Think Tank
Energy Security in Uncertain Times: How Canada and Taiwan Can Partner for Strategic Gain

Energy Security in Uncertain Times: How Canada and Taiwan Can Partner for Strategic Gain

Taiwan’s heavy reliance on import­ed ener­gy is a glar­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty risk, espe­cial­ly as ten­sions with Chi­na con­tin­ue to rise. The island’s domes­tic ener­gy pro­duc­tion is neg­li­gi­ble — cur­rent­ly, domes­tic sources…

Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

As the coun­tries com­pris­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion of South­east Asian Nations (ASEAN)…

U.S.-China Competition Looms Large at Seoul Summit on Use of AI in Military

U.S.-China Competition Looms Large at Seoul Summit on Use of AI in Military

The sec­ond Respon­si­ble Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence in the Mil­i­tary Domain (REAIM)…

Adjusting the Sails - 2024  Atlantic Canada Momentum Index

Adjusting the Sails - 2024 Atlantic Canada Momentum Index

This year’s Atlantic Cana­da Momen­tum Index offers evi­dence of a region at…

Should Governments Steer Private Investment Decisions? Framing Canada’s Industrial Policy Choices

    Should Governments Steer Private Investment Decisions? Framing Canada’s Industrial Policy Choices

    Indus­tri­al pol­i­cy is a loaded term. To some, it sig­nals a return to the…

    Japan’s New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru Faces Internal, External Challenges in Lead-up to National Election

    Japan’s New Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru Faces Internal, External Challenges in Lead-up to National Election

    The selec­tion of Ishi­ba Shigeru, who won his party’s lead­er­ship race to become…

    Modi’s U.S. Visit Underscores India’s Deepening Ties with Washington, Quad

    Modi’s U.S. Visit Underscores India’s Deepening Ties with Washington, Quad

    Indi­an Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi’s three-day vis­it to the U.S. in late…

    Sri Lanka’s New Leftist President Signals Sharp Political Shift

    Sri Lanka’s New Leftist President Signals Sharp Political Shift

    Sri Lanka’s pres­i­den­tial elec­tion on Sep­tem­ber 21 – 22 marked a sig­nif­i­cant…

    Leveraging Quantum Technology for Canadian Defence

    Leveraging Quantum Technology for Canadian Defence

    Great uncer­tain­ty per­vades deci­sions about emerg­ing defence tech­nolo­gies.…

    If you spent and borrowed like the Trudeau government you’d be in big trouble

    Chasing the Wind

    Incapacitated - Why Canada has a state capacity problem — and how to fix it

    Incapacitated - Why Canada has a state capacity problem — and how to fix it

    The COVID-19 pan­dem­ic high­light­ed both the strengths and weak­ness­es of Canada’s…

    Matter More A Canadian strategy for a changing United States

    Matter More A Canadian strategy for a changing United States

    A school of thought has arisen that Cana­da has nev­er been more alone in the world. We…

    Urban violent crime report: A look at Canada’s major cities

    Urban violent crime report: A look at Canada’s major cities

    In recent years there has been a surge in vio­lent crime across Cana­da as…

    Defence Procurem ent Reform

    In June of 2024 the Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Nation­al Defence com­plet­ed its…

    Exposed - How Canada can close its health security gaps

    Exposed - How Canada can close its health security gaps

    As the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic recedes, its final afflic­tion remains col­lec­tive amne­sia.…

    Chasing the wind – The value of wind generation in a low-emission nuclear and hydro-dominant grid: the case of Ontario

    Chasing the wind – The value of wind generation in a low-emission nuclear and hydro-dominant grid: the case of Ontario

    In 2018, the new­ly elect­ed Ontario gov­ern­ment passed one of its first pieces of…

    Lessons for Canada: Comparing Maritime Autonomous Systems Adoption Across the Five Eyes

    Lessons for Canada: Comparing Maritime Autonomous Systems Adoption Across the Five Eyes

    Mem­bers of the Five Eyes (FVEY) secu­ri­ty part­ner­ship, Cana­da, the Unit­ed States…

    If Canada chooses to engage in activist trade policy, it should make sure it does so strategically

      If Canada chooses to engage in activist trade policy, it should make sure it does so strategically

      When the Trudeau gov­ern­ment announced its deci­sion to imple­ment tar­iffs of 100% on…

      Modi Visits Ukraine in Show of ‘Strategic Autonomy’

      Modi Visits Ukraine in Show of ‘Strategic Autonomy’

      Indi­an Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi’s his­toric vis­it to the Ukrain­ian cap­i­tal of…

      Securing the future – Canada’s deep geological repository for nuclear waste: Heather Exner-Pirot

      Securing the future – Canada’s deep geological repository for nuclear waste: Heather Exner-Pirot

      In the com­ing year, Canada’s Nuclear Waste Man­age­ment Orga­ni­za­tion (NWMO) –…

      Tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles are coming. How high will they be?

      Tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles are coming. How high will they be?

      It’s almost cer­tain the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will soon announce sup­ple­men­tary…

      Thailand’s Leadership Shakeup Could Portend More Political and Economic Uncertainty

      Thailand’s Leadership Shakeup Could Portend More Political and Economic Uncertainty

      On August 16, the Thai par­lia­ment approved Pae­tong­tarn Shi­nawa­tra of the Pheu Thai…

      The Missing Indigenous Wealth Transfer

      The Missing Indigenous Wealth Transfer

      The new censorship: Regulatory creep, professional regulators, and growing limits on freedom of expression

      The new censorship: Regulatory creep, professional regulators, and growing limits on freedom of expression

      There is a con­cern­ing trend emerg­ing in Cana­da – a kind of ​“new…

      Canada’s Contribution to Peace and Security in the Indo-Pacific: Highlights from the Discussion with National Defence Minister Bill Blair

      Canada’s Contribution to Peace and Security in the Indo-Pacific: Highlights from the Discussion with National Defence Minister Bill Blair

      The Asia Pacif­ic Foun­da­tion of Cana­da (APF Cana­da) had the plea­sure of host­ing…

      India’s New Budget Prioritizes Foreign Investment, Aims to Boost Manufacturing

        India’s New Budget Prioritizes Foreign Investment, Aims to Boost Manufacturing

        Indi­an Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi’s first bud­get dur­ing his third term in office…

        Explainer: What are the Ramifications of Bangladesh's Political Turmoil for India, Broader Region?

        Explainer: What are the Ramifications of Bangladesh's Political Turmoil for India, Broader Region?

        Bangladesh’s longest-serv­ing prime min­is­ter, Sheikh Hasi­na, who ruled for over…

        Explainer: What’s Behind Bangladesh’s Deadly Protests?

        Explainer: What’s Behind Bangladesh’s Deadly Protests?

        For sev­er­al weeks in July, Bangladesh was wracked by its most seri­ous episode of…

        At China’s Third Plenum Xi Jinping Stays the Course

        At China’s Third Plenum Xi Jinping Stays the Course

        Chi­na’s third plenum, a once-every-five-years meet­ing of Chi­nese Com­mu­nist…

        Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly’s Trip to China: Expert Reactions

        Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly’s Trip to China: Expert Reactions

        On July 19, Cana­di­an Min­is­ter of For­eign Affairs Mélanie Joly met with her Chi­nese…

        Neo-idealism: Grand strategy for the future of the transatlantic community

        Neo-idealism: Grand strategy for the future of the transatlantic community

        It is time for a new strate­gic approach to defend and renew our soci­eties and the…

        Trudeau-Legault immigration meeting shows federation at its cynical worst

        Trudeau-Legault immigration meeting shows federation at its cynical worst

        As a fol­low up to a sum­mit meet­ing on immi­gra­tion in March, Prime…

        Voters want premiers to take action on health care crisis: new poll

        Voters want premiers to take action on health care crisis: new poll

        A time­ly new poll by Envi­ron­ics Research for the Cana­di­an Health Coali­tion finds…

        Modi's Moscow Mission Contrasts with West’s Condemnation of Putin

        Modi's Moscow Mission Contrasts with West’s Condemnation of Putin

        Indi­an Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Mod­i’s vis­it to Rus­sia from July 8 – 9 cre­at­ed…

        Weapons of mass distraction – Curbing social media addiction and reclaiming the smartphone generation

        Weapons of mass distraction – Curbing social media addiction and reclaiming the smartphone generation

        Social psy­chol­o­gist Jonathan Haidt’s inter­na­tion­al best­seller, The Anx­ious…

        A New Fiscal Framework for British Columbia

        A New Fiscal Framework for British Columbia

        British Columbia’s provin­cial gov­ern­ment finances have dete­ri­o­rat­ed rapid­ly in…

        Explainer: How Canada’s Deadliest Terrorist Attack Created Lasting Strains in Canada-India Relations

        Explainer: How Canada’s Deadliest Terrorist Attack Created Lasting Strains in Canada-India Relations

        In Sep­tem­ber 2023, the Cana­da-India rela­tion­ship hit one of its low­est points ever…

        Russia-North Korea Security Pact Fuses Northeast Asian and European Security

        Russia-North Korea Security Pact Fuses Northeast Asian and European Security

        A new and enhanced secu­ri­ty part­ner­ship between Rus­sia and North Korea marks…

        Government services faltering despite Trudeau’s tax hikes
        Pulling the plug on federal AI Laws: The problem with the proposed amendments to AIDA

        Pulling the plug on federal AI Laws: The problem with the proposed amendments to AIDA

        In 2022, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment led by Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau intro­duced…