Althia Raj

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Althia Raj.

What’s gone wrong with Elizabeth May’s Green Party? Almost everything

What’s gone wrong with Elizabeth May’s Green Party? Almost everything

It should be the Green Party’s moment. Abnor­mal extreme heat waves are affect­ing large…

It’s ‘obvious’ Justin Trudeau should step down, Elizabeth May says — so why won’t she listen to her own critics?

It’s ‘obvious’ Justin Trudeau should step down, Elizabeth May says — so why won’t she listen to her own critics?

Green Par­ty Leader Eliz­a­beth May says it’s ​“obvi­ous” Justin Trudeau should ​“pass…

The lone Liberal MP to call for Justin Trudeau’s resignation speaks out about the surprising response

The lone Liberal MP to call for Justin Trudeau’s resignation speaks out about the surprising response

It was a polit­i­cal call to arms that no Lib­er­al MP appears to have tak­en up. In…

Mark Carney in talks with Trudeau about "joining the team as finance minister" - Toronto Star

Mark Carney in talks with Trudeau about "joining the team as finance minister" - Toronto Star

Sources say he and for­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney have spo­ken at least…

Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre and Jagmeet Singh are their own worst enemies. Here’s how they can use the summer to turn things around

Justin Trudeau, Pierre Poilievre and Jagmeet Singh are their own worst enemies. Here’s how they can use the summer to turn things around

As MPs scur­ried out of Ottawa’s oppres­sive heat this week for what is like­ly the last…

‘Maybe the knives come out’: If the Liberals lose this Toronto byelection, Justin Trudeau could be in big trouble

‘Maybe the knives come out’: If the Liberals lose this Toronto byelection, Justin Trudeau could be in big trouble

Con­ven­tion­al wis­dom sug­gests by-elec­tions are a con­se­quence-free way for…

Sinking to Pierre Poilievre’s level won’t make Liberals look any better

Sinking to Pierre Poilievre’s level won’t make Liberals look any better

It wasn’t nice. ​“Mr. Speak­er, the Con­ser­v­a­tive leader is wear­ing more make­up than…

If you thought Canada was over its separation anxiety, there’s an unpleasant surprise brewing

If you thought Canada was over its separation anxiety, there’s an unpleasant surprise brewing

It’s not a top­ic of con­ver­sa­tion in Eng­lish Cana­da. Men­tion ​“sep­a­ra­tion”…

Acting like a petulant child paid off for Pierre Poilievre. Canada may not be so lucky

Acting like a petulant child paid off for Pierre Poilievre. Canada may not be so lucky

It was quite a week in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics. On Mon­day, Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to Justin Trudeau we want?

Pierre Poilievre is courting support from groups that spew hate. Is this really the alternative to Justin Trudeau we want?

Per­haps Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre was feel­ing too com­fort­able. After…

Liberal MPs fear Justin Trudeau’s budget is a gift to Pierre Poilievre — and that the Grits are shooting themselves in the foot

Liberal MPs fear Justin Trudeau’s budget is a gift to Pierre Poilievre — and that the Grits are shooting themselves in the foot

Wor­ry is start­ing to set in. Days after Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land tabled…

Pierre Poilievre had a very good week — thanks to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh playing follow the leader

Pierre Poilievre had a very good week — thanks to Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh playing follow the leader

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre may not have, in his words, Prime Min­is­ter…

The carbon levy will haunt Justin Trudeau whether he raises it or not

The carbon levy will haunt Justin Trudeau whether he raises it or not

Justin Trudeau acknowl­edged this week that he’s no longer pop­u­lar. Hear­ken­ing back…

Excited by Justin Trudeau's pharmacare plan? Don't get your hopes up

Excited by Justin Trudeau's pharmacare plan? Don't get your hopes up

The NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh describes it as ​“his­toric.” Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Why Canada's consensus on immigration is fraying

Why Canada's consensus on immigration is fraying

Anti-immi­gra­tion sen­ti­ment used to be polit­i­cal­ly taboo. Elec­tion after…

On transgender issues, Pierre Poilievre twists the truth and punches down

On transgender issues, Pierre Poilievre twists the truth and punches down

Pierre Poilievre revealed a lot about him­self this week. Asked for his reac­tion to…

There's one thing Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre agree on — and it isn't good

There's one thing Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre agree on — and it isn't good

It was a rare show of uni­ty: Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment from all par­ties stand­ing…

'How do you sleep at night, bro?' Parliament returns with the same old toxic behaviour

'How do you sleep at night, bro?' Parliament returns with the same old toxic behaviour

If any­one thought the tox­ic par­ti­san­ship on dis­play in the House of Com­mons this…

MPs are weaponizing social media to create outrage. That's putting their colleagues in danger

MPs are weaponizing social media to create outrage. That's putting their colleagues in danger

Sen­a­tors are about to turn the table on them­selves and study the con­se­quences of…

MPs are acting out for one reason — and it’s the ugly truth few want to talk about

MPs are acting out for one reason — and it’s the ugly truth few want to talk about

The lat­est con­tro­ver­sy on Par­lia­ment Hill is real­ly not about the…

Justin Trudeau’s government badly fumbled the Online News Act — and a deal with Google doesn’t fix its fatal flaw

Justin Trudeau’s government badly fumbled the Online News Act — and a deal with Google doesn’t fix its fatal flaw

The fed­er­al Lib­er­als avoid­ed a cat­a­stro­phe Wednes­day when Her­itage…

Canada feels like it’s falling apart and our political leaders are missing in action. What’s going on?

Canada feels like it’s falling apart and our political leaders are missing in action. What’s going on?

The coun­try needs polit­i­cal lead­er­ship. Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau built his…

Worried about Pierre Poilievre, Jagmeet Singh has a warning for Canada’s workers

Worried about Pierre Poilievre, Jagmeet Singh has a warning for Canada’s workers

He’s not white. He’s not macho. And he doesn’t dri­ve an F‑150. But the NDP wants…