Top News
I found out what really happened between Pierre Poilievre and CTV. The real story was even more depressing than the lie

I found out what really happened between Pierre Poilievre and CTV. The real story was even more depressing than the lie

The facts in the brief and dispir­it­ing feud between CTV and the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da over a man­gled clip of Pierre Poilievre will even­tu­al­ly be lit­i­gat­ed, and I would not like to write any­thing here that pre­vents…

No talks with Bloc about bringing government down: NDP House leader

No talks with Bloc about bringing government down: NDP House leader

NDP House Leader Peter Julian says the Bloc Québé­cois has not ini­ti­at­ed…

Liberal, Conservative MPs to speak at Oct. 7 march to Parliament Hill

    Liberal, Conservative MPs to speak at Oct. 7 march to Parliament Hill

    A Lib­er­al MP and a Con­ser­v­a­tive MP will be part of a team deliv­er­ing…

    The Bloc's supply management trade bill is getting a rough ride in Senate

    The Bloc's supply management trade bill is getting a rough ride in Senate

    As the House of Com­mons debat­ed the Bloc Québé­cois’ demand for an increase to…

    'I think Israel is interested in a ceasefire': U.S. ambassador to Canada

    'I think Israel is interested in a ceasefire': U.S. ambassador to Canada

    U.S. Ambas­sador to Cana­da David Cohen says he believes Israel is inter­est­ed in…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
    No Clear Frontrunner in British Columbia’s Provincial Election

    No Clear Frontrunner in British Columbia’s Provincial Election

    David Eby holds an eight-point advan­tage over John Rus­tad when vot­ers pon­der who…

    Public concern about Climate Change drops 14-points since last year. Why?

    Public concern about Climate Change drops 14-points since last year. Why?

    From Sep­tem­ber 19 to 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…


    Political Pulse Panel: Standoff over Bloc's Old Age Security boost

    Political Pulse Panel: Standoff over Bloc's Old Age Security boost

    Par­ty insid­ers dis­cuss the threat to the Lib­er­al minor­i­ty’s lifes­pan from the…

    Has Justin Trudeau given his cellphone number to the Bloc Québécois leader? The future of this shaky Parliament may rest on it

    Has Justin Trudeau given his cellphone number to the Bloc Québécois leader? The future of this shaky Parliament may rest on it

    Justin Trudeau sat down recent­ly for an inter­view with his fel­low Lib­er­al MP Nate…


    Where will B.C.'s election be won? Even identifying the battlegrounds is tough call

    Where will B.C.'s election be won? Even identifying the battlegrounds is tough call

    The cal­cu­lus of pre­dict­ing an elec­tion and iden­ti­fy­ing its key bat­tle­grounds is…

    Here's what's in Alberta's Bill of Rights — and what Danielle Smith is set to change

    Here's what's in Alberta's Bill of Rights — and what Danielle Smith is set to change

    When the 17th Alber­ta Leg­is­la­ture opened on March 2, 1972, then-pre­mier Peter…

    Politician's Pen

    The Issue with Anti-Zionism

    The Issue with Anti-Zionism

    CUSMA 2026: An opportunity to combat China's overproduction

    CUSMA 2026: An opportunity to combat China's overproduction

    Over the past few decades, Chi­na’s rapid pro­gres­sion from an agrar­i­an soci­ety to an…

    Opinion (Continued)

    Nice little news network you got there. Pity if anything should happen to it …

    Nice little news network you got there. Pity if anything should happen to it …

    So appar­ent­ly the boy­cott is off: Pierre Poilievre has announced he has lift­ed last…

    Ottawa could be a great world capital — if the next prime minister makes it one

    Ottawa could be a great world capital — if the next prime minister makes it one

    When thoughts turn to rev­o­lu­tion, Ottawa isn’t a place that nat­u­ral­ly springs…

    The Liberals are caught in the balancing act of their lives

    The Liberals are caught in the balancing act of their lives

    That pol­i­tics is about pow­er ought to go with­out say­ing, but we who write about…

    The unity crisis that awaits us on the other side of the next election

    The unity crisis that awaits us on the other side of the next election

    In the elec­tion of 1958, the Con­ser­v­a­tives under John Diefen­bak­er swept the…

    The next federal election needs to be about the economy, stupid

    The next federal election needs to be about the economy, stupid

    Fed­er­al law says there has to be an elec­tion by Oct. 20 of next year. The cur­rent…

    Poilievre moving down a sliding scale toward admitting he’ll cut some Liberal social programs

    Poilievre moving down a sliding scale toward admitting he’ll cut some Liberal social programs

    Nine months ago, Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre told a tele­vi­sion…

    Would Trudeau stepping down trigger another Liberal civil war?

