John Ivison

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from John Ivison.

Trudeau’s signature pot legalization is failing on all fronts

Trudeau’s signature pot legalization is failing on all fronts

Ottawa’s attempts to out­flank the illic­it mar­ket has been under­mined by the clum­sy…

Trump survived a bullet. American democracy will survive this, too

Trump survived a bullet. American democracy will survive this, too

Anoth­er like­ly Trump pres­i­den­cy will test the guardrails imposed by the Found­ing…

How the Liberals accidentally triggered an avoidable, nightmarish WestJet strike

How the Liberals accidentally triggered an avoidable, nightmarish WestJet strike

It was O’Regan’s order to enter bind­ing arbi­tra­tion that stopped the col­lec­tive…

Poilievre tries on the prime minister’s boots at Stampede

Poilievre tries on the prime minister’s boots at Stampede

He seems increas­ing­ly to be turn­ing his mind to what he might do as the country’s next…

20-point comeback election wins are as rare as hen’s teeth, history shows

20-point comeback election wins are as rare as hen’s teeth, history shows

The dif­fer­ence in this case is the gov­ern­ment has been in pow­er for almost…

Inequality has only widened amid Freeland’s obsessive war on wealth

Inequality has only widened amid Freeland’s obsessive war on wealth

The con­clu­sion is that the Lib­er­als have mis­di­ag­nosed Canada’s major eco­nom­ic…

Ottawa’s cruising for another trade bruising from Donald Trump

Ottawa’s cruising for another trade bruising from Donald Trump

The sense that Trump would guar­an­tee Cana­da access to U.S. mar­kets under the…

MPs suspected of foreign influence deserve justice, but not frontier justice

MPs suspected of foreign influence deserve justice, but not frontier justice

If the names of sen­a­tors and MPs sus­pect­ed of for­eign influ­ence were released, they…

Behold the shattered wasteland of Liberal government credibility

Behold the shattered wasteland of Liberal government credibility

It is hard to remem­ber a time when faith and trust in the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment…

Freeland claimed deficits were under control. We're now discovering the truth

Freeland claimed deficits were under control. We're now discovering the truth

It turns out the deficit was actu­al­ly $50.9 bil­lion, mak­ing it much hard­er to reduce…

If 2025 becomes the mortgage-pain election, the Liberals have already lost

If 2025 becomes the mortgage-pain election, the Liberals have already lost

Free­land brushed off Poilievre’s con­cerns with a dis­mis­sive: ​‘Tory times are…

Eco-activist Liberal ministers could ruin a $300M lifeline for a struggling First Nation

Eco-activist Liberal ministers could ruin a $300M lifeline for a struggling First Nation

The Ehat­te­saht First Nation’s chief makes clear that his peo­ple know bet­ter than…

A high-stakes fish fight is fracturing Trudeau’s cabinet

A high-stakes fish fight is fracturing Trudeau’s cabinet

Eco-activist min­is­ters are clash­ing with the fish­eries min­is­ter over…

The sudden, mysterious muteness of Pierre Poilievre

The sudden, mysterious muteness of Pierre Poilievre

If low­er­ing tax­es is the Con­ser­v­a­tives’ strength, it’s strange that the leader…

The Liberals’ response to the arrest warrants against Israel is mired in typical fudge

The Liberals’ response to the arrest warrants against Israel is mired in typical fudge

The world doesn’t allow for moral rel­a­tivism. Israel is a fel­low democ­ra­cy…

Mark Carney keeps appearing like a ghost at Trudeau’s feast

Mark Carney keeps appearing like a ghost at Trudeau’s feast

Friends say Car­ney is not mes­sian­ic about a career in pol­i­tics, but he believes…

CUPE is being held to account for its obsessive anti-Israel vitriol

CUPE is being held to account for its obsessive anti-Israel vitriol

Lawyer Kathryn Mar­shall is intent on show­ing there are con­se­quences by going after…

Madness in the House is the prelude to a powerful reckoning There is a new pugnacity to the Liberals.

Madness in the House is the prelude to a powerful reckoning There is a new pugnacity to the Liberals.

