Christian Paas-Lang

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Christian Paas-Lang.

Trudeau speaks with Trump following assassination attempt on former president

Trudeau speaks with Trump following assassination attempt on former president

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau spoke with for­mer U.S. pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on…

Public safety minister convenes top security officials, assures increased vigilance after attack on Trump

Public safety minister convenes top security officials, assures increased vigilance after attack on Trump

Pub­lic Safe­ty Min­is­ter Dominic LeBlanc says top Cana­di­an secu­ri­ty offi­cials have…

Farmers in Saskatchewan say they don't feel they're being heard by the federal government

Farmers in Saskatchewan say they don't feel they're being heard by the federal government

On the sur­face, last week’s Canada’s Farm Show in Regi­na was all about excit­ing new…

Canadians — and Liberals — split on giving the undocumented status: immigration minister

Canadians — and Liberals — split on giving the undocumented status: immigration minister

Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter Marc Miller says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is con­tin­u­ing to…

Cabinet ministers flock to Liberal stronghold ahead of Toronto byelection

Cabinet ministers flock to Liberal stronghold ahead of Toronto byelection

Cab­i­net min­is­ters are spend­ing a lot of time in a key Toron­to rid­ing…

Federal parties aligning on need for speed with anti-foreign meddling bill

Federal parties aligning on need for speed with anti-foreign meddling bill

A week of polit­i­cal debate over a shock­ing report alleg­ing that some…

The head of the UN says oil and gas ads should be banned. Where does Canada stand?

The head of the UN says oil and gas ads should be banned. Where does Canada stand?

The head of the Unit­ed Nations this week called for the end of fos­sil fuel…

Freeland says Canada welcomes Gaza ceasefire proposal, reiterates calls around hostages, aid

Freeland says Canada welcomes Gaza ceasefire proposal, reiterates calls around hostages, aid

Deputy Prime Min­is­ter and Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says a Gaza…

Third-party political advertising is at a crossroads. Do the current rules protect voters' rights?

Third-party political advertising is at a crossroads. Do the current rules protect voters' rights?

The Supreme Court of Cana­da heard argu­ments last week in a case con­cern­ing…

Liberal MP John Aldag announces resignation, looks to run for NDP in B.C.

Liberal MP John Aldag announces resignation, looks to run for NDP in B.C.

Lib­er­al MP John Aldag has announced he’ll resign his seat lat­er this month, with the…

CBC chief says broadcaster isn't making specific plans for loss of public subsidy

CBC chief says broadcaster isn't making specific plans for loss of public subsidy

Cather­ine Tait says pay­out of bonus­es will have lit­tle real effect on broadcaster’s…

Canada's relations with Russia have slid to a post-Soviet low, ambassador says

Canada's relations with Russia have slid to a post-Soviet low, ambassador says

Canada’s top envoy in Moscow says rela­tions with post-Sovi­et Rus­sia are like­ly as bad…

Political fireworks about drug decriminalization leave Toronto request in limbo

Political fireworks about drug decriminalization leave Toronto request in limbo

A request by Canada’s biggest city to move for­ward on drug decrim­i­nal­iza­tion is in…

Love the idea or hate it, experts say federal use of notwithstanding clause would be a bombshell

Love the idea or hate it, experts say federal use of notwithstanding clause would be a bombshell

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s sug­ges­tion this week that he would use the…

Federal, provincial politicians leave door open to foreign workers' involvement in Honda deal

Federal, provincial politicians leave door open to foreign workers' involvement in Honda deal

Par­ties to the mas­sive Hon­da EV invest­ment deal reached this week have tac­it­ly…

Freeland defends budget measures, as premiers push back on federal involvement

Freeland defends budget measures, as premiers push back on federal involvement

Deputy Prime Min­is­ter and Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says she thinks…

Alberta premier says she's prepared to take Ottawa to court over housing deals

Alberta premier says she's prepared to take Ottawa to court over housing deals

Fed­er­al offi­cials and Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith clashed again on Fri­day over…

Deluge of federal pre-budget announcements draws fire from opposition, premiers

Deluge of federal pre-budget announcements draws fire from opposition, premiers

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau con­tin­ues to face resis­tance from the Con­ser­v­a­tive…

U.S. 'unable to step up' on Ukraine aid, leaving Canada to fill the gap, says Freeland

U.S. 'unable to step up' on Ukraine aid, leaving Canada to fill the gap, says Freeland

Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says Canada’s com­mit­ment to Ukraine has been an…

Trudeau condemns Netanyahu's comments on strike that killed Canadian, 6 other aid workers

Trudeau condemns Netanyahu's comments on strike that killed Canadian, 6 other aid workers

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau pushed back Thurs­day on com­ments made by Israeli Prime…

Federal government commits to creation of national school food program

Federal government commits to creation of national school food program

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says it will launch a nation­al school food pro­gram,…

The federal government promised to plant two billion trees. How’s that going?

The federal government promised to plant two billion trees. How’s that going?