    Would Trudeau stepping down trigger another Liberal civil war?

    Justin Trudeau’s deter­mi­na­tion to stay the leader of the fed­er­al Lib­er­al…

    The Likable Lies of Campaign 2024

    The Likable Lies of Campaign 2024

    After the Tues­day night vice pres­i­den­tial debate end­ed, there was wide­spread praise…

    Danielle Smith’s supporters can’t handle the truth

    Danielle Smith’s supporters can’t handle the truth

    Live by the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry, die by the con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry. That seems to be…

    Many Canadian voters say they feel caught between extremes — and that’s not helping Justin Trudeau

    Many Canadian voters say they feel caught between extremes — and that’s not helping Justin Trudeau

    Two of the most recent polls are putting Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als back in 2015 — and…

    Bloc’s demands for Trudeau government are both terrible ideas

    Bloc’s demands for Trudeau government are both terrible ideas

    Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet is mak­ing two demands of Prime Min­is­ter…

    Liberal Free Fall Fuels Quebec Sovereignty

    Liberal Free Fall Fuels Quebec Sovereignty

    AFTER LOSING the by-elec­tion in the Toron­to – St. Paul’s rid­ing in June, Justin…

    Mark Carney is a litmus test

    Mark Carney is a litmus test

    You can’t real­ly blame Mark Car­ney for not tak­ing the plunge into par­ti­san…

    J.D. Vance isn’t a turncoat, he’s a shape-shifter - and always has been

    J.D. Vance isn’t a turncoat, he’s a shape-shifter - and always has been

    The broad under­stand­ing of J.D. Vance’s per­son­al road map to the vice-pres­i­den­tial…

    AI Meets Sober Second Thought: Why the Senate Should Get Involved
    There’s no reason to believe CTV conspired against Pierre Poilievre. Here’s what the network actually did wrong

    There’s no reason to believe CTV conspired against Pierre Poilievre. Here’s what the network actually did wrong

    Ah, the mag­ic of tele­vi­sion. By now most read­ers will be aware of the con­tro­ver­sy…

    Ford’s ‘get a job’ comment achieves nothing in solving the homelessness crisis

    Ford’s ‘get a job’ comment achieves nothing in solving the homelessness crisis

    Thanks­giv­ing seems to have come ear­ly this year. By telling home­less peo­ple to get…

    The Liberal Party’s base may now be just 7 percent of Canadians. A hard look at the numbers

    The Liberal Party’s base may now be just 7 percent of Canadians. A hard look at the numbers

    For decades, the Lib­er­al Par­ty of Cana­da has been described as Canada’s ​“nat­ur­al…

    Treasury Board ignored evidence on return-to-office

    Treasury Board ignored evidence on return-to-office

    Imag­ine mak­ing a busi­ness deci­sion based on a hunch. In fact, imag­ine…

    The Bloc and the Beau Rêve of 1993

    The Bloc and the Beau Rêve of 1993

    In all like­li­hood, bar­ring some spec­tac­u­lar shift in our nation­al polit­i­cal…

    Brighter signs on affordability just as Liberals run out of time

    Brighter signs on affordability just as Liberals run out of time

    Inter­est rates are falling. Infla­tion is back down to the tar­get lev­el. Wages have…

    Dying from police intervention in an era of reconciliation

    Dying from police intervention in an era of reconciliation

    Six Indige­nous indi­vid­u­als died by police in a two-week span in this coun­try.…

    In a political career full of ups and downs, Ted Morton was ahead of his time

    In a political career full of ups and downs, Ted Morton was ahead of his time

    Con­ser­v­a­tive fire­brand Ted Mor­ton meant to pub­lish a book detail­ing his life…

    Trump is off his rocker, and GOP politics is off the rails

    Trump is off his rocker, and GOP politics is off the rails

    No sense minc­ing words. For the last year, and with each pass­ing day, it is get­ting…

    Chaotic week on Parliament Hill wraps up — finally

    Chaotic week on Parliament Hill wraps up — finally

    From two con­fi­dence motions to pip­ing-hot tem­pers, there was a lot of…

    CTV wasn’t out to get Pierre Poilievre. The truth is more alarming

    CTV wasn’t out to get Pierre Poilievre. The truth is more alarming

    Some­how dur­ing the pro­duc­tion of a two-minute news item for CTV Nation­al News…

    Hope, history and hubris: Why it’s hard to walk away in politics – even from a dumpster fire

