Top News
A score-settling book by Brian Mulroney is being kept under wraps

A score-settling book by Brian Mulroney is being kept under wraps

In 2007, for­mer prime min­is­ter Bri­an Mul­roney pub­lished a mam­moth mem­oir. At 1,121 pages, you could bare­ly fit it in an air­plane car­ry-on bin. But there was an extra­or­di­nary omis­sion in the vol­ume. Not a sin­gle word about…

Former journalist Joyce Napier named Canada's ambassador to the Vatican

Former journalist Joyce Napier named Canada's ambassador to the Vatican

Long­time Ottawa jour­nal­ist Joyce Napi­er is head­ed to the Vat­i­can as Canada’s new…

NDP leader slams Liberals for giving nearly $26M to Costco, Loblaw in recent years

NDP leader slams Liberals for giving nearly $26M to Costco, Loblaw in recent years

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh is slam­ming the fed­er­al Lib­er­als for giv­ing near­ly $26…

Public service unions promise 'summer of discontent' over in-office policy

    Public service unions promise 'summer of discontent' over in-office policy

    Pub­lic ser­vice unions say they’ll launch fur­ther legal chal­lenges and griev­ances…

    A Justin Trudeau Ally Nearly Quit the Party Over its Israel Policy

    A Justin Trudeau Ally Nearly Quit the Party Over its Israel Policy

    Justin Trudeau near­ly lost a loy­al Lib­er­al law­mak­er amid ris­ing inter­nal…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
    Federal Conservatives lead Liberals by 18 points > Support for NDP on the decline

    Federal Conservatives lead Liberals by 18 points > Support for NDP on the decline

    Con­ser­v­a­tive con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able lead over the Lib­er­als. Of…

    Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the world

    Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the…

    Beethoven said ​“music can change the world”. A cou­ple of hun­dred years lat­er,…


    Of course the keffiyeh is political. But it still shouldn’t be banned from Ontario’s legislature

    Of course the keffiyeh is political. But it still shouldn’t be banned from Ontario’s legislature

    Unless I mis­read their biogra­phies, I don’t believe NDP MPPs Kristyn Wong-Tam…

    Poilievre’s clarion call to corporate Canada

    Poilievre’s clarion call to corporate Canada

    Some­thing astound­ing hap­pened last week. No, it wasn’t all the non­sen­si­cal…


    Nenshi taking heat on labour record from fellow Alberta NDP leadership candidates

    Nenshi taking heat on labour record from fellow Alberta NDP leadership candidates

    Can­di­dates vying to be the next leader of Alberta’s Oppo­si­tion NDP want answers from…

    More Immigrants Recruited to Aid Trudeau’s Homebuilding Ambition

    More Immigrants Recruited to Aid Trudeau’s Homebuilding Ambition

    Cana­da is on track to add more new­com­ers with con­struc­tion skills than in recent…

    Politician's Pen

    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's banks.
    Why the silence on the Can’t Buy Silence Act?
    The Illusion of Fairness: How failed judicial appointment reforms betrayed justice

    The Illusion of Fairness: How failed judicial appointment reforms betrayed justice

    There’s no short­age of data that illus­trates how mem­bers of minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties…

    Opinion (Continued)

    CUPE is being held to account for its obsessive anti-Israel vitriol

    CUPE is being held to account for its obsessive anti-Israel vitriol

    Lawyer Kathryn Mar­shall is intent on show­ing there are con­se­quences by going after…

    Poilievre to business: stop sucking up to Liberals and start sucking up to me

    Poilievre to business: stop sucking up to Liberals and start sucking up to me

    Ever since the Lib­er­als unveiled their sur­prise increase in the cap­i­tal-gains tax in…

    Saskatoon MP blames Justin Trudeau for city's 2024 'murders'

    Saskatoon MP blames Justin Trudeau for city's 2024 'murders'

    Here in Saskatchewan, we’re used to hear­ing Justin Trudeau get blamed for prob­lems…

    Liberal foreign interference bill won't stop Chinese meddling

    Liberal foreign interference bill won't stop Chinese meddling

    The most one can say about the Lib­er­als’ for­eign inter­fer­ence leg­is­la­tion is…

    Pierre Poilievre is coming for your charter rights

    Pierre Poilievre is coming for your charter rights

    Most politi­cians would treat a 20-point lead in the polls as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to…

    The Liberals’ delays on foreign interference carry profound costs

    The Liberals’ delays on foreign interference carry profound costs

    It’s 2024, and Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has tabled the…

