Politician's Pen
Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

The North is Canada’s next hori­zon. Through strate­gic invest­ments in the NWT — in hous­ing, infra­struc­ture, cli­mate resilience, and crit­i­cal min­er­als — the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to unlock the North’s enor­mous…

Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

Shuttering Parliament benefits one person: Justin Trudeau

Don’t let any Toron­to Star colum­nists fool you — pro­ro­ga­tion would be all about…

Compassionate intervention is the lifeline Canada’s addiction crisis needs

Compassionate intervention is the lifeline Canada’s addiction crisis needs

Canada’s addic­tion cri­sis is wors­en­ing, claim­ing more lives each day and strain­ing…

Involuntary care can stop overdose deaths and save lives

Involuntary care can stop overdose deaths and save lives

Cana­da is in the grips of an addic­tion cri­sis that shows no signs of slowing.

The Issue with Anti-Zionism

The Issue with Anti-Zionism

CUSMA 2026: An opportunity to combat China's overproduction

CUSMA 2026: An opportunity to combat China's overproduction

Over the past few decades, Chi­na’s rapid pro­gres­sion from an agrar­i­an soci­ety to an…

Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment

Carney's investment firm wants $10B tax dollars, days after his Liberal appointment

Last week, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau announced that he would be appoint­ing…

The Chance for Justin to Leave has Passed

The Chance for Justin to Leave has Passed

Last fall, I wrote an op-ed ask­ing the ques­tion, if it was the best course of…

The bill to protect Canadians online that the Liberals should have written.

The bill to protect Canadians online that the Liberals should have written.

When Par­lia­ment resumes next week, Con­ser­v­a­tives will do what the Lib­er­als have…

A pledge for civility as Parliament returns

A pledge for civility as Parliament returns

As par­lia­men­tar­i­ans return to Ottawa for the fall sit­ting in the House of Com­mons…

A Year of Progress: Citizens' Services Transformations with Terry Beech

A Year of Progress: Citizens' Services Transformations with Terry Beech

Hi, I’m Ter­ry Beech, your Min­is­ter of Cit­i­zens’ Ser­vices. What is that you ask?

Ottawa's Unfair Tax Burden: How the Federal Government's Shortfall is Costing Local Residents Millions
Remembering Bill Davis: Canada's greatest premier

Remembering Bill Davis: Canada's greatest premier

As we com­mem­o­rate the anniver­sary of Bill Davis’s pass­ing, it’s fit­ting to reflect…

Dan Albas: News could return to Facebook if Trudeau Liberals backed down

Dan Albas: News could return to Facebook if Trudeau Liberals backed down

One rea­son I first ran for city coun­cil was my frus­tra­tion with our local city…

The Hijacking of Canadian Democracy

The Hijacking of Canadian Democracy

Forget Trudeau. Jagmeet Singh’s leadership might be questioned next.

Forget Trudeau. Jagmeet Singh’s leadership might be questioned next.

Since call­ing two by-elec­tions to be held in Sep­tem­ber, there has been a lot of…