Murray Brewster

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Murray Brewster.

Critics attack long timelines in defence plan as military awaits a budget boost

Critics attack long timelines in defence plan as military awaits a budget boost

There will be mon­ey set aside in today’s fed­er­al bud­get for the Depart­ment of…

Shooting blanks: Why so many Canadian defence policies fail to launch

Shooting blanks: Why so many Canadian defence policies fail to launch

With absolute­ly no excep­tions, every defence pol­i­cy pre­sent­ed by the Cana­di­an…

Ravaged by war, Russia's army is rebuilding with surprising speed

Ravaged by war, Russia's army is rebuilding with surprising speed

As the sec­ond anniver­sary of the full-scale inva­sion of Ukraine arrives, the Russ­ian…

Canada set to help bankroll massive ammunition shipments to Ukraine: sources

Canada set to help bankroll massive ammunition shipments to Ukraine: sources

Cana­da has sig­nalled it’s pre­pared to get behind a Czech Repub­lic ini­tia­tive…

As allies scramble to supply Ukraine, Canada still has no deal to ramp up munitions production

As allies scramble to supply Ukraine, Canada still has no deal to ramp up munitions production

In the fall of 2022, a lit­tle more than six months into the full-scale Russ­ian…

Canada chips in another $60M for Ukrainian F-16 training as U.S. aid remains gridlocked

Canada chips in another $60M for Ukrainian F-16 training as U.S. aid remains gridlocked

Cana­da is cut­ting anoth­er cheque for $60 mil­lion to help train Ukrain­ian pilots to…

The political tides of war are shifting — and may be taking Ukraine with them

The political tides of war are shifting — and may be taking Ukraine with them

We have been warned — over and over again late­ly — that Rus­si­a’s inva­sion of Ukraine…

Military was warned some Cyclone helicopter blades are defective, could rip apart in flight

Military was warned some Cyclone helicopter blades are defective, could rip apart in flight

Air force tech­ni­cians are being forced to per­form more fre­quent inspec­tions of…

As Europe's armies brace for war, allies call on Canada and others to catch up

As Europe's armies brace for war, allies call on Canada and others to catch up

In Esto­nia, they’re talk­ing about build­ing more pub­lic bomb shel­ters and mak­ing…

Estimated life-cycle cost of military's Cyclone choppers rises to $15.9B

Estimated life-cycle cost of military's Cyclone choppers rises to $15.9B

The Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence (DND) has revised its esti­mate of the life­time…

Ukraine is looking for more than bland security 'assurances' in talks with Canada, expert says

Ukraine is looking for more than bland security 'assurances' in talks with Canada, expert says

A sig­nif­i­cant, even far-reach­ing event would have slipped almost silent­ly under the…

Lifetime cost of military's Cyclone choppers set to soar past $14B, government document reveals

Lifetime cost of military's Cyclone choppers set to soar past $14B, government document reveals

The life­time cost of buy­ing, own­ing and oper­at­ing the air force’s trou­bled CH-148…

Air force worried about keeping new maritime helicopters' weapons systems operational

Air force worried about keeping new maritime helicopters' weapons systems operational

The air force is wor­ried about keep­ing the aging weapons sys­tems aboard its CH-148…

National Defence vows to get better at helping men who report military sexual misconduct

National Defence vows to get better at helping men who report military sexual misconduct

The Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence (DND) says it’s tak­ing steps to improve train­ing…

Military whistleblower calls on Conservatives to demand probe of torture video reports

Military whistleblower calls on Conservatives to demand probe of torture video reports

The for­mer sol­dier who blew the whis­tle on alleged tor­ture videos involv­ing Iraqi…

Israel's Gaza bombing campaign is the most destructive of this century, analysts say

Israel's Gaza bombing campaign is the most destructive of this century, analysts say

Few out­side jour­nal­ists have been able to enter Gaza, but devel­op­ments in satel­lite…

Ukraine digs in as the West stumbles to keep up with Russian war production

Ukraine digs in as the West stumbles to keep up with Russian war production

“War,” said British philoso­pher, math­e­mati­cian and paci­fist Bertrand Rus­sell,…

Sweden set to join Canadian-led brigade in Latvia once roadblocks to NATO membership end

Sweden set to join Canadian-led brigade in Latvia once roadblocks to NATO membership end

Cana­da has more at stake than meets the eye in the long, drawn-out geopo­lit­i­cal…

Canadian military buying armed drones for $2.49B

Canadian military buying armed drones for $2.49B

After more than two decades of debate, dis­cus­sion and pol­i­cy dis­sec­tion, Canada’s…

Military is being called on too often to deal with domestic emergencies, commander warns

Military is being called on too often to deal with domestic emergencies, commander warns

Some­thing’s got­ta give. That’s the mes­sage the Cana­di­an mil­i­tary’s top…

Former soldiers say they fear Iraqi trainees committed war crimes with allies' weapons

Former soldiers say they fear Iraqi trainees committed war crimes with allies' weapons

Cana­da not only trained sus­pect­ed Iraqi war crim­i­nals in 2018, it dis­trib­uted…

Air force will have to wait even longer to get armed drones, defence department says

Air force will have to wait even longer to get armed drones, defence department says

Canada’s air force will have to wait a few extra years to get the armed drones it…

Ombudsman blasts Ottawa's 'inadequate' efforts to help injured Afghan military advisers

Ombudsman blasts Ottawa's 'inadequate' efforts to help injured Afghan military advisers

The coun­try’s mil­i­tary ombuds­man says efforts by the Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence…

Top generals warn that allies — Canada included — are running dangerously low on artillery shells

Top generals warn that allies — Canada included — are running dangerously low on artillery shells

A lead­ing NATO offi­cial and Canada’s top mil­i­tary com­man­der have both warned allies…