Top News
‘A moment of brief joy’: New Brunswick Liberal win may not alleviate Trudeau’s woes

‘A moment of brief joy’: New Brunswick Liberal win may not alleviate Trudeau’s woes

A his­toric Lib­er­al vic­to­ry in Monday’s New Brunswick elec­tion may not be the boost Justin Trudeau needs, accord­ing to local experts, who believe the provin­cial race was a ref­er­en­dum on the out­go­ing pre­mier and not the embat­tled…

New Brunswick Liberals win majority, Susan Holt first woman to lead province

New Brunswick Liberals win majority, Susan Holt first woman to lead province

New Brunswick vot­ers have elect­ed a Lib­er­al major­i­ty gov­ern­ment, toss­ing…

Federal officials provided intelligence about India to Washington Post, sources say

Federal officials provided intelligence about India to Washington Post, sources say

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er and the deputy min­is­ter…

Mark Carney says he plans to enter elected politics as Liberals begin to organize leadership bids

Mark Carney says he plans to enter elected politics as Liberals begin to organize leadership bids

Mark Car­ney, Justin Trudeau’s eco­nom­ic plat­form advis­er, says he plans to enter…

Trudeau resignation would be in Canada’s best interest: Liberal MP

Trudeau resignation would be in Canada’s best interest: Liberal MP

Lib­er­al MP Sean Casey says he thinks it is in the nation’s best inter­est for Prime…


Supported by

This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
Not close enough for comfort: Inflation drops, but most continue to struggle with grocery, rental costs

    Not close enough for comfort: Inflation drops, but most continue to struggle with grocery, rental costs

    As Cana­di­ans absorb the impli­ca­tions of anoth­er change in the infla­tion rate – down…

    Consumer confidence hits 30 month high

    Consumer confidence hits 30 month high

    Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence has hit a new 30 month high. Sen­ti­ment is…


    Informed choice key in breast cancer screening
    John Rustad just taught progressives an important lesson

    John Rustad just taught progressives an important lesson

    Brent Chap­man, the BC Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date for the rid­ing of Sur­rey South,…


    U.S. vote has Canadian business leaders worried about protectionist policies: KPMG

    U.S. vote has Canadian business leaders worried about protectionist policies: KPMG

    A new report says many Cana­di­an busi­ness lead­ers are wor­ried about eco­nom­ic…

    10 years after shooting, the debate over securing Parliament Hill continues

    10 years after shooting, the debate over securing Parliament Hill continues

    Ten years after a gun­man died in a hail of bul­lets in Par­lia­men­t’s Cen­tre…

    Politician's Pen

    Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

    Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

    The North is Canada’s next hori­zon. Through strate­gic invest­ments in the NWT — in…

    Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

    Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

    Don’t let any Toron­to Star colum­nists fool you — pro­ro­ga­tion would be all about…

    Opinion (Continued)

    One outcome is clear in the B.C. election — Justin Trudeau lost

    One outcome is clear in the B.C. election — Justin Trudeau lost

    They’re still try­ing to fig­ure out exact­ly what hap­pened in the British Colum­bia…

    Danielle Smith’s party is flirting with a blatantly anti-science policy

    Danielle Smith’s party is flirting with a blatantly anti-science policy

    In less than two weeks Danielle Smith will sub­ject her­self to a lead­er­ship…

    The Unprecedented Vulnerability of Justin Trudeau

    The Unprecedented Vulnerability of Justin Trudeau

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is in an abysmal polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion, and the hits…

    Canada can save our friendship with India, but probably not while Trudeau's around

    Canada can save our friendship with India, but probably not while Trudeau's around

    Cana­da must con­vince India that it is pre­pared to counter Khal­is­tani extrem­ism on…

    Why Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have taken the same tepid approach to global affairs

    Why Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have taken the same tepid approach to global affairs

    Nine years ago, not long before Stephen Harper’s Con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment was…

    Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work
    When it comes to liberalizing trade between the provinces, it’s best to think small

    When it comes to liberalizing trade between the provinces, it’s best to think small

    Inter­provin­cial bat­tles over booze have been a long-stand­ing fea­ture of the…

    What a museum on residential schools could do for us

    What a museum on residential schools could do for us

    The Nation­al Muse­um of African Amer­i­can His­to­ry and Cul­ture in Wash­ing­ton, D.C.,…

    Justin Trudeau has no shortage of headaches. What’s his biggest one?

