Susan Delacourt

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Susan Delacourt.

Does Joe Biden’s departure change things for ‘Team Canada’? Justin Trudeau has a plan, and he’s standing his ground

Does Joe Biden’s departure change things for ‘Team Canada’? Justin Trudeau has a plan, and he’s standing his ground

Justin Trudeau kept it sim­ple with his state­ment on Joe Biden’s deci­sion to bow out of…

Justin Trudeau is caught in a different kind of Liberal leadership struggle

Justin Trudeau is caught in a different kind of Liberal leadership struggle

When Justin Trudeau took over the lead­er­ship of his par­ty in 2013, he vowed there…

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are two leaders with one problem: Many of their supporters think their time is up

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are two leaders with one problem: Many of their supporters think their time is up

Justin Trudeau announced on Mon­day that he’s head­ed for Wash­ing­ton next week. What…

How do we stop Canadians’ creeping sense of distrust? Here’s your homework for the summer

How do we stop Canadians’ creeping sense of distrust? Here’s your homework for the summer

Years ago, at a Cana­da Day cel­e­bra­tion on Par­lia­ment Hill, one of the mar­quee…

Here’s how bad a loss this Toronto byelection is for Justin Trudeau — and why Pierre Poilievre now has a new problem on his hands

Here’s how bad a loss this Toronto byelection is for Justin Trudeau — and why Pierre Poilievre now has a new problem on his hands

Pierre Poilievre and his Con­ser­v­a­tives went into Monday’s byelec­tion of Toron­to-St.…

It doesn’t matter how this Toronto byelection shakes out — every scenario is some kind of bad for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals

It doesn’t matter how this Toronto byelection shakes out — every scenario is some kind of bad for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals

The Lib­er­als are fight­ing to hold on to the down­town rid­ing of Toron­to — St.…

With the polls stacked against him, here’s why Justin Trudeau still thinks he can win the next election

With the polls stacked against him, here’s why Justin Trudeau still thinks he can win the next election

Justin Trudeau is no doubt acute­ly aware of just how much Lib­er­als need a morale…

Elizabeth May just schooled Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau on the right way to handle foreign interference

Elizabeth May just schooled Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau on the right way to handle foreign interference

Eliz­a­beth May real­ly knows how to wreck a par­ty. Just when it seemed like all of…

Canadians have been told there might be traitors in Parliament. Why aren’t the Liberals and Conservatives running around like their heads are on fire?

Canadians have been told there might be traitors in Parliament. Why aren’t the Liberals and Conservatives running around like their heads are on fire?

Susan Dela­court: There is only one thing to write about this week, we both agree, and…

5 things we learned from a new book about Justin Trudeau

5 things we learned from a new book about Justin Trudeau

A new book on Justin Trudeau, ​“The Prince” by Stephen Maher, doc­u­ments…

Stephen Maher started writing his book with a cheerier view of the prime minister. Now he thinks Justin Trudeau needs to step down

Stephen Maher started writing his book with a cheerier view of the prime minister. Now he thinks Justin Trudeau needs to step down

Justin Trudeau may be wish­ing that Stephen Maher, author of a new book on the prime…

If Donald Trump is elected president again, will the biggest loser be Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre?

If Donald Trump is elected president again, will the biggest loser be Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre?

Susan Dela­court: Cana­di­an elec­tions are rarely fought on for­eign pol­i­cy. Even the…

Liberals like to portray Pierre Poilievre as scary, but a lot of Canadians simply aren’t frightened

Liberals like to portray Pierre Poilievre as scary, but a lot of Canadians simply aren’t frightened

Lib­er­als like to say that the large polling gap with the Con­ser­v­a­tives will be…

Pierre Poilievre hints he’d like to strip Canadians of some rights. There’s something to think about when it’s time to vote

Pierre Poilievre hints he’d like to strip Canadians of some rights. There’s something to think about when it’s time to vote

No one knows what the bal­lot-box ques­tion will be in the next elec­tion, when­ev­er it…

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

If Pierre Poilievre really hates lobbyists now, maybe he should talk to Justin Trudeau

Susan Dela­court: Back in March, when Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre called…

Death threats. A toxic culture. Is it any wonder MPs are saying, ’‘politics is no longer for me’?

Death threats. A toxic culture. Is it any wonder MPs are saying, ’‘politics is no longer for me’?

It used to be that when politi­cians announced they were step­ping down, you got…

If Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to be portrayed as an authoritarian leader, maybe he should stop talking like one

If Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to be portrayed as an authoritarian leader, maybe he should stop talking like one

It’s been an extra­or­di­nary cou­ple of days in the saga of Pierre Poilievre, unleashed.…

Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

Jagmeet Singh looks vulnerable in the Liberal-NDP deal. Is it time for him to end it?