    Hope, history and hubris: Why it’s hard to walk away in politics – even from a dumpster fire

    Dur­ing Pride in Toron­to ear­ly this sum­mer, Kath­leen Wynne, the for­mer pre­mier of…

    Liberal party that refuses to dump Trudeau is heading for scrap heap

    Liberal party that refuses to dump Trudeau is heading for scrap heap

    The Lib­er­al Par­ty of Cana­da can’t even raise a decent revolt against its wild­ly…

    Liberals offer the worst possible reaction to CTV's doctored Poilievre clip

    Liberals offer the worst possible reaction to CTV's doctored Poilievre clip

    CTV News made a seem­ing­ly nec­es­sary deci­sion Thurs­day after­noon in the…

    Canadian parties choose to see, hear no foreign mischief

    Canadian parties choose to see, hear no foreign mischief

    When about 200 for­eign stu­dents arrived by bus at the Lib­er­al nom­i­na­tion meet­ing…

    Is Mark Carney’s new job to provide cover for the mother of all U-turns?
    Pierre Poilievre acts as if there’s power in being unlikeable. It’s not a good look

    Pierre Poilievre acts as if there’s power in being unlikeable. It’s not a good look

    Con­ser­v­a­tives appear to be try­ing every­thing this fall to turn their poll lead into…

    The chaos of party nomination races is no longer a joke – it’s a threat to national security

    News (Continued)

    Alberta threatens new legal action over Ottawa's revised environmental assessment act

    Alberta threatens new legal action over Ottawa's revised environmental assessment act

    Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith is threat­en­ing anoth­er legal chal­lenge against…

    David Suzuki, Peter Mansbridge, and other prominent ex-broadcasters are calling out CBC. Here’s why

    David Suzuki, Peter Mansbridge, and other prominent ex-broadcasters are calling out CBC. Here’s why

    Five emi­nent CBC alum­ni are urg­ing the pub­lic broad­cast­er to deep­en its cov­er­age…

    Canada has quietly raised foreign interference with China 48 times in two years

    Canada has quietly raised foreign interference with China 48 times in two years

    Cana­di­an diplo­mats have qui­et­ly but fre­quent­ly rais­ing con­cerns over for­eign…

    Federal government plans to warn foreign ambassadors not to interfere in next election

    Federal government plans to warn foreign ambassadors not to interfere in next election

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment plans to con­vene a meet­ing of for­eign ambas­sadors…

    RCMP says it already has the documents at the centre of a debate bogging down the Commons

    RCMP says it already has the documents at the centre of a debate bogging down the Commons

    The RCMP says it already has the doc­u­ments at the cen­tre of a debate that has…

    NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes

    NDP house leader says House dysfunction will be a factor in future confidence votes

    NDP House leader Peter Julian says there’s more his par­ty wants to do in Par­lia­ment…

    Good Talk -- How Do You Fact Check In The Era of Lies?

    Good Talk -- How Do You Fact Check In The Era of Lies?

    We could be only months away from an elec­tion in Cana­da, so is there any­thing we need…

    Despite plunging polling numbers, some Liberal MPs put on a brave face

    Despite plunging polling numbers, some Liberal MPs put on a brave face

    Mean­while, Lib­er­al pun­dit Scott Reid said on Sept. 29 on social media: ​‘If you’re…

    Foreign interference inquiry to hear from Global Affairs Canada officials today

    Foreign interference inquiry to hear from Global Affairs Canada officials today

    OTTAWA — A fed­er­al inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence plans to hear from senior…

    CRA scrambled to announce 11th-hour 'bare trust' reporting pause, internal emails suggest

    CRA scrambled to announce 11th-hour 'bare trust' reporting pause, internal emails suggest

    A last-minute deci­sion to pause ​“bare trust” report­ing require­ments left offi­cials…

    Canada ponders 'top secret' data cloud as allies push ahead with intelligence-sharing plans

    Canada ponders 'top secret' data cloud as allies push ahead with intelligence-sharing plans

    Aus­tralia is join­ing the Unit­ed States and the Unit­ed King­dom in devel­op­ing…

    Chronic hunger widespread in 2023

    Ottawa police creating Parliament Hill unit following close calls with MPs

    Ottawa police creating Parliament Hill unit following close calls with MPs

    The Ottawa police are estab­lish­ing a par­lia­men­tary unit in response to grow­ing…

    Parliament 'ground to a halt' over Conservative allegations of Liberal corruption

    Parliament 'ground to a halt' over Conservative allegations of Liberal corruption