    Justin Trudeau has no shortage of headaches. What’s his biggest one?

    Susan Dela­court: Ear­li­er this week, for non-col­umn pur­pos­es, you and I were…

    Canadians’ Demand for Change Could Work to Israel’s Benefit.

    Canadians’ Demand for Change Could Work to Israel’s Benefit.

    Since the out­break of Octo­ber 7th, Israelis have relied heav­i­ly on the Unit­ed States…

    Trudeau the Magnificent offers foreign-interference inquiry a master class in redirecting attention

    Trudeau the Magnificent offers foreign-interference inquiry a master class in redirecting attention

    The big mes­sage of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s tes­ti­mo­ny this week before the…

    The desperation of Justin Trudeau is dangerous for everyone. Especially Liberals

    The desperation of Justin Trudeau is dangerous for everyone. Especially Liberals

    It’s dis­turbing­ly plau­si­ble, as Tasha Kheirid­din argued here on Thurs­day, that…

    After a week of jaw-dropping accusations, the quaint world of 2015 seems far away

    After a week of jaw-dropping accusations, the quaint world of 2015 seems far away

    Nine years ago this fall, the lead­ers of the three major fed­er­al par­ties at the time…

    Justin Trudeau’s Obligation to Canada
    Pierre Poilievre wants to lead the country. So where are the signs of maturity?

    Pierre Poilievre wants to lead the country. So where are the signs of maturity?

    You could call it Pierre Poilievre’s blind spot. Because the Con­ser­v­a­tive leader sees…

    Without a workforce, child care policy isn’t going anywhere
    Our democracy is under attack. Do our leaders know it?

    Our democracy is under attack. Do our leaders know it?

    What’s it going to take? Just how bad­ly must our nation­al secu­ri­ty be com­pro­mised…

    Poilievre's 'conspicuous' silence on the B.C. election is getting louder as the vote nears

    Poilievre's 'conspicuous' silence on the B.C. election is getting louder as the vote nears

    British Colum­bia NDP Leader David Eby’s per­son­al cru­sade to force the province’s…

    Pierre Poilievre has taken politics to a new low. Justin Trudeau is willing to join him there

    Pierre Poilievre has taken politics to a new low. Justin Trudeau is willing to join him there

    New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty Leader Jag­meet Singh is not wrong when he says that…

    Pierre Poilievre has a problem: He can’t pass the beer test in Quebec

    Pierre Poilievre has a problem: He can’t pass the beer test in Quebec

    In pol­i­tics, where the line between the per­son­al and polit­i­cal is often blurred,…

    The clock is ticking on Trudeau

    The clock is ticking on Trudeau

    When Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s plane touched down in Hon­olu­lu on his way back…

    Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

    Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

    Love him or hate him, you’ve got to give Justin Trudeau cred­it. He is the polit­i­cal…

    Foreign crises are getting in the way of the inevitable: Trudeau’s departure

    Foreign crises are getting in the way of the inevitable: Trudeau’s departure

    The Justin Trudeau loy­al­ists are dig­ging in. There’s a ​“con­sid­er­able cadre who…

    Alberta's emissions cap math doesn't add up

    Alberta's emissions cap math doesn't add up

    Who are you going to trust: the Gov­ern­ment of Alber­ta or your lying eyes? That was…

    Doug Ford’s private gravy train adds new passengers

    Doug Ford’s private gravy train adds new passengers

    Last week, Doug Ford added two new par­lia­men­tary assis­tants to his already bulky…

    We should not consent to policies that make it harder for kids to learn about consent

    We should not consent to policies that make it harder for kids to learn about consent

    It’s the kind of thing that would make for a movie plot, if it weren’t so hard to…

    Crisis time for the politically homeless

    Crisis time for the politically homeless

    It is deci­sion time for the polit­i­cal­ly home­less. With 19 days left in the…

    Trudeau deftly turns the foreign interference inquiry into a Liberal attack ad

    Trudeau deftly turns the foreign interference inquiry into a Liberal attack ad

    On any oth­er day, the prospect of inter­fer­ing in a police mat­ter would have…

    Pierre Poilievre's silence on India keeps getting louder

    Pierre Poilievre's silence on India keeps getting louder

    Some­times, it’s what you don’t say about some­thing that tells the real sto­ry. That…

