Jacques Gallant

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jacques Gallant.

Constituency worker sexually harassed by NDP MPP was wrongly fired, arbitrator finds

Constituency worker sexually harassed by NDP MPP was wrongly fired, arbitrator finds

A con­stituen­cy assis­tant fired by the Ontario NDP after being sex­u­al­ly harassed by…

Another Toronto sex assault case is tossed as spotlight turns on Trudeau government’s failure to solve vacancy crisis

Another Toronto sex assault case is tossed as spotlight turns on Trudeau government’s failure to solve vacancy crisis

On a Tues­day after­noon this month, an alarm­ing­ly famil­iar scene played out in…

‘An embarrassment to the administration of justice’: Trudeau government blamed as Toronto child sex assault cases fall apart

‘An embarrassment to the administration of justice’: Trudeau government blamed as Toronto child sex assault cases fall apart

The fed­er­al government’s chron­ic fail­ure to quick­ly appoint judges has led to the…

When Doug Ford tried to get out of jury duty — and earned himself a lecture on the rule of law

When Doug Ford tried to get out of jury duty — and earned himself a lecture on the rule of law

Ten years ago, then-Toron­to city coun­cil­lor Doug Ford arrived at the Supe­ri­or Court…

He helped shape Stephen Harper’s ‘tough on crime’ agenda. It’s why he says Doug Ford is wrong to stack the courts

He helped shape Stephen Harper’s ‘tough on crime’ agenda. It’s why he says Doug Ford is wrong to stack the courts

Pre­mier Doug Ford’s inten­tion to appoint tough ​“like-mind­ed judges” who will put even…

‘I am going to make sure we have like-minded judges,’ Ford doubles down amid Ontario court outcry

‘I am going to make sure we have like-minded judges,’ Ford doubles down amid Ontario court outcry

Pre­mier Doug Ford is dou­bling down on his desire to have ​“like-mind­ed” judges in…

In move called ‘blatant’ patronage, ex-Doug Ford staffers appointed to committee that selects Ontario judges

In move called ‘blatant’ patronage, ex-Doug Ford staffers appointed to committee that selects Ontario judges

The inclu­sion of two of Pre­mier Doug Ford’s for­mer senior staffers on the com­mit­tee…