Raffy Boudjikanian

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Raffy Boudjikanian.

Muslim, Jewish voters leaning away from the federal Liberals as Gaza war grinds on: poll

Muslim, Jewish voters leaning away from the federal Liberals as Gaza war grinds on: poll

A new poll sug­gests Mus­lim and Jew­ish vot­ers are lean­ing away from the fed­er­al…

Palestinians seeking passage to Canada fight despair as Rafah campaign closes off their exit

Palestinians seeking passage to Canada fight despair as Rafah campaign closes off their exit

Near­ly 200 Pales­tini­ans have man­aged to escape Gaza and obtain approval to trav­el to…

After several delays, Immigration Canada still doesn't have its promised ombudsperson's office

After several delays, Immigration Canada still doesn't have its promised ombudsperson's office

The fed­er­al immi­gra­tion depart­ment has indef­i­nite­ly post­poned plans to hire…

India, Pakistan attempted to interfere in Canada's elections: CSIS

India, Pakistan attempted to interfere in Canada's elections: CSIS

The gov­ern­ments of India and Pak­istan attempt­ed to inter­fere in Canada’s fed­er­al…

Foreign interference commissioner seeks to reassure diaspora groups anxious about inquiry

Foreign interference commissioner seeks to reassure diaspora groups anxious about inquiry

The com­mis­sion­er lead­ing the pub­lic inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence said…

Muslim groups say MPs won't be welcome in mosques until they call for Gaza ceasefire

Muslim groups say MPs won't be welcome in mosques until they call for Gaza ceasefire

With Ramadan just around the cor­ner, a nation­al Mus­lim orga­ni­za­tion and…

Pierre Trudeau opposed stripping accused Nazi war criminal of citizenship, government document says

Pierre Trudeau opposed stripping accused Nazi war criminal of citizenship, government document says

As jus­tice min­is­ter in 1967, for­mer prime min­is­ter Pierre Elliott Trudeau argued…

Task force rejects calls for special employment status for Jewish, Muslim public servants

Task force rejects calls for special employment status for Jewish, Muslim public servants

Months before the erup­tion of the Israel-Hamas war ramped up eth­ic and reli­gious…

Liberal, NDP MPs to travel to West Bank to connect with Palestinians

Liberal, NDP MPs to travel to West Bank to connect with Palestinians

Five Cana­di­an MPs are set to begin a week-long vis­it to Jor­dan and the West Bank…

Group representing Canadian Muslim donors pulls back from Liberal Party over stance on Gaza

Group representing Canadian Muslim donors pulls back from Liberal Party over stance on Gaza

A net­work rep­re­sent­ing influ­en­tial Cana­di­an Mus­lim donors to the Lib­er­al…

NDP, Bloc declined invitations to join recent Israel trip

NDP, Bloc declined invitations to join recent Israel trip

Two of the fed­er­al oppo­si­tion par­ties that have been call­ing for a cease­fire…

Ottawa reviewing virtual citizenship ceremonies as petition calls on government to pull the plug

Ottawa reviewing virtual citizenship ceremonies as petition calls on government to pull the plug

The fed­er­al immi­gra­tion min­is­ter says the gov­ern­ment is weigh­ing its options on…