Max Fawcett

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Max Fawcett.

Alberta's war room waves the white flag

Alberta's war room waves the white flag

When for­mer Alber­ta pre­mier Jason Ken­ney first intro­duced the idea of an oil and gas…

Our toxic politics claims its latest victim

Our toxic politics claims its latest victim

At some point, even for the tough­est of cook­ies, enough is enough. After years of…

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to talk about foreign interference

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to talk about foreign interference

Pierre Poilievre isn’t exact­ly known for hold­ing his tongue, least of all when it’s on…

Can anti-climate Conservatives actually win in BC?

Can anti-climate Conservatives actually win in BC?

When Kevin Fal­con took over as the leader of the BC Lib­er­al Par­ty, he clear­ly…

Conservatives should be careful what they wish for with Carney

Conservatives should be careful what they wish for with Carney

Once again, the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da is try­ing to bait Mark Car­ney into…

Danielle Smith can't win without Justin Trudeau

Danielle Smith can't win without Justin Trudeau

In Alber­ta, depend­ing on which con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cian you ask, Prime Min­is­ter…

The one thing Pierre Poilievre can’t change

The one thing Pierre Poilievre can’t change

He just can’t help him­self. With a dou­ble-dig­it lead in the polls and the…

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

The NDP is getting outflanked — again

So close and yet so far. That was the sto­ry in the 2015 fed­er­al elec­tion for the NDP,…

We need a law against lying in politics

We need a law against lying in politics

Of all the lies she’s told in her polit­i­cal career, Danielle Smith’s lat­est might be…

Pierre Poilievre is coming for your charter rights

Pierre Poilievre is coming for your charter rights

Most politi­cians would treat a 20-point lead in the polls as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to…

Danielle Smith wants all the power

Danielle Smith wants all the power

In its per­pet­u­al sea of polit­i­cal blue, Alberta’s two biggest cities stand out as…

Stop whining about your capital gains

Stop whining about your capital gains

Some­times, it’s best to know when to shut up. I say this with some mea­sure of…

Young voters are calling the shots now

Young voters are calling the shots now

Young Cana­di­ans can be for­giv­en for being a bit con­fused by the lat­est…

We need more Canada, not less

We need more Canada, not less

As part of its weeks-long pre-bud­get roll­out, the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has sent…

Danielle Smith’s latest attempt to own the libs will cost Alberta

Danielle Smith’s latest attempt to own the libs will cost Alberta

“Some of you may die, but it’s a sac­ri­fice I am will­ing to make.” That’s the…

Justin Trudeau should say yes to a carbon tax showdown

Justin Trudeau should say yes to a carbon tax showdown

Pierre Poilievre and the provin­cial pre­miers are spoil­ing for yet anoth­er fight over…

Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario

Doug Ford is dumbing down Ontario

There’s fierce com­pe­ti­tion in the unof­fi­cial race for Canada’s most dan­ger­ous…

Is it time for a Liberal-NDP merger?

Is it time for a Liberal-NDP merger?

Cana­di­an pro­gres­sives are slow­ly com­ing to terms with the idea, or per­haps even…

Pierre Poilievre’s climate policy is a joke

Pierre Poilievre’s climate policy is a joke

There’s a grow­ing irony in the car­bon tax increase falling on April Fools’ Day…

Nobody really cares about renters

Nobody really cares about renters

Canada’s renters are final­ly get­ting their moment in the polit­i­cal sun. After…

Pierre Poilievre has a Doug Ford problem

Pierre Poilievre has a Doug Ford problem

Pierre Poilievre’s pledge to get rid of hous­ing ​“gate­keep­ers” was a nifty piece…

The carbon tax is dead. Climate policy doesn’t have to be

The carbon tax is dead. Climate policy doesn’t have to be

How did the Trudeau government’s sig­na­ture cli­mate pol­i­cy turn into…

We need more Wab Kinews

We need more Wab Kinews

It’s not easy to be hope­ful about pol­i­tics right now. Whether it’s the return of…

Can Naheed Nenshi win over the NDP?

Can Naheed Nenshi win over the NDP?

It start­ed as a race to replace Rachel Not­ley as the leader of the Alber­ta NDP.…

Pierre Poilievre plays politics with Paul Bernardo

Pierre Poilievre plays politics with Paul Bernardo

With a dou­ble-dig­it lead in the polls and pro­jec­tions of a mas­sive (and…

Oilsands companies want Pierre Poilievre to save them

Oilsands companies want Pierre Poilievre to save them

It’s been near­ly two years since the Path­ways Alliance, a con­sor­tium of Canada’s…

Pierre Poilievre bites his tongue on Bitcoin

Pierre Poilievre bites his tongue on Bitcoin

For the first time in record­ed mem­o­ry, Pierre Poilievre is hold­ing his tongue.…

Earth to millennials: Pierre Poilievre is playing you on housing

Earth to millennials: Pierre Poilievre is playing you on housing

Cred­it where it’s due: Pierre Poilievre has talked a good game about hous­ing ever…

Pierre Poilievre’s freedom isn’t very free

Pierre Poilievre’s freedom isn’t very free

Just over two years ago, Pierre Poilievre kicked off his cam­paign for the lead­er­ship…

Truth, lies and emissions caps

Truth, lies and emissions caps

He might be trail­ing in the polls and on his way to an epic elec­toral defeat, but…