Susan Dela­court: The polit­i­cal chat­ter­ing class is obsessed this spring with how…

Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

Many Canadians have heard enough from Justin Trudeau, but Americans are a different story

Talk­ing to Amer­i­cans got a lot of laughs when come­di­an Rick Mer­cer was doing…

You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

You’re about to hear Justin Trudeau on a lot more popular podcasts. Here’s what’s behind it

Every inter­view with Justin Trudeau now includes some vari­a­tion on the ques­tion, why…

Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who Canadians say they’d prefer to hang out with

Would Pierre Poilievre or Justin Trudeau be the better party host? Airplane seatmate? Here’s who Canadians say they’d prefer to hang out with

Pol­i­tics doesn’t feel like too much of a par­ty these days, which is more bad luck…

Justin Trudeau has a budget bucket list — and it’s aimed at Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau has a budget bucket list — and it’s aimed at Pierre Poilievre

One big thing has changed between the 2024 bud­get and the one Justin Trudeau’s…

Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction. Is it working?

Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to gain traction. Is it working?

The prime min­is­ter is not get­ting ahead in pub­lic opin­ion polls. Could he still be…

Ask Justin Trudeau about foreign interference and he’ll tell you about Pierre Poilievre

Ask Justin Trudeau about foreign interference and he’ll tell you about Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau arrived at the for­eign inter­fer­ence inquiry this week wear­ing two…

Mark Carney offers a preview of what he’d look like as Justin Trudeau’s successor — and what he’d stand for

Mark Carney offers a preview of what he’d look like as Justin Trudeau’s successor — and what he’d stand for

Mark Car­ney has joined the cho­rus of voic­es ask­ing Justin Trudeau to call…

Justin Trudeau is getting impatient, and it shows

Justin Trudeau is getting impatient, and it shows

Justin Trudeau’s impa­tience is show­ing. It’s more than just the jump-start Trudeau has…

Justin Trudeau is facing an all-out carbon levy revolt. There is a way to fight back

Justin Trudeau is facing an all-out carbon levy revolt. There is a way to fight back

New­found­land Pre­mier Andrew Furey has asked Justin Trudeau to call an emer­gency…

Is Doug Ford one — and how about Pierre Poilievre? What does it even mean to be a conservative in Canada these days?

Is Doug Ford one — and how about Pierre Poilievre? What does it even mean to be a conservative in Canada these days?

In a recur­ring fea­ture, Susan Dela­court, a small‑l lib­er­al, and Matt…

I saw Justin Trudeau attacked by an angry mob last election campaign — and I worry things are about to get worse

I saw Justin Trudeau attacked by an angry mob last election campaign — and I worry things are about to get worse

Jour­nal­ists shouldn’t make elec­tion pre­dic­tions, but here’s one to take to the bank:…

Justin Trudeau's grip on power is precarious — and we witnessed that not once, but twice this week

Justin Trudeau's grip on power is precarious — and we witnessed that not once, but twice this week

Canada’s Par­lia­ment did not fall this week, which means the coun­try was spared…

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre reveal their hidden hopes in tributes to Brian Mulroney

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre reveal their hidden hopes in tributes to Brian Mulroney

Trib­utes to fall­en com­rades tend to bring out the best in politi­cians — and pro­vide…

An expected defeat was unexpectedly painful for Justin Trudeau's Liberals. That should set off alarm bells

An expected defeat was unexpectedly painful for Justin Trudeau's Liberals. That should set off alarm bells

MG: I know bet­ter than to make pre­dic­tions in pol­i­tics. I’m not paid enough to…

Good Talk - Did Joe Biden Just Save Himself?

Good Talk - Did Joe Biden Just Save Himself?

Is he just too old, stum­bling and inco­her­ent? Not last night it seems. Joe Biden’s…

Why has Canadian politics become so stupid?

Why has Canadian politics become so stupid?

Our fed­er­al polit­i­cal par­ties believe their best chances at pow­er can be found on…

Good Talk - Brian Mulroney, The Passing of A Giant

Good Talk - Brian Mulroney, The Passing of A Giant

The 18th prime min­is­ter of Cana­da was a force, a huge force. He changed the…

It's hard to imagine Canada without Brian Mulroney

It's hard to imagine Canada without Brian Mulroney

Bri­an Mul­roney is gone and it’s hard to imag­ine Cana­da with­out him in it. It wasn’t…

Promising a pharmacare program is one thing. Delivering one that lasts is quite another

Promising a pharmacare program is one thing. Delivering one that lasts is quite another

Cana­da doesn’t have a lot of Leap Day tra­di­tions, unless you count the one time…

I was hacked — and it taught me who had my back, and who didn't

I was hacked — and it taught me who had my back, and who didn't

Fol­low­ers of the social-media plat­form known as X, for­mer­ly Twit­ter, might have…

Think we're nothing like Americans? Some troubling findings in Canada are emerging, poll suggests

Think we're nothing like Americans? Some troubling findings in Canada are emerging, poll suggests

Watch­ing Amer­i­can polit­i­cal news these days, many Cana­di­ans may be tempt­ed to be…

Is it time for the Liberals and NDP to break up?

