Bruce Anderson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Bruce Anderson.

Summer Good Talk -- Could Trudeau Do A Biden?

Summer Good Talk -- Could Trudeau Do A Biden?

Bruce and Chan­tal join me for a Sum­mer Good Talk and what a sum­mer it’s been…

Race Next Door #3 - Democrats and The Wall of Worry
Race Next Door #3 - Democrats and The Wall of Worry

Race Next Door #3 - Democrats and The Wall of Worry

There’s been a debate that has attract­ed non-stop com­men­tary for weeks and…

The Race Next Door: “A heartbeat away”.

The Race Next Door: “A heartbeat away”.

In 1892, Thomas Reed (who went on to be Speak­er of the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives)…

As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

spark*insights com­plet­ed nation­al sur­vey research with a large sam­ple of 2,694…

As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

More than 70% of vot­ers for every major polit­i­cal par­ty say vir­tu­al care options…

Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loser

Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loser

In our sur­vey of 2,688 Cana­di­ans (June 14th to 21st) we played a video clip from…

Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loser

Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loser

Free­land’s rhetoric on class divi­sions fails to boost sup­port for the new tax…

Conservatives lead by 19

Conservatives lead by 19

Lib­er­als los­ing the left, right, cen­tre right, and have only a nar­row…

Conservatives lead by 19

Conservatives lead by 19

Lib­er­als los­ing the left, right, cen­tre right, and have only a nar­row…

Good Talk - The Byelection Stakes Couldn't Be Higher

Good Talk - The Byelection Stakes Couldn't Be Higher

Mon­day night, June 24th, is byelec­tion night in the Toron­to rid­ing of Toron­to-St…

Good Talk - Treason, Traitors or Not?

Good Talk - Treason, Traitors or Not?

Who to believe? Who would you believe if you had a choice between believ­ing…

Good Talk - Is it Treason or McCarthyism?

Good Talk - Is it Treason or McCarthyism?

There are big issues for Bruce and Chan­tal to han­dle this week. There are good…

Good Talk - Will The Trump Verdict Leave the US Even More Divided?

Good Talk - Will The Trump Verdict Leave the US Even More Divided?

Thir­ty-four out of thir­ty-four. All counts against Don­ald Trump result in guilty…

The Race Next Door - #1

The Race Next Door - #1

Every two weeks until the Novem­ber Pres­i­den­tial Elec­tion in the US, I’ll post…

Good Talk - What's Tom Mulcair Up To?

Good Talk - What's Tom Mulcair Up To?

The for­mer nation­al leader of the NDP has been say­ing some nice things about Mark…

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

Good Talk — Are The Liberals In Full Panic Mode?

New data from Nanos and the Globe and Mail sug­gests Cana­di­ans find nei­ther Justin…

Good Talk - Is Three Days A Week At The Office Too Much?

Good Talk - Is Three Days A Week At The Office Too Much?

Lots up for dis­cus­sion on Good Talk this week — pub­lic ser­vice unions are fight­ing…

Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the world

Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the world

Beethoven said ​“music can change the world”. A cou­ple of hun­dred years lat­er,…

Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the world

Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the world

Beethoven said ​“music can change the world”. A cou­ple of hun­dred years lat­er,…

Good Talk -- "Toxicity, Lies and Misinformation"

Good Talk -- "Toxicity, Lies and Misinformation"

A Lib­er­al MP says she’s had enough. After nine years as an MP Pam Damoff says she won’t…

Good Talk - What Was Poilievre Thinking?

Good Talk - What Was Poilievre Thinking?

Pierre Poilievre ends up with a group of F‑Trudeau flag wavers in the Mar­itimes.…

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

Budget reaction: Housing plan popular, capital gains tax divides, deficit disappoints.

New spark*insights polling shows sup­port for some key bud­get poli­cies, but low recall…

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Our pub­lic opin­ion research sur­round­ing the fed­er­al bud­get reveals the Lib­er­als…

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

Budget reaction: most think they will pay more, and only 1 in 10 think they will benefit.

spark*insights post-Bud­get research shows Cana­di­ans are wor­ried the 2024 Bud­get will…

Good Talk - The Budget Fallout from Economics to Leadership

Good Talk - The Budget Fallout from Economics to Leadership

Lots to talk about this week and much of it con­nect­ed to the fall­out from the new…

Good Talk - A First Minister's Conference -- Why Not?

Good Talk - A First Minister's Conference -- Why Not?

What’s the down­side for Justin Trudeau in call­ing a first min­is­ter’s…

Good Talk: Live – Media, politics, and the future.

Good Talk: Live – Media, politics, and the future.

Good Talk is live on stage at this his­toric Fair­mont Château Lau­ri­er in down­town…

Good Talk - After A Week of Votes and Motions in Parliament, Is Anything Different?

Good Talk - After A Week of Votes and Motions in Parliament, Is Anything Different?