    The gov­ern­ment has been unable to put any of its own busi­ness before the House of…

    Canadian charter flights leaving Lebanon have hundreds of empty seats, Global Affairs says

    Canadian charter flights leaving Lebanon have hundreds of empty seats, Global Affairs says

    Glob­al Affairs Cana­da (GAC) says two flights char­tered by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment…

    Ottawa to announce changes to CBC's mandate, appoint new CEO in the next four weeks: source

    Ottawa to announce changes to CBC's mandate, appoint new CEO in the next four weeks: source

    After a months-long review of CBC/Ra­dio-Canada’s man­date, Her­itage Min­is­ter…

    Defence minister says Israel has right to defend itself in 'proportional way'

    Defence minister says Israel has right to defend itself in 'proportional way'

    Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair says Israel has the right to defend itself in ​“a…

    Federal overtime payments on decline, but total paid out still tops $1-billion mark

    Federal overtime payments on decline, but total paid out still tops $1-billion mark

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment doled out 12.96 per cent less over­time in 2023 to its…

    Mark Carney to release book 'The Hinge', a look at Canada's 'path forward'

    Mark Carney to release book 'The Hinge', a look at Canada's 'path forward'

    For­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney is pub­lish­ing his pre­scrip­tion for…

    Pharmacare bill passes key test ahead of next week's final Senate vote

    Pharmacare bill passes key test ahead of next week's final Senate vote

    The gov­ern­men­t’s phar­ma­care leg­is­la­tion has sur­vived a key step on the way…

    Conservatives ask for lobbying probe into Mark Carney's Liberal adviser appointment

    Conservatives ask for lobbying probe into Mark Carney's Liberal adviser appointment

    The Con­ser­v­a­tives have asked Canada’s lob­by­ing com­mis­sion­er to inves­ti­gate…

    RCMP official won't say whether Chinese 'police stations' are still operating in Canada

    RCMP official won't say whether Chinese 'police stations' are still operating in Canada

    An RCMP offi­cial appear­ing before the for­eign inter­fer­ence inquiry today refused to…

    Most Canadians want employers to be flexible on hybrid work arrangements in the future, survey finds

    Most Canadians want employers to be flexible on hybrid work arrangements in the future, survey finds

    Most Cana­di­ans want employ­ers to be flex­i­ble on hybrid work poli­cies in the future,…

    Most Canadians support expansion of Old Age Security benefits: Nanos survey

    Most Canadians support expansion of Old Age Security benefits: Nanos survey

    Most Cana­di­ans sup­port boost­ing Old Age Secu­ri­ty (OAS) ben­e­fits by 10 per cent…

    Majority of new Canadians feel they are being unfairly blamed for housing crisis: OMNI poll

    Majority of new Canadians feel they are being unfairly blamed for housing crisis: OMNI poll

    As the hous­ing afford­abil­i­ty cri­sis con­tin­ues to impact Cana­di­ans across the…

    No confidence, but no rush: Conservatives keep mum on platform amid bid for snap election

    No confidence, but no rush: Conservatives keep mum on platform amid bid for snap election

    As they put for­ward back-to-back non-con­fi­dence votes, the Con­ser­v­a­tives…

    Accessibility commissioner suing Ottawa, staff for $2.3 million following claims he mistreated staff

    Accessibility commissioner suing Ottawa, staff for $2.3 million following claims he mistreated staff

    After fac­ing an exter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into claims he mis­treat­ed staff, Canada’s…

    "Delivering the absolute best future"

    "Delivering the absolute best future"

    Justin Trudeau wants an elec­tion about his val­ues. I’m going to devote two posts to…

    Canada needs better security checks for international students, critics say

    Canada needs better security checks for international students, critics say

    Inter­na­tion­al stu­dents are not required to get police cer­tifi­cates from law…

    Immigration Department beefing up resources in Beirut amid fears of larger conflict: government official

    Immigration Department beefing up resources in Beirut amid fears of larger conflict: government official

    The fed­er­al Immi­gra­tion Depart­ment has beefed up human resources in Beirut in order…

    Israel has a right to defend itself, but wider war must be avoided: Trudeau

    Israel has a right to defend itself, but wider war must be avoided: Trudeau

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau con­demned Iran’s mis­sile attack on Israel Wednes­day,…

    Justin Trudeau dishes with Liberal MP on where he went wrong, what he did right and why he’s the one to beat Pierre Poilievre

    Justin Trudeau dishes with Liberal MP on where he went wrong, what he did right and why he’s the one to beat Pierre Poilievre