    Bring back civility and morality to the House before it’s gone

    Bring back civility and morality to the House before it’s gone

    Work­places often expect pro­fes­sion­al­ism of their employ­ees, but rarely define what…

    Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

    Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

    It wasn’t the biggest sto­ry com­ing out of Ottawa last week, but make no mis­take about…

    The divestiture campaign at McGill and beyond is bound to fail. Maybe that’s the point

    The divestiture campaign at McGill and beyond is bound to fail. Maybe that’s the point

    The pro­test­ers entrenched on McGill University’s cam­pus have a straight­for­ward…

    Justin Trudeau has thrived on being counted out. Now he’s facing tougher odds than ever

    Justin Trudeau has thrived on being counted out. Now he’s facing tougher odds than ever

    What’s ahead for Canada’s long-serv­ing prime min­is­ter and the gov­ern­ment he…

    Pierre Poilievre doesn’t have anything nice to say. The Conservative leader is toxic and it’s infecting public discourse

    Pierre Poilievre doesn’t have anything nice to say. The Conservative leader is toxic and it’s…

    WHAT IS CANADA com­ing to? It’s a ques­tion in most people’s minds, fueled large­ly…

    Acting like a petulant child paid off for Pierre Poilievre. Canada may not be so lucky

    Acting like a petulant child paid off for Pierre Poilievre. Canada may not be so lucky

    It was quite a week in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics. On Mon­day, Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

    Justin Trudeau didn’t start the fire. But the Prime Minister helped stoke Canada’s political polarization

    Justin Trudeau didn’t start the fire. But the Prime Minister helped stoke Canada’s political…

    Justin Trudeau led the fed­er­al Lib­er­als into the 2015 elec­tion on a promise to…

    We are not having enough babies and that’s a problem for all us

    We are not having enough babies and that’s a problem for all us

    It’s not rock­et sci­ence. Ensure fam­i­lies have access to afford­able, high-qual­i­ty…

    Trudeau government keeps moving goalposts on climate targets

    Trudeau government keeps moving goalposts on climate targets

    A major prob­lem with eval­u­at­ing the effec­tive­ness of Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

    Political Pulse Panel: This week in federal politics

    Political Pulse Panel: This week in federal politics

    Two big devel­op­ments on for­eign med­dling in Cana­da this week: police made arrests in…

    Foreign interference: Who knew what when? You’ll have to wait until the inquiry’s final report

    Foreign interference: Who knew what when? You’ll have to wait until the inquiry’s final report

    Giv­en an impos­si­bly short dead­line to com­plete the ini­tial report of the pub­lic…

    Hello, Saskatchewan? It’s the CRA calling

    Hello, Saskatchewan? It’s the CRA calling

    There was a time, just ear­li­er this year, when Pre­mier Scott Moe’s gov­ern­ment…

    Death threats. A toxic culture. Is it any wonder MPs are saying, ’‘politics is no longer for me’?

    Death threats. A toxic culture. Is it any wonder MPs are saying, ’‘politics is no longer for me’?

    It used to be that when politi­cians announced they were step­ping down, you got…

    Free Press, Fair Elections and Democracy.

    It’s Donald Trump vs. the U.S., and it’s far from clear the U.S. will win

    It’s Donald Trump vs. the U.S., and it’s far from clear the U.S. will win

    If the Amer­i­can empire should fall, his­to­ry will record (if there are still…

    With attacks on Poilievre fizzling, Liberals must fix Canada's problems

    With attacks on Poilievre fizzling, Liberals must fix Canada's problems

    We’re now a few weeks past the fed­er­al bud­get and the lat­est Lib­er­al offer to…

    Who’s afraid of Mark Carney?

    Who’s afraid of Mark Carney?

    Mark Car­ney set the cat among the pigeons last week with a speech that gen­tly…

    Don’t fall for Pierre Poilievre’s rants that Canada is broken — it’s an insult to Canadians

    Don’t fall for Pierre Poilievre’s rants that Canada is broken — it’s an insult to Canadians

    These are bit­ter days for those who believe in the essen­tial role of a healthy…

    Danielle Smith wants all the power

    Danielle Smith wants all the power

    In its per­pet­u­al sea of polit­i­cal blue, Alberta’s two biggest cities stand out as…

    Poilievre flirts with far right while media looks away

    Poilievre flirts with far right while media looks away

    A dozen years ago, Pierre Poilievre was a rel­a­tive­ly obscure polit­i­cal fig­ure…

    Poilievre's message to Canadians is right, and every honest person knows it
    How AI is helping Canadians stay safe and informed in moments of crisis

    How AI is helping Canadians stay safe and informed in moments of crisis

    Today, Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) is one of the pri­ma­ry tools Google employs to…

    Madness in the House is the prelude to a powerful reckoning There is a new pugnacity to the Liberals.

