Lawrence Martin

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Lawrence Martin.

For progressives, the Trudeau by-election and Biden debate disaster were blessings in disguise

For progressives, the Trudeau by-election and Biden debate disaster were blessings in disguise

The siren sounds. For pro­gres­sives in Cana­da and the Unit­ed States, it’s an…

What’s there to fear about Pierre Poilievre?

What’s there to fear about Pierre Poilievre?

Cana­da has nev­er had a fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive or Lib­er­al leader who fit the…

It’s time for the Liberal Party to force Justin Trudeau’s hand

It’s time for the Liberal Party to force Justin Trudeau’s hand

“One impor­tant thing I learned in pol­i­tics,” said Herb Dhali­w­al, the British…

We’re trapped in a system where naysayers are in command

We’re trapped in a system where naysayers are in command

That was an atten­tion grab­ber: The Angus Reid Insti­tute put out an analy­sis last week…

A score-settling book by Brian Mulroney is being kept under wraps

A score-settling book by Brian Mulroney is being kept under wraps

In 2007, for­mer prime min­is­ter Bri­an Mul­roney pub­lished a mam­moth mem­oir. At…

Justin Trudeau’s close friend Dominic LeBlanc wants his job

Justin Trudeau’s close friend Dominic LeBlanc wants his job

Behind the scenes, the plot thick­ens in regards to the future lead­er­ship of the…

Trudeau shouldn’t reject Chrétien and Harper’s offer on 24 Sussex

Trudeau shouldn’t reject Chrétien and Harper’s offer on 24 Sussex

The res­i­dence at 24 Sus­sex Dri­ve is where more of this country’s his­to­ry has been…

Forty years later, Pierre Trudeau’s walk in the snow still resonates

Forty years later, Pierre Trudeau’s walk in the snow still resonates

Par­lia­ment wasn’t sit­ting and it was qui­et at the start of the last week of…

Canada’s Liberals and America’s Democrats need to find the courage to stand up to their leaders

Canada’s Liberals and America’s Democrats need to find the courage to stand up to their leaders

If they had their druthers, Democ­rats in the Unit­ed States and Lib­er­als in Cana­da…

Is a Liberal resurgence possible under Trudeau?

Is a Liberal resurgence possible under Trudeau?

We’ve reached a ​“new nadir,” says poll­ster Frank Graves, reflect­ing on his lat­est…

The Chrétien-Harper connection is a rare thing in our polarized times

The Chrétien-Harper connection is a rare thing in our polarized times

The image leaped off the screen a cou­ple of days ago. A pho­to of Stephen…