Jeremy Kinsman

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jeremy Kinsman.

Canada’s Fork in the Road

Canada’s Fork in the Road

The United States Office of Personnel Management recently sent on behalf of downsizing overlord Elon Musk a message to two...

Falsehoods, Boasts and Bravado: The Surreal Launch of the Second Trump Presidency

Falsehoods, Boasts and Bravado: The Surreal Launch of the Second Trump Presidency

President Donald Trump delivered two inaugural addresses on Monday; the formal one in the Capitol Rotunda, and the compensatory “real”...

Canada and Trump II: Navigating an Increasingly Dangerous World

Canada and Trump II: Navigating an Increasingly Dangerous World

To the extent that foresight is possible in today’s world of interconnected crises, it seems a fair bet that post-inauguration...

Finally, Hope for the Syrian People

Finally, Hope for the Syrian People

At last, an event the world’s humanists might celebrate. Finally, one of the world’s entrenched authoritarians has been defeated by...

Trump’s Stunning Victory

Trump’s Stunning Victory

Polls got it wrong. Pundits got it wrong. Donald Trump, who won a second presidential election Tuesday with 51% of...

Kamala Harris, For the People

Kamala Harris, For the People

Americans have seemed in the digital age to live in the moment; driven by memes, tropes and “likes”. But America...

Navalny is Now Immortal, and Putin Has Never Been Weaker

Navalny is Now Immortal, and Putin Has Never Been Weaker

“Navalny n’est plus?” In France, the newspaper headline over the report of a significant death is often, poignantly, that the...