Gillian Steward

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Gillian Steward.

Will Canadians end up paying to clean up thousands of Alberta’s abandoned oil and gas wells?

Will Canadians end up paying to clean up thousands of Alberta’s abandoned oil and gas wells?

Last week, Alber­ta envi­ron­ment min­is­ter Rebec­ca Schulz took to Rebel Media to brag…

Joe Biden gave the Dems a fighting chance by quitting. Justin Trudeau is sinking the Liberals by refusing to do the same

Joe Biden gave the Dems a fighting chance by quitting. Justin Trudeau is sinking the Liberals by refusing to do the same

Cana­da is bro­ken. We’ve heard that a lot from Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre…

Naheed Nenshi has plans for Alberta — hint, lots of repealing Danielle Smith policies — now that he is NDP leader

Naheed Nenshi has plans for Alberta — hint, lots of repealing Danielle Smith policies — now that he is NDP leader

Naheed Nen­shi, the new leader of the Alber­ta NDP, knows he has his hands full if he…

Danielle Smith in for a fight if she makes a grab for Albertans’ pensions

Danielle Smith in for a fight if she makes a grab for Albertans’ pensions

More peo­ple are mov­ing to Alber­ta than ever before. ​“Toron­to is too big and…