There is a new pugnac­i­ty to the Lib­er­als. But the day will come when the NDP…

India is too important for cheap Liberal domestic politics

India is too important for cheap Liberal domestic politics

The world is becom­ing too dan­ger­ous to sur­ren­der for­eign pol­i­cy to dias­po­ra…

The decline and fall of Canada

The decline and fall of Canada

A state’s cit­i­zens must have the will for it to exist in the world. Has there been any…

Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

Trudeau’s budget comeback tour isn’t proving popular enough to save his career

Mil­len­ni­als do not seem to have for­giv­en or for­got­ten what Trudeau failed to…

The federal budget is a Liberal strategy driven by panic

The federal budget is a Liberal strategy driven by panic

Chrys­tia Free­land is so averse to pri­vate enter­prise, she’s now try­ing to put…

Liberals have a chance to reverse their fiscal doom spiral. Expect them to pass

Liberals have a chance to reverse their fiscal doom spiral. Expect them to pass

Canada’s cov­et­ed triple‑A cred­it rat­ing is in dan­ger, but a gov­ern­ment with…

Canada's economy desperately needs shock treatment after this Liberal government

Canada's economy desperately needs shock treatment after this Liberal government

Lack of busi­ness invest­ment is the main cul­prit. Cana­di­ans are dig­ging holes with…

The Liberals' shameful arms ban against Israel will come back to haunt us

The Liberals' shameful arms ban against Israel will come back to haunt us

Dur­ing the debate on the NDP’s pro­pos­al to uni­lat­er­al­ly rec­og­nize…

Liberals dodge a Palestinian bullet, but the NDP's bill is yet to come

Liberals dodge a Palestinian bullet, but the NDP's bill is yet to come

We will doubt­less find out the quid for this par­tic­u­lar quo in the next bud­get. The…

Trudeau’s not for turning, even as the carbon tax precipice approaches

Trudeau’s not for turning, even as the carbon tax precipice approaches

Justin Trudeau had a mes­sage for any­one expect­ing a U‑turn on the car­bon…

Canada's Air Force ends pilot training as Ottawa’s spending priorities grow more unbalanced

Canada's Air Force ends pilot training as Ottawa’s spending priorities grow more unbalanced

The Roy­al Cana­di­an Air Force announced ear­li­er this month that it will retire its…

Expect a finance minister in survival mode to turn on the spending taps

Expect a finance minister in survival mode to turn on the spending taps

But the bil­lions of dol­lars of new expen­di­ture need­ed to shift the polit­i­cal dial…

Here’s to the blustering, funny, vain, exceptional, sometimes inexplicable Brian Mulroney

Here’s to the blustering, funny, vain, exceptional, sometimes inexplicable Brian Mulroney

Canada’s 18th prime min­is­ter, who passed away Thurs­day, said that with­out StFX, he’d…

The online harms bill risks replacing digital anarchy with a surveillance state

The online harms bill risks replacing digital anarchy with a surveillance state

If all these new reg­u­la­to­ry bod­ies and adju­di­ca­tors are overzeal­ous, it will…

Canada wavers on military exports to Israel under pressure to suspend shipments

Canada wavers on military exports to Israel under pressure to suspend shipments

Cana­da has stopped issu­ing export per­mits for sell­ing mil­i­tary equip­ment to…

Poilievre signals he’s up for taking a good whack at runaway immigration levels

Poilievre signals he’s up for taking a good whack at runaway immigration levels

Lib­er­als who make lazy com­par­isons between Don­ald Trump and Pierre Poilievre risk…

The moral preening of Steven Guilbeault grows as insufferable as bicycling in January

The moral preening of Steven Guilbeault grows as insufferable as bicycling in January

Pro­gres­sive politi­cians hop­ing to tri­umph over right-lean­ing polit­i­cal…

Warnings about too many international students were clear. The Liberals ignored them

Warnings about too many international students were clear. The Liberals ignored them

Some days you’re the dog and some days you’re the tree. Hous­ing min­is­ter Sean Fras­er…

Conservative coyness about meeting NATO targets won’t cut it with President Trump

Conservative coyness about meeting NATO targets won’t cut it with President Trump

Mar­co Rubio, the for­mer ris­ing Repub­li­can hope whose future now seems to be behind…

Justin Trudeau needs to wake up to Donald Trump’s reckless new world disorder

Justin Trudeau needs to wake up to Donald Trump’s reckless new world disorder

The world appears to be drift­ing inex­orably towards cat­a­stro­phe but you wouldn’t…

Conservatives can flip Trudeau's script on Ukraine

Conservatives can flip Trudeau's script on Ukraine

The Lib­er­als rarely miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty to miss an oppor­tu­ni­ty but by blast­ing…