    The $20 Sandwich That Could Topple Trudeau

    The $20 Sandwich That Could Topple Trudeau

    LET ME TELL YOU about the sand­wich I ate for lunch: a mouth-water­ing,…

    Message targeting is the name of the game before the next federal election

    Message targeting is the name of the game before the next federal election…

    This is not a diplomatic spat: it’s state terrorism, and Canada is right to call it out

    This is not a diplomatic spat: it’s state terrorism, and Canada is right to call it out

    To dis­pense with the obvi­ous: No, Monday’s extra­or­di­nary state­ment by the RCMP –…

    India will pay heavily for deliberately crossing a red line in nations across the globe

    India will pay heavily for deliberately crossing a red line in nations across the globe

    One of the most chal­leng­ing deci­sions any gov­ern­ment leader must take urgent­ly,…

    News (Continued)

    Former B.C. premier Christy Clark interested in replacing Trudeau if PM steps down

    Former B.C. premier Christy Clark interested in replacing Trudeau if PM steps down

    As Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau faces a rebel­lion from his own Lib­er­al MPs in…

    N.B. Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs loses riding

    N.B. Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs loses riding

    The Cana­di­an Press is pro­ject­ing that Blaine Hig­gs, leader of the Pro­gres­sive…

    Civilians who ran to help Nathan Cirillo during 2014 Ottawa attack should be officially recognized, current and former parliamentarians say

    Civilians who ran to help Nathan Cirillo during 2014 Ottawa attack should be officially recognized, current and former parliamentarians say

    A decade ago, Mar­tin Mag­nan was walk­ing in down­town Ottawa near the Nation­al War…

    CBC president refuses to rule out accepting bonuses for two most recent fiscal years

    CBC president refuses to rule out accepting bonuses for two most recent fiscal years

    CBC pres­i­dent and CEO Cather­ine Tait today refused to rule out accept­ing per­son­al…

    One Liberal MP says he's signed letter asking Trudeau to resign, others remain mum

    One Liberal MP says he's signed letter asking Trudeau to resign, others remain mum

    Lib­er­al MP Sean Casey is the first to pub­licly con­firm that he has signed…

    Liberal MPs seek ‘reflection and change’ with letter calling on Justin Trudeau to step down

    Liberal MPs seek ‘reflection and change’ with letter calling on Justin Trudeau to step down

    More than 20 and as many as 40 of the Lib­er­als’ 153 mem­bers of Par­lia­ment have…

    Here's what Liberal MPs are saying ahead of an expected push to oust Trudeau

    Here's what Liberal MPs are saying ahead of an expected push to oust Trudeau

    As rumours swirl around Par­lia­ment Hill about efforts with­in the Lib­er­al cau­cus to…

    Alleged assassination target calls expelled Indian high commissioner 'less of a diplomat and more of a hypocrite'

    Alleged assassination target calls expelled Indian high commissioner 'less of a diplomat and more of a hypocrite'

    Gur­pat­want Singh Pan­nun — a dual Cana­da-Unit­ed States cit­i­zen and the tar­get…

    Pierre Poilievre says he wants provinces to overhaul their disability programs — and he could withhold federal money to make it happen

    Pierre Poilievre says he wants provinces to overhaul their disability programs — and he could withhold federal money to make it happen

    Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says he wants provinces to over­haul their…

    D’Entremont denies he was pressured by Conservative MPs to sanction Grit MP Baker in the House

    D’Entremont denies he was pressured by Conservative MPs to sanction Grit MP Baker in the House

    Deputy House Speak­er Chris d’Entremont says he was not pres­sured by Con­ser­v­a­tive…

    Former envoy says Americans in Canada ‘could determine’ next president

    Former envoy says Americans in Canada ‘could determine’ next president

    When for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump false­ly pro­claimed online last month that…

    CBC president accuses MPs of trying to 'vilify' and 'discredit' her, defends executive bonuses

    CBC president accuses MPs of trying to 'vilify' and 'discredit' her, defends executive bonuses

    The CEO and pres­i­dent of CBC/Ra­dio-Cana­da says she believes mem­bers of the…

    National revenue minister to leave federal politics, run for Sherbrooke mayor

    National revenue minister to leave federal politics, run for Sherbrooke mayor

    Nation­al Rev­enue Min­is­ter Marie-Claude Bibeau will run for may­or of Sher­brooke,…

    CBC president Catherine Tait billed for $1,000-a-night hotel to attend Paris Olympics