Is it time for the Liberals and NDP to break up?

The deal between Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als and Jag­meet Singh’s New Democ­rats has…

Pierre Poilievre can dish it out. Why can't he take it?

Pierre Poilievre can dish it out. Why can't he take it?

It is a curi­ous thing: the high­er Pierre Poilievre climbs in the polls, the…

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre have found a common enemy for what's wrong with Canada

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre have found a common enemy for what's wrong with Canada

No one is crack­ing down on immi­grants to Cana­da, politi­cians of all stripes keep…

Danielle Smith and Justin Trudeau want a fight that Pierre Poilievre is trying to avoid

Danielle Smith and Justin Trudeau want a fight that Pierre Poilievre is trying to avoid

“Mr. Smith Goes to Wash­ing­ton” is a clas­sic film about what hap­pens when…

'It's irresponsible': Justin Trudeau's natural resources minister is worried about a provincial rebellion brewing against Ottawa

'It's irresponsible': Justin Trudeau's natural resources minister is worried about a provincial rebellion brewing against Ottawa

Long before he was Canada’s nat­ur­al resources min­is­ter, Jonathan Wilkin­son was part…

'Poilievre is worse than Harper': Justin Trudeau's Liberals are clearly bugged by the Conservative leader

'Poilievre is worse than Harper': Justin Trudeau's Liberals are clearly bugged by the Conservative leader

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is con­vinced he is real­ly get­ting under the…

'Freedom Convoy' supporters and haters now have fresh ammunition

'Freedom Convoy' supporters and haters now have fresh ammunition

It is a per­fect court deci­sion for a polar­iz­ing issue — the 2022 con­vey…

Mad at Justin Trudeau? Tuning him out? The prime minister says he hears you — and he gets it

Mad at Justin Trudeau? Tuning him out? The prime minister says he hears you — and he gets it

Justin Trudeau gets a lot of advice. It goes with the job of being prime min­is­ter.…

Mad at Justin Trudeau? Tuning him out? The prime minister says he hears you — and he gets it

Mad at Justin Trudeau? Tuning him out? The prime minister says he hears you — and he gets it

Justin Trudeau gets a lot of advice. It goes with the job of being prime min­is­ter.…

Here's what Justin Trudeau thinks about the coming U.S. election

Here's what Justin Trudeau thinks about the coming U.S. election

Justin Trudeau insists he is not tak­ing sides in this year’s U.S. elec­tion, but he is…

Justin Trudeau says Pierre Poilievre is turning on Ukraine — and that the country's president has noticed

Justin Trudeau says Pierre Poilievre is turning on Ukraine — and that the country's president has noticed

Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­skyy has expressed con­cern to Justin Trudeau…

Pierre Poilievre will defend the media — but only when it suits him

Pierre Poilievre will defend the media — but only when it suits him

The true test of one’s prin­ci­ples, it’s said, is if you can stand up for them on behalf…

What are Canadians willing to sacrifice in the fight against climate change?

What are Canadians willing to sacrifice in the fight against climate change?

The COVID pan­dem­ic was a large-scale test for gov­ern­ments around the world, but…

Will Justin Trudeau stay or call it quits? We listened to his year-end interviews, and this is what they revealed

Will Justin Trudeau stay or call it quits? We listened to his year-end interviews, and this is what they revealed

It became the num­ber-one ques­tion in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics in 2023: will Justin Trudeau…

Justin Trudeau fears Pierre Poilievre is bringing Trump-style politics to Canada

Justin Trudeau fears Pierre Poilievre is bringing Trump-style politics to Canada

Justin Trudeau is wor­ried Cana­da is vul­ner­a­ble to the spread of the far right in the…

Is that Justin Trudeau buying batteries in Canadian Tire?

Is that Justin Trudeau buying batteries in Canadian Tire?

Stephen Harp­er used to slip away from his prime min­is­te­r­i­al duties to take in…

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre really don't like each other — and it shows

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre really don't like each other — and it shows

The Justin Trudeau ver­sus Pierre Poilievre show has wound down for the year, giv­ing…

What do Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives have against Ukraine?

What do Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives have against Ukraine?

On sev­er­al occa­sions this fall, Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­skyy must have…

Pierre Poilievre sure has a strange way of showing respect for Parliament

Pierre Poilievre sure has a strange way of showing respect for Parliament

Two months ago, Greg Fer­gus made his­to­ry when he became the first Black Cana­di­an…

Justin Trudeau is a problem for his party — and even if he quits, it might not save the Liberals, poll suggests

Justin Trudeau is a problem for his party — and even if he quits, it might not save the Liberals, poll suggests

It is the ques­tion haunt­ing Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als as their for­tunes con­tin­ue…

Justin Trudeau is a problem for his party — and even if he quits, it might not save the Liberals, poll suggests

Justin Trudeau is a problem for his party — and even if he quits, it might not save the Liberals, poll suggests

It is the ques­tion haunt­ing Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als as their for­tunes con­tin­ue…