Politician's Pen
Climate Change: The "Per Capita" Measure is a Misleading Metric

Climate Change: The "Per Capita" Measure is a Misleading Metric

“Lies, damned lies, and sta­tis­tics” is a phrase often used to describe how sta­tis­tics can be manip­u­lat­ed to sup­port weak argu­ments. The por­tray­al of Cana­da as a major offend­er in the cli­mate debate is a prime exam­ple of…

Facing a credit downgrade, Liberals fail to brand a new tax as “fair”.

Facing a credit downgrade, Liberals fail to brand a new tax as “fair”.

As any­one with cred­it cards, a mort­gage, stu­dent loans, or a car pay­ment…

Clearing up Misinformation on the Canada Carbon Rebate.
Minister spreads misleading info about capital gains tax increase

Minister spreads misleading info about capital gains tax increase

This morn­ing, Cana­di­an fed­er­al Jus­tice Min­is­ter Arif Virani post­ed an…

Anti-Greenwashing measures become law with the passing of Bill C-59
Freeland in freefall: Trudeau's desperate attempt to save himself and clip the wings of his challengers

Freeland in freefall: Trudeau's desperate attempt to save himself and clip the wings of his challengers

Cana­di­ans woke up to reports from top reporter Robert Fife that Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Liberals to spend $200M+ on new censorship bureaucracy, new PBO report finds

Liberals to spend $200M+ on new censorship bureaucracy, new PBO report finds

This morn­ing, Par­lia­men­t’s fis­cal watch­dog released an aston­ish­ing analy­sis of…

Bye-election: Torontonians sent the NDP/Liberals a message. Here's what needs to happen next.

Bye-election: Torontonians sent the NDP/Liberals a message. Here's what needs to happen next.

In a shock­ing upset, last night Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date Don Stew­art won…

Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail: The Reason to Build Canada’s Industrial Policy

Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail: The Reason to Build Canada’s Industrial Policy

Indus­tri­al pol­i­cy has become cru­cial for nations aim­ing to fos­ter eco­nom­ic…

Patrick Brown: We’re in the midst of a car-theft crisis. I went to America to find a solution

Patrick Brown: We’re in the midst of a car-theft crisis. I went to America to find a solution

As may­or of Bramp­ton, my com­mit­ment to tack­ling the ram­pant issue of auto theft has…

Pierre Poilievre’s silence on industrial carbon pricing undermines investment, Canada’s competitiveness and our environment.

Pierre Poilievre’s silence on industrial carbon pricing undermines investment, Canada’s competitiveness and our environment.

Ear­li­er this spring, the Cana­di­an Cli­mate Insti­tute pro­duced a report…

Chrystia Freeland: A fairer tax system to benefit all Canadians

Chrystia Freeland: A fairer tax system to benefit all Canadians

Cap­i­tal gains changes will affect a small num­ber of well-off Cana­di­ans, but…

A woman has never led the Liberals. Why?

A woman has never led the Liberals. Why?

On Sun­day, Mex­i­co’s Pres­i­dent-elect Clau­dia Shein­baum became the first woman to…

If you work in the N.L. energy industry, here’s what’s in store for you

If you work in the N.L. energy industry, here’s what’s in store for you

‘I will do every­thing I can to fight this leg­is­la­tion being advanced by Sea­mus…

About those Mark Carney rumours…

About those Mark Carney rumours…

As a wave of sticky sum­mer heat descend­ed upon Ottawa this week, rumours about…

Should moving fast and breaking things include moral rights? #ScarJo

Should moving fast and breaking things include moral rights? #ScarJo

This week, a scan­dal erupt­ed when seri­ous alle­ga­tions made by promi­nent…