The top­ics were hot, from the Mid­dle East to car­bon pric­ing, but after all the…

Poilievre: too right; Trudeau: too left

Poilievre: too right; Trudeau: too left

Most Cana­di­ans define their pol­i­tics around the cen­tre of the polit­i­cal spec­trum,…

Poilievre: too right; Trudeau: too left

Poilievre: too right; Trudeau: too left

Most Cana­di­ans define their pol­i­tics around the cen­tre of the polit­i­cal spec­trum,…

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

Bri­an Mul­roney, the 18th Prime Min­is­ter of Cana­da, held that office from Sep­tem­ber…

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

83% feel Brian Mulroney did a good job as Prime Minister

Bri­an Mul­roney, the 18th Prime Min­is­ter of Cana­da, held that office from Sep­tem­ber…

Good Talk - Carbon Taxes, Carbon Rebates, Arrive Can, and the Auditor General

Good Talk - Carbon Taxes, Carbon Rebates, Arrive Can, and the Auditor General

Car­bon Tax­es, Car­bon Rebates, Arrive Can, the Audi­tor Gen­er­al .…anoth­er week when…

Good Talk - Did Joe Biden Just Save Himself?

Good Talk - Did Joe Biden Just Save Himself?

Is he just too old, stum­bling and inco­her­ent? Not last night it seems. Joe Biden’s…

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

In spark*insights research, con­duct­ed on behalf of Nukik Cor­po­ra­tion, we gave…

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

In spark*insights research, con­duct­ed on behalf of Nukik Cor­po­ra­tion, we gave…

Good Talk - Brian Mulroney, The Passing of A Giant

Good Talk - Brian Mulroney, The Passing of A Giant

The 18th prime min­is­ter of Cana­da was a force, a huge force. He changed the…

What if Canadians could vote?

What if Canadians could vote?

Cana­di­ans would vote yes on free­dom to access abor­tion ser­vices, yes to cli­mate…

What if Canadians could vote?

What if Canadians could vote?

Cana­di­ans would vote yes on free­dom to access abor­tion ser­vices, yes to cli­mate…

Good Talk - Have The Liberals Given Up?

Good Talk - Have The Liberals Given Up?

Lit­tle things can make a dif­fer­ence is the old say­ing. And this week…

Most Canadians think Putin will win if the west stops helping Ukraine

Most Canadians think Putin will win if the west stops helping Ukraine

Our lat­est research con­duct­ed in con­sul­ta­tion with the Cana­di­an Glob­al Affairs…

Most Canadians think Putin will win if the west stops helping Ukraine

Most Canadians think Putin will win if the west stops helping Ukraine

Cana­di­ans believe that Russ­ian aggres­sions will not stop there, and Cana­da should do…

Good Talk -- Governments face bad weeks and really bad weeks. This could be really bad.

Good Talk -- Governments face bad weeks and really bad weeks. This could be really bad.

Two pot­holes for the Lib­er­als in their path to try and find recov­ery. One seri­ous.…

Good Talk -- Dominc LeBlanc Moves To The Front

Good Talk -- Dominc LeBlanc Moves To The Front

Auto theft was the issue for the nation­al polit­i­cal lead­ers this week and it’s worth…

Good Talk -- Are We The World's Patsy on Spying?

Good Talk -- Are We The World's Patsy on Spying?

Some new intel­li­gence on Canada’s vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty to for­eign inter­fer­ence is…

What's in a Word? Plenty

What's in a Word? Plenty

In our first release in a series ana­lyz­ing the mes­sag­ing choic­es made by…

What's in a Word? Plenty

What's in a Word? Plenty

In our first release in a series ana­lyz­ing the mes­sag­ing choic­es made by…

Good Talk - Is Trudeau wounded or emboldened?

Good Talk - Is Trudeau wounded or emboldened?

Strange week for Justin Trudeau –one day a mem­ber calls for a lead­er­ship…

Millions of Canadians use - and like - music streaming services

Millions of Canadians use - and like - music streaming services

Two-thirds of Cana­di­ans are using audio stream­ing ser­vices, and these users tend to…

Good Talk -- Immigration Becomes The Issue

Good Talk -- Immigration Becomes The Issue

John Kennedy used to say, aside from indige­nous peo­ple, we are all either immi­grants…

Good Talk - The Passing of a Titan - The 90th Birthday of Another

Good Talk - The Passing of a Titan - The 90th Birthday of Another

Ed Broad­bent and Jean Chre­tien. Two giants on the coun­try’s polit­i­cal land­scape,…

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

Our lat­est sur­vey results show that most Cana­di­ans don’t want to see the CBC shut…

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

3 in 4 Canadians want the CBC – just not “as is”

Our lat­est sur­vey results show that most Cana­di­ans don’t want to see the CBC shut…

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Our lat­est sur­vey results show that if Cana­di­ans were vot­ing in the US…

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Trump would lose Canada, but not by as much as you might think

Our lat­est spark*insights research shows if Cana­di­ans were vot­ing in the US…

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

We offered respon­dents a choice between three views about cli­mate change: in the…

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

Is climate worry turning into climate despair?

We offered respon­dents a choice between three views about cli­mate change: in the…

Trailing by 14, perceptions of Justin Trudeau lag those of Pierre Poilievre

Trailing by 14, perceptions of Justin Trudeau lag those of Pierre Poilievre

Our lat­est sur­vey results show the Con­ser­v­a­tives would win a land­slide in…