chance to win back Canada’s working class

A free NDP is party’s best chance to win back Canada’s working class

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh and his par­ty’s clean break from the par­lia­men­tary…

Jagmeet Singh to NDP caucus: We’ve accomplished basically nothing, so our work here is done

Jagmeet Singh to NDP caucus: We’ve accomplished basically nothing, so our work here is done

Friends, broth­ers, sis­ters and donors (yes, both of you): We did it. It has been…

Queer and trans people should be wary of provincial parties’ shift to right

Queer and trans people should be wary of provincial parties’ shift to right

Three provinces are going to the polls this fall — New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and…

Conscious Uncouplings: Why Political Alliances Don’t Last

Conscious Uncouplings: Why Political Alliances Don’t Last

Breakup alert, breakup alert! No, this is not anoth­er report on Ben­nifer — the…

Singh swings for the fences, but why now?

Singh swings for the fences, but why now?

Since the day he signed the agreement(opens in a new tab) to sup­port Justin…

Even in Atlantic Canada, the tide is turning on the Trudeau Liberals

Even in Atlantic Canada, the tide is turning on the Trudeau Liberals

Back in 2002, when he was leader of the Offi­cial Oppo­si­tion, Stephen Harp­er decid­ed…

Jagmeet Singh just played himself

Jagmeet Singh just played himself

He final­ly did it. After months of spec­u­la­tion about the fate of the con­fi­dence and…

Jagmeet Singh’s Awkward, Inevitable Uncoupling

Jagmeet Singh’s Awkward, Inevitable Uncoupling

The sup­ply and con­fi­dence agree­ment that teth­ered the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment to the…

Jagmeet Singh had a good reason to tear up his deal with Justin Trudeau — and it’s not that he wants an election

Jagmeet Singh had a good reason to tear up his deal with Justin Trudeau — and it’s not that he wants an election

It was a mar­riage of con­ve­nience that end­ed because it was no longer…

News (Continued)

New Democrats expected to talk strategy for fall House sitting at caucus retreat

New Democrats expected to talk strategy for fall House sitting at caucus retreat

New Demo­c­rat MPs are head­ing into a sec­ond day of meet­ings in Mon­tréal as they…

Liberal MPs call for probe into Canadian connections to alleged Russian propaganda scheme

Liberal MPs call for probe into Canadian connections to alleged Russian propaganda scheme

Lib­er­al MPs are call­ing for a com­mit­tee inves­ti­ga­tion of Cana­di­an…

Canada’s Foreign Interference Inquiry Asked to Examine Far-Right Media Outlet Allegedly Funded by Russia

Canada’s Foreign Interference Inquiry Asked to Examine Far-Right Media Outlet Allegedly Funded by Russia

A Russ­ian-Cana­di­an dias­po­ra group is ask­ing Canada’s pub­lic inquiry into for­eign…

Carney interested in 'doing something, not being something,' he says of adviser role

Carney interested in 'doing something, not being something,' he says of adviser role

- For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney says he’ll be advis­ing the Lib­er­al…

Alberta premier Smith defends sharing public policy plans at members-only UCP events

Alberta premier Smith defends sharing public policy plans at members-only UCP events

- Pre­mier Danielle Smith is defend­ing mak­ing a string of pol­i­cy announce­ments…

'I will be the leader:' NDP's Jagmeet Singh shrugs off suggestions byelection races are a test

'I will be the leader:' NDP's Jagmeet Singh shrugs off suggestions byelection races are a test

While NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says Cana­di­ans in two rid­ings have an impor­tant…

'A decisive time': Mark Carney calls new role 'an honour,' dodges questions about running for office

'A decisive time': Mark Carney calls new role 'an honour,' dodges questions about running for office

In his first press con­fer­ence on the job, new­ly appoint­ed Lib­er­al eco­nom­ic growth…

Ombudsman launches probe of Ottawa's treatment of Afghan-Canadian military advisers

Ombudsman launches probe of Ottawa's treatment of Afghan-Canadian military advisers

Canada’s mil­i­tary ombuds­man has launched a review of the Depart­ment of Nation­al…

Joly says Canada bars any Canadian-made arms from reaching Gaza

Joly says Canada bars any Canadian-made arms from reaching Gaza

OTTAWA — For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Melanie Joly says Ottawa pro­hibits any…

ISIS suspect came to Canada on student visa in June 2023, minister says

ISIS suspect came to Canada on student visa in June 2023, minister says

A Pak­istani man arrest­ed in Que­bec as he was alleged­ly on his way to New York to…

