Ali Swenson, The Associated Press

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Election officials ask for more federal money but say voting is secure in their states

Election officials ask for more federal money but say voting is secure in their states

NEW YORK (AP) — Top elec­tion offi­cials from two pres­i­den­tial swing states on…

Democrats are set to approve a party platform that hasn't been updated with Harris' candidacy

Democrats are set to approve a party platform that hasn't been updated with Harris' candidacy

NEW YORK (AP) — Del­e­gates at the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion are set to vote…

Florida election officials warn of false rumor about ballot markings days before the state's primary

Florida election officials warn of false rumor about ballot markings days before the state's primary

NEW YORK (AP) — An unfound­ed claim that elec­tion work­ers will inval­i­date bal­lots by…

Google confirms an Iranian group is trying to access emails linked to both US presidential campaigns

Google confirms an Iranian group is trying to access emails linked to both US presidential campaigns

NEW YORK (AP) — Google said Wednes­day that an Iran­ian group linked to the coun­try’s…

What we know about suspected Iranian cyber intrusion in the US presidential race

What we know about suspected Iranian cyber intrusion in the US presidential race

NEW YORK (AP) — Details emerged over the week­end of a sus­pect­ed Iran­ian cyber…

Iran is accelerating cyber activity that appears meant to influence the US election, Microsoft says

NEW YORK (AP) — Iran is ramp­ing up online activ­i­ty that appears intend­ed to…

Project 2025 director leaves Heritage Foundation after Democratic attacks and Trump criticism

Project 2025 director leaves Heritage Foundation after Democratic attacks and Trump criticism

NEW YORK (AP) — The direc­tor of the Her­itage Foun­da­tion’s Project 2025 vision for…

Project 2025 director leaves Heritage Foundation after Democrat attacks and Trump criticism

Project 2025 director leaves Heritage Foundation after Democrat attacks and Trump criticism

NEW YORK (AP) — The direc­tor of the Her­itage Foun­da­tion’s Project 2025 vision for…

A parody ad shared by Elon Musk clones Kamala Harris' voice, raising concerns about AI in politics

A parody ad shared by Elon Musk clones Kamala Harris' voice, raising concerns about AI in politics

NEW YORK (AP) — A video that uses an arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence voice-cloning tool…

A manipulated video shared by Musk mimics Harris' voice, raising concerns about AI in politics

A manipulated video shared by Musk mimics Harris' voice, raising concerns about AI in politics

NEW YORK (AP) — A manip­u­lat­ed video that mim­ics the voice of Vice Pres­i­dent…

FCC pursues new rules for AI in political ads, but changes may not take effect before the election

FCC pursues new rules for AI in political ads, but changes may not take effect before the election

NEW YORK (AP) — The Fed­er­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mis­sion has advanced…

A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution

A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution

NEW YORK (AP) — The leader of a con­ser­v­a­tive think tank orches­trat­ing plans…

Republicans who see Trump conviction as politically motivated vow to 'indict the left'

Republicans who see Trump conviction as politically motivated vow to 'indict the left'

NEW YORK (AP) — In the days since Don­ald Trump was con­vict­ed of 34 felonies in his…

Tests find AI tools readily create election lies from the voices of well-known political leaders

Tests find AI tools readily create election lies from the voices of well-known political leaders

NEW YORK (AP) — As high-stakes elec­tions approach in the U.S. and Euro­pean Union,…