Rose LeMay

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Rose LeMay.

Canada land and spirit

Canada land and spirit

Canada is land. From the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic to the Atlantic, from the Coast Mountains to the Saint-Elias...

Knowledge of history and pledge to inclusion go hand in hand

Knowledge of history and pledge to inclusion go hand in hand

Why did U.S. President Donald Trump wipe diversity, equity, and inclusion off the American government’s map? MAGA doesn’t want to...

Fragile governance is among the threats facing this country

Fragile governance is among the threats facing this country

We might look back on Jan. 6, 2025, as the date on which Canada set itself up for failure. Instead...

What’s the future of the Métis National Council?

What’s the future of the Métis National Council?

What’s the future of Métis National Council? The federal government has always dealt with Métis differently than First Nations, and...

Two ways the federal government can save money

Two ways the federal government can save money

There may be a bit of an issue of ever-expanding budgets in federal departments. If we ever needed a federal...

When will we start preparing for the worst?

When will we start preparing for the worst?

When Russia attacked Ukraine, nearby countries were in shock. Some didn’t even react, although Russian sympathy may also be at...

Between wars and fears of fascism in the U.S., there’s plenty to be scared about

Between wars and fears of fascism in the U.S., there’s plenty to be scared about

As I write this on Halloween, things are darn scary. Wars, the rise of bots pushing conspiracies, the American you-know-what...

What a museum on residential schools could do for us

What a museum on residential schools could do for us

The National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C., is a stand-out in museum content and museology—the...

Residential school denialism should be illegal

Residential school denialism should be illegal

Here’s a bold idea: let’s set out the basic knowledge and capacity to run in federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal...

Dying from police intervention in an era of reconciliation

Dying from police intervention in an era of reconciliation

Six Indigenous individuals died by police in a two-week span in this country. In the time between when this column...

How to know when media are ‘sanewashing’ politics

How to know when media are ‘sanewashing’ politics

The newest term of the day is “sanewashing”—when media does backflips to try to logically re-interpret into policy what former...

Feds confuse the funding for unmarked graves evidence search

Feds confuse the funding for unmarked graves evidence search

In the weeks leading up to the National Day of Reconciliation on Sept. 30, Crown-Indigenous Relations unilaterally cut the funding...

An authoritarian hurricane approaches. Can democracy stop it?

An authoritarian hurricane approaches. Can democracy stop it?

Is the weather changing for liberalism? It may be sunny outside, but it’s dark and stormy in the minds of...

What could have been for reconciliation

What could have been for reconciliation

What could have been for reconciliation, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon and Manitoba all have something in common. Vancouver and...

Dawson Creek gets on the map for all the wrong reasons

Dawson Creek gets on the map for all the wrong reasons

Dawson Creek is 700 kilometres north of Vancouver on the border of Alberta. It’s Mile Zero on the Alaska Highway...

The day Indigenous Peoples took a major step forward in healing

The day Indigenous Peoples took a major step forward in healing

It’s been a long time since First Nations, Inuit, and Métis came together. Before the colonizers broke us apart by...

Bring back civility and morality to the House before it’s gone

Bring back civility and morality to the House before it’s gone

Workplaces often expect professionalism of their employees, but rarely define what it is. When teams dig into the meaning, they...

We must demand greater accountability from police

We must demand greater accountability from police

This is your regular six-month public service announcement that the RCMP lacks accountability. The Yellowknife Women’s Society in the Northwest...

It’s not comedy to make money off a mass murderer

It’s not comedy to make money off a mass murderer

The Danger Cats is a so-called comedy group whose shows have been cancelled across the country. As media have reported...

Our day to talk about the elimination of racism

Our day to talk about the elimination of racism

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is on March 21. This year also marks the 75th anniversary...

About those land acknowledgments

About those land acknowledgments

Land acknowledgments are an expected protocol to start meetings and even in email signatures. But what are they accomplishing? One...

This is what reconciliation looks like and it’s the Churchill Health Centre

This is what reconciliation looks like and it’s the Churchill Health Centre

On the north end of the province of Manitoba on the mighty Churchill River sits Churchill, a small town that...

The daily struggles to survive as Indigenous

The daily struggles to survive as Indigenous

On an overcast day a few weeks ago, a young Indigenous man stood up in the Ottawa Courthouse to hear...

The year 2023: reconciliation in review

The year 2023: reconciliation in review

The year 2023 will go down as the year reconciliation mainstreamed into Canadian consciousness. Remember the good old days when...

‘Tis the season for political renewal? Don’t hold your breath

‘Tis the season for political renewal? Don’t hold your breath

Politics is going to take us all down. In its current form of cut-throat competitiveness and ruthless party controls, superficiality...

The nurses and docs are not okay

The nurses and docs are not okay

After COVID, we are all working to build back, or something like it. We need to talk about the losses...

Australia doubles down on colonization via a referendum

Australia doubles down on colonization via a referendum

On Oct. 14, Australia voted on a referendum to include a Voice for First Nations to their Parliament and changing...