Top News
As Parliament Resumes and on the Eve of Two Crucial Byelections, the Conservatives lead by 21

As Parliament Resumes and on the Eve of Two Crucial Byelections, the Conservatives lead by 21

From Sep­tem­ber 5 to 12, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,964 Cana­di­an adults explor­ing sev­er­al top­ics relat­ed to Cana­di­an pol­i­tics and cur­rent events as part of our reg­u­lar nation­al omnibus sur­veys.…

Carbon pricing to cause economic 'nuclear winter,' Poilievre tells his MPs

Carbon pricing to cause economic 'nuclear winter,' Poilievre tells his MPs

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre sig­naled the Lib­er­als’ car­bon price and the…

Liberal candidate in Montreal byelection says campaign is about her -- not Trudeau

Liberal candidate in Montreal byelection says campaign is about her -- not Trudeau

In the final stretch of a Mon­tréal byelec­tion cam­paign wide­ly seen as…

Liberals will let Conservatives hold non-confidence vote 'fairly soon', no intention of proroguing Parliament

Liberals will let Conservatives hold non-confidence vote 'fairly soon', no intention of proroguing Parliament

The Lib­er­als have no inten­tion of using pro­ce­dur­al tac­tics to delay the…

Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says

    Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says

    The FBI said Sun­day it was inves­ti­gat­ing ​“what appears to be an attempt­ed…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
    Abacus Data Poll: As Parliament Resumes and on the Eve of Two Crucial Byelections, the Conservatives lead by 21

    Abacus Data Poll: As Parliament Resumes and on the Eve of Two Crucial Byelections, the Conservatives lead by 21

    From Sep­tem­ber 5 to 12, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…

    Canadians expect more emergencies and want more action on disaster response and disaster relief

    Canadians expect more emergencies and want more action on disaster response and disaster relief

    The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on extreme weath­er events, pow­er…


    Welcome Back, to a Fractious, Survivalist, Precarious Parliament

    Welcome Back, to a Fractious, Survivalist, Precarious Parliament

    For months, Cana­di­an pub­lic opin­ion polls have shown such a daunt­ing lead for…

    It’s not just Trudeau: The Liberals’ days as the natural governing party are done

    It’s not just Trudeau: The Liberals’ days as the natural governing party are done

    Cana­da is like­ly on track for a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone. If there were…


    Supported by

    Air Canada deal avoids shutdown, brings relief to passengers and business groups

    Air Canada deal avoids shutdown, brings relief to passengers and business groups

    Trav­ellers, busi­ness groups and politi­cians expressed fer­vent relief on Sun­day after…

    Poilievre amps up pressure on other parties to bring down Liberals as Tories plan fall agenda

    Poilievre amps up pressure on other parties to bring down Liberals as Tories plan fall agenda

    Pierre Poilievre is amp­ing up the pres­sure on oth­er oppo­si­tion par­ties to bring…

    Politician's Pen

    Supported by

    The bill to protect Canadians online that the Liberals should have written.

    The bill to protect Canadians online that the Liberals should have written.

    When Par­lia­ment resumes next week, Con­ser­v­a­tives will do what the Lib­er­als have…

    A pledge for civility as Parliament returns

    A pledge for civility as Parliament returns

    As par­lia­men­tar­i­ans return to Ottawa for the fall sit­ting in the House of Com­mons…

    Opinion (Continued)

    NDP reversals on carbon taxes a pre-election gift to Poilievre

    NDP reversals on carbon taxes a pre-election gift to Poilievre

    So accord­ing to David Eby, the NDP pre­mier of British Colum­bia, the best car­bon tax…

    Justin Trudeau ‘unleashed’ is the Liberals’ new weapon in their battle with Pierre Poilievre

    Justin Trudeau ‘unleashed’ is the Liberals’ new weapon in their battle with Pierre Poilievre

    “I believe we’re going to win every­thing!” Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau respond­ed…

    A future worth fighting for: Supplying the confidence for change
    What's the future of the Liberal carbon tax? | Power & Politics

    What's the future of the Liberal carbon tax? | Power & Politics

    Fed­er­al NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh and B.C. Pre­mier David Eby have dis­tanced…

    PSAC’s spiteful protest against back-to-office rules points to a bigger problem

    PSAC’s spiteful protest against back-to-office rules points to a bigger problem

    It’s fun to imag­ine the plan­ning that went into the cam­paign launched this week by the…

    After the deal: the NDP is exposed and the Liberals are stuck

    After the deal: the NDP is exposed and the Liberals are stuck

    So. Farewell then, sup­ply and con­fi­dence agree­ment, mak­er of gov­ern­ments, binder…

    As a Sikh, Jagmeet Singh is an inspiration to me. He still has to go.