    CBC president Catherine Tait billed for $1,000-a-night hotel to attend Paris Olympics

    Out­go­ing CBC Pres­i­dent Cather­ine Tait spent $6,000 — includ­ing stay­ing at a…

    Minister Jeremy Harrison fired Crown corp board chair who blew the whistle on apparent conflicts of interest

    Minister Jeremy Harrison fired Crown corp board chair who blew the whistle on apparent conflicts of interest

    As Den­nis Fitz­patrick sat in an air­port lounge in Cal­gary on Nov. 7, 2021, he…

    Ontario appoints former federal Liberal health minister as chair of primary care team

    Ontario appoints former federal Liberal health minister as chair of primary care team

    Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford’s gov­ern­ment is appoint­ing for­mer fed­er­al Lib­er­al…

    B.C. election recounts triggered in two ridings, delaying result for a week

    B.C. election recounts triggered in two ridings, delaying result for a week

    British Columbi­a’s redrawn polit­i­cal land­scape won’t be set­tled for about…

    Parliament returns amid partisan wrangling, rumblings about Trudeau's leadership

    Parliament returns amid partisan wrangling, rumblings about Trudeau's leadership

    The House of Com­mons returns today from a week-long break, but it’s unlike­ly to be…

    Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work

    Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work

    More than 6.5 mil­lion Cana­di­ans don’t have a fam­i­ly doc­tor, up from 4.5…

    Canada is set to meet — and beat — its goal of reducing emissions 40 per cent from federal buildings and cars

    Canada is set to meet — and beat — its goal of reducing emissions 40 per cent from federal buildings and cars

    Ani­ta Anand says Cana­da will ​“exceed” its tar­get to slash plan­et-warm­ing…

    New Brunswickers head to the polls to vote in tight provincial election

    New Brunswickers head to the polls to vote in tight provincial election

    FREDERICTON — New Brunswick­’s res­i­dents will be cast­ing their votes today in what…

    Montreal man detained in Sudan gets day in court with lawsuit against Ottawa

    Montreal man detained in Sudan gets day in court with lawsuit against Ottawa

    OTTAWA — Fif­teen years after fil­ing a law­suit against the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment…

    Ontario legislature returns from 19-week break with announcements, protests

    Ontario legislature returns from 19-week break with announcements, protests

    TORONTO — Ontar­i­o’s provin­cial par­lia­ment will be a hive of activ­i­ty today,…

    Elections BC confirms recounts in two ridings, official result will take another week

    Elections BC confirms recounts in two ridings, official result will take another week

    British Columbi­a’s polit­i­cal land­scape is far from set­tled fol­low­ing an elec­tion…

    Abandoning net-zero emissions targets among policy proposals at UCP AGM

    Abandoning net-zero emissions targets among policy proposals at UCP AGM

    ‘This, as a broad­er pub­lic posi­tion, could be very dam­ag­ing for Alber­ta.’…

    Liberals unhappy with Trudeau ‘don’t have another choice’: ex-BQ leader

    Liberals unhappy with Trudeau ‘don’t have another choice’: ex-BQ leader

    For­mer Bloc Québé­cois leader Gilles Duceppe thinks the writing’s on the wall for the…

    Indian high commissioner accuses Trudeau of destroying bilateral relationship, says 'mistrust' persists

    Indian high commissioner accuses Trudeau of destroying bilateral relationship, says 'mistrust' persists

    India’s high com­mis­sion­er to Cana­da — who has been expelled from the coun­try — says…

    B.C. wakes to election uncertainty, with Conservatives, NDP in tight race

    B.C. wakes to election uncertainty, with Conservatives, NDP in tight race

    British Colum­bia is wak­ing to a reshaped polit­i­cal land­scape but no clear…

    Expelled Indian diplomat denies involvement in Sikh leader's murder, claims 'no evidence presented'

    Expelled Indian diplomat denies involvement in Sikh leader's murder, claims 'no evidence presented'

    India’s High Com­mis­sion­er to Cana­da denies any involve­ment in the mur­der of…

    Expect an ‘ugly fight’ over Trudeau’s leadership at national Liberal caucus meeting, say Grit MPs

    Expect an ‘ugly fight’ over Trudeau’s leadership at national Liberal caucus meeting, say Grit MPs

    After nine years in pow­er, and polling 20 points behind the Con­ser­v­a­tives for more…