Canada needs a wealth tax

Canada needs a wealth tax

After the City of Edmon­ton and its tax­pay­ers gave him hun­dreds of mil­lions of…

The Trudeau Liberals need to be better at doing politics

The Trudeau Liberals need to be better at doing politics

There’s a litany of poten­tial expla­na­tions for the dis­as­trous drop the Trudeau…

Danielle Smith is still dreaming when it comes to oil’s future

Danielle Smith is still dreaming when it comes to oil’s future

Alberta’s UCP gov­ern­ment may like to pre­tend it sees the world dif­fer­ent­ly than…

Pierre Poilievre has some explaining to do about Ukraine

Pierre Poilievre has some explaining to do about Ukraine

There are dumb polit­i­cal hills to die on, and then there’s the one Pierre Poilievre…

It’s not too late for electoral reform

It’s not too late for electoral reform

On Wednes­day, the House of Com­mons vot­ed against a motion call­ing for the…

Danielle Smith just sold out the LGBTQ community. Who’s next?

Danielle Smith just sold out the LGBTQ community. Who’s next?

Danielle Smith may be the leader of a con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty, but her core beliefs…

The provinces are trying to break Canada

The provinces are trying to break Canada

Of all Pierre Poilievre’s famil­iar slo­gans, there’s one that stands above the rest:…

In praise of tough decisions

In praise of tough decisions

It was two years ago that a con­voy of truck­ers, con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists, and…

Danielle Smith’s dangerous dance with Tucker Carlson

Danielle Smith’s dangerous dance with Tucker Carlson

I swear, I didn’t want to write about this. Much as it may shock some of my…

How Justin Trudeau can still win

How Justin Trudeau can still win

The odds of a Justin Trudeau come­back seem to just keep get­ting longer. With…

Like it or not, we live in Trudeau’s Canada now

Like it or not, we live in Trudeau’s Canada now

Whether it’s his socks, his propen­si­ty for tak­ing self­ies or his will­ing­ness to…

Rachel Notley is done with Alberta politics. Is Ottawa next?

Rachel Notley is done with Alberta politics. Is Ottawa next?

After near­ly a decade as Alber­ta NDP leader and four years as its first…

Danielle Smith’s attacks on wind and solar cold comfort for Albertans

Danielle Smith’s attacks on wind and solar cold comfort for Albertans

It’s one of the old­est polit­i­cal max­ims in the book: Nev­er let a good cri­sis…

If Trump is re-elected, Canada will pay a high price

If Trump is re-elected, Canada will pay a high price

In his first offi­cial cam­paign speech of this most con­se­quen­tial of U.S.…

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t care about freedom of the press

Pierre Poilievre doesn’t care about freedom of the press

Pierre Poilievre, cham­pi­on of the free press? It wasn’t on my 2024 bin­go sheet either,…

The West’s gentle fall is a bad omen

The West’s gentle fall is a bad omen

It used to be the case that a gen­tle fall was a wel­come bless­ing to most…

Poilievre’s “debtonation” is much ado about nothing

Poilievre’s “debtonation” is much ado about nothing

In his ongo­ing attempt to become the Jor­dan Peter­son of elect­ed offi­cials, Pierre…

What Pierre Poilievre and Donald Trump have in common

What Pierre Poilievre and Donald Trump have in common

Every­thing that hap­pens in the Unit­ed States even­tu­al­ly makes its way to Cana­da,…

Poilievre breathes new life into Trudeau’s chances

Poilievre breathes new life into Trudeau’s chances

He’s not dead yet, folks. After months of increas­ing­ly dire pub­lic opin­ion polls,…

Alberta’s emissions cap freakout is a tell

Alberta’s emissions cap freakout is a tell

As pre­mier of Alber­ta, Danielle Smith has made it abun­dant­ly clear that she’s…

The CBC needs to start Pierre-proofing itself

The CBC needs to start Pierre-proofing itself

The CBC is fac­ing an exis­ten­tial cri­sis unlike any­thing it’s ever seen. The…

Young voters are done with Justin Trudeau

Young voters are done with Justin Trudeau

Max Vali­quette must love a chal­lenge. The 50-year-old mar­keter and brand­ing…

The UN climate conference doesn’t matter — and that’s OK

The UN climate conference doesn’t matter — and that’s OK

Eco­nom­ic infla­tion is clear­ly on the decline, but we’re about to wit­ness…

Pierre Poilievre’s mouth just opened the door to a Liberal comeback

Pierre Poilievre’s mouth just opened the door to a Liberal comeback

If Justin Trudeau finds him­self cel­e­brat­ing a polit­i­cal come­back for the ages…

Trudeau’s days off? The media needs to get serious

Trudeau’s days off? The media needs to get serious

When in doubt, blame the media. That’s long been a strat­e­gy deployed by…

Danielle Smith’s fossil-fuelled fantasy won’t end well

Danielle Smith’s fossil-fuelled fantasy won’t end well

If Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith ever gets tired of pol­i­tics, she has a long…

Justin Trudeau just axed his own carbon tax

Justin Trudeau just axed his own carbon tax

For months now, Pierre Poilievre has ham­mered the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment with his…

Petulance is the point for Pierre Poilievre

Petulance is the point for Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau is in deep, deep trou­ble. Based on recent polling, which con­tin­ues to…

The totally serious case for Alberta independence

The totally serious case for Alberta independence

It’s late in the year for fire­works, but we’re about to see the biggest dis­play of…

Is Jason Kenney a socialist?