University instructor fights back after being suspended for daring to denounce Hamas

University instructor fights back after being suspended for daring to denounce Hamas

The rea­son aca­d­e­m­ic pol­i­tics are so bit­ter is because so lit­tle is at stake,…

Parliament’s carbon tax drama is ripped right out of Poilievre’s script

Parliament’s carbon tax drama is ripped right out of Poilievre’s script

The recog­ni­tion by par­ty insid­ers that ques­tion peri­od has become a ​“con­tent…

Trudeau's top security adviser is now a part-time job, no experience required

Trudeau's top security adviser is now a part-time job, no experience required

When he tes­ti­fied before a House of Com­mons com­mit­tee on for­eign…

Trudeau won’t shake off this latest vacation fail as easily as the others

Trudeau won’t shake off this latest vacation fail as easily as the others

But just because Trudeau didn’t break the let­ter of the con­flict law, it doesn’t mean…

The Canadian university teacher facing firing for daring to denounce Hamas

The Canadian university teacher facing firing for daring to denounce Hamas

As any­one who uses social media knows, anger erodes our self-con­trol and makes us do…

Canada's UN ceasefire vote reveals what we've become — undependable, unprincipled and foolish

Canada's UN ceasefire vote reveals what we've become — undependable, unprincipled and foolish

Bob Rae was caught on a hot micro­phone, just after he joined in calls for…

Canada’s ‘performative' winter-coat shipments won’t save Ukraine, and the world order, from disaster

Canada’s ‘performative' winter-coat shipments won’t save Ukraine, and the world order, from disaster

If west­ern coun­tries do not shake off their lethar­gy, the supreme inter­na­tion­al…

University presidents feeling the bite of their own limited speech rules

University presidents feeling the bite of their own limited speech rules

The encounter that may have sound­ed the death knell for can­cel cul­ture in high­er…

Poilievre makes a hit movie out of a gloomy script

Poilievre makes a hit movie out of a gloomy script

Pierre Poilievre’s 15-minute ​“hous­ing hell” video is a bit like Queen’s Bohemi­an…

Kissinger warned us we'd need serious leadership. Canada wasn’t listening

Kissinger warned us we'd need serious leadership. Canada wasn’t listening

Pierre Poilievre paid trib­ute to one of his heroes, Win­ston Churchill, last week, on…

Dreams collide for Trudeau as First Nations bet big on oil and gas

Dreams collide for Trudeau as First Nations bet big on oil and gas

Justin Trudeau’s top pri­or­i­ties ever since his elec­tion in 2015 have been action on…

Trudeau’s government returns to Venezuela with its idealism in tatters

Trudeau’s government returns to Venezuela with its idealism in tatters

Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment came to pow­er in 2015 pledg­ing to imple­ment…

Canadians have surprising patience for Poilievre’s prickly side, but it isn't limitless

Canadians have surprising patience for Poilievre’s prickly side, but it isn't limitless

Pierre Poilievre has already dubbed the next trek to the polls as ​“the car­bon tax…

The carbon tax is collapsing and could take Trudeau down with it

The carbon tax is collapsing and could take Trudeau down with it

It must have seemed like a good idea at the time. In the fifth sea­son of the hit…

The Liberals are divided on Israel and completely adrift on foreign policy

The Liberals are divided on Israel and completely adrift on foreign policy

One Lib­er­al MP said the anti­semitism Cana­da is expe­ri­enc­ing is ​“frus­trat­ing and…

A costly icebreaker bungle sinks Ottawa’s procurement department further into disgrace

A costly icebreaker bungle sinks Ottawa’s procurement department further into disgrace

Min­is­ters were home in their rid­ings last week, offer­ing thanks over turkey that they…

The leaders of the free world have no time left for unserious Canada

The leaders of the free world have no time left for unserious Canada

On the eve of Russia’s inva­sion of Ukraine, Mark Nor­man, the for­mer vice-chief of…

Ignoring Canada’s past imperils its future

Ignoring Canada’s past imperils its future

In the wake of the inci­dent where the House of Com­mons gave a for­mer Waf­fen SS…

Having raised the temperature with India, Trudeau feels the diplomatic heat

Having raised the temperature with India, Trudeau feels the diplomatic heat

The news that India has decid­ed to esca­late its spat with Cana­da by expelling 41…