Elizabeth Thompson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Elizabeth Thompson.

Bloc leader says he wants legal opinion on prospect of U.S. trade sanctions over language law

Bloc leader says he wants legal opinion on prospect of U.S. trade sanctions over language law

Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet says he will ask for a legal opin­ion…

U.S. officials discussed hitting Canada with trade sanctions over Quebec's language law

U.S. officials discussed hitting Canada with trade sanctions over Quebec's language law

U.S gov­ern­ment offi­cials have dis­cussed behind closed doors the pos­si­bil­i­ty of…

Parole Board failed to deal with board member who made 'unwanted advances' at work: report

Parole Board failed to deal with board member who made 'unwanted advances' at work: report

A for­mer mem­ber of the Parole Board of Cana­da breached gov­ern­ment codes of con­duct…

House of Commons launches study of controversial travel spending rule

House of Commons launches study of controversial travel spending rule

Clause in rules has allowed MPs to bill Par­lia­ment for $538,314 over the past year. The…

House of Commons committee should close loophole on MPs' travel, Liberal MP says

House of Commons committee should close loophole on MPs' travel, Liberal MP says

Lib­er­al MP Mark Ger­ret­sen is call­ing on the House of Com­mons to close…

Watchdog groups call on House of Commons to close spending loophole

Watchdog groups call on House of Commons to close spending loophole

Two advo­ca­cy groups are call­ing on the House of Com­mons to close a loop­hole…

Loophole leaves taxpayers picking up tab for MP travel

Loophole leaves taxpayers picking up tab for MP travel

Com­mons picked up $84,000 tab for trav­el by ​‘des­ig­nat­ed trav­ellers,’ often MPs’…

The conflict in the Middle East could be affecting the next federal election already

The conflict in the Middle East could be affecting the next federal election already

Fareed Khan some­times becomes over­come by grief when he talks about the grow­ing death…

Canada Revenue Agency gets more teeth to catch potential tax cheats

Canada Revenue Agency gets more teeth to catch potential tax cheats

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is crack­ing down on poten­tial tax cheats by intro­duc­ing…

Poilievre wades into Middle East conflict during speech to Montreal-area synagogue

Poilievre wades into Middle East conflict during speech to Montreal-area synagogue

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau should con­vene an emer­gency meet­ing with the…

Trudeau's Jamaica vacation cost far more than same trip the year before

Trudeau's Jamaica vacation cost far more than same trip the year before

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s con­tro­ver­sial vaca­tion to Jamaica last Christ­mas…

Canada faces a series of 'crises' that will test it in the coming years, RCMP warns

Canada faces a series of 'crises' that will test it in the coming years, RCMP warns

The ​“crises” rock­ing nation­al and inter­na­tion­al affairs are like­ly to get worse…

Federal government is running out of time to name a new ethics commissioner

Federal government is running out of time to name a new ethics commissioner

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment says it has start­ed a process to…

Senators receive panic buttons in response to rising concerns about security on Parliament Hill

Senators receive panic buttons in response to rising concerns about security on Parliament Hill

Canada’s sen­a­tors have been issued pan­ic but­tons as con­cerns about the safe­ty of…

Parliament spent nearly $600,000 on luxury hotel rooms it never used

Parliament spent nearly $600,000 on luxury hotel rooms it never used

Par­lia­ment spent near­ly $600,000 on lux­u­ry hotel rooms it did­n’t use when near­ly…

Trudeau's holiday travel didn't break the rules, ethics commissioner tells MPs

Trudeau's holiday travel didn't break the rules, ethics commissioner tells MPs

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s trip to Jamaica did­n’t break the rules that gov­ern…

Cost to taxpayers of protecting members of Parliament hits a record high

Cost to taxpayers of protecting members of Parliament hits a record high

The cost of keep­ing Canada’s mem­bers of Par­lia­ment safe has hit a record high,…

NDP calls for public consultations on plan that could station Canadian border guards on U.S. soil

NDP calls for public consultations on plan that could station Canadian border guards on U.S. soil

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment should do more to con­sult Cana­di­ans on its plan to set up…

Canadian customs officers could soon be based in the U.S. for the first time

Canadian customs officers could soon be based in the U.S. for the first time

Cana­di­an cus­toms offi­cers could soon be post­ed to U.S. bor­der posts on Amer­i­can…

Prime minister's plane breaks down in Jamaica during family holiday

Prime minister's plane breaks down in Jamaica during family holiday

The Cana­di­an Armed Forces was forced to send a sec­ond plane to Jamaica this week…

Meet Oscar, the Canadian-built, AI-driven recycling system helping governments go green

Meet Oscar, the Canadian-built, AI-driven recycling system helping governments go green

Stand­ing in the mid­dle of a cafe­te­ria at Glob­al Affairs, Soren Antosz was…

Ottawa will prevent AI tools from discriminating against potential hires, Anand says

Ottawa will prevent AI tools from discriminating against potential hires, Anand says

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will work to pre­vent arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence from…

NDP ethics critic calls for Scheer to appear before House ethics committee

NDP ethics critic calls for Scheer to appear before House ethics committee

New Demo­c­rat ethics crit­ic Matthew Green is call­ing for Con­ser­v­a­tive House Leader…

Andrew Scheer broke Parliament's rules by filming partisan video in his office

Andrew Scheer broke Parliament's rules by filming partisan video in his office

Video to sup­port Arpan Khan­na for CPC nom­i­na­tion led to $500 ​‘reim­burse­ment.’ The…

Lavish trip for group of Conservative MPs in ethics spotlight

Lavish trip for group of Conservative MPs in ethics spotlight

A pricey trip for a group of Con­ser­v­a­tive MPs spon­sored by an inter­est group…

Federal government says it will ensure Canadian aid doesn't go to Hamas

Federal government says it will ensure Canadian aid doesn't go to Hamas

Cana­da will con­tin­ue deliv­er­ing human­i­tar­i­an and devel­op­ment aid to…