Evan Solomon

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Evan Solomon.

It’s Raining Cats, Dogs, and Disinformation

It’s Raining Cats, Dogs, and Disinformation

We are now in the ​“debate over the debate” phase of the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. Who…

Conscious Uncouplings: Why Political Alliances Don’t Last

Conscious Uncouplings: Why Political Alliances Don’t Last

Breakup alert, breakup alert! No, this is not anoth­er report on Ben­nifer — the…

The tariffs strike back: Is this the end of globalization?

The tariffs strike back: Is this the end of globalization?

My polit­i­cal com­pass has been spin­ning late­ly, and not just because Robert F.…

The Framing of Kamala Harris

The Framing of Kamala Harris

Hap­py Thurs­day. We just are hours away from Kamala Har­ris wrap­ping up the…

Elon Musk and the Political Power of Young Men

Elon Musk and the Political Power of Young Men

There is no short­age of polls show­ing that the race between Kamala Har­ris and Don­ald…

President Panic and the Grievance Ceiling

President Panic and the Grievance Ceiling

Has Don­ald Trump become Pres­i­dent Pan­ic and hit a griev­ance ceil­ing? The…