    As a Sikh, Jagmeet Singh is an inspiration to me. He still has to go.

    I for­get exact­ly how it hap­pened, but a few months ago, on a patio in…

    How Donald Trump’s migrant crime rhetoric fuels a rising xenophobia in Canada and globally

    How Donald Trump’s migrant crime rhetoric fuels a rising xenophobia in Canada and globally

    When I was 9 years old and my immi­grant fam­i­ly moved to Hol­land Land­ing,…

    Mark Carney finally enters Liberal politics – but is he too late?

    Mark Carney finally enters Liberal politics – but is he too late?

    Tim­ing is every­thing in pol­i­tics, and it has nev­er seemed to be Mark Carney’s…

    Canada’s conservative philosopher king is painfully verbose and deceptively shallow. He could teach the ‘scoldy left’ a thing or two

    Canada’s conservative philosopher king is painfully verbose and deceptively shallow. He could teach the ‘scoldy left’ a thing or two

    Bring me a ​“dis­pas­sion­ate” cli­mate sci­en­tist, Jor­dan B. Peter­son said, one not…

    Doug Ford may regret his 'build em big' approach to cabinet making

    Doug Ford may regret his 'build em big' approach to cabinet making

    With his most recent cab­i­net shuf­fle Doug Ford has bro­ken his own record. With 37…

    It’s Raining Cats, Dogs, and Disinformation

    It’s Raining Cats, Dogs, and Disinformation

    We are now in the ​“debate over the debate” phase of the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. Who…

    Taiwan stepping up its campaign to participate in UN as General Assembly meetings begin
    Jagmeet Singh and Pierre Poilievre are dancing to the same tune

    Jagmeet Singh and Pierre Poilievre are dancing to the same tune

    When Jag­meet Singh was select­ed by NDP mem­bers to replace Thomas Mul­cair in 2017, it…

    Pierre Poilievre is winning the online rage war. But his playbook may be crumbling before his eyes

    Pierre Poilievre is winning the online rage war. But his playbook may be crumbling before his eyes

    Dur­ing the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Chica­go in August, pro­gres­sives…

    Is Mark Carney the Liberals' saviour — or just more of the same?

    Is Mark Carney the Liberals' saviour — or just more of the same?

    The news that for­mer Bank of Cana­da and Bank of Eng­land gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney is…

    Danielle Smith’s upcoming leadership review is not a sure shot

    Danielle Smith’s upcoming leadership review is not a sure shot

    Danielle Smith is famous for her abil­i­ty to pack a room with sup­port­ers in…

    Railing against corporate elites makes good politics, but it will only further divide Canadians

    Railing against corporate elites makes good politics, but it will only further divide Canadians

    In a recent cam­paign-style video announc­ing he was pulling out of the…

    Russia’s useful idiots are out in force here at home

    Russia’s useful idiots are out in force here at home

    For as long as it’s been in con­flict with Amer­i­ca and its demo­c­ra­t­ic allies,…

    Like his father, Trudeau will know when to quit

    Like his father, Trudeau will know when to quit

    In the fall of 1983, I was work­ing as a min­is­te­r­i­al assis­tant in the…

    Trudeau cozy with money-grubbing Bloc Quebecois, say it ain't so

    Trudeau cozy with money-grubbing Bloc Quebecois, say it ain't so

    Just say it ain’t so, prime min­is­ter. Just say it ain’t so. They say pol­i­tics makes…

    Who benefits most from the end of Liberal-NDP alliance?

    Who benefits most from the end of Liberal-NDP alliance?

    The col­lapse of the Con­fi­dence and Sup­ply Agree­ment (CASA) between the Lib­er­als…

    ‘They’re eating the dogs!’ Inside Donald Trump’s terrifying, absurd, and just maybe disastrous debate

    ‘They’re eating the dogs!’ Inside Donald Trump’s terrifying, absurd, and just maybe disastrous debate

    If you had some­how watched the forty or so min­utes Kamala Har­ris spoke Tues­day night…

    Help the Liberals? Oh, come on — Mark Carney is here for Canada

    Help the Liberals? Oh, come on — Mark Carney is here for Canada

    Mark Car­ney wants you to know he’s answer­ing a call from his coun­try, not…

    It's time, Justin

    It's time, Justin

    When Pierre Trudeau decid­ed it was time to leave back in 1984, he took a walk in…

    In semi-defence of the Temporary Foreign Workers program

    In semi-defence of the Temporary Foreign Workers program

    By now the con­sen­sus is iron­clad. It stretch­es from the far right to the near left,…

    Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?

    Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?

    Elon Musk appar­ent­ly thinks that run­ning Tes­la, Space X, xAI, X (Twit­ter), and…

    Carney should be careful. We all know what happens to Trudeau's friends

    Carney should be careful. We all know what happens to Trudeau's friends

    As if for­mer Bank of Cana­da Gov­er­nor Mark Carney’s resume wasn’t long enough, he has…

    Mark Carney gets hired to tell Liberals they've been doing it all wrong

    Mark Carney gets hired to tell Liberals they've been doing it all wrong

    Why is Car­ney doing it? I think he wants to keep him­self in the pub­lic eye, in…

    Will Canadians end up paying to clean up thousands of Alberta’s abandoned oil and gas wells?

    Will Canadians end up paying to clean up thousands of Alberta’s abandoned oil and gas wells?

    Last week, Alber­ta envi­ron­ment min­is­ter Rebec­ca Schulz took to Rebel Media to brag…

    Why can’t Canada build more homes?

    Why can’t Canada build more homes?

    ‘Too preachy’: Liberal MPs admit some of their constituents want Justin Trudeau gone

    ‘Too preachy’: Liberal MPs admit some of their constituents want Justin Trudeau gone

    It’s become too obvi­ous to hide. Lib­er­al MPs pub­licly acknowl­edged Mon­day that some…

    For Small Businesses and their Employees, Every Dollar Counts – The Case for Lower EI Premiums

    News (Continued)

    Defiant and unbowed: Why Justin Trudeau isn’t going anywhere

    Defiant and unbowed: Why Justin Trudeau isn’t going anywhere

    Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been told he can’t win the next elec­tion and should…

    These byelections could be a referendum on Justin Trudeau and his rivals. Here’s what you need to know

    These byelections could be a referendum on Justin Trudeau and his rivals. Here’s what you need to know

    A pair of byelec­tions on Mon­day are poised to serve as a ref­er­en­dum on Prime…

    Here’s where Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre and Jagmeet Singh travelled this summer — and what that says about their priorities

    Here’s where Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre and Jagmeet Singh travelled this summer — and what that says about their priorities

    An incum­bent fac­ing tough ques­tions. A gov­ern­ing part­ner who exit­ed an…

    Montreal byelection: Here's what the four party leaders are offering in LaSalle-Emard-Verdun

    Montreal byelection: Here's what the four party leaders are offering in LaSalle-Emard-Verdun

    On Mon­day, vot­ers will go to the polls in the hot­ly con­test­ed Lib­er­al strong­hold…

    Major Russian disinfo site featuring anti-Trudeau articles prompts calls for new focus at public inquiry

    Major Russian disinfo site featuring anti-Trudeau articles prompts calls for new focus at public inquiry

    For­eign Inter­fer­ence Inquiry must look into Rus­sia after rev­e­la­tions about…

    What would have to happen in Parliament to trigger an early election?

    What would have to happen in Parliament to trigger an early election?

    MPs return Mon­day to a House of Com­mons that promis­es to be even more volatile…

    Air Canada, pilots reach tentative deal, averting work stoppage

    Air Canada, pilots reach tentative deal, averting work stoppage

    Pas­sen­gers with plans to fly on Canada’s largest air­line can breathe a sigh of…

    Poilievre to meet with caucus Sunday ahead of return of Parliament this week

    Poilievre to meet with caucus Sunday ahead of return of Parliament this week

    Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre will gath­er with his cau­cus on Par­lia­ment…

    Will Conservatives roll back dental care if elected? House Leader Scheer won't say

    Will Conservatives roll back dental care if elected? House Leader Scheer won't say

    Con­ser­v­a­tive House Leader Andrew Scheer won’t say whether his par­ty will scale back…

    MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

    MPs to face new political realities on their return to Ottawa

    On Mon­day Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans will return to the famil­iar stone walls of West Block…

    Heritage Minister St-Onge makes history as first openly lesbian cabinet minister to take parental leave

    Heritage Minister St-Onge makes history as first openly lesbian cabinet minister to take parental leave

    In a his­toric step for­ward for LGBTQ+ rep­re­sen­ta­tion and work-life bal­ance in…

    Good Talk — Everything Points to Monday.

    Good Talk — Everything Points to Monday.