    In a near­ly hour-long inter­view, Trudeau gave more reveal­ing answers to fel­low…

    Most Canadians think flexible work arrangements are good both for productivity, and for employees

    Most Canadians think flexible work arrangements are good both for productivity, and for employees

    New spark*insights research finds two-thirds of Cana­di­ans believe work from home helps…

    US Poli

    Elon Musk makes first appearance at Trump rally casting election in dire terms

    Elon Musk makes first appearance at Trump rally casting election in dire terms

    Bil­lion­aire tech exec­u­tive Elon Musk cast the upcom­ing pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in…

    Donald Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp use hurricane recovery to make first appearance together

    Donald Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp use hurricane recovery to make first appearance together

    EVANS, Ga. (AP) — After mak­ing up pri­vate­ly, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and…

    Elon Musk to join Trump at rally at the site of first assassination attempt

    Elon Musk to join Trump at rally at the site of first assassination attempt

    Elon Musk will join Don­ald Trump at his ral­ly Sat­ur­day in But­ler, the…

    Obama will campaign with Harris in key swing states next week

    Obama will campaign with Harris in key swing states next week

    WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma is plan­ning to hit key swing states…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
    US adds a robust 254,000 jobs and unemployment dips to 4.1% in sign of still-sturdy labor market

    US adds a robust 254,000 jobs and unemployment dips to 4.1% in sign of still-sturdy labor market

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Amer­i­ca’s employ­ers added a sur­pris­ing­ly strong 254,000 jobs…

    The US and Microsoft disrupt a Russian hacking group targeting American officials and nonprofits

    The US and Microsoft disrupt a Russian hacking group targeting American officials and nonprofits

    WASHINGTON (AP) — A hack­ing group tied to Russ­ian intel­li­gence tried to worm its…

    Israel reports 8 combat deaths as troops battle Hezbollah in Lebanon and fears of a wider war mount

    Israel reports 8 combat deaths as troops battle Hezbollah in Lebanon and fears of a wider war mount

    Israel’s ground incur­sion into Lebanon to bat­tle Hezbol­lah mil­i­tants left eight…

    Iran fires dozens of missiles into Israel as retaliation for killing of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders

    Iran fires dozens of missiles into Israel as retaliation for killing of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders

    Israeli mil­i­tary spokesman says very few injuries after Iran­ian mis­sile strike and…

    Man accused of attempting to assassinate Trump pleads not guilty to federal charges

    Man accused of attempting to assassinate Trump pleads not guilty to federal charges

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A man who author­i­ties say spent 12 hours camped…

    Think Tank

    Japan’s New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru Faces Internal, External Challenges in Lead-up to National Election

    Japan’s New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru Faces Internal, External Challenges in Lead-up to National Election

    The selec­tion of Ishi­ba Shigeru, who won his party’s lead­er­ship race to become…

    Modi’s U.S. Visit Underscores India’s Deepening Ties with Washington, Quad

    Modi’s U.S. Visit Underscores India’s Deepening Ties with Washington, Quad

    Indi­an Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi’s three-day vis­it to the U.S. in late…

    Sri Lanka’s New Leftist President Signals Sharp Political Shift

    Sri Lanka’s New Leftist President Signals Sharp Political Shift

    Sri Lanka’s pres­i­den­tial elec­tion on Sep­tem­ber 21 – 22 marked a sig­nif­i­cant…


    A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    The prospect for peace in the Mid­dle East is far­ther away than ever, with both…

    Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

    Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

    What does the now-defunct Lib­er­al-NDP coop­er­a­tion agree­ment teach us about…

    Poverty on the rise: memo for Trudeau

    An inter­nal memo for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau acknowl­edges that pover­ty is on…


    Health Minister Mark Holland, on the new pandemic readiness organization

      Health Minister Mark Holland, on the new pandemic readiness organization

      Peter Maz­ereeuw talks to Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land about the launch of HERC, or…

      The Numbers: Are the Liberals now in third place?

        The Numbers: Are the Liberals now in third place?

        This week on The Num­bers, we dis­cuss a cou­ple of new polls that put the…

        Liberals vote against Bloc’s early election ultimatum

          Liberals vote against Bloc’s early election ultimatum

          At Issue this week: The Lib­er­als vote against the Bloc Québécois’s ear­ly elec­tion…

          Why won’t Justin Trudeau step down?

            Why won’t Justin Trudeau step down?

            Justin Trudeau’s poll num­bers have been bad for a while. The Lib­er­als have lost…

            Officially Launched: Click here to see Canada’s newest hub, for wine news, insights and responsible consumption information: