Nik Nanos

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Nik Nanos.

Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points

Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing

Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory

Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to trend in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…

Nearly seven in ten Canadians want the public release of names of MPs accused of foreign interference and for them to publicly explain their actions – Majority want MPs found guilty of foreign interference criminally charged and jailed
People in Ontario and Quebec more sensitive to potential theft when purchasing a vehicle compared to people from other regions

People in Ontario and Quebec more sensitive to potential theft when purchasing a vehicle compared to people from other regions

Nanos research was retained by CTV News to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge…

State of the Region – Towns of Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills, and the City of Burlington

State of the Region – Towns of Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills, and the City of Burlington

Res­i­dents of the regions gave the top rat­ing to their com­mu­ni­ty as a place to…

Conservatives have 14-point advantage over Liberals

Conservatives have 14-point advantage over Liberals

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Conservatives have 14-point advantage over Liberals – Inflation top unprompted national issue of concern

Conservatives have 14-point advantage over Liberals – Inflation top unprompted national issue of concern

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Capitalgains tax changes will influence the vote of four in ten Canadians in the next federal election

Capitalgains tax changes will influence the vote of four in ten Canadians in the next federal election

The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on the impor­tance of changes to the…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Inflation and jobs/the economy top concerns

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Inflation and jobs/the economy top concerns

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence hits a two year high

Consumer confidence hits a two year high

The increase in con­sumer con­fi­dence, which has now hit a two year high, has been…

Three in four Canadians support or somewhat support the requirement for federal public servants to work in person a minimum of three days a week

Three in four Canadians support or somewhat support the requirement for federal public servants to work in person a minimum of three days a week

The research gauged Cana­di­ans’ opin­ions on work arrange­ments and the lev­el of…

Majority of Canadians say there isn’t enough support for those unable to access or afford enough food; one in five say either they or someone they know has used a food bank in the last year.
Most Canadians are open or somewhat open to installing renewable energy generating devices in their home (Schneider Electric/Nanos)

Most Canadians are open or somewhat open to installing renewable energy generating devices in their home (Schneider Electric/Nanos)

Over eight in ten Cana­di­ans say they are open (58%) or some­what open (27%) to…

Tracking mental health and alcohol consumption post pandemic

Tracking mental health and alcohol consumption post pandemic

The pro­por­tion of Cana­di­ans who report that their men­tal health is bet­ter (eight…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 15 points As Inflation top national issue of concern

Conservatives lead Liberals by 15 points As Inflation top national issue of concern

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Canadians who work for large businesses have pride in both their work and place of employment – They are six times more likely to have a negative view versus a positive view of politicians who criticize their employer.
Consumer confidence continue to track in marginally positive territory

Consumer confidence continue to track in marginally positive territory

Con­sumer con­fi­dence remains in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive ter­ri­to­ry with views on the…

Conservatives have the lead over the NDP and the Liberals on the appeal of their policy platform.

Conservatives have the lead over the NDP and the Liberals on the appeal of their policy platform.

Over­all, Cana­di­ans are more like­ly to say the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty has the most…

Content and products offered are most important part of relationship culture-goers have with arts and culture organizations – personal or cultural connection is most likely to influence attendance
Consumer confidence remains marginally positive

Consumer confidence remains marginally positive

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre score poorly in terms of credibility.

Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre score poorly in terms of credibility.

Both Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre score poor­ly in terms of cred­i­bil­i­ty with…

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 20 points – Poilievre hits new high as preferred PM

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 20 points – Poilievre hits new high as preferred PM

The Con­ser­v­a­tives, fed­er­al­ly, con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able advan­tage…

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 20 points – Poilievre hits new high as preferred Prime Minister (Nanos)

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 20 points – Poilievre hits new high as preferred Prime Minister (Nanos)

The Con­ser­v­a­tives, fed­er­al­ly, con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able advan­tage…

Views on personal finances and future strength of the economy continue to decline

Views on personal finances and future strength of the economy continue to decline

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to decline shift­ing from being pos­i­tive…

Federal Conservatives lead Liberals by 18 points > Support for NDP on the decline

Federal Conservatives lead Liberals by 18 points > Support for NDP on the decline

Con­ser­v­a­tive con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able lead over the Lib­er­als. Of…

Majority of Canadians continue to lack confidence that housing will become more affordable in five years.

Majority of Canadians continue to lack confidence that housing will become more affordable in five years.

Sim­i­lar­ly to the pre­vi­ous wave of research, the major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans are not…

Positivity on personal finance Canadians report breaks record – hits new 16 year low

Positivity on personal finance Canadians report breaks record – hits new 16 year low

In the most recent wave of Bloomberg Nanos con­fi­dence track­ing, which Nanos has been…

Canadians are almost four times more likely to oppose rather than support a total ban on the use of gas-powered vehicles as of 2035

Canadians are almost four times more likely to oppose rather than support a total ban on the use of gas-powered vehicles as of 2035

Cana­di­ans are near­ly four times more like­ly to oppose (50%) rather than sup­port…

Majority support or somewhat support building natural gas and hydrogen export facilities

Majority support or somewhat support building natural gas and hydrogen export facilities

A major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans sup­port (29%) or some­what sup­port (36%) build­ing Canada’s…

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them

Near­ly nine in ten Cana­di­ans strong­ly agree (44%) or agree (45%) that ocean health is…

Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period - Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points

Jobs/the economy top issue, deficit concern on rise in post budget period - Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Perceptions that real estate will increase in value hits 100 week high

Perceptions that real estate will increase in value hits 100 week high

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Over two in five Canadians have either been a victim of vehicle theft or know someone who has

Over two in five Canadians have either been a victim of vehicle theft or know someone who has

Nanos was retained by the Globe and Mail to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge…

Majority of Canadians still prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target

Majority of Canadians still prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target

Sim­i­lar to pre­vi­ous waves, near­ly two in three Cana­di­ans pre­fer increas­ing…

No lift for federal Liberals coming out of budget – Conservatives ahead by 19 points

No lift for federal Liberals coming out of budget – Conservatives ahead by 19 points

In the wake of the fed­er­al Lib­er­al bud­get and an increase in con­cern about the…

Young Canadians hit a 14 month low in consumer confidence

Young Canadians hit a 14 month low in consumer confidence

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence has begun to decline. Of note con­fi­dence among…

Majority of Canadians support requiring telecom companies and their employees to continue providing services in the event of a labour dispute; nearly two in three support companies employing temporary workers to ensure consistent service
Feelings of anger toward the federal government hit new high – Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

Feelings of anger toward the federal government hit new high – Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

Feel­ings of anger toward the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment have increased or held steady in…

Conservative lead Liberals by 16 points – Jobs/the economy and inflation numerically top concerns (

Conservative lead Liberals by 16 points – Jobs/the economy and inflation numerically top concerns (

Con­ser­v­a­tive cur­rent­ly have a 16 point advan­tage over the Lib­er­als.…

Liberals less trusted than Conservatives, New Democrats or no party at all on the issue of housing.

Liberals less trusted than Conservatives, New Democrats or no party at all on the issue of housing.

The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on hous­ing includ­ing which…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Bloc top in Quebec and hits a 10 year high

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Bloc top in Quebec and hits a 10 year high

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Strong support for forcing online pornography sites to verify their users are 18 and older and requiring websites remove any hateful content posted within 24 hours

Strong support for forcing online pornography sites to verify their users are 18 and older and requiring websites remove any hateful content posted within 24 hours

Most Cana­di­ans sup­port or some­what sup­port online plat­forms found to host hate…

Canadians more likely to blame grocery stores than others for rising food prices; nearly one in five say they or someone they know has used a food bank in past year

Canadians more likely to blame grocery stores than others for rising food prices; nearly one in five say they or someone they know has used a food bank in past year

Cana­di­ans more like­ly to blame gro­cery stores than oth­ers for ris­ing food prices;…

Forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice hits 23 month high

Forward-looking Expectations Sub-indice hits 23 month high

The Nanos Bloomberg track­ing has tra­di­tion­al­ly been a lead­ing indi­ca­tor of…

Two thirds of Canadians say they are not confident or somewhat not confident in police finding stolen vehicles (CTV/Nanos)

Two thirds of Canadians say they are not confident or somewhat not confident in police finding stolen vehicles (CTV/Nanos)

Two in three Cana­di­ans are not con­fi­dent or some­what not con­fi­dent that the police…

Conservatives now have a 16-point advantage over the Liberals in terms of trust to responsibly manage federal government finances

Conservatives now have a 16-point advantage over the Liberals in terms of trust to responsibly manage federal government finances

The gap between trust in the Con­ser­v­a­tives and the Lib­er­als to best man­age the…

Former 20 point Conservative ballot advantage becomes a 12 point advantage.

Former 20 point Conservative ballot advantage becomes a 12 point advantage.

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Views on real estate values increasing hits a three-month low

Views on real estate values increasing hits a three-month low

Week over week data gen­er­al­ly remains mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive and sta­ble. Of note,…

Healthcare moves up as a first tier national issue of concern

Healthcare moves up as a first tier national issue of concern

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Consumer confidence positive for 15th week in succession

Consumer confidence positive for 15th week in succession

Con­sumer con­fi­dence is on a 15 week pos­i­tive streak thanks in large part to…

Pessimism grows among Canadians concerning the direction of the country on economic issues

Pessimism grows among Canadians concerning the direction of the country on economic issues

A grow­ing pro­por­tion of Cana­di­ans say Cana­da is mov­ing in the wrong direc­tion…

Federal Conservatives have 15 point ballot advantage over Liberals

Federal Conservatives have 15 point ballot advantage over Liberals

Cana­di­ans con­tin­ue to be focused on con­cerns such as infla­tion, hous­ing and jobs.…

Canadians are more likely to think that Trump rather than Biden will win the upcoming election – Majority hope Biden wins

Canadians are more likely to think that Trump rather than Biden will win the upcoming election – Majority hope Biden wins

Cana­di­ans are more like­ly to think that Trump rather than Biden will win the upcom­ing…

Worry about housing on the decline compared to November 2023 – People still pessimistic about standing of living for future generations

Worry about housing on the decline compared to November 2023 – People still pessimistic about standing of living for future generations

Just under three in ten Cana­di­ans are wor­ried or some­what wor­ried about pay­ing for…

Almost two in three prefer spending restraint over increasing spending or continuing as planned

Almost two in three prefer spending restraint over increasing spending or continuing as planned

Under 2 in 3 Cana­di­ans say the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment should either reduce…

Forward looking Expectations Index hits 21 month high.

Forward looking Expectations Index hits 21 month high.

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Majority uncomfortable/somewhat uncomfortable with schools not notifying parents when their child wants to go by a new preferred name or pronoun.

Majority uncomfortable/somewhat uncomfortable with schools not notifying parents when their child wants to go by a new preferred name or pronoun.

Cana­di­ans are near­ly twice as like­ly to report being not com­fort­able (53%) or…

Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred Prime Minister tracking compared to any previous Conservative leader

Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred Prime Minister tracking compared to any previous Conservative leader

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Consumer confidence in Prairies reaches 20 month high.

Consumer confidence in Prairies reaches 20 month high.

Over­all Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence remains in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…