    Madness in the House is the prelude to a powerful reckoning There is a new pugnacity to the…

    There is a new pugnac­i­ty to the Lib­er­als. But the day will come when the NDP…

    Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre are both playing a dangerous game

    Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre are both playing a dangerous game

    The main­stream U.S. media are gen­er­al­ly slow on the uptake when it comes to Cana­da.…

    Stop whining about your capital gains

    Stop whining about your capital gains

    Some­times, it’s best to know when to shut up. I say this with some mea­sure of…

    Jews have eyes. And they see that the antisemitism in the protests over Gaza is no aberration

    Jews have eyes. And they see that the antisemitism in the protests over Gaza is no aberration

    There is a point at which the gaslight­ing becomes gen­uine­ly insult­ing. When meek…

    Campus crackdowns earning a failing grade

    Campus crackdowns earning a failing grade

    Take a deep breath. You smell that? It’s the scent of resis­tance affect­ing your…

    News (Continued)

    Suspect in killing of temple leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar got student visa in days

    Suspect in killing of temple leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar got student visa in days

    One of the sus­pects accused of gun­ning down B.C. Sikh tem­ple leader Hard­eep Singh…

    Nearly half of Canadians are opposed to university protest encampments, poll suggests

    Nearly half of Canadians are opposed to university protest encampments, poll suggests

    A new opin­ion poll sug­gests near­ly half of Cana­di­ans oppose the pro−Palestinian…

    After several delays, Immigration Canada still doesn't have its promised ombudsperson's office

    After several delays, Immigration Canada still doesn't have its promised ombudsperson's office

    The fed­er­al immi­gra­tion depart­ment has indef­i­nite­ly post­poned plans to hire…

    Hours on hold and endless queues: Canadians still grappling with poor passport service

    Hours on hold and endless queues: Canadians still grappling with poor passport service

    Cana­di­ans rou­tine­ly wait hours on the phone and in per­son when deal­ing with…

    House of Commons chaos a symptom of a past-expiry Parliament, not just Speaker’s judgment, say politicos

    House of Commons chaos a symptom of a past-expiry Parliament, not just Speaker’s judgment, say…

    The Speak­er of the House of Com­mons is once again fac­ing calls to resign from two…

    Indian envoy warns of 'big red line,' days after charges laid in Nijjar case

    Indian envoy warns of 'big red line,' days after charges laid in Nijjar case

    India’s envoy to Cana­da insists rela­tions between the two coun­tries are pos­i­tive…

    CBC head spars with Conservative MPs as she testifies about executive bonuses

    CBC head spars with Conservative MPs as she testifies about executive bonuses

    An appear­ance by the CEO of the Cana­di­an Broad­cast­ing Corp. at…

    Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers

    Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers

    Con­ser­v­a­tive leader head­lines fundrais­ers at pri­vate homes and exclu­sive clubs,…

    MPs to probe Global Affairs contracts after internal audit finds one-quarter broke the rules

    MPs to probe Global Affairs contracts after internal audit finds one-quarter broke the rules

    Deputy min­is­ters at Glob­al Affairs Cana­da are being called to tes­ti­fy before…

    Mushroom growers, Shopify and real estate: Poilievre says lobbyists are 'useless,' but here's who he meets with anyway

    Mushroom growers, Shopify and real estate: Poilievre says lobbyists are 'useless,' but here's who…

    Poilievre denounced the lob­by­ing cul­ture in cor­po­rate Cana­da in a speech in…

    Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the world

    Streaming lets Canadians find music they love – and Canadian musicians find audiences around the…

    Beethoven said ​“music can change the world”. A cou­ple of hun­dred years lat­er,…

    India envoy says Canada must rebuild brand after international student deaths

    India envoy says Canada must rebuild brand after international student deaths

    India’s envoy to Ottawa says Cana­di­ans need to rebuild the country’s brand as…

    Joly says Israeli Rafah invasion would be ‘unacceptable,’ urges ceasefire

    Joly says Israeli Rafah invasion would be ‘unacceptable,’ urges ceasefire

    As Israeli forces seize con­trol of the Rafah bor­der cross­ing between Gaza and Egypt,…

