Irem Koca

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Irem Koca.

‘Unfortunate errors’ in Global Affairs contracts were ‘administrative oversight,’ MPs hear

‘Unfortunate errors’ in Global Affairs contracts were ‘administrative oversight,’ MPs hear

The con­tract­ing issues found in Glob­al Affairs Canada’s inter­nal audit were…

MPs to probe Global Affairs contracts after internal audit finds one-quarter broke the rules

MPs to probe Global Affairs contracts after internal audit finds one-quarter broke the rules

Deputy min­is­ters at Glob­al Affairs Cana­da are being called to tes­ti­fy before…

Federal procurement already feeling blowback from ArriveCan scandal, say experts

Federal procurement already feeling blowback from ArriveCan scandal, say experts

As the Arrive­Can scan­dal unfolds, the rip­ple effects from the fed­er­al government’s…

CBSA told KPMG to go subcontract through GC Strategies to work on ArriveCan, MPs hear

CBSA told KPMG to go subcontract through GC Strategies to work on ArriveCan, MPs hear

A for­mer Cana­da Bor­der Ser­vices Agency (CBSA) offi­cial asked KPMG to do…

ArriveCan: What you need to know before key witnesses’ testimonies

ArriveCan: What you need to know before key witnesses’ testimonies

At the height of the dead­ly COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, the Arrive­Can appli­ca­tion was…

ArriveCan fallout gives Liberals a ‘very black eye,’ as public pressure builds on government to resolve mess, say politicos

ArriveCan fallout gives Liberals a ‘very black eye,’ as public pressure builds on government to resolve mess, say politicos

Amid the reg­u­lar emer­gence of new details from a series of inves­ti­ga­tions into…

Former CBSA officials say they are being scapegoated in a ‘coverup’ over ArriveCan

Former CBSA officials say they are being scapegoated in a ‘coverup’ over ArriveCan

Two pub­lic ser­vants who were sus­pend­ed with­out pay in con­nec­tion with mis­con­duct…

ArriveCAN: CBSA’s internal review found evidence supporting allegations of misconduct

ArriveCAN: CBSA’s internal review found evidence supporting allegations of misconduct

The Cana­da Bor­der Ser­vices Agency has found evi­dence to sup­port some alle­ga­tions…

‘I did it my way’: Senator Dupuis says goodbye to the Red Chamber

‘I did it my way’: Senator Dupuis says goodbye to the Red Chamber

Hav­ing spent more than 40 years advo­cat­ing for social jus­tice, Sen­a­tor Renée…