Chris Selley

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Chris Selley.

Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

“The CEO of Elec­tions Cana­da has indi­cat­ed his oppo­si­tion to it, and let me just…

For Poilievre, ignorance of the foreign interference report is not bliss

For Poilievre, ignorance of the foreign interference report is not bliss

The Nation­al Post’s Tristin Hop­per did a fine job this week explain­ing the…

Canadian conservatives have more than just newfound confidence on their side

Canadian conservatives have more than just newfound confidence on their side

Back when the annu­al Cana­da Strong and Free Con­fer­ence, which wrapped up Fri­day,…

Poilievre promises the conservative faithful all their Canadian dreams will soon come true

Poilievre promises the conservative faithful all their Canadian dreams will soon come true

The more inevitable Poilievre’s vic­to­ry seems, the more point­ed the ques­tions become…

There is no 'pharmacare deal'

There is no 'pharmacare deal'

Justin Trudeau’s back­room genius­es want you to see yet anoth­er clip of Pierre…

Please, Conservatives, leave the woke faux-outrage to the Liberals

Please, Conservatives, leave the woke faux-outrage to the Liberals

Justin Trudeau’s some­what revamped office con­tin­ues to make it abun­dant­ly clear that…

Low-energy Jagmeet Singh is squandering what should be the NDP's moment

Low-energy Jagmeet Singh is squandering what should be the NDP's moment

The fed­er­al New Democ­rats recent­ly announced a bit of a lead­er­ship…

It's far too late for the Liberals to save the CBC from Poilievre

It's far too late for the Liberals to save the CBC from Poilievre

When it comes to defund­ing CBC, the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Canada’s offi­cial line…

Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians should be allies in demanding justice-system reform

Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians should be allies in demanding justice-system reform

After many years of fly­ing total­ly or par­tial­ly blind, Cana­da final­ly has…