    Canadians Split on Trudeau’s Capital Gains Tax Boost, Poll Finds

    Canadians Split on Trudeau’s Capital Gains Tax Boost, Poll Finds

    More Cana­di­ans have a neg­a­tive view of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s planned…

    Trudeau forced to accept meeting about Sikh activists in order to land in Punjab during 2018 trip

    Trudeau forced to accept meeting about Sikh activists in order to land in Punjab during 2018 trip

    India refused to let Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s plane land in Pun­jab dur­ing…

    Pierre Poilievre aims to turn B.C. coast blue at NDP’s expense

    Pierre Poilievre aims to turn B.C. coast blue at NDP’s expense

    Long before the next elec­tion, Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da Leader Pierre…

    Alberta UCP facing growing pushback following introduction of municipalities bill

    Alberta UCP facing growing pushback following introduction of municipalities bill

    It was a long time ago, but Jan Novot­ny still remem­bers the tanks rum­bling…

    India's envoy to Canada scheduled to speak on bilateral ties after RCMP arrests

    India's envoy to Canada scheduled to speak on bilateral ties after RCMP arrests

    India’s envoy to Cana­da is sched­uled to speak pub­licly today for the first time since…

    Border officers relied on outdated intel to decide whether to search incoming vessels, audit warns

    Border officers relied on outdated intel to decide whether to search incoming vessels, audit warns

    The risk assess­ments bor­der offi­cers have used for years to decide whether ves­sels…

    Just how far is Pierre Poilievre willing to take the notwithstanding clause?

    Just how far is Pierre Poilievre willing to take the notwithstanding clause?

    In Jan­u­ary, the Fed­er­al Court found that the Trudeau gov­ern­men­t’s use of the…

    Pro-Palestinian encampment members say little progress made in meeting with McGill

    Pro-Palestinian encampment members say little progress made in meeting with McGill

    Pro−Palestinian pro­test­ers who have set up an encamp­ment at Montréal’s McGill…

    Trudeau government bypasses Doug Ford, sending housing money straight to Ontario municipalities

    Trudeau government bypasses Doug Ford, sending housing money straight to Ontario municipalities

    The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is going over Pre­mier Doug Ford’s head and promis­ing to send…

    Foreign influence registry among proposed tools in bill to counter interference

    Foreign influence registry among proposed tools in bill to counter interference

    New­ly tabled leg­is­la­tion to fight inter­fer­ence from abroad would bol­ster…

    NDP calls out Conservatives for effort to squash pharmacare legislation

    NDP calls out Conservatives for effort to squash pharmacare legislation

    The fed­er­al New Democ­rats are call­ing out Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre…

    Hamas says it's accepted proposed ceasefire agreement from Qatar, Egypt

    Hamas says it's accepted proposed ceasefire agreement from Qatar, Egypt

    Hamas announced on Mon­day it has accept­ed an Egypt­ian-Qatari pro­pos­al for…

    Number of antisemitic incidents reached record high in 2023, says B'nai Brith Canada audit

    Number of antisemitic incidents reached record high in 2023, says B'nai Brith Canada audit

    B’nai Brith Cana­da has released its Annu­al Audit of Anti­se­mit­ic Inci­dents that…

    U of T sees 'way forward' after meeting with student protesters behind encampment

    U of T sees 'way forward' after meeting with student protesters behind encampment

    The Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to says it sees ​“a way for­ward” after meet­ing with stu­dent…

    Big tent party or left-wing tradition? Leadership race reveals competing visions for Alberta NDP

    Big tent party or left-wing tradition? Leadership race reveals competing visions for Alberta NDP

    Life after Rachel Not­ley was on the minds of about 100 Alber­ta NDP mem­bers who…

    Spike in 'violent rhetoric' since Oct. 7 attack from 'extremist actors,' CSIS warns

    Spike in 'violent rhetoric' since Oct. 7 attack from 'extremist actors,' CSIS warns

    The Israel−Hamas war has led to a spike in ​“vio­lent rhetoric” from ​“extrem­ist…

    Someone will eventually succeed Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader. Here’s what Canadians told a pollster about some of the potential contenders

    Someone will eventually succeed Justin Trudeau as Liberal leader. Here’s what Canadians told a…

    Of a slate of poten­tial Lib­er­al lead­er­ship con­tenders large­ly unknown to the…

    If Trudeau stays, he needs one ‘last reboot’ this summer, say Liberal MPs, pollsters, and political insiders

    If Trudeau stays, he needs one ‘last reboot’ this summer, say Liberal MPs, pollsters, and political…

    With the Lib­er­als 21 points behind in the polls, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will…

