Tasha Kheiriddin

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Tasha Kheiriddin.

China aims to keep Mélanie Joly in line — is she even aware?

China aims to keep Mélanie Joly in line — is she even aware?

When­ev­er a Cana­di­an politi­cian trav­els abroad, it’s always use­ful to see how…

J.D. Vance heralds a tsunami of North American populism

J.D. Vance heralds a tsunami of North American populism

He cuts cuts a gen­er­a­tional fig­ure sim­i­lar to Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre…

Trump Shooting Must Unite America

Trump Shooting Must Unite America

Saturday’s assas­si­na­tion attempt on Don­ald Trump has pro­voked a gamut of…

Trudeau taking the heat from NATO allies for cheaping out on defence spending

Trudeau taking the heat from NATO allies for cheaping out on defence spending

Cana­da is a cheap­skate. We’re that friend who always ​“for­gets” their wal­let…

Trudeau's Canada Day message fell as flat as his polling numbers

Trudeau's Canada Day message fell as flat as his polling numbers

If you want a pre­view of the next elec­tion cam­paign, just watch the Cana­da Day…

Does the Toronto—St Paul's byelection presage the end of Justin Trudeau?

Does the Toronto—St Paul's byelection presage the end of Justin Trudeau?

On Mon­day, vot­ers par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Toron­to — St Paul’s byelec­tion deliv­ered…

High immigration could see Quebec emigrate from Canada

High immigration could see Quebec emigrate from Canada

If times are good, immi­gra­tion does not dri­ve pol­i­tics. If times are bad,…

Capital gains changes are nothing more than a middle-class tax hike — and voters know it

Capital gains changes are nothing more than a middle-class tax hike — and voters know it

Watch close­ly. That’s what Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land wants Cana­di­ans to…

On NSICOP, we don’t need names. We need action.

On NSICOP, we don’t need names. We need action.

To name or not to name? That’s the ques­tion hang­ing over Ottawa like a bad smell,…

Brace for a possible tsunami of illegal migrants if Trump is re-elected

Brace for a possible tsunami of illegal migrants if Trump is re-elected

What would a sec­ond Don­ald Trump pres­i­den­cy mean for Cana­da? There has been…

Young people are taught to hate Canada. Mandatory service could fix that

Young people are taught to hate Canada. Mandatory service could fix that

Call it smart, call it a stunt, it’s what every­one in Britain is talk­ing…

Canada is spiralling into disorder under catch-and-release bail policies

Canada is spiralling into disorder under catch-and-release bail policies

Four peo­ple killed, includ­ing a baby and his grand­par­ents. A hor­rif­ic…

Liberal foreign interference bill won't stop Chinese meddling

Liberal foreign interference bill won't stop Chinese meddling

The most one can say about the Lib­er­als’ for­eign inter­fer­ence leg­is­la­tion is…

Labour vote turns right as Liberals continue to fail workers

Labour vote turns right as Liberals continue to fail workers

Work­ers of the world, unite! This is your moment. Across the globe, par­ties are…

Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

Anti-Israel hate marches holding the rest of us hostage while Trudeau shrugs

Cana­da used to be a nation of peace, order, and good gov­ern­ment. Not any­more.…

Confessions of a Spendaholic

Confessions of a Spendaholic

Remem­ber the Shopa­holic book series of the ear­ly 2000’s? Author Sophie Kin­sel­la made…

Israel must ignore the likes of Mélanie Joly and rally to the fight against Iran

Israel must ignore the likes of Mélanie Joly and rally to the fight against Iran

“Take the win.” That was the advice giv­en by For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly to…

The Long Game

The Long Game

This week we learned what Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau knew about inter­fer­ence by…

Diaspora Nation

Diaspora Nation

Immi­gra­tion has built Cana­da since its ear­li­est days. While main­tain­ing har­mo­ny…

Liberals' blind opposition to LNG is making us poorer and less safe

Liberals' blind opposition to LNG is making us poorer and less safe

“Not inter­est­ed.” Those are the words of Ener­gy and Nat­ur­al Resources Min­is­ter…

High-trust Japan shows just how low public safety standards are in Canada

High-trust Japan shows just how low public safety standards are in Canada

Spend two weeks in a for­eign coun­try and you’re bound to com­pare it to home.…

Brian Mulroney, the last gentleman prime minister

Brian Mulroney, the last gentleman prime minister

Prime Min­is­ter Bri­an Mul­roney will be remem­bered for many things. He won an…