    Mon­day is a huge day for all polit­i­cal par­ties in Cana­da. Par­lia­ment returns…

    Air Canada, pilots still far apart as strike notice deadline approaches

    Air Canada, pilots still far apart as strike notice deadline approaches

    Labour talks between Air Cana­da and its pilots are approach­ing a mid­night…

    Vancouver Island is shaping into a Conservative-NDP battleground in the next federal election

      Vancouver Island is shaping into a Conservative-NDP battleground in the next federal election‑1.7323261…

      Cabinet minister tells Liberals to 'change their attitude' as MPs return to Commons

      Cabinet minister tells Liberals to 'change their attitude' as MPs return to Commons

      ‘To come in there and and scold MPs is real­ly out of place,’ one MP said.…

      ‘I’m not going anywhere’: Justin Trudeau says he won’t resign if Liberals lose Montreal byelection

      ‘I’m not going anywhere’: Justin Trudeau says he won’t resign if Liberals lose Montreal byelection

      A com­bat­ive Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau said Fri­day he’s not going to resign as…

      Canada readies probe into Russia-linked Tenet Media

      Canada readies probe into Russia-linked Tenet Media

      The frame­work for a par­lia­men­tary inves­ti­ga­tion into Tenet Media, the…

      Netanyahu criticizes Canada for blocking military shipments to Israel

      Netanyahu criticizes Canada for blocking military shipments to Israel

      Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu is crit­i­ciz­ing Cana­da for block­ing…

      Ottawa urged to head off Air Canada shutdown as strike deadline looms

      Ottawa urged to head off Air Canada shutdown as strike deadline looms

      The U.S. and Cana­di­an Cham­bers of Com­merce urged Ottawa on Fri­day to take ​“swift…

      Trudeau says Ukraine can strike deep into Russia with NATO arms, Putin hints at war

      Trudeau says Ukraine can strike deep into Russia with NATO arms, Putin hints at war

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says Ukraine should be allowed to strike deep inside…

      NDP caving to Poilievre on carbon price, has no idea how to fight climate change: PM

      NDP caving to Poilievre on carbon price, has no idea how to fight climate change: PM

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says the NDP is cav­ing to polit­i­cal pres­sure from…

      Liberal MPs unclear about party’s strategy for 2025 at final summer retreat before next federal election

      Liberal MPs unclear about party’s strategy for 2025 at final summer retreat before next federal election

      If the Lib­er­als lose the Mon­tréal byelec­tion on Sept. 16, more MPs will speak up…

      Carbon tax's future uncertain as Parliament returns

      Carbon tax's future uncertain as Parliament returns

      On the last day of the NDP cau­cus retreat, leader Jag­meet Singh took swipes at the…

      The government's stance on military exports to Israel is anything but clear-cut

      The government's stance on military exports to Israel is anything but clear-cut

      For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly’s announce­ment Tues­day that Cana­da has…

      Canadian Army says new military sleeping bags not suitable for 'typical Canadian winter'

      Canadian Army says new military sleeping bags not suitable for 'typical Canadian winter'

      ‘I won­der if they should have just gone to Cana­di­an Tire,’ says defence expert.…

      B.C. will scrap ‘consumer carbon tax’ if Ottawa drops federal backstop: Eby

      B.C. will scrap ‘consumer carbon tax’ if Ottawa drops federal backstop: Eby

      BC NDP Leader David Eby says the province will scrap its con­sumer car­bon price if the…

      Pierre Poilievre’s nickname for Jagmeet Singh is ‘racist,’ Liberal minister charges

      Pierre Poilievre’s nickname for Jagmeet Singh is ‘racist,’ Liberal minister charges

      The Con­ser­v­a­tives and Lib­er­als are spar­ring over an accu­sa­tion from…

      Consul general to New York says he had 'no role whatsoever' in purchase of $9M NYC condo

      Consul general to New York says he had 'no role whatsoever' in purchase of $9M NYC condo

      Con­sul gen­er­al to New York Tom Clark says he had ​“no role what­so­ev­er” in the…

      ‘You cannot take us for granted’: Muslim voters mobilize as Jagmeet Singh’s polarizing Gaza stance will get tested in this byelection

      ‘You cannot take us for granted’: Muslim voters mobilize as Jagmeet Singh’s polarizing Gaza stance will get tested in this byelection

      The front win­dow of the NDP’s cam­paign office in LaSalle — Émard — Ver­dun fea­tures…

      Canada is getting poorer when compared to its wealthy peers, data shows

      Canada is getting poorer when compared to its wealthy peers, data shows

      Tepid eco­nom­ic growth, com­bined with a pop­u­la­tion boom, has hit Canada’s…

      Conservatives say they have solution for online harassment after Liberals 'failed'

      Conservatives say they have solution for online harassment after Liberals 'failed'

      Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Michelle Rem­pel Gar­ner says her par­ty will intro­duce a bill…

      Many Canadians believe the country’s two biggest political parties have moved towards fringes: survey