    India's foreign minister reacts to murder charges, claims Canada welcomes criminals

    India's foreign minister reacts to murder charges, claims Canada welcomes criminals

    India’s For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter says Cana­da is his country’s ​“biggest prob­lem”…


    Supported by

    This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
    Biden lauds new Microsoft center on the same site where Trump's Foxconn project failed

      Biden lauds new Microsoft center on the same site where Trump's Foxconn project failed

      STURTEVANT, Wisc. (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden on Wednes­day laced into Don­ald Trump…

      Georgia appeals court agrees to review ruling allowing Fani Willis to stay on Trump election case

        Georgia appeals court agrees to review ruling allowing Fani Willis to stay on Trump election case

        ATLANTA (AP) — A Geor­gia appeals court on Wednes­day agreed to review a low­er…

        Biden heads to Wisconsin to laud a new Microsoft facility, meet voters  -  and troll Trump

          Biden heads to Wisconsin to laud a new Microsoft facility, meet voters - and troll Trump

          WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is rac­ing into yet anoth­er bat­tle­ground state…

          Here is what Stormy Daniels testified happened between her and Donald Trump

            Here is what Stormy Daniels testified happened between her and Donald Trump

            NEW YORK (AP) — Porn actor Stormy Daniels took the wit­ness stand Tues­day in the hush…

            Stormy Daniels describes meeting Trump during occasionally graphic testimony in hush money trial

              Stormy Daniels describes meeting Trump during occasionally graphic testimony in hush money trial

              NEW YORK (AP) — Stormy Daniels took the wit­ness stand Tues­day at Don­ald Trump’s hush…

              Think Tank

              Group Up! A Case For Accelerated Canadian Submarine Procurement

              Group Up! A Case For Accelerated Canadian Submarine Procurement

              To any­one who been fol­low­ing defence relat­ed media of late, it will come as no…

              Decline and fall: Trends in family formation and fertility in Canada since 2001

              Decline and fall: Trends in family formation and fertility in Canada since 2001

              In this paper we exam­ine three ques­tions: do peo­ple gain sig­nif­i­cant­ly from being…

              Emerging Technology and Five Eyes: Implications for Canadian Defence

              Emerging Technology and Five Eyes: Implications for Canadian Defence

              In 2017, the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment unveiled its updat­ed defense pol­i­cy, Strong…


              A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

              Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

              Is Trudeau a drag on Crombie? Maybe not

              The Ontario Lib­er­als had hopes they could win last week’s provin­cial byelec­tion in…

              The access to information dumpster

              The access to information dumpster

              Good jour­nal­ists fre­quent­ly have barbed encoun­ters with flaks for gov­ern­ment…

              Revealing Pierre Poilievre’s game plan

              Revealing Pierre Poilievre’s game plan

              Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty Leader Pierre Poilievre’s road­side chat with pro­test­ers in the…


              Is India hiring gangs to kill political enemies in Canada?

                Is India hiring gangs to kill political enemies in Canada?

                In June of 2023, Sikh activist and Cana­di­an cit­i­zen Hard­eep Singh Nij­jar was gunned…

                Canada’s Exploited Foreign Workers Program

                  Canada’s Exploited Foreign Workers Program

                  But the sys­tem is con­vo­lut­ed and ripe with exploita­tion – all at a time when…

                  How worried should you be about bird flu?

                    How worried should you be about bird flu?

                    The lat­est strain of H5N1 avian flu has been doing some … unusu­al things. It’s…

                    Give us money so we can keep this (ad) on the air

                      Give us money so we can keep this (ad) on the air

                      Curse of Pol­i­tics was cre­at­ed by Air Quotes Media with sup­port from our pre­sent­ing…

                      How Loblaw inspires anger, boycott

                        How Loblaw inspires anger, boycott

                        On May 1st, the peo­ple behind a sub­red­dit called r/​loblawsisoutofcontrol…

                        Profiting from despair: How decriminalization advocates exploited B.C.’s opioid crisis

                          Profiting from despair: How decriminalization advocates exploited B.C.’s opioid crisis

                          fIt wasn’t just that fund­ing for the out-of-con­trol opi­oid cri­sis flowed to those…

                          Canada Alone in a Post-American World, with Kim Nossal

                            Canada Alone in a Post-American World, with Kim Nossal

                            For this episode of the Glob­al Exchange pod­cast, Col­in Robert­son talks with Kim…

                            Voice Of The Common Man

                              Voice Of The Common Man

                              It’s the biggest media suc­cess sto­ry you’ve (maybe) nev­er heard of.