Just off a coun­try road in rur­al Ontario, a short dri­ve from Bar­rie, Ker­ry…

Natural resources minister defends carbon tax as provinces pile on

Natural resources minister defends carbon tax as provinces pile on

Jonathan Wilkin­son says ​‘there must be con­se­quences’ for Saskatchewan’s refusal to…

Trudeau says N.L. premier bowing to political pressure over carbon tax increase

Trudeau says N.L. premier bowing to political pressure over carbon tax increase

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says New­found­land and Labrador Pre­mier Andrew Furey’s…

Health minister says he hopes some provinces will have pharmacare plan in place by end of 2024

Health minister says he hopes some provinces will have pharmacare plan in place by end of 2024

Fed­er­al Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says he hopes some provinces will be able to…

Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest

Trudeau's Toronto event with Italy PM Meloni cancelled due to pro-Palestinian protest

A Toron­to event where Cana­di­an Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was sched­uled to host…

With American aid to Ukraine stuck in limbo, defence minister says others must step up

With American aid to Ukraine stuck in limbo, defence minister says others must step up

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair says NATO coun­tries like Cana­da must ramp up their aid to…

81 senators later, Trudeau has changed the Senate. Is it ready to change again?

81 senators later, Trudeau has changed the Senate. Is it ready to change again?

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau made his 81st Sen­ate appoint­ment this week — anoth­er…

Justice minister says door is open to tougher penalties for auto theft

Justice minister says door is open to tougher penalties for auto theft

Canada’s jus­tice min­is­ter says he’s look­ing at options for increas­ing the penal­ties…

Experts urge federal government to pursue moderate, 'judicious' approach to harmful content online

Experts urge federal government to pursue moderate, 'judicious' approach to harmful content online

Dig­i­tal pol­i­cy experts say the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment should be restrained when it…

Byelection called for Durham, Ont., seat vacated by Erin O'Toole retirement

Byelection called for Durham, Ont., seat vacated by Erin O'Toole retirement

A fed­er­al byelec­tion has been called in Durham, Ont. to fill the seat left vacant by…

Former justice minister says he's still 'confident' in decision to trigger Emergencies Act

Former justice minister says he's still 'confident' in decision to trigger Emergencies Act

For­mer jus­tice min­is­ter David Lamet­ti says a fed­er­al court judge made…

Foreign interference inquiry will be 'deeply uncomfortable' for Beijing, Canada's ambassador to China says

Foreign interference inquiry will be 'deeply uncomfortable' for Beijing, Canada's ambassador to China says

Canada’s ambas­sador to Chi­na says the com­ing inquiry into for­eign inter­fer­ence in…

As clock ticks down to CEBA deadline, business owners plead for understanding from government

As clock ticks down to CEBA deadline, business owners plead for understanding from government

Some small busi­ness own­ers in Cana­da are ask­ing for the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to…

Steven MacKinnon to step in as Liberal House leader with Gould set to begin parental leave

Steven MacKinnon to step in as Liberal House leader with Gould set to begin parental leave

Lib­er­al MP Steven MacK­in­non will be sworn in Mon­day as the gov­ern­men­t’s chief…

A record number of people signed e-petitions last year — do they make a difference?

A record number of people signed e-petitions last year — do they make a difference?

A call for the House of Com­mons to vote no con­fi­dence in the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is…

Canada's UN ambassador defends UN vote as 'compassionate' response to humanitarian disaster in Gaza

Canada's UN ambassador defends UN vote as 'compassionate' response to humanitarian disaster in Gaza

Canada’s ambas­sador to the UN says Canada’s deci­sion to vote in favour of…

N.W.T. premier says he wants complete carbon tax exemption for territory

N.W.T. premier says he wants complete carbon tax exemption for territory

Canada’s newest pre­mier says that in an ide­al world, Ottawa would pro­vide his…

All eyes on housing crisis as government, opposition duel over who's to blame and how to fix it

All eyes on housing crisis as government, opposition duel over who's to blame and how to fix it

A new 15-minute video pro­duced by Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is the…

The Conservatives may be headed for their best fundraising year ever

The Conservatives may be headed for their best fundraising year ever

The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives are crush­ing the gov­ern­ing Lib­er­als in fundrais­ing,…

Parliament's new referee says he hopes MPs will lead the way on restoring decorum

Parliament's new referee says he hopes MPs will lead the way on restoring decorum

Oppos­ing aisles in the House of Com­mons are said to be placed two sword lengths apart,…

Worrying about AI as an 'existential' threat distracts from immediate risks, Balsillie says

Worrying about AI as an 'existential' threat distracts from immediate risks, Balsillie says

For­mer tech exec­u­tive Jim Bal­sil­lie says arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence should be…

Two years after peak crypto, Bitcoin has faded from the political conversation

Two years after peak crypto, Bitcoin has faded from the political conversation

Almost two years after reach­ing all-time highs in val­ue, Bit­coin and oth­er…

Canadian special forces members on the ground in Israel, DND confirms

Canadian special forces members on the ground in Israel, DND confirms

Cana­di­an spe­cial forces mem­bers are in Israel help­ing Canada’s embassy there with…

Alberta ready for conversation over potential CPP withdrawal, finance minister says

Alberta ready for conversation over potential CPP withdrawal, finance minister says

Alber­ta’s finance min­is­ter says he’s look­ing for­ward to a future meet­ing with…

How a complicated big-tech tax could cause a major headache for Canada-U.S. relations

How a complicated big-tech tax could cause a major headache for Canada-U.S. relations

Cross-bor­der econ­o­my experts are warn­ing that Canada’s deci­sion to strike out alone…

Trudeau, Poilievre and others across political spectrum rally in support of Israel

Trudeau, Poilievre and others across political spectrum rally in support of Israel

Cana­di­an politi­cians from across the polit­i­cal spec­trum gath­ered at sol­i­dar­i­ty…

A shifting electoral map could boost Conservatives in the next election

A shifting electoral map could boost Conservatives in the next election

The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives may be set to ben­e­fit from a shift­ing elec­toral…