Aaron Wherry

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Aaron Wherry.

The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

The epi­dem­ic of opi­oid addic­tion is a real prob­lem. And there is a real…

Joe Biden was compelled to stand down — could Trudeau go next?

Joe Biden was compelled to stand down — could Trudeau go next?

On Sun­day after­noon, Justin Trudeau praised Joe Biden as an Amer­i­can patri­ot. ​“He’s…

We had good reasons to worry about our political culture even before the Trump shooting

We had good reasons to worry about our political culture even before the Trump shooting

The attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of Don­ald Trump has led, inevitably and jus­ti­fi­ably,…

Former Trudeau minister Catherine McKenna says Liberals need a new leader

Former Trudeau minister Catherine McKenna says Liberals need a new leader

McKen­na is the first per­son who served in Trudeau’s cab­i­net to call on him to quit.…

After St. Paul's, is there anything Trudeau can say or do to save his leadership?

After St. Paul's, is there anything Trudeau can say or do to save his leadership?

At some point before Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and his cab­i­net decid­ed to…

The capital gains debate has turned dramatic and mysterious

The capital gains debate has turned dramatic and mysterious

Announc­ing the Lib­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s pro­posed changes to cap­i­tal gains tax­es…

A few thoughts on political journalism

A few thoughts on political journalism

In Jan­u­ary 2023, as part of a larg­er edi­to­r­i­al and cor­po­rate exer­cise, the…

A 'cloud of suspicion' hangs over Parliament — and no one knows what to do about it

A 'cloud of suspicion' hangs over Parliament — and no one knows what to do about it

There is a ​“cloud of sus­pi­cion” hang­ing over the House of Com­mons, Con­ser­v­a­tive…

A foreign interference report lobbed bombshells at Parliament. Now what?

A foreign interference report lobbed bombshells at Parliament. Now what?

If noth­ing else, this week’s report from the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty and Intel­li­gence…

The carbon pricing debate is somehow getting worse

The carbon pricing debate is somehow getting worse

The par­lia­men­tary bud­get offi­cer’s analy­sis of fed­er­al car­bon pric­ing is…

After attacking the Speaker, would Poilievre consider parliamentary reform?

After attacking the Speaker, would Poilievre consider parliamentary reform?

While his par­ty has made a cause célèbre out of its bat­tle with the Speak­er,…

A new report on poverty challenges both Liberals and Conservatives

A new report on poverty challenges both Liberals and Conservatives

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre under­stand­ably seized on a new report…

The Speaker is under attack again — maybe it's time for a more independent approach

The Speaker is under attack again — maybe it's time for a more independent approach

The Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty sent a note to sup­port­ers on Tues­day after­noon with…

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Last week, Lianne Rood decid­ed to take a stand. Appear­ing in a video…

Just how far is Pierre Poilievre willing to take the notwithstanding clause?

Just how far is Pierre Poilievre willing to take the notwithstanding clause?

In Jan­u­ary, the Fed­er­al Court found that the Trudeau gov­ern­men­t’s use of the…

In videos and podcasts, Poilievre and Trudeau are eager to explain themselves — at length

In videos and podcasts, Poilievre and Trudeau are eager to explain themselves — at length

Nathaniel Ersk­ine-Smith, the Lib­er­al MP who made a name for him­self as…

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

With capital gains change, the Liberals grasp the tax reform nettle again

In the fall of 2021, the edi­tors of the Cana­di­an Tax Jour­nal devot­ed sev­er­al dozen…

The Trans Mountain saga is nearing its end — the larger debate will go on

The Trans Mountain saga is nearing its end — the larger debate will go on

In Novem­ber 2018, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau went to Cal­gary to speak to the…

With its eighth budget, the Liberal government tries to re-win the fairness fight

With its eighth budget, the Liberal government tries to re-win the fairness fight

The Trudeau gov­ern­men­t’s eighth bud­get is aimed explic­it­ly at the fact that, for…

