Patrick Brown

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Patrick Brown.

Remembering Bill Davis: Canada's greatest premier

Remembering Bill Davis: Canada's greatest premier

As we com­mem­o­rate the anniver­sary of Bill Davis’s pass­ing, it’s fit­ting to reflect…

Patrick Brown: We’re in the midst of a car-theft crisis. I went to America to find a solution

Patrick Brown: We’re in the midst of a car-theft crisis. I went to America to find a solution

As may­or of Bramp­ton, my com­mit­ment to tack­ling the ram­pant issue of auto theft has…

A New Era for Brampton: Phase 2 of the LRT is a feather in Premier Ford's cap

A New Era for Brampton: Phase 2 of the LRT is a feather in Premier Ford's cap

As May­or of Bramp­ton, Canada’s fastest-grow­ing large city, I am priv­i­leged to…

Liberals are not doing enough to combat auto theft

Liberals are not doing enough to combat auto theft

Across Cana­da, a silent bat­tle is rag­ing against auto theft, a nation­al…

Budget 2024: Brampton calls for collaboration on infrastructure, security, housing and supports for asylum-seekers

Budget 2024: Brampton calls for collaboration on infrastructure, security, housing and supports for asylum-seekers

As the may­or of Bramp­ton, Canada’s fastest-grow­ing large city and a crit­i­cal…