Not close enough for comfort: Inflation drops, but most continue to struggle with grocery, rental costs

    Not close enough for comfort: Inflation drops, but most continue to struggle with grocery, rental costs

    As Cana­di­ans absorb the impli­ca­tions of anoth­er change in the infla­tion rate – down to 1.6 per cent – many are begin­ning to won­der what it will mean for their finan­cial futures and pur­suits of home own­er­ship. For some, how­ev­er, relief…

    Consumer confidence hits 30 month high

    Consumer confidence hits 30 month high

    Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence has hit a new 30 month high. Sen­ti­ment is…

    Close Race in BC as Election Day Arrives

    Close Race in BC as Election Day Arrives

    A new spark*insights online poll of 400 British Columbians con­duct­ed in part­ner­ship…

    1 in 2 Canadians Say Immigration Is Harming the Nation, Up 10 Points Since Last Year. What’s Changed?

    1 in 2 Canadians Say Immigration Is Harming the Nation, Up 10 Points Since Last Year. What’s Changed?

    From Octo­ber 3 to 9, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…

    Canadians more likely to prefer having the next federal election in 2025 and oppose forcing an election immediately

    Canadians more likely to prefer having the next federal election in 2025 and oppose forcing an election immediately

    The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on the tim­ing of the next fed­er­al…

    Conservatives 39, Liberals 23, NDP 21

    Conservatives 39, Liberals 23, NDP 21

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    NDP Steady, Conservatives Fall Behind in British Columbia

    NDP Steady, Conservatives Fall Behind in British Columbia

    Hous­ing, home­less­ness and pover­ty is still iden­ti­fied as the most impor­tant issue…

    Canadians say costs to evacuate Canadian citizens from Lebanon should be paid by the individuals themselves or shared with the government

    Canadians say costs to evacuate Canadian citizens from Lebanon should be paid by the individuals themselves or shared with the government

    Cana­di­ans are split on their pref­er­ence for assign­ing the finan­cial…

    Majority of Canadians support or somewhat support Canada buying up to 12 submarines for up to 120 billion dollars to defend Canada.

    Majority of Canadians support or somewhat support Canada buying up to 12 submarines for up to 120 billion dollars to defend Canada.

    Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid tele­phone and online…

    Canadians more than three times more likely to believe real estate will increase rather than decrease in value (Bloomberg/Nanos)

    Canadians more than three times more likely to believe real estate will increase rather than decrease in value (Bloomberg/Nanos)

    Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

    Conservatives lead by 21 despite negative impressions of Pierre Poilievre rising

    Conservatives lead by 21 despite negative impressions of Pierre Poilievre rising

    From Octo­ber 3 to 10, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…

    Ruling Party Stays Ahead of Opposition NDP in Saskatchewan

    Ruling Party Stays Ahead of Opposition NDP in Saskatchewan

    The approval rat­ing for both Car­la Beck and Scott Moe sur­pass­es 50%, but Moe is ahead…

    Feelings of pessimism decline but remain top emotion felt by Canadians toward the federal government

    Feelings of pessimism decline but remain top emotion felt by Canadians toward the federal government

    Although feel­ings of pes­simism remain the top emo­tion felt by Cana­di­ans when it…

    Conservatives 40, Liberals 22, NDP 21

    Conservatives 40, Liberals 22, NDP 21

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    The Conservative Party has the edge on trust to support the economy; Canadians are divided between trust in CPC or NDP on affordable housing

    The Conservative Party has the edge on trust to support the economy; Canadians are divided between trust in CPC or NDP on affordable housing

    The research gauged trust in fed­er­al par­ties on issues relat­ed to eco­nom­ic growth…

    Federal Voting Intentions: September 2024

    Federal Voting Intentions: September 2024

    Some of the key high­lights of our sur­vey about​Cana­di­an fed­er­al pol­i­tics include…

    Consumer confidence remains in positive territory with views on future strength of economy up in past four weeks

    Consumer confidence remains in positive territory with views on future strength of economy up in past four weeks

    Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

    No Clear Frontrunner in British Columbia’s Provincial Election

    No Clear Frontrunner in British Columbia’s Provincial Election

    David Eby holds an eight-point advan­tage over John Rus­tad when vot­ers pon­der who…

    Public concern about Climate Change drops 14-points since last year. Why?

    Public concern about Climate Change drops 14-points since last year. Why?

    From Sep­tem­ber 19 to 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…

    Most Canadians support or somewhat support extending Old Age Security benefits increase to seniors 65 to 74

    Most Canadians support or somewhat support extending Old Age Security benefits increase to seniors 65 to 74

    More than 3 in 4 Cana­di­ans sup­port or some­what sup­port pro­vid­ing…

    Ford’s PCPO increases vote share despite Ontarians giving it the worst government performance score in Canada

    Ford’s PCPO increases vote share despite Ontarians giving it the worst government performance score in Canada

    New data from the non-prof­it Angus Reid Insti­tute finds the PCPO increas­ing its vote…

    Most Canadians think flexible work arrangements are good both for productivity, and for employees

    Most Canadians think flexible work arrangements are good both for productivity, and for employees

    New spark*insights research finds two-thirds of Cana­di­ans believe work from home helps…

    Conservatives 42, NDP 22, Liberals 22 > NDP tied with Liberals for first time since 2015

    Conservatives 42, NDP 22, Liberals 22 > NDP tied with Liberals for first time since 2015

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Which Trust Attributes Most Drive the Reputations of Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre?

    Which Trust Attributes Most Drive the Reputations of Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre?

    In pol­i­tics, trust is a cur­ren­cy that every leader needs, but few can…

    Positive views on the future strength of the economy up a significant six points in four weeks (Bloomberg/Nanos)

    Positive views on the future strength of the economy up a significant six points in four weeks (Bloomberg/Nanos)

    Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

    Confidence in Justin Trudeau

    Confidence in Justin Trudeau

    From Sep­tem­ber 20 to 22, 2024, we sur­veyed Cana­di­ans to learn their opin­ions and…

    Nearly two thirds of culture-goers say attending arts and cultural events has a positive or a somewhat positive on their sense of belonging to Canada

    Nearly two thirds of culture-goers say attending arts and cultural events has a positive or a somewhat positive on their sense of belonging to Canada

    Close to two in three cul­ture-goers say that attend­ing arts and cul­tur­al events has…

    B.C. Election ‘24: Conservatives gain, Greens decline in key Metro Vancouver battlegrounds, putting pressure on NDP

    B.C. Election ‘24: Conservatives gain, Greens decline in key Metro Vancouver battlegrounds, putting pressure on NDP

    With BC’s 43rd gen­er­al elec­tion cam­paign into its first week, a clear­er…

    The Political Dynamics of Happiness and Joy. On this, we aren’t as divided as you might think.

    The Political Dynamics of Happiness and Joy. On this, we aren’t as divided as you might think.

    In chal­leng­ing times, it’s easy to focus on the things that divide us — our polit­i­cal…

    Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 21

    Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 21

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Metro Slide: Dissatisfaction with federal Liberals drives double-digit drop in urban support

    Metro Slide: Dissatisfaction with federal Liberals drives double-digit drop in urban support

    The fed­er­al Lib­er­als were dealt anoth­er dif­fi­cult defeat last week, los­ing…

    Two in three Canadians say Canada should accept fewer immigrants in 2025 than in 2024

    Two in three Canadians say Canada should accept fewer immigrants in 2025 than in 2024

    Asked if Cana­da should accept more, about the same, or few­er immi­grants, two in three…

    Consumer confidence hits 29 month high on easing of interest rates

    Consumer confidence hits 29 month high on easing of interest rates

    Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence hit a 29-month high – large­ly on more pos­i­tive…

    Premiers’ Performance: As Election Day looms for three, Eby up, Moe down, Higgs remains least approved-of

    Premiers’ Performance: As Election Day looms for three, Eby up, Moe down, Higgs remains least approved-of

    For three pre­miers in Cana­da, assess­ments of their job per­for­mances come with high…

    Canadians divided on temporary foreign workers – Majority support businesses bringing in temporary foreign workers but favour reduced permits

    Canadians divided on temporary foreign workers – Majority support businesses bringing in temporary foreign workers but favour reduced permits

    Under 3 in 5 Cana­di­ans sup­port or some­what sup­port busi­ness­es bring­ing…

    One in three Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month – worry for younger Canadians jumps to one half

    One in three Canadians are worried or somewhat worried about paying for housing costs next month – worry for younger Canadians jumps to one half

    One in three Cana­di­ans say they are wor­ried (14%) or some­what wor­ried (19%) about…

    CPC policy hypotheticals: Canadians see a balanced budget, longer jail time as ‘good’; defunding CBC as ‘bad’

    CPC policy hypotheticals: Canadians see a balanced budget, longer jail time as ‘good’; defunding CBC as ‘bad’

    The House of Com­mons returns from its sum­mer break this week in a more…

    Collapse of Official Opposition Tightens Election in British Columbia

    Collapse of Official Opposition Tightens Election in British Columbia

    Women are more like­ly to say David Eby would make the ​“Best Pre­mier”, while Eby and…

    Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 22

    Conservatives 42, Liberals 25, NDP 22

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Approval of Trudeau’s performance at just 33% as Canadians call for parliament to focus on cost of living

      Approval of Trudeau’s performance at just 33% as Canadians call for parliament to focus on cost of living

      Around two-thirds (67%) of Cana­di­ans now dis­ap­prove of Justin Trudeau’s lead­er­ship…

      Abacus Data Poll: As Parliament Resumes and on the Eve of Two Crucial Byelections, the Conservatives lead by 21

      Abacus Data Poll: As Parliament Resumes and on the Eve of Two Crucial Byelections, the Conservatives lead by 21

      From Sep­tem­ber 5 to 12, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of…

      People over four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decrease

      People over four times more likely to think the value of real estate will increase rather than decrease

      Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

      Canadians expect more emergencies and want more action on disaster response and disaster relief

      Canadians expect more emergencies and want more action on disaster response and disaster relief

      The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on extreme weath­er events, pow­er…