The federal government under Trudeau is bigger — but not as big as it used to be

The federal government under Trudeau is bigger — but not as big as it used to be

Ear­li­er this year, the Pub­lic Ser­vice Com­mis­sion of Cana­da report­ed that the size…

It's a shame we didn't have Trudeau's testimony on foreign interference earlier. Much earlier

It's a shame we didn't have Trudeau's testimony on foreign interference earlier. Much earlier

A half-hour into his appear­ance before the pub­lic inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence,…

In the middle of a housing crisis, no one worries about constitutional niceties

In the middle of a housing crisis, no one worries about constitutional niceties

Last sum­mer — around the same time pub­lic sup­port for the gov­ern­ing Lib­er­als began…

The current carbon tax debate is important — it's just not serious

The current carbon tax debate is important — it's just not serious

Thir­ty-five sum­mers ago, the late Bri­an Mul­roney opened the world con­fer­ence on…

Brian Mulroney's long bet on history paid off

Brian Mulroney's long bet on history paid off

In an age of hot takes and 30-sec­ond scan­dals, we remem­ber a prime min­is­ter who…

The carbon tax has its critics — do any of them have better ideas?

The carbon tax has its critics — do any of them have better ideas?

What would Cana­da be doing to reduce its car­bon emis­sions if Pierre Poilievre and the…

Is the carbon tax suffering from a failure to communicate?

Is the carbon tax suffering from a failure to communicate?

Attacks on the car­bon tax are both easy and coun­ter­in­tu­itive. The fed­er­al price on…

What happens when a provincial government defies a federal law? We're about to find out

What happens when a provincial government defies a federal law? We're about to find out

When Envi­ron­ment Min­is­ter Steven Guil­beault sug­gest­ed it was ​“immoral” for the…

What, if anything, should voters make of Pierre Poilievre's attitude toward journalists?

What, if anything, should voters make of Pierre Poilievre's attitude toward journalists?

What should vot­ers make of Pierre Poilievre’s crit­i­cism of jour­nal­ists? All…

After Mulroney, being a 'green' PM got a lot tougher

After Mulroney, being a 'green' PM got a lot tougher

When Bri­an Mul­roney was giv­en the title of Canada’s ​“green­est prime min­is­ter” in…

The big problem with the Winnipeg lab affair was obvious from the start: too much secrecy

The big problem with the Winnipeg lab affair was obvious from the start: too much secrecy

The release of 623 pages of doc­u­ments on the fir­ing of two sci­en­tists from the…

Online harms debate pits real threats against elaborate fears

Online harms debate pits real threats against elaborate fears

Announc­ing the gov­ern­men­t’s new online harms leg­is­la­tion on Mon­day, Jus­tice…

Liberals and New Democrats reach a deal on pharmacare

Liberals and New Democrats reach a deal on pharmacare

The fed­er­al Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment and the NDP have come to an agree­ment on…

The Liberals and NDP still have reasons to work together — are they good enough?

The Liberals and NDP still have reasons to work together — are they good enough?

If the 44th Par­lia­ment can hold it togeth­er until April 28, it will become the…

Guilbeault stepped in a pothole — but Canada still needs to tread carefully on infrastructure

Guilbeault stepped in a pothole — but Canada still needs to tread carefully on infrastructure

If you squint, it’s pos­si­ble to read fed­er­al Envi­ron­ment Min­is­ter Steven…

ArriveCan is a mess — but the scandal hides some bigger questions

ArriveCan is a mess — but the scandal hides some bigger questions

Per­haps every gov­ern­ment gets the spend­ing scan­dal it deserves. Dur­ing the last…

The car theft debate is a battle over slogans and solutions

The car theft debate is a battle over slogans and solutions

Pierre Poilievre enjoys a punchy phrase, so it’s not sur­pris­ing that a large…

Pierre Poilievre tries to walk a fine line on transgender rights — and blames Trudeau

Pierre Poilievre tries to walk a fine line on transgender rights — and blames Trudeau

Asked on Mon­day about the new trans­gen­der health and edu­ca­tion poli­cies pro­posed…

Trudeau and Poilievre have very different theories of change

Trudeau and Poilievre have very different theories of change

The first days of Par­lia­ment in 2024 sound­ed a lot like the last days of…

Will Trudeau end up regretting his decision to walk away from electoral reform?