    B.C. Green Leader Sonia Furstenau loses seat after changing ridings

    B.C. Green Leader Sonia Furstenau loses seat after changing ridings

    Green Par­ty Leader Sonia Furste­nau has lost her seat in the leg­is­la­ture after…

    National ban on vaping flavours coming 'soon,' says addictions minister

    National ban on vaping flavours coming 'soon,' says addictions minister

    The min­is­ter of men­tal health and addic­tions says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will ban…

    US Poli

    Central Park Five sue Donald Trump for jogger case remarks made at presidential debate

    Central Park Five sue Donald Trump for jogger case remarks made at presidential debate

    The men for­mer­ly known as the Cen­tral Park Five before they were exon­er­at­ed filed…

    Harris raises $633 million in the third quarter but spends heavily in final push

    Harris raises $633 million in the third quarter but spends heavily in final push

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Kamala Har­ris ’ cam­paign and affil­i­at­ed Demo­c­ra­t­ic groups…

    'Stunning security failures' led to assassination attempt at Trump rally, House report finds

    'Stunning security failures' led to assassination attempt at Trump rally, House report finds

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The assas­si­na­tion attempt against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump…

    Musk offers voters $1 million to sign PAC petition backing the Constitution. Can that be legal?

    Musk offers voters $1 million to sign PAC petition backing the Constitution. Can that be legal?

    Elon Musk, the bil­lion­aire founder of Tes­la and Space X and own­er of…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
    Biden is 'deeply concerned' about the release of secret documents on Israel's possible attack plans

    Biden is 'deeply concerned' about the release of secret documents on Israel's possible attack plans

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is ​“deeply con­cerned” about the unau­tho­rized…

    'You are not my king,' Indigenous Australian senator yells at visiting King Charles

    'You are not my king,' Indigenous Australian senator yells at visiting King Charles

    An Indige­nous sen­a­tor told King Charles III that Aus­tralia is not his land as the…

    Biden says Western allies must keep aiding Ukraine as he meets European partners before election

    Biden says Western allies must keep aiding Ukraine as he meets European partners before election

    BERLIN (AP) — U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said it’s impor­tant for Ukraine’s West­ern…

    Right-wing influencers hyped anti-Ukraine videos made by a TV producer also funded by Russian media

    Right-wing influencers hyped anti-Ukraine videos made by a TV producer also funded by Russian media

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The Krem­lin could not have asked for bet­ter pub­lic­i­ty at…

    Harris says the killing of Sinwar is an opportunity 'to finally end the war in Gaza'

    Harris says the killing of Sinwar is an opportunity 'to finally end the war in Gaza'

    MILWAUKEE (AP) — Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Kamala Har­ris said Thurs­day…

    Think Tank

    Energy Security in Uncertain Times: How Canada and Taiwan Can Partner for Strategic Gain

    Energy Security in Uncertain Times: How Canada and Taiwan Can Partner for Strategic Gain

    Taiwan’s heavy reliance on import­ed ener­gy is a glar­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty…

    Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

    Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

    Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

    Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

    As the coun­tries com­pris­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion of South­east Asian Nations (ASEAN)…


    A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

    An error-prone 'transparency'

    An error-prone 'transparency'

    The pro-active pub­li­ca­tion of inter­nal doc­u­ments by gov­ern­ments has long been…

    Delay is toxic for freedom of information

    Delay is toxic for freedom of information

    In pub­lic affairs jour­nal­ism, all infor­ma­tion has a best-before date.…

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

    The prospect for peace in the Mid­dle East is far­ther away than ever, with both…


    India’s “Horrific Mistake” in Canada

      India’s “Horrific Mistake” in Canada

      A mas­sive crim­i­nal cam­paign — extor­tion, intim­i­da­tion, coer­cion, harass­ment,…

      How Donald Trump embraced the ‘manosphere’ for votes

        How Donald Trump embraced the ‘manosphere’ for votes

        In the last few months, U.S. pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump has appeared on…

        The underqualified, anti-racist activist doctor will see you now

          The underqualified, anti-racist activist doctor will see you now

          Pri­or­i­tiz­ing med­ical exper­tise and skill in doc­tors is so passé. If pow­er­ful…

          The opioid crisis has a 'hidden' brain injury epidemic

            The opioid crisis has a 'hidden' brain injury epidemic

            For years, Cana­da has wres­tled with an over­dose cri­sis, with thou­sands of peo­ple…