Fred Delorey

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Fred Delorey.

Do the Liberals care about environmental stewardship or just trendy climate issues? The Jasper disaster provides a damning answer

Do the Liberals care about environmental stewardship or just trendy climate issues? The Jasper disaster provides a damning answer

As a proud Con­ser­v­a­tive who also con­sid­ers him­self a Green Tory,…

Prince William's Disregard for Canada: A Tale of Two Sons

Prince William's Disregard for Canada: A Tale of Two Sons

Last Fri­day night marked an unfor­get­table mile­stone in Canada’s men’s soc­cer…

Harper to foreign affairs in a Poilievre government?

Harper to foreign affairs in a Poilievre government?

Should a future Con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment look to the past — and the U.K. — for…

Cracking shells and credibility: MacAulay’s lobster feast in Malaysia exposes Liberal disconnect

Cracking shells and credibility: MacAulay’s lobster feast in Malaysia exposes Liberal disconnect

In the realm of pol­i­tics, the image pro­ject­ed by those in pow­er can often speak…

“Go Like Hell”: Tim Houston's urgent bid to transform Nova Scotia's healthcare

“Go Like Hell”: Tim Houston's urgent bid to transform Nova Scotia's healthcare

In Nova Sco­tia, where recent snow­storms have added a chill to dai­ly lives, an…

The Enigma of Electoral Reform: A Conversation Beyond the Blue and Red Divide

The Enigma of Electoral Reform: A Conversation Beyond the Blue and Red Divide

In this week’s episode of On Back­ground, we ven­ture into the labyrinth of elec­toral…

McDonald’s maverick move — the canary in the Liberal coal mine as a Conservative campaign dream

McDonald’s maverick move — the canary in the Liberal coal mine as a Conservative campaign dream

In the polit­i­cal land­scape of Cana­da, where ener­gy poli­cies and envi­ron­men­tal…

Christmas Cheers: Saluting Political Staffers

Christmas Cheers: Saluting Political Staffers

As the fes­tive sea­son wraps its arms around us, with its twin­kling lights and the…

Merry Christmas, you filthy staffers: Unwrapping the Joys and Challenges of Political Staffing

In an ode to the count­less hard work­ing polit­i­cal staffers, we go On Back­ground with…

Justin Trudeau should box again: How the Liberals Retake Their Lead as Digital Campaigners

Justin Trudeau should box again: How the Liberals Retake Their Lead as Digital Campaigners

We go On Back­ground with Dave Som­mer, Asso­ciate Cre­ative Direc­tor at Cre­ative…

The Art of Digital Persuasion: Poilievre's Viral Strategy Unveiled

The Art of Digital Persuasion: Poilievre's Viral Strategy Unveiled

In this era where the dig­i­tal land­scape is as con­test­ed as the phys­i­cal, the art…

The Canadian Political Chessboard: Navigating a Future of Minority Governments

The Canadian Political Chessboard: Navigating a Future of Minority Governments

In the grand the­atre of Cana­di­an pol­i­tics, a pat­tern emerges, as…

Biting into politics: Poilievre’s orchard moment captivates Canada

Biting into politics: Poilievre’s orchard moment captivates Canada

In a pic­turesque apple orchard, a back­drop emblem­at­ic of rus­tic Cana­di­an…