John Woodside

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from John Woodside.

Carbon tax's future uncertain as Parliament returns

Carbon tax's future uncertain as Parliament returns

On the last day of the NDP cau­cus retreat, leader Jag­meet Singh took swipes at the…

Conservative network to bring US far-right provocateur Chris Rufo to Alberta

Conservative network to bring US far-right provocateur Chris Rufo to Alberta

The Cana­da Strong and Free Net­work intends to bring far-right Amer­i­can provo­ca­teur…

What a Harris-led USA would mean for Canada and the climate

What a Harris-led USA would mean for Canada and the climate

For­mer Prime Min­is­ter Pierre Trudeau famous­ly com­pared Canada‑U.S. rela­tions to…

What would Mark Carney as finance minister mean for Canada's climate ambitions?

What would Mark Carney as finance minister mean for Canada's climate ambitions?

As rumours mount that Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau wants to recruit for­mer Bank of…

The Ford government kneecaps provincial energy regulator

The Ford government kneecaps provincial energy regulator

Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford’s gov­ern­ment is tabling new leg­is­la­tion to over­rule the…

Canada tapped by United Arab Emirates to help broker final deal at U.N. climate summit

Canada tapped by United Arab Emirates to help broker final deal at U.N. climate summit

The annu­al U.N. cli­mate change nego­ti­a­tions are enter­ing the home­stretch, and the…

Steven Guilbeault’s very political, grand climate fight

Steven Guilbeault’s very political, grand climate fight

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als have a tremen­dous prob­lem at hand:…