Trudeau is ‘radioactive,’ says NDP MP as party caucus retreat begins

Trudeau is ‘radioactive,’ says NDP MP as party caucus retreat begins

New Democ­rats are gath­er­ing in Mon­tréal for a strat­e­gy ses­sion before the…

Use of public funds for TIFF screening of Russian soldiers doc 'not right': Freeland

Use of public funds for TIFF screening of Russian soldiers doc 'not right': Freeland

Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says the use of pub­lic funds to sup­port the…

Federal fisheries ministers ignored DFO advice by reopening commercial cod fishery

Federal fisheries ministers ignored DFO advice by reopening commercial cod fishery

Upping cod quo­tas pro­ject­ed to be ​‘polit­i­cal­ly a vic­to­ry,’ accord­ing to…

'Unshackled' NDP MPs in Montreal for caucus retreat days after breakup with Liberals

'Unshackled' NDP MPs in Montreal for caucus retreat days after breakup with Liberals

New Democ­rats are hud­dling in Mon­tréal to strate­gize a new path for­ward ahead…

Mark Carney to present his economic vision for the Liberals to caucus

Mark Carney to present his economic vision for the Liberals to caucus

For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney will present his vision for the…

Poilievre threatens 'nuclear winter' over carbon tax, fears Northern communities will 'empty out'

Poilievre threatens 'nuclear winter' over carbon tax, fears Northern communities will 'empty out'

Fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre was in Iqaluit on Sept. 9 to…

Some federal departments don't have office space for returning workers

    Some federal departments don't have office space for returning workers

    Some fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vants are unable to return to their offices three days…

    Upcoming federal byelections will put Singh and the NDP brand to the test

    Upcoming federal byelections will put Singh and the NDP brand to the test

    NDP look­ing to both hold a Win­nipeg seat and pull anoth­er away from the…

    Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?
    Liberal MP says her constituents are 'very adamant' Justin Trudeau needs to go

    Liberal MP says her constituents are 'very adamant' Justin Trudeau needs to go

    Que­bec Lib­er­al MP Alexan­dra Mendes said Mon­day she’s heard from ​“dozens and dozens”…

    Romeo Dallaire now recovered from severe infection: CTV News Exclusive

    Romeo Dallaire now recovered from severe infection: CTV News Exclusive

    Romeo Dal­laire is ready to return to pub­lic life again this fall after a seri­ous…

    Health minister 'not worried' as Liberal MPs gather after tumultuous summer

    Health minister 'not worried' as Liberal MPs gather after tumultuous summer

    Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says he isn’t wor­ried about Lib­er­al elec­toral…

    Protesters get 6 1/2-year sentences for roles in Coutts border blockade

    Protesters get 6 1/2-year sentences for roles in Coutts border blockade

    A judge has sen­tenced two Alber­ta men to 6 1⁄2 years in prison for their…

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named honorary chairman of Presidents Cup

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau named honorary chairman of Presidents Cup

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has accept­ed an invi­ta­tion to serve as hon­orary…

    Mark Carney tapped by Liberals to lead new task force advising Trudeau

    Mark Carney tapped by Liberals to lead new task force advising Trudeau

    For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney will take on a new role as chair of…

    ‘He just wants his pension’: Premier Ford accuses ‘greedy’ Singh of political posturing

    ‘He just wants his pension’: Premier Ford accuses ‘greedy’ Singh of political posturing

    Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford accused NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh of being a greedy…

    Canada paid McKinsey, flush with fossil fuel clients, $1.3M for clean tech advice

    Canada paid McKinsey, flush with fossil fuel clients, $1.3M for clean tech advice

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment paid $1.35 mil­lion for advice on how to beef up Canada’s…

    NDP defends use of Palestinian flag on Montreal by-election flyer

    NDP defends use of Palestinian flag on Montreal by-election flyer

    Con­ser­v­a­tive MPs attacked the NDP Sun­day over a Mon­tréal by-elec­tion fly­er…

    Five chiefs of staff set to leave the Trudeau government

    Five chiefs of staff set to leave the Trudeau government

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment is con­tend­ing with an exo­dus of senior…

    ‘He’s not getting the message’: Justin Trudeau shrugs off the naysayers as he heads into a Liberal caucus retreat

    ‘He’s not getting the message’: Justin Trudeau shrugs off the naysayers as he heads into a Liberal caucus retreat

    The sum­mer ride is over. So too is the Justin Trudeau lis­ten­ing tour. The prime…

