Spencer Van Dyk

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Spencer Van Dyk.

'Somebody who knows Canada well': Ambassador says of Trump running mate JD Vance

'Somebody who knows Canada well': Ambassador says of Trump running mate JD Vance

Canada’s ambas­sador to the Unit­ed States says Sen. JD Vance, the recent­ly announced…

Trudeau Liberals 'under siege' across the country, with Conservatives cracking red 'fortresses' like Toronto and Vancouver: Nanos

Trudeau Liberals 'under siege' across the country, with Conservatives cracking red 'fortresses' like Toronto and Vancouver: Nanos

Hot on the heels of the Con­ser­v­a­tives’ stun­ning byelec­tion vic­to­ry in the rid­ing…

NATO head says 'no imminent threat' to alliance member countries NOW PLAYING

NATO head says 'no imminent threat' to alliance member countries NOW PLAYING

NATO Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Jens Stoltenberg is not wor­ried about mil­i­tary attacks on…

'I expect more': NATO head on Canada's need to increase defence spending

'I expect more': NATO head on Canada's need to increase defence spending

NATO Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Jens Stoltenberg says he expects more from Cana­da when it…

Newfoundland premier says Trudeau has shown 'willingness' to carbon tax alternatives

Newfoundland premier says Trudeau has shown 'willingness' to carbon tax alternatives

New­found­land and Labrador Pre­mier Andrew Furey says the prime min­is­ter has ​“shown…

Trudeau shouting 'slava Ukraini' during world leader photo op viewed hundreds of thousands of times online

Trudeau shouting 'slava Ukraini' during world leader photo op viewed hundreds of thousands of times online

A video of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau shout­ing ​“sla­va Ukrai­ni” — which…

'We need to pull our weight': Top soldier on feds' defence spending record

'We need to pull our weight': Top soldier on feds' defence spending record

Out­go­ing Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Wayne Eyre says Cana­da is unpre­pared to meet…

No agreement among parties on releasing names of 'witting' foreign interference participants

No agreement among parties on releasing names of 'witting' foreign interference participants

The fed­er­al par­ties are still at an impasse over whether the gov­ern­ment should…

Ambassador says interactions with Russia 'quite limited' but 'not unfriendly'

Ambassador says interactions with Russia 'quite limited' but 'not unfriendly'

Canada’s ambas­sador to Rus­sia says while Ottawa has ​“grave con­cerns” about the…

Trump election victory 'very unlikely,' but 'possible': former FBI director Comey

Trump election victory 'very unlikely,' but 'possible': former FBI director Comey

For­mer FBI direc­tor James Comey says while he believes for­mer U.S. pres­i­dent Don­ald…

No sign Canada has a plan to reach NATO defence spending target: U.S. NATO ambassador

No sign Canada has a plan to reach NATO defence spending target: U.S. NATO ambassador

The U.S. ambas­sador to NATO says despite the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment claim­ing to ​“take…

Walmart, Costco refusing to sign grocery code of conduct 'untenable': industry minister

Walmart, Costco refusing to sign grocery code of conduct 'untenable': industry minister

Indus­try Min­is­ter François-Philippe Cham­pagne says it’s ​“unten­able” for ​“small­er…

U.S. ambassador 'not aware' of any plans for Trudeau-Trump meeting

U.S. ambassador 'not aware' of any plans for Trudeau-Trump meeting

Canada’s Ambas­sador to the Unit­ed States says she’s ​“not aware” of any plans for Prime…

Trudeau 'absolutely' best person to lead the Liberals in next election: LeBlanc says

Trudeau 'absolutely' best person to lead the Liberals in next election: LeBlanc says

Cab­i­net min­is­ter Dominic LeBlanc insists he’s not plan­ning a lead­er­ship…

Feds hope to table foreign interference legislation next week: LeBlanc

Feds hope to table foreign interference legislation next week: LeBlanc

Demo­c­ra­t­ic Insti­tu­tions Min­is­ter Dominic LeBlanc says he plans to table…

Moe 'will respond' to CRA, insists Saskatchewan has 'paid in full' amid carbon tax audit

Moe 'will respond' to CRA, insists Saskatchewan has 'paid in full' amid carbon tax audit

Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe says his gov­ern­ment ​“will respond” to the Cana­da…

'Of course, yes': Poland latest European country with interest in Canadian LNG

'Of course, yes': Poland latest European country with interest in Canadian LNG

The Pres­i­dent of Poland says his coun­try would ​“of course” be inter­est­ed in…

Health minister 'deeply appreciative' of doctors but capital gains changes here to stay

Health minister 'deeply appreciative' of doctors but capital gains changes here to stay

Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says while he is ​“deeply appre­cia­tive” of the work…

'We are declaring our readiness': No decision made yet as Poland declares it's ready to host nuclear weapons

'We are declaring our readiness': No decision made yet as Poland declares it's ready to host nuclear weapons

