Michelle Rempel Garner

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Michelle Rempel Garner.

Facing a credit downgrade, Liberals fail to brand a new tax as “fair”.

Facing a credit downgrade, Liberals fail to brand a new tax as “fair”.

As any­one with cred­it cards, a mort­gage, stu­dent loans, or a car pay­ment…

Minister spreads misleading info about capital gains tax increase

Minister spreads misleading info about capital gains tax increase

This morn­ing, Cana­di­an fed­er­al Jus­tice Min­is­ter Arif Virani post­ed an…

Freeland in freefall: Trudeau's desperate attempt to save himself and clip the wings of his challengers

Freeland in freefall: Trudeau's desperate attempt to save himself and clip the wings of his challengers

Cana­di­ans woke up to reports from top reporter Robert Fife that Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Liberals to spend $200M+ on new censorship bureaucracy, new PBO report finds

Liberals to spend $200M+ on new censorship bureaucracy, new PBO report finds

This morn­ing, Par­lia­men­t’s fis­cal watch­dog released an aston­ish­ing analy­sis of…

Bye-election: Torontonians sent the NDP/Liberals a message. Here's what needs to happen next.

Bye-election: Torontonians sent the NDP/Liberals a message. Here's what needs to happen next.

In a shock­ing upset, last night Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date Don Stew­art won…

A woman has never led the Liberals. Why?

A woman has never led the Liberals. Why?

On Sun­day, Mex­i­co’s Pres­i­dent-elect Clau­dia Shein­baum became the first woman to…

About those Mark Carney rumours…

About those Mark Carney rumours…

As a wave of sticky sum­mer heat descend­ed upon Ottawa this week, rumours about…

Should moving fast and breaking things include moral rights? #ScarJo

Should moving fast and breaking things include moral rights? #ScarJo

This week, a scan­dal erupt­ed when seri­ous alle­ga­tions made by promi­nent…

Be wary of mocking hatred of paper coffee cup lids.

Be wary of mocking hatred of paper coffee cup lids.

As with stars about to go super­no­va and die an explo­sive death, sure signs por­tend…

The Illusion of Fairness: How failed judicial appointment reforms betrayed justice

The Illusion of Fairness: How failed judicial appointment reforms betrayed justice

There’s no short­age of data that illus­trates how mem­bers of minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties…

Fu–king right, people are dying because of "wacko" Liberal policies.

Fu–king right, people are dying because of "wacko" Liberal policies.

Moments ago, Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty Leader Pierre Poilievre was eject­ed from the House…

Note to lobbyists: no, the status quo won’t cut it.

Note to lobbyists: no, the status quo won’t cut it.

Last week, Cana­di­an Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty leader Pierre Poilievre gave his first…

In Durham, Trudeau trapped himself in the corner.

In Durham, Trudeau trapped himself in the corner.

Just shy of twelve years ago, Cana­di­an Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau par­tic­i­pat­ed…

The only online harm Trudeau wants to prevent is to Liberal ideology.

The only online harm Trudeau wants to prevent is to Liberal ideology.

Cana­di­an Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau recent­ly announced his Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment…

What is Canadian content if Canada has no identity, and AI is creating art?

What is Canadian content if Canada has no identity, and AI is creating art?

One of the under-dis­cussed tragedies of Canada’s mul­ti­ple cur­rent (and pre­ventable)…

How many more Canadians have to die before stalking and domestic violence is taken seriously?

How many more Canadians have to die before stalking and domestic violence is taken seriously?

This week’s bru­tal, broad-day­light mur­der of a Cal­gary woman by her estranged…

Freezing in the dark just got real.

Freezing in the dark just got real.

Last night, as tem­per­a­tures plum­met­ed to below ‑40C, an emer­gency alert was…

A purposeless leader is the most dangerous type.

A purposeless leader is the most dangerous type.

In some ways, becom­ing a Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment is like sign­ing up for…

She saved her political activism for the real world, not the keyboard.

She saved her political activism for the real world, not the keyboard.

Every day, count­less Cana­di­ans wake up angry at their gov­ern­ment about the state of…

Will an American lawsuit save Canadian journalism?

Will an American lawsuit save Canadian journalism?

Late yes­ter­day, the New York Times dropped the gaunt­let on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence…

Carney’s decisions at Harvard could cause him political problems.

Carney’s decisions at Harvard could cause him political problems.

This morn­ing, as the scan­dal sur­round­ing embat­tled Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty…

The speech Mayor Gondek could have given.

The speech Mayor Gondek could have given.

This week Cal­gary May­or Jyoti Gondek cre­at­ed nation­al head­lines — and not in…

Justin Trudeau needs Donald Trump to win.

Justin Trudeau needs Donald Trump to win.

With a sus­tained 15-point polling lead devel­op­ing favour­ing Pierre Poilievre’s…

If diversity is our strength, then why are diaspora news outlets being silenced?

If diversity is our strength, then why are diaspora news outlets being silenced?

There’s a dan­ger­ous­ly naïve sen­ti­ment among some that Canada’s plu­ral­ism is…

Canada's carbon tax isn't working. It's time for it to go.

Canada's carbon tax isn't working. It's time for it to go.

Ahead of a Wednes­day morn­ing cau­cus meet­ing, and as win­ter tem­per­a­tures…

Canada has a revictimization problem, but doesn’t want to find out why.

Canada has a revictimization problem, but doesn’t want to find out why.

Last June, an uproar arose when the noto­ri­ous ser­i­al rapist and killer Paul Bernar­do…

Speaker Fergus recuses himself from major ruling, doesn't tell House, but tells Twitter/X account with 94 followers instead

Speaker Fergus recuses himself from major ruling, doesn't tell House, but tells Twitter/X account with 94 followers instead

The sud­den out­break of war between Hamas fight­ers and Israel has spurred reac­tion…

A problem emerges for Speaker Fergus. What will he do?

A problem emerges for Speaker Fergus. What will he do?

A big news sto­ry the Cana­di­an Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion broke today…

Misfire on firearms amnesty expiration risks alienation of pro-firearms and gun-control groups alike

Misfire on firearms amnesty expiration risks alienation of pro-firearms and gun-control groups alike

Uncer­tain­ty about what hap­pens after Octo­ber 30th with hun­dreds of thou­sands of…

Misfire on firearms amnesty expiration risks alienation of pro-firearms and gun-control groups alike

Misfire on firearms amnesty expiration risks alienation of pro-firearms and gun-control groups alike

Albeit for dif­fer­ent rea­sons, all sides of the firearms own­er­ship debate in Cana­da…

Misfire on firearms amnesty expiration risks alienation of pro-firearms and gun-control groups alike

Misfire on firearms amnesty expiration risks alienation of pro-firearms and gun-control groups alike

Albeit for dif­fer­ent rea­sons, all sides of the firearms own­er­ship debate in Cana­da…

On justice denied for the Yezidi people

On justice denied for the Yezidi people

While many politi­cians and activists have been hap­py to be pho­tographed with Yezi­di…