Darren Major

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Darren Major.

Does Canada need a national emergency response agency?

Does Canada need a national emergency response agency?

Ques­tions swirl amid fed­er­al response to the Jasper wild­fire. The fed­er­al…

Canada might struggle to rein in surge of temporary residents, Bank of Canada projects

Canada might struggle to rein in surge of temporary residents, Bank of Canada projects

The Bank of Cana­da is pro­ject­ing that the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment could fall short of…

Justice minister deletes capital gains video that contained inaccurate information

Justice minister deletes capital gains video that contained inaccurate information

Jus­tice Min­is­ter Arif Virani has delet­ed a video about the Lib­er­al…

MP Housefather denounces antisemtic poster telling him to 'get out of Canada'

MP Housefather denounces antisemtic poster telling him to 'get out of Canada'

Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther is speak­ing out against an anti­semtic poster that…

With questions swirling about his future, Trudeau largely stays on message in speech to donors

With questions swirling about his future, Trudeau largely stays on message in speech to donors

In his first address to par­ty faith­ful since Mon­day’s byelec­tion loss, Prime…

Meet the first federal candidate in Canadian history to lose an election with zero votes

Meet the first federal candidate in Canadian history to lose an election with zero votes

For most peo­ple, receiv­ing the fewest votes in an elec­tion would be dev­as­tat­ing.…

Conservative MP shares inaccurate, ChatGPT-generated stats on capital gains tax rate

Conservative MP shares inaccurate, ChatGPT-generated stats on capital gains tax rate

An Ontario Con­ser­v­a­tive MP’s use of Chat­G­PT to share incor­rect infor­ma­tion…

Proposed legislation would ensure flight attendants are paid for pre- and post-flight duties

Proposed legislation would ensure flight attendants are paid for pre- and post-flight duties

Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Lianne Rood has put for­ward a pri­vate mem­ber’s bill that…

NDP MP says interference report has cast suspicion on all MPs, calls on House to release names
Asked about low polling numbers, Trudeau says Canadians are not in 'decision mode' yet

Asked about low polling numbers, Trudeau says Canadians are not in 'decision mode' yet

When asked whether his own low approval rat­ing could be hurt­ing his par­ty, Prime…

NDP leader says Han Dong shouldn't be allowed back into Liberal caucus

NDP leader says Han Dong shouldn't be allowed back into Liberal caucus

After read­ing an unredact­ed report from one of Canada’s intel­li­gence over­sight…

Here's why voters in an upcoming byelection will be casting ballots nearly a metre long

Here's why voters in an upcoming byelection will be casting ballots nearly a metre long

When vot­ers in Toron­to-St. Paul’s go to the polls lat­er this month, they might be…

Thousands of 'bare trust' tax forms filed despite eleventh hour pause on reporting requirement

Thousands of 'bare trust' tax forms filed despite eleventh hour pause on reporting requirement

More than 40,000 Cana­di­ans filed ​“bare trust” tax forms this year, despite the…

Very few pardons for pot possession have been granted since 2019

Very few pardons for pot possession have been granted since 2019

A pro­gram meant to expe­dite par­dons for cannabis pos­ses­sion is still expe­ri­enc­ing…

Getting rid of daily mail delivery is not on the table, Canada Post CEO says

Getting rid of daily mail delivery is not on the table, Canada Post CEO says

Get­ting rid of dai­ly mail deliv­ery is not an option Cana­da Post is con­sid­er­ing,…

Conservatives put forward motion to oust Greg Fergus as Speaker of the House

Conservatives put forward motion to oust Greg Fergus as Speaker of the House

Con­ser­v­a­tives are ask­ing the House of Com­mons to vote to remove Speak­er Greg…

Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move

Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move

Canada’s indus­try min­is­ter says Ottawa is ​“con­sid­er­ing all mea­sures” after the…