Pol­ish Pres­i­dent Andrzej Duda says while no deci­sion has been made around whether…

'We recognize it's a very challenging time': Minister insists budget won't blunt innovation

'We recognize it's a very challenging time': Minister insists budget won't blunt innovation

Despite sig­nif­i­cant crit­i­cisms from busi­ness own­ers and entre­pre­neurs that parts…

Conservatives won't say whether they'd reverse capital gains tax change

Conservatives won't say whether they'd reverse capital gains tax change

Despite express­ing vehe­ment oppo­si­tion to the new­ly unveiled fed­er­al bud­get,…

Permanent immigration levels 'in the right place': Fraser

Permanent immigration levels 'in the right place': Fraser

Hous­ing Min­is­ter and for­mer immi­gra­tion min­is­ter Sean Fras­er says Canada’s…

Conservative lead over Liberals narrows while NDP support drops: Nanos

Conservative lead over Liberals narrows while NDP support drops: Nanos

The fed­er­al Lib­er­als are nar­row­ing the months-old gap with the Con­ser­v­a­tive…

Greece would 'absolutely' be interested in purchasing Canadian LNG: Greek PM

Greece would 'absolutely' be interested in purchasing Canadian LNG: Greek PM

Greece would ​“of course” be inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing Canada’s liq­ue­fied nat­ur­al…

'We haven't made a decision on that': Feds consulting on post-2030 carbon tax hikes

'We haven't made a decision on that': Feds consulting on post-2030 carbon tax hikes

Envi­ron­ment and Cli­mate Change Min­is­ter Steven Guil­beault says ​“no deci­sion has…

Liberal MP Housefather not ruling out crossing the floor to the Conservatives

Liberal MP Housefather not ruling out crossing the floor to the Conservatives

Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther — who said Tues­day he was ​“reflect­ing” on his…

'An unbelievable father': Mark Mulroney reflects on father's legacy, says he 'always made us feel special'

'An unbelievable father': Mark Mulroney reflects on father's legacy, says he 'always made us feel special'

See­ing flags across the coun­try fly­ing at half mast to hon­our the life and lega­cy of…

Government contracting process 'absolutely not' giving value for money: Botler whistleblowers

Government contracting process 'absolutely not' giving value for money: Botler whistleblowers

The co-founders of a com­pa­ny for­mer­ly con­tract­ed by the Cana­da Bor­der…

'Quite an extraordinary figure': Former prime minister Joe Clark reflects on passing of Brian Mulroney

'Quite an extraordinary figure': Former prime minister Joe Clark reflects on passing of Brian Mulroney

For­mer prime min­is­ter Bri­an Mul­roney had a ​“quite remark­able” abil­i­ty to bring…

Former prime minister Jean Chretien remembers 'great servant of Canada' Brian Mulroney

Former prime minister Jean Chretien remembers 'great servant of Canada' Brian Mulroney

For­mer prime min­is­ter Jean Chre­tien is remem­ber­ing his long­time polit­i­cal rival,…

Liberals and NDP reach deal on pharmacare

Liberals and NDP reach deal on pharmacare

The Lib­er­als and the NDP have reached a deal to table phar­ma­care frame­work…

Canada only country without a plan to meet NATO defence spending target: ambassador

Canada only country without a plan to meet NATO defence spending target: ambassador

Cana­da is the only NATO mem­ber with­out a plan or a time­line to reach the…

NATO head expects Canada to say when it will meet defence spending target

NATO head expects Canada to say when it will meet defence spending target

NATO Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Jens Stoltenberg says he expects Cana­da to lay out when it…

Feds rule out carbon price pause despite inflation

Feds rule out carbon price pause despite inflation

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is rul­ing out any future paus­es or exemp­tions to the…

Aid package approval delay 'having an impact,' but ambassador insists U.S. funds will get to Ukraine

Aid package approval delay 'having an impact,' but ambassador insists U.S. funds will get to Ukraine

The stand­still in the U.S. Con­gress pre­vent­ing a US$95.3‑billion aid pack­age…

Pharmacare talks with Liberals 'not looking very promising': NDP

Pharmacare talks with Liberals 'not looking very promising': NDP

Talks between the Lib­er­als and the NDP for phar­ma­care frame­work leg­is­la­tion are…

Trudeau's Liberals 'not pulling the fire alarm' on NDP deal, health minister says

Trudeau's Liberals 'not pulling the fire alarm' on NDP deal, health minister says

Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says he has ​“every con­fi­dence” his gov­ern­ment can…

'There's an opportunity to divorce themselves': Strategists weigh in on future of Liberal-NDP deal

'There's an opportunity to divorce themselves': Strategists weigh in on future of Liberal-NDP deal

With NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh putting the Lib­er­als ​“on notice” that it could be…

