Jaime Watt

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jaime Watt.

The best replacement for Joe Biden is the most obvious

The best replacement for Joe Biden is the most obvious

Just pri­or to the implo­sion that rocked glob­al finan­cial mar­kets, Lehman Broth­ers…

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden should both leave. That’s harder for advisers to say than you might think

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden should both leave. That’s harder for advisers to say than you might think

Dr. Mar­tin Luther King said the true mea­sure of an indi­vid­ual is not how they behave…

Olivia Chow’s greatest vulnerability? Her friends

Olivia Chow’s greatest vulnerability? Her friends

Imag­ine the con­fu­sion. Toronto’s most labour friend­ly may­or in recent mem­o­ry and…

Canada needs to become a world leader in the AI economy but first we need to build public support

Canada needs to become a world leader in the AI economy but first we need to build public support

It’s a politico’s axiom that per­cep­tion is real­i­ty. Call it…

Democrats are running out of time as Donald Trump’s troubles are only making him stronger

Democrats are running out of time as Donald Trump’s troubles are only making him stronger

If there has even been such a thing as the world’s great­est cir­cus, this is…

We are not having enough babies and that’s a problem for all us

We are not having enough babies and that’s a problem for all us

It’s not rock­et sci­ence. Ensure fam­i­lies have access to afford­able, high-qual­i­ty…

Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

Low polls give Trudeau’s Liberals the freedom to make gutsy moves that will help the country

Spring has sprung and with it the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment is clear­ly wak­ing up from…

Government bans on social media will only make them more desirable

Government bans on social media will only make them more desirable

Will Rogers has an old joke about Pro­hi­bi­tion: ​“Why don’t they pass…

After weeks of mean-spirited speculation, Kate Middleton shows she has her priorities straight — and the humility of the late Queen

After weeks of mean-spirited speculation, Kate Middleton shows she has her priorities straight — and the humility of the late Queen

It’s said that revi­sion sits at the very heart of great writ­ing. And right now,…

What Brian Mulroney knew about politics and Canada that is missing today

What Brian Mulroney knew about politics and Canada that is missing today

As much as victory’s highs are as ephemer­al as a shoot­ing star, defeat’s bit­ter…

Joe Biden has a clear path to victory: abortion rights

Joe Biden has a clear path to victory: abortion rights

The bat­tle lines of the 2024 U.S. pres­i­den­tial elec­tion are drawn, the ide­olo­gies…

To compete with Donald Trump, Canada needs a new political tool box

To compete with Donald Trump, Canada needs a new political tool box

My last col­umn dis­cussed how our abysmal pro­duc­tiv­i­ty will like­ly grow…

How Canadian politicians should prepare for a second Trump presidency

How Canadian politicians should prepare for a second Trump presidency

Part cliché. Most­ly tru­ism. It is said that there are no sure things in pol­i­tics.…

Without a seat at Queen's Park, Ontario is Bonnie Crombie's to discover — and conquer

Without a seat at Queen's Park, Ontario is Bonnie Crombie's to discover — and conquer

So, which will it be: door No. 1 or door No. 2? The ques­tion, of course, is one of…

In the face of gloom, here are three reasons to be hopeful

In the face of gloom, here are three reasons to be hopeful

All doom and gloom. Or is it? It’s beyond cliché to say that the world – and our coun­try…

Pierre Poilievre's wake-up call to Canadian media

Pierre Poilievre's wake-up call to Canadian media

This past week, two devel­op­ments attract­ed the nation’s atten­tion. Pierre Poilievre…

Nothing grand about Grand Old Party’s Speaker standoff

Nothing grand about Grand Old Party’s Speaker standoff

My granny, who was the wis­est per­son I knew, always said that if you lived long…