Don Lenihan

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Don Lenihan.

Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work

Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work

More than 6.5 mil­lion Cana­di­ans don’t have a fam­i­ly doc­tor, up from 4.5…

Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work
A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic

A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic

Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to Pro­fes­sor Geof­frey Hin­ton has won the 2024 Nobel Prize in…

A Very Canadian Nobel Prize: Why Geoffrey Hinton Is His Own Harshest Critic
How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech

How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech

Speech sets humans apart from oth­er crea­tures — or it did, until chat­bots came along.…

How Talking AI is Changing Jobs that Rely on Speech
AI Meets Sober Second Thought: Why the Senate Should Get Involved

AI Meets Sober Second Thought: Why the Senate Should Get Involved

“This changes every­thing!” If you fol­low AI, you’ve like­ly seen this tagline…

AI Meets Sober Second Thought: Why the Senate Should Get Involved
AI: Now It’s Getting Personal

AI: Now It’s Getting Personal

Sci­ence, a lead­ing aca­d­e­m­ic jour­nal, just pub­lished a study show­ing…

AI: Now It’s Getting Personal

AI: Now It’s Getting Personal

AI According to Oprah: A Story of America’s Future

AI According to Oprah: A Story of America’s Future

Long before the term ​“influ­encer” became fash­ion­able, Oprah Win­frey was shap­ing…

AI According to Oprah: A Story of America’s Future
Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?

Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?

Elon Musk appar­ent­ly thinks that run­ning Tes­la, Space X, xAI, X (Twit­ter), and…

Secretary Elon Musk? Why is the world’s most successful businessman suddenly keen to get into politics?
Sam Altman says “Reasoning AI” is coming. Could this be a wild card in Canada’s next election?

Sam Altman says “Reasoning AI” is coming. Could this be a wild card in Canada’s next election?

Sam Alt­man, CEO of Ope­nAI, claims we’re on the brink of a break­through he calls…

Sam Altman says “Reasoning AI” is coming. Could this be a wild card in Canada’s next election?
Here’s why non-Americans have a (big) stake in the U.S. election and what it means for the future of politics
Here’s why non-Americans have a (big) stake in the U.S. election and what it means for the future of politics

Here’s why non-Americans have a (big) stake in the U.S. election and what it means for the future of politics

When Sad­dam Hus­sein invad­ed Kuwait in 1990, the world react­ed by tun­ing into…

What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance

What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance

Has Sil­i­con Val­ley found a new cham­pi­on in JD Vance, Don­ald Trump’s run­ning…

What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance
Choosing the Next President: How AI Could Tip the Balance in Battleground States

Choosing the Next President: How AI Could Tip the Balance in Battleground States

Two hun­dred and forty mil­lion vot­ers are eli­gi­ble to cast bal­lots in the 2024 US…

Choosing the Next President: How AI Could Tip the Balance in Battleground States
How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Is an AI Cold War immi­nent? Tik­Tok could be an ear­ly warn­ing sig­nal. Crit­ics say it…

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Publisher’s Note: This col­umn is the lat­est in a series by Don Leni­han explor­ing…

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and  Here’s What You Need to Know

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Microsoft and Ope­nAI have announced plans to build a $100 bil­lion super­com­put­er…

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Microsoft and Ope­nAI have announced plans to build a $100 bil­lion super­com­put­er to…

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

The bat­tle against ​“fake news” has shak­en the foun­da­tions of democ­ra­cy, but with…

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

The bat­tle against ​“fake news” has shak­en the foun­da­tions of democ­ra­cy, but with…

How AI Could Transform Political Discourse: The Power of Emotional Intelligence

How AI Could Transform Political Discourse: The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Har­ness­ing vot­ers’ emo­tions has always been a cor­ner­stone of demo­c­ra­t­ic…

How AI Could Transform Political Discourse: The Power of Emotional Intelligence

How AI Could Transform Political Discourse: The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Har­ness­ing vot­ers’ emo­tions has always been a cor­ner­stone of demo­c­ra­t­ic…

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?

Are you part of the esti­mat­ed 6.5 mil­lion Cana­di­ans who don’t have a fam­i­ly…

Goodbye Dr. Google: Will AI Make Healthcare Smart?
AI Crossroads: The Path Between Optimists and Avoiders

AI Crossroads: The Path Between Optimists and Avoiders

Effec­tive AI reg­u­la­tion and inter­na­tion­al coop­er­a­tion are essen­tial to…

AI Crossroads: The Path Between Optimists and Avoiders

Wexit: A Populist Surge?

It's Justin Trudeau's Turn to Speak