Majority support for Emergencies Act unchanged since 2022: Nanos Research

Majority support for Emergencies Act unchanged since 2022: Nanos Research

The major­i­ty of Cana­di­ans still sup­port the fed­er­al government’s use of the…

Ukraine's foreign minister to Canadian voters: The best thing you can do is to support Ukraine

Ukraine's foreign minister to Canadian voters: The best thing you can do is to support Ukraine

Ukraine’s for­eign min­is­ter says the ​“best thing” Cana­di­an vot­ers can do is push…

Liberal leadership: Ex-BoC governor Carney insists Trudeau will lead party into next election

Liberal leadership: Ex-BoC governor Carney insists Trudeau will lead party into next election

For­mer Bank of Cana­da Gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney insists Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau…

Likelihood of need to invoke Emergencies Act again has decreased: outgoing NSIA Thomas

Likelihood of need to invoke Emergencies Act again has decreased: outgoing NSIA Thomas

The prime minister’s out­go­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty advi­sor says the like­li­hood of…

Trump jealous of Trudeau because he's 'younger and way better looking': Scaramucci

Trump jealous of Trudeau because he's 'younger and way better looking': Scaramucci

If for­mer U.S. pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump wins back the White House in the upcom­ing…

Notley resignation: Alberta NDP leader says 'no intention' of running for the party federally

Notley resignation: Alberta NDP leader says 'no intention' of running for the party federally

Alber­ta NDP Leader Rachel Not­ley, who announced Tues­day she plans to step down from…

'It is for him to decide': Former PM Chretien on whether Trudeau should run again

'It is for him to decide': Former PM Chretien on whether Trudeau should run again

For­mer prime min­is­ter Jean Chre­tien says decid­ing when it’s time to step down and…

'A system that has gotten out of control': Immigration minister to consider cap on international students in Canada

'A system that has gotten out of control': Immigration minister to consider cap on international students in Canada

Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter Marc Miller says in the next few months he’ll be look­ing at the…

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith wants Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to find a new environment minister

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith wants Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to find a new environment minister

More press­ing for Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith than the tim­ing of the next…

Feasibility of two-state solution has increased since Israel-Hamas war started: Joly

Feasibility of two-state solution has increased since Israel-Hamas war started: Joly

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Melanie Joly says she believes a two-state solu­tion to…

Canada not ruling out terrorist designation for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: Joly

Canada not ruling out terrorist designation for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: Joly

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has not ruled out adding Iran’s Islam­ic Rev­o­lu­tion­ary…

'No one else has done this on the planet': Guilbeault insists emissions cap delay is due to novelty

'No one else has done this on the planet': Guilbeault insists emissions cap delay is due to novelty

Envi­ron­ment and Cli­mate Change Min­is­ter Steven Guil­beault says the delay in…

India cooperating with U.S. investigation but not Canada's due to difference in evidence shared, high commissioner says

India cooperating with U.S. investigation but not Canada's due to difference in evidence shared, high commissioner says

India’s high com­mis­sion­er to Cana­da says his gov­ern­ment is coop­er­at­ing with an…

Projected deficits in fall economic statement 'modest,' allows government to 'invest in Canadians': Freeland

Projected deficits in fall economic statement 'modest,' allows government to 'invest in Canadians': Freeland

Finance Min­is­ter and Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land insists her…

Canada-India relations improving after decision to expel diplomat based on 'emotional element': Indian High Commissioner

Canada-India relations improving after decision to expel diplomat based on 'emotional element': Indian High Commissioner

India’s deci­sion to expel a Cana­di­an diplo­mat and strip the diplo­mat­ic…

'I am not worried yet': U.S. ambassador says of Canada's unmet defence targets

'I am not worried yet': U.S. ambassador says of Canada's unmet defence targets

Unit­ed States Ambas­sador to Cana­da David Cohen says he’s ​“not wor­ried yet” about…

Alberta finance minister says CPP referendum decision will be based on 'high level feeling from many sources'

Alberta finance minister says CPP referendum decision will be based on 'high level feeling from many sources'

Alber­ta Finance Min­is­ter Nate Horner says the province’s deci­sion on whether or not…

Stabilizing food prices 'not like a switch you can flip': Industry Minister

Stabilizing food prices 'not like a switch you can flip': Industry Minister

Indus­try Min­is­ter François-Philippe Cham­pagne says the process for sta­bi­liz­ing…

'No excuse for inaction': Kinew says Manitoba health-care plan can go ahead without extra federal dollars

'No excuse for inaction': Kinew says Manitoba health-care plan can go ahead without extra federal dollars

Man­i­to­ba pre­mier-des­ig­nate Wab Kinew says his plan to improve the health-care…

Does AI pose a risk to humanity? Innovation Minister won't say

Does AI pose a risk to humanity? Innovation Minister won't say

Inno­va­tion Min­is­ter François-Philippe Cham­pagne says his job is to move ​“from fear…