Ashley Burke

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Ashley Burke.

Accessibility commissioner asked to address recommendations of report looking into claims he mistreated staff

Accessibility commissioner asked to address recommendations of report looking into claims he mistreated staff

Jus­tice Min­is­ter Arif Virani has asked the coun­try’s first acces­si­bil­i­ty…

Canada listing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as terrorist group after years of pressure

Canada listing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as terrorist group after years of pressure

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is list­ing Iran’s Islam­ic Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Guard Corps…

Canada promised an air defence system to Ukraine 18 months ago. It still hasn't arrived

Canada promised an air defence system to Ukraine 18 months ago. It still hasn't arrived

Ukraine’s min­is­ter of for­eign affairs, Dmytro Kule­ba, says his coun­try is in urgent…

PM travels to Switzerland for peace summit as Ukraine faces setbacks on the battlefield

PM travels to Switzerland for peace summit as Ukraine faces setbacks on the battlefield

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau heads to Switzer­land today for a peace sum­mit as…

Trudeau, Modi meet for first time since Canada publicly accused India of Sikh leader's assassination

Trudeau, Modi meet for first time since Canada publicly accused India of Sikh leader's assassination

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and Indi­a’s Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Modi have met for…

5% of women at military colleges report being sexually attacked

5% of women at military colleges report being sexually attacked

Five per cent of women attend­ing Cana­di­an mil­i­tary col­leges sur­veyed in 2023 said…

Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers

Pierre Poilievre called lobbyists 'utterly useless,' but they're still attending his fundraisers

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader head­lines fundrais­ers at pri­vate homes and exclu­sive clubs,…

Canada targeted by same Chinese hackers the U.S., U.K. accuse of cyberespionage that hit millions

Canada targeted by same Chinese hackers the U.S., U.K. accuse of cyberespionage that hit millions

Canada’s elec­tron­ic intel­li­gence agency says the same hack­ing group that the U.K.…

Military ditching aptitude test for some applicants, will start accepting recruits with medical conditions

Military ditching aptitude test for some applicants, will start accepting recruits with medical conditions

The mil­i­tary has dropped its apti­tude test from the appli­ca­tion process for dozens…

MPs to study controversial prison transfer of killer Luka Magnotta

MPs to study controversial prison transfer of killer Luka Magnotta

A par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee vot­ed Mon­day to look into why con­vict­ed first-degree…

Corrections chief briefed Mendicino's chief of staff weeks before Bernardo's prison transfer

Corrections chief briefed Mendicino's chief of staff weeks before Bernardo's prison transfer

Then-pub­lic safe­ty min­is­ter Mar­co Men­di­ci­no’s chief of staff was briefed by the…

Vast majority of permanent residents applying to join military haven't been accepted, figures show

Vast majority of permanent residents applying to join military haven't been accepted, figures show

The Cana­di­an Armed Forces has received more than 21,000 appli­ca­tions from per­ma­nent…

Defence minister says he wants to change the drinking culture on military bases

Defence minister says he wants to change the drinking culture on military bases

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair says the gov­ern­ment has no plans to ban alco­hol in the…

Ottawa announcing process to review abuse in Canadian sports

Ottawa announcing process to review abuse in Canadian sports

Min­is­ter of Sport Car­la Qual­trough is expect­ed to announce Mon­day the process the…

Sport minister to launch 'independent mechanism' to review abuse in Canadian sports

Sport minister to launch 'independent mechanism' to review abuse in Canadian sports

Min­is­ter of Sport Car­la Qual­trough said ear­ly next week she’s announc­ing a…

Friends of one of Bernardo's victims call on Ottawa to do more to uphold victims' rights

Friends of one of Bernardo's victims call on Ottawa to do more to uphold victims' rights

Canada’s prison inves­ti­ga­tor, the fed­er­al vic­tims’ ombudsper­son and friends of one…

Canada moving forward with sole-source contract to replace military surveillance planes

Canada moving forward with sole-source contract to replace military surveillance planes

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will award a multi­bil­lion-dol­lar, sole-sourced…

Military justice officials defend handling of sexual assault cases stayed in civilian court

Military justice officials defend handling of sexual assault cases stayed in civilian court

Senior mil­i­tary offi­cials insist their inves­ti­ga­tors and pros­e­cu­tors did…

Liberals go online to test messages attacking Poilievre's record

Liberals go online to test messages attacking Poilievre's record

The Lib­er­al Par­ty is beta-test­ing new videos attack­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader…

Federal government was bombarded by emails from Canadians outraged by Bernardo's transfer

Federal government was bombarded by emails from Canadians outraged by Bernardo's transfer

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and key cab­i­net min­is­ters received hun­dreds of…

Families of Bernardo's victims want access to his records to prepare for parole hearings

Families of Bernardo's victims want access to his records to prepare for parole hearings

Fam­i­lies of ser­i­al killer and rapist Paul Bernar­do’s vic­tims are try­ing to…