Trudeau brings in substandard pharmacare to stay in power

Trudeau brings in substandard pharmacare to stay in power

Is phar­ma­care doomed to fail? Last week, Que­bec announced that it would opt out of the…

Liberals denigrate Canada, no wonder the military can't recruit

Liberals denigrate Canada, no wonder the military can't recruit

Who will fight for Cana­da? With all the sabre-rat­tling hap­pen­ing around the world,…

ArriveCAN could be the nail in the Liberals' political coffin

ArriveCAN could be the nail in the Liberals' political coffin

By the num­bers, the fed­er­al government’s Arrive­CAN app is a dis­as­ter. Designed…

Poilievre's promised car thief crackdown a reckoning for Trudeau

Poilievre's promised car thief crackdown a reckoning for Trudeau

Justin Trudeau stole your car. Did that get your atten­tion? It’s not true, of course:…

Poilievre is leaving Trudeau in the dust — here's how to keep it that way

Poilievre is leaving Trudeau in the dust — here's how to keep it that way

It was a ban­ner year for the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives and leader Pierre…

Liberals put all their bets on campaigning against ... Donald Trump

Liberals put all their bets on campaigning against ... Donald Trump

It’s retreat week for two of Canada’s top three polit­i­cal par­ties. The Lib­er­al…

If Trudeau really cared about the ICJ, he'd join Israel's side in court

If Trudeau really cared about the ICJ, he'd join Israel's side in court

As South Africa’s case accus­ing Israel of com­mit­ting geno­cide in Gaza comes before…

Liberals blind as aggressive immigration damages economy

Liberals blind as aggressive immigration damages economy

Canada’s immi­gra­tion poli­cies are dam­ag­ing the econ­o­my. That’s the find­ing of…

Shadows of elitism, luxury vacations haunt Liberals into 2024

Shadows of elitism, luxury vacations haunt Liberals into 2024

Set­tle in, vot­ers of Cana­da: the next fed­er­al elec­tion like­ly won’t be until 2025.…

New year, same problems, same inept leadership from Justin Trudeau

New year, same problems, same inept leadership from Justin Trudeau

The year is only a few days old, yet it feels like we’re stuck in 2023. Rus­sia…

Anti-Israel propaganda is everywhere and the Liberals are benefitting

Anti-Israel propaganda is everywhere and the Liberals are benefitting

What hap­pened to Cana­di­an youth’s love-in with the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty? Last…

Legault wants to kill Quebec's English universities. He must be stopped

Legault wants to kill Quebec's English universities. He must be stopped

Let’s not mince words: Que­bec Pre­mier François Legault wants to kill Montréal’s…

Speaker Greg Fergus knew better, he should resign

Speaker Greg Fergus knew better, he should resign

Some columns you just hate to write. This is one of those columns. But I’m writ­ing it…

Another sham inquiry into foreign interference

Another sham inquiry into foreign interference

Is Judge Marie-Josée Hogue the new David John­ston? The Que­bec Court of Appeals judge…

Catherine Tait makes the case for abolishing the CBC

Catherine Tait makes the case for abolishing the CBC

Who needs Pierre Poilievre when you have Cather­ine Tait? If CBC was wor­ried about the…

First Nations sue over 'discriminatory' carbon tax — will Guilbeault resign?

First Nations sue over 'discriminatory' carbon tax — will Guilbeault resign?

A month after the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment exempt­ed home heat­ing oil from its puni­tive…

Canada, the land of imported ethnic conflicts

Canada, the land of imported ethnic conflicts

Immi­gra­tion built Cana­da: does it now risk tear­ing our coun­try apart? That is the…

NDP starting to lose faith in Singh and his unholy Liberal alliance

NDP starting to lose faith in Singh and his unholy Liberal alliance

NDP leader Jag­meet Singh is still stand­ing, sort of. Singh got an 81 per cent…

The civilized world finally sees Hamas for the murder cult that it is

The civilized world finally sees Hamas for the murder cult that it is

Mar­tin Luther King Jr. said, ​“wars are poor chis­els for carv­ing out peace­ful…

National pharmacare plan too high a price to pay to keep Liberals in power

National pharmacare plan too high a price to pay to keep Liberals in power

In the wake of the inci­dent where the House of Com­mons gave a for­mer Waf­fen SS…

Streaming over-reach another reason for Conservatives to disband the CRTC

Streaming over-reach another reason for Conservatives to disband the CRTC

On Fri­day, the Cana­di­an Radio-tele­vi­sion and Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mis­sion…