      Many Canadians believe the country’s two biggest political parties have moved towards fringes: survey

      More than one-third of Cana­di­ans believe the coun­try’s two biggest polit­i­cal…

      Elections Canada braces for mammoth byelection ballot count as protesters sign up dozens of candidates

      Elections Canada braces for mammoth byelection ballot count as protesters sign up dozens of candidates

      As vot­ers in a Que­bec rid­ing byelec­tion pre­pare to choose from the largest…

      US Poli

      Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says

      Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says

      WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI said Sun­day it was inves­ti­gat­ing ​“what appears to be an…

      Trump is safe after Secret Service opened fire at suspected person with firearm near his golf club

      Trump is safe after Secret Service opened fire at suspected person with firearm near his golf club

      WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Secret Ser­vice agents opened fire after see­ing a per­son…

      Haitians in Ohio find solidarity at church after chaotic week of false pet-eating claims

      Haitians in Ohio find solidarity at church after chaotic week of false pet-eating claims

      SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) — For many Hait­ian immi­grants, Sun­day morn­ings in…

      Vance doesn't back away from false claims about migrants in Ohio even amid threats to the community

      Vance doesn't back away from false claims about migrants in Ohio even amid threats to the community

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Repub­li­can vice pres­i­den­tial can­di­date JD Vance did not back…


      Supported by

      This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.

      US-China military leaders hold routine talks to discuss South China Sea tensions and other issues

      BANGKOK (AP) — Mil­i­tary lead­ers from the U.S. and Chi­na met in Bei­jing for rou­tine…

      Money flows on US election bets minutes after judge clears way, but appeal looms

      Money flows on US election bets minutes after judge clears way, but appeal looms

      ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — Peo­ple began bet­ting on which polit­i­cal par­ty would win…

      DHL sues MyPillow, alleging company founded by Mike Lindell owes $800,000

      DHL sues MyPillow, alleging company founded by Mike Lindell owes $800,000

      MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Pack­age deliv­ery com­pa­ny DHL is suing MyP­il­low, alleg­ing the…

      Wholesale inflation mostly cooled last month in latest sign that price pressures are slowing

      Wholesale inflation mostly cooled last month in latest sign that price pressures are slowing

      WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. whole­sale price increas­es most­ly slowed last month, the lat­est…

      Garland denounces 'dangerous falsehoods' and conspiracy theories targeting the Justice Department

      Garland denounces 'dangerous falsehoods' and conspiracy theories targeting the Justice Department

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mer­rick Gar­land will denounce ​“con­spir­a­cy…

      Think Tank

      Exposed - How Canada can close its health security gaps

      Exposed - How Canada can close its health security gaps

      As the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic recedes, its final afflic­tion remains col­lec­tive amne­sia.…

      Chasing the wind – The value of wind generation in a low-emission nuclear and hydro-dominant grid: the case of Ontario

      Chasing the wind – The value of wind generation in a low-emission nuclear and hydro-dominant grid: the case of Ontario

      In 2018, the new­ly elect­ed Ontario gov­ern­ment passed one of its first pieces of…

      Lessons for Canada: Comparing Maritime Autonomous Systems Adoption Across the Five Eyes

      Lessons for Canada: Comparing Maritime Autonomous Systems Adoption Across the Five Eyes

      Mem­bers of the Five Eyes (FVEY) secu­ri­ty part­ner­ship, Cana­da, the Unit­ed States…


      A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

      Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

      Is cooperation in politics even possible anymore?

      What does the now-defunct Lib­er­al-NDP coop­er­a­tion agree­ment teach us about…

      Poverty on the rise: memo for Trudeau

      An inter­nal memo for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau acknowl­edges that pover­ty is on…

      The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

      The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

      The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in 2004 cre­at­ed a kind of dis­as­ter bunker, where…


      No, No, No…everything is fine! The Liberal caucus gears up in B.C.

        No, No, No…everything is fine! The Liberal caucus gears up in B.C.

        Lib­er­al MPs met this week in Nanaimo, B.C., quick to tell reporters they’ve got full…

        EVs from China? The Hot Room debates

          EVs from China? The Hot Room debates

          Hill Times colum­nist David Crane and Auto­mo­tive Parts Man­u­fac­tur­ers’…

          Can Justin Trudeau’s Liberals hang on?

            Can Justin Trudeau’s Liberals hang on?

            Par­lia­ment is back with a bang! In a slick social media video, NDP Leader…

            Byelections for now, a general election soon?

              Byelections for now, a general election soon?

              The fall polit­i­cal sea­son could prove to be a tumul­tuous one, as the end of the…