    Liberal MPs gather in B.C. to confront a new political landscape

    Liberal MPs gather in B.C. to confront a new political landscape

    In ear­ly July, as the Lib­er­al cau­cus was still reel­ing from the par­ty’s…

    Ottawa businesses doubt workers in office for 3 days will be enough

    Ottawa businesses doubt workers in office for 3 days will be enough

    Some in Ottawa’s busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty say they are cau­tious­ly opti­mistic about the…

    US Poli

    The most notable  -  and quotable  -  exchanges from the Harris-Trump debate

    The most notable - and quotable - exchanges from the Harris-Trump debate

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The first meet­ing between Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris and for­mer…

    To pumped-up Democrats, Harris was everything Biden was not in confronting Trump in debate

    To pumped-up Democrats, Harris was everything Biden was not in confronting Trump in debate

    WASHINGTON (AP) — To many Democ­rats, Kamala Har­ris was every­thing Joe Biden was not in…

    Harris addresses Trump's false claims about her race and his history of racial division

    Harris addresses Trump's false claims about her race and his history of racial division

    For the first time since she became the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for pres­i­dent, Kamala…

    Harris presses a more forceful case against Trump than Biden did on abortion, economy and democracy

    Harris presses a more forceful case against Trump than Biden did on abortion, economy and democracy

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Kamala Har­ris and Don­ald Trump show­cased stark­ly dif­fer­ent…


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    This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
    Bereaved father of hostage to Netanyahu: ‘My son was murdered in a tunnel you built’

      Bereaved father of hostage to Netanyahu: ‘My son was murdered in a tunnel you built’

      Record­ings released on Mon­day reveal a tense and angry con­ver­sa­tion between…

      James Earl Jones, acclaimed actor and voice of Darth Vader, dies at 93

        James Earl Jones, acclaimed actor and voice of Darth Vader, dies at 93

        James Earl Jones, who over­came racial prej­u­dice and a severe stut­ter to become…

        Ukrainian officials call for film following Russian soldiers to be pulled from TIFF

        Ukrainian officials call for film following Russian soldiers to be pulled from TIFF

        TORONTO — Ukrain­ian offi­cials are call­ing on the Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film…

        Biden to host British Prime Minister Starmer next week for White House talks

        Biden to host British Prime Minister Starmer next week for White House talks

        WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will host British Prime Min­is­ter Keir Starmer…

        Zelenskyy presses US military leaders to let Ukraine strike deeper in Russia

        Zelenskyy presses US military leaders to let Ukraine strike deeper in Russia

        RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Ger­many (AP) — Ukraine needs the abil­i­ty to strike deep with­in…

        Think Tank

        Chasing the wind – The value of wind generation in a low-emission nuclear and hydro-dominant grid: the case of Ontario

        Chasing the wind – The value of wind generation in a low-emission nuclear and hydro-dominant grid: the case of Ontario

        In 2018, the new­ly elect­ed Ontario gov­ern­ment passed one of its first pieces of…

        Lessons for Canada: Comparing Maritime Autonomous Systems Adoption Across the Five Eyes

        Lessons for Canada: Comparing Maritime Autonomous Systems Adoption Across the Five Eyes

        Mem­bers of the Five Eyes (FVEY) secu­ri­ty part­ner­ship, Cana­da, the Unit­ed States…

        If Canada chooses to engage in activist trade policy, it should make sure it does so strategically

          If Canada chooses to engage in activist trade policy, it should make sure it does so strategically

          When the Trudeau gov­ern­ment announced its deci­sion to imple­ment tar­iffs of 100% on…


          A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

          Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

          Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

          What does the now-defunct Lib­er­al-NDP coop­er­a­tion agree­ment teach us about…

          Poverty on the rise: memo for Trudeau

          An inter­nal memo for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau acknowl­edges that pover­ty is on…

          The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

          The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

          The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in 2004 cre­at­ed a kind of dis­as­ter bunker, where…


          Russian Interference, Danielle Smith, and Justin Trudeau

            Russian Interference, Danielle Smith, and Justin Trudeau

            Rus­si­a’s pay­ing Cana­di­an influ­encers to sway pub­lic opin­ion. Danielle Smith’s…

            What Trudeau’s Housing Minister Has to Say for Himself

              What Trudeau’s Housing Minister Has to Say for Himself

              He was the immi­gra­tion min­is­ter when we rehauled the Tem­po­rary For­eign Work­er…

              The newcomers struggling with immigration policy whiplash

                The newcomers struggling with immigration policy whiplash

                A group of for­mer inter­na­tion­al stu­dents with soon-to-be expired work per­mits in…

                Comically Bad

                  Comically Bad

                  David Her­le, Scott Reid, Jor­dan Leich­nitz and Kory Ten­ey­cke pro­vide insights on the…