Are Tim Hortons' new lids 'woke'? One Conservative MP thinks so

Are Tim Hortons' new lids 'woke'? One Conservative MP thinks so

Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Lianne Rood says she has no time for Tims after the fast food chain…

MPs vote unanimously in support of designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist group

MPs vote unanimously in support of designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist group

The House of Com­mons has vot­ed unan­i­mous­ly in sup­port of a motion to add…

Liberals accuse Poilievre of planning to override charter rights with notwithstanding clause

Liberals accuse Poilievre of planning to override charter rights with notwithstanding clause

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is accus­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre of…

Poilievre hints to police he would use notwithstanding clause to change justice laws

Poilievre hints to police he would use notwithstanding clause to change justice laws

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre says he would use ​“what­ev­er tools the…

Watchdog finds 'strong perception of favoritism' toward McKinsey in some government contracts

Watchdog finds 'strong perception of favoritism' toward McKinsey in some government contracts

The fed­er­al pro­cure­ment watch­dog says the gov­ern­ment has cre­at­ed a ​“strong…

Trudeau challenges premiers opposed to carbon tax hike to suggest alternatives to federal levy

Trudeau challenges premiers opposed to carbon tax hike to suggest alternatives to federal levy

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is call­ing on pre­miers opposed to increas­ing the…

Government falling short on promise to roll out automatic tax filing pilot, experts say

Government falling short on promise to roll out automatic tax filing pilot, experts say

The gov­ern­ment is falling short on a 2023 bud­get com­mit­ment to pilot a new…

GC Strategies partner pleads ignorance while being questioned by MPs looking into ArriveCan

GC Strategies partner pleads ignorance while being questioned by MPs looking into ArriveCan

One of the part­ners at GC Strate­gies said Thurs­day he did­n’t know the answers to…

What is GC Strategies? A closer look at the company linked to the ArriveCan controversy

What is GC Strategies? A closer look at the company linked to the ArriveCan controversy

GC Strate­gies, the largest con­trac­tor to work on the Arrive­Can app project, is…

PM won't say whether MP who attacked government's Gaza policy will stay in current role

PM won't say whether MP who attacked government's Gaza policy will stay in current role

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau skirt­ed the ques­tion Thurs­day when he was asked…

Commons staff would not have screened Yaroslav Hunka for 'reputational risks,' MPs told

Commons staff would not have screened Yaroslav Hunka for 'reputational risks,' MPs told

House of Com­mons staff mem­bers are not tasked with screen­ing guests for…

Total cost of ArriveCan 'impossible to determine' due to poor record-keeping, AG report finds

Total cost of ArriveCan 'impossible to determine' due to poor record-keeping, AG report finds

The final cost of the con­tro­ver­sial Arrive­Can app is impos­si­ble to deter­mine due…

Putin uses Tucker Carlson interview to take shots at Zelenskyy over Hunka affair

Putin uses Tucker Carlson interview to take shots at Zelenskyy over Hunka affair

Yaroslav Hun­ka, a Nazi-aligned war vet­er­an, was giv­en a stand­ing ova­tion…

Justice minister's government car stolen for the third time in as many years

Justice minister's government car stolen for the third time in as many years

Politi­cians and law enforce­ment offi­cials are con­fronting a ris­ing num­ber of…

House of Commons passes new Ukraine free trade deal over Conservative opposition

House of Commons passes new Ukraine free trade deal over Conservative opposition

The House of Com­mons passed an updat­ed free trade agree­ment with Ukraine on Tues­day…

Federal government seeking another pause on planned expansion of medical assistance in dying

Federal government seeking another pause on planned expansion of medical assistance in dying

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has announced it is seek­ing anoth­er pause on med­ical…

There's no formal mechanism to make Trudeau face a leadership review — even if MPs wanted one

There's no formal mechanism to make Trudeau face a leadership review — even if MPs wanted one

Last week, Lib­er­al MP Ken McDon­ald walked back com­ments sug­gest­ing he would like to…