Will Trudeau end up regretting his decision to walk away from electoral reform?

The House of Com­mons will vote next week on Motion 86. Spon­sored by NDP MP Lisa Marie…

Are Canadians still willing to give Justin Trudeau a second look?

Are Canadians still willing to give Justin Trudeau a second look?

What­ev­er Ken McDon­ald, the Lib­er­al MP for Aval­on, said or meant to say about Justin…

The spectre of another Trump presidency looms as Trudeau's cabinet gathers to start a new year

The spectre of another Trump presidency looms as Trudeau's cabinet gathers to start a new year

In August 2016, when the cur­rent gov­ern­ment was less than a year old, Prime…

The loud fights and quiet conversations driving the quest for a clean power grid in Canada

The loud fights and quiet conversations driving the quest for a clean power grid in Canada

Jonathan Wilkin­son, the fed­er­al min­is­ter of nat­ur­al resources and ener­gy, has…

There are no simple answers to the immigration and housing question

There are no simple answers to the immigration and housing question

On Thurs­day, Chrys­tia Free­land was asked whether Cana­da has an immi­gra­tion…

Trudeau goes into 2024 in dire need of a better story to tell

Trudeau goes into 2024 in dire need of a better story to tell

The memo sent to staff in the Prime Min­is­ter’s Office to announce the hir­ing of Max…

Trudeau says he's concerned about what a Trump win would mean for climate action

Trudeau says he's concerned about what a Trump win would mean for climate action

Asked by the CBC’s Rose­mary Bar­ton this week about the prospect of Don­ald Trump…

Parliament grinds to an anticlimactic halt — but 2024 could be chaotic

Parliament grinds to an anticlimactic halt — but 2024 could be chaotic

The Con­ser­v­a­tives’ quest to ruin Trudeau’s ​‘vaca­tion’ may not have gone as planned.…

A federal cap forces a reckoning with oil and gas emissions

A federal cap forces a reckoning with oil and gas emissions

Brand­ing them­selves the Path­ways Alliance, six of the biggest pro­duc­ers oper­at­ing…

A Speaker who tried to restore 'respect' to Parliament is now accused of disrespecting it

A Speaker who tried to restore 'respect' to Parliament is now accused of disrespecting it

Greg Fer­gus became Speak­er of the House of Com­mons in Octo­ber because his…

The fight over the Senate's handling of the carbon tax is a portent of things to come

The fight over the Senate's handling of the carbon tax is a portent of things to come

Some time ago, the leader of an oppo­si­tion par­ty stood dur­ing ques­tion peri­od and…

Is this fight over clean electricity regulations really necessary?

Is this fight over clean electricity regulations really necessary?

One Tues­day after­noon last month — when near­ly every­one was focused on the Mid­dle…

What was behind that Conservative vote against the Ukraine trade deal?

What was behind that Conservative vote against the Ukraine trade deal?

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre says his par­ty sup­ports Ukraine. He also says…

Chrystia Freeland delivers a (relatively) restrained economic update

Chrystia Freeland delivers a (relatively) restrained economic update

Pierre Poilievre’s argu­ment against the fed­er­al Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment rests on…

Playing defence on the carbon tax has put Trudeau's Liberals on the defensive

Playing defence on the carbon tax has put Trudeau's Liberals on the defensive

Jonathan Wilkin­son, the min­is­ter of nat­ur­al resources and ener­gy, is not one to…

Did Trudeau just undermine his signature climate policy, or save it?

Did Trudeau just undermine his signature climate policy, or save it?

While announc­ing a pack­age of mea­sures to respond to con­cerns about the cost of…

Canadian politicians put up a united front on the Israel-Hamas war — but bigger challenges lie ahead

Canadian politicians put up a united front on the Israel-Hamas war — but bigger challenges lie ahead

On Mon­day evening, the prime min­is­ter and the leader of the Offi­cial Oppo­si­tion…