Alexander Panetta

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Alexander Panetta.

Canada already in talks to avoid Trump tariffs

Canada already in talks to avoid Trump tariffs

Fear­ing dif­fi­cult nego­ti­a­tions, Cana­di­an offi­cial sends retal­ia­to­ry tar­iff…

Trump rally shooting flings U.S. to perilous juncture: What path will it take?

Trump rally shooting flings U.S. to perilous juncture: What path will it take?

Amer­i­can his­to­ry is repeat­ing itself in a most macabre way. If every­thing…

Elephant in the room at NATO summit: The return of Trump

Elephant in the room at NATO summit: The return of Trump

Think Cana­da faces pres­sure now to spend more on mil­i­tary? Wait ​’til next year,…

U.S. Supreme Court takes a chainsaw to the most consequential criminal case against Trump

U.S. Supreme Court takes a chainsaw to the most consequential criminal case against Trump

Here’s one thing we can state with vir­tu­al cer­tain­ty: The Unit­ed States Supreme…

Biden's debate disaster: President freezes up against Trump

Biden's debate disaster: President freezes up against Trump

It was agony in Atlanta — for Joe Biden, for Democ­rats, and for any­one around the world…

There's an old problem Canada's new foreign-interference law won't fix

There's an old problem Canada's new foreign-interference law won't fix

To under­stand Canada’s fail­ure to crim­i­nal­ly pros­e­cute for­eign col­lu­sion, an…

What's behind a historic, unusual U.S. military cash transfer to Canadian mines

What's behind a historic, unusual U.S. military cash transfer to Canadian mines

The Unit­ed States was grow­ing des­per­ate, months before its entry into the Sec­ond…

Fear of China gnaws at summit in Washington

Fear of China gnaws at summit in Washington

A sub­cur­rent of wor­ry pulsed through a sum­mit this week in Wash­ing­ton between…

Canada is already preparing for Trump's potential tariff threats

Canada is already preparing for Trump's potential tariff threats

Cana­da staged a large-scale diplo­mat­ic deploy­ment this week in prepa­ra­tion for…

U.S. trade czar: Don't get 'too comfortable' North American trade pact will stay as is

U.S. trade czar: Don't get 'too comfortable' North American trade pact will stay as is

Don’t get too com­fort­able with the North Amer­i­can trade pact: that’s the warn­ing…

Biden or Trump? During Washington visit, Alberta premier says, 'There's challenges with both'

Biden or Trump? During Washington visit, Alberta premier says, 'There's challenges with both'

If the pre­mier of Alber­ta has a pref­er­ence in the upcom­ing U.S. pres­i­den­tial…

Iran allegedly hired Canadians to conduct assassinations on U.S. soil, according to indictment

Iran allegedly hired Canadians to conduct assassinations on U.S. soil, according to indictment

Two Cana­di­ans planned to con­duct assas­si­na­tions in the U.S. on behalf of Iran’s…

Protect NATO from Donald Trump? The U.S. Congress just passed that into law

Protect NATO from Donald Trump? The U.S. Congress just passed that into law

With Trump ahead in polls, law­mak­ers aim to keep him from leav­ing alliance.…

U.S. 'beginning' internal discussions about renewing North American trade pact

U.S. 'beginning' internal discussions about renewing North American trade pact

For any­one with lin­ger­ing night ter­rors from the last rene­go­ti­a­tion of NAFTA, the…

U.S. senator calls out alleged Indian assassination plots: 'not the behaviour of a respectable democracy'

U.S. senator calls out alleged Indian assassination plots: 'not the behaviour of a respectable democracy'

Indi­a’s alleged role in assas­si­na­tion plots across North Amer­i­ca has drawn rare…

U.S. indictment alleges multiple Indian assassination plans across North America

U.S. indictment alleges multiple Indian assassination plans across North America

A U.S. crim­i­nal indict­ment unsealed Wednes­day has unleashed an unprece­dent­ed flood…

Right-wing U.S. media covered fiction as fact: A non-existent terrorist attack from Canada at Rainbow Bridge

Right-wing U.S. media covered fiction as fact: A non-existent terrorist attack from Canada at Rainbow Bridge

For a few hours Wednes­day after­noon, Cana­da appeared to be star­ing down the…