Liberal MPs voice support for Trudeau after caucus member suggests a 'leadership review'

Liberal MPs voice support for Trudeau after caucus member suggests a 'leadership review'

A num­ber of Lib­er­al MPs are say­ing they still have con­fi­dence in Prime Min­is­ter…

Liberal MP says he thinks Trudeau should face a leadership review

Liberal MP says he thinks Trudeau should face a leadership review

Lib­er­al MP Ken McDon­ald says he thinks it’s time for his par­ty to con­sid­er…

Former Ontario Liberal leadership candidate Erskine-Smith won't run in next federal election

Former Ontario Liberal leadership candidate Erskine-Smith won't run in next federal election

Lib­er­al MP Nathaniel Ersk­ine-Smith says he won’t seek re-elec­tion in the next…

Ottawa planning to reduce volume of international students in certain provinces: source

Ottawa planning to reduce volume of international students in certain provinces: source

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is plan­ning to reduce the vol­ume of inter­na­tion­al…

House of Commons looking into electric buses to shuttle MPs around parliamentary precinct

House of Commons looking into electric buses to shuttle MPs around parliamentary precinct

The House of Com­mons is look­ing into the pos­si­bil­i­ty of trans­port­ing MPs around…

Small businesses facing hard decisions about CEBA loan forgiveness deadline

Small businesses facing hard decisions about CEBA loan forgiveness deadline

With a major dead­line to repay a pan­dem­ic era loan on the hori­zon, Rod…

Could some policy wins lift the NDP's political fortunes?

Could some policy wins lift the NDP's political fortunes?

The NDP is hop­ing to trans­late pol­i­cy suc­cess into polit­i­cal suc­cess when some…

Despite a difficult 2023, Trudeau says he's not ready to 'walk away'

Despite a difficult 2023, Trudeau says he's not ready to 'walk away'

The prime min­is­ter dis­cuss­es the car­bon tax, hous­ing and for­eign inter­fer­ence.…

Trudeau says allies 'increasingly concerned' about Israel's tactics eroding its international support

Trudeau says allies 'increasingly concerned' about Israel's tactics eroding its international support

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he’s wor­ried that Israel’s tac­tics in the war…

PM Trudeau gives Poilievre credit for tapping into Canadians' concerns about affordability

PM Trudeau gives Poilievre credit for tapping into Canadians' concerns about affordability

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is giv­ing his main polit­i­cal rival cred­it for…

She received the CEBA loan more than 3 years ago — her bank now says she wasn't eligible

She received the CEBA loan more than 3 years ago — her bank now says she wasn't eligible

With a major dead­line to repay a pan­dem­ic era loan just over a month…

NDP calling for 'disciplinary measures' for Speaker Fergus, won't ask him to resign

NDP calling for 'disciplinary measures' for Speaker Fergus, won't ask him to resign

New Democ­rats are call­ing on the House of Com­mons to impose ​“dis­ci­pli­nary…

House of Commons adjourns after more than 24 hours of voting, naps and singalongs

House of Commons adjourns after more than 24 hours of voting, naps and singalongs

MPs final­ly left the House of Com­mons late Fri­day night after vot­ing for more than…

MPs agree to have committee look into Speaker Fergus video controversy

MPs agree to have committee look into Speaker Fergus video controversy

MPs vot­ed late Wednes­day to have the House pro­ce­dures com­mit­tee exam­ine Speak­er…

Ottawa set to announce cap-and-trade framework to reduce emissions in oil and gas sector

Ottawa set to announce cap-and-trade framework to reduce emissions in oil and gas sector

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will unveil its oil and gas emis­sions cap frame­work on…

Speaker Fergus says he's not resigning after MPs question his impartiality

Speaker Fergus says he's not resigning after MPs question his impartiality

House Speak­er Greg Fer­gus says he does­n’t intend to resign, despite two oppo­si­tion…