Michael Harris

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Trump is off his rocker, and GOP politics is off the rails

Trump is off his rocker, and GOP politics is off the rails

No sense mincing words.For the last year, and with each passing day, it is getting clearer that Donald Trump is off his rocker, and GOP politics is off the rails.You can’t make up the stuff that is coming out of Trump’s mouth with zero pushback from the gaggle of sycophants trying to ride his crazy coattails to power. According to Trump: Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, are eating their neighbours’ cats and dogs; shoplifters would be shot in their tracks, as he advised the recent Republican convention; U.S. General Mark Milley, former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, should be executed for speaking with a Chinese general; illegal migrants are taking over whole American towns with weapons the U.S. military has never seen before; immigrants need to

All signs point to a stampede towards Pierre Poilievre

All signs point to a stampede towards Pierre Poilievre

Justin Trudeau is a coach in danger of losing control of the locker room.After losing one Liberal stronghold in Toronto in June, the party has just lost another on the island of Montreal.Toronto St. Paul’s, Ont., and LaSalle-Émard-Verdun, Que., are bookends of a brutal battering. The Grits once seemed to hold the deeds to these political properties. So in the wake of the losses, how does Trudeau sell the game plan going forward to a dispirited and downtrodden team?

Trudeau’s motto seems to be ‘more of the same’ after retreat

Trudeau’s motto seems to be ‘more of the same’ after retreat

For a party trailing by a country kilometre in the polls for over a year, the recent Liberal cabinet retreat was a pretty self-satisfied affair.True, there was a laundry list of announcements: tariffs on EVs from China, a tweak of the temporary foreign workers program, a task force here, and more studies there. Not unimportant, to be sure.

Optimism and honesty are back on the menu

Optimism and honesty are back on the menu

Watching the Democratic convention in Chicago, some numbers came to mind that are telling.The United States has been a Republic for 248 years. During that time, 45 people have been president—all male. Of those, 44 were white, and one Black.What is strange about that is that there are roughly 170 million women in the U.S. That represents approximately 51 per cent of the total population as of 2022. That percentage has held since 2013.

New phase of Russia-Ukraine war amounts to a big gamble

New phase of Russia-Ukraine war amounts to a big gamble

It is easy to see why Volodymyr Zelenskyy has become an international political superstar.When Russia invaded his country, observers in the West gave the embattled president of Ukraine virtually no chance of stopping the aggressors. The conventional wisdom at the time was that Russia would overrun the country in a matter of weeks.

Either way, Americans will make electoral history

Either way, Americans will make electoral history

No matter what happens three months from now, Americans will make electoral history.Either the country will elect a Black, female president, which would be a first, or it will choose a convicted felon, which would also be unprecedented.

World is holding its breath over events unfolding in the Middle East

World is holding its breath over events unfolding in the Middle East

Once again, the world is holding its breath over events unfolding in the Middle East.With the assassination of the political leader of Hamas in Tehran, Iran is vowing revenge against Israel. No one knows what that will look like.Another missile and drone attack on Israel itself like the one last April, an assault on Israeli shipping, or an indirect strike at Israeli assets outside the country. It could get very personal—civilians, diplomats, politicians, no one knows.

Buckle up, U.S. politics is on one wild ride before Americans choose their next president

Buckle up, U.S. politics is on one wild ride before Americans choose their next president

There was a ride at the Canadian National Exhibition that made the roller coaster feel like an outing in a stroller: the Wild Mouse.It featured small seats, breakneck speed, hairpin turns, zippy ups and downs that played hell on the stomach, and of course, screaming patrons holding on for dear life.U.S. politics has boarded the Wild Mouse for 100 days of thrills and chills before Americans choose their next president.

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Politics has always had its share of self-interested fakers masquerading as public servants.But never before has a band of criminals, miscreants, and industrial-strength hypocrites captured a mainstream party, let alone one in the self-styled greatest democracy on earth.This is how the Republican Party—the so-called party of law-and-order—now looks. For starters, it has selected a convicted felon awaiting sentencing as its leader—a new low in any democracy.

The Liberals should resolve their leadership issues now, before it’s too late

The Liberals should resolve their leadership issues now, before it’s too late

If the Liberal Party and the Prime Minister’s Office aren’t watching the political train-wreck playing out south of the border, they should be.In both countries, the progressive parties are in a crisis of leadership. For very different reasons, the parties themselves are deeply conflicted about their incumbents: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau here, and President Joe Biden in the United States.

Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick

Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick

Former U.S. president Richard Nixon once said, 'Well, if the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.' Two weeks ago, in a decision split along ideological lines, six of the nine U.S. justices ruled that a president does have immunity when he is acting in his official capacity. In other words, he is indeed above the law, rising to the status of what many commentators are calling a king. The times are, indeed, out of joint. Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick.

Federal politics has entered a ‘none-of-the-above’ phase

Federal politics has entered a ‘none-of-the-above’ phase

Federal politics has entered a “none-of-the-above” phase.And that means that predicting how people will vote a year from now is not as simple as voting intention polls suggest.The same polls that show Justin Trudeau taking his party over the electoral cliff if he remains leader also show something else of importance. Canadians are deeply unimpressed with the current crop of federal leaders.

NSICOP report more than a Pandora’s box of bad news for Canadian democracy

NSICOP report more than a Pandora’s box of bad news for Canadian democracy

The more secretive a society gets, the less democratic it becomes.As The Washington Post’s motto puts it, “Democracy dies in darkness.” Canadian democracy has been weakened this past week by a signal failure of transparency, a dire error of priorities. On an issue of monumental importance, the public was informationally dealt out.

Trump’s vulgarity fast becoming signature across so much of our politics

Trump’s vulgarity fast becoming signature across so much of our politics

How did gross incivility take over so much of the public square in both Canada and the United States?There is probably a good PhD thesis in the answer to that question. But the disintegration of the political middle begins and perhaps ends with something we all share: the language.Language is the basis of how societies mediate differences of opinion. The give and take of sweet reason that produces compromise comes in words.

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Can an adult-film actress save the republic from King Donald?Given what is happening in the U.S. justice system these days, Stormy Daniels and her hush-money case may be the country’s best chance to deal out a dictator.When former U.S. president Donald Trump was slapped with multiple indictments and scores of felony charges, a lot of commentators crowed. They said it was proof positive that no one was above the law in the United States. That view now looks like second-rate stand-up comedy.

Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

It wasn’t the biggest story coming out of Ottawa last week, but make no mistake about it, Pam Damoff’s decision to leave politics is a canary in the mine. The call to public service is losing its lustre.

Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

There is a limit to how far Conservative politicians can carry the demonization of Justin Trudeau. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has reached it.Moe’s stand on the “carbon tax,” a fawning imitation of his party’s national leader, is indefensible. He says not collecting or remitting federal carbon pricing for natural gas and electricity is about “fairness.”

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

The staggering death toll of Israel’s war of rage and vengeance demands an answer before the region is knee-deep in innocent blood.Netanyahu’s six months of slaughter in Gaza has been his response to the atrocity of Oct. 7, 2023, when Hamas butchered 1,200 innocent Israelis.

God save us all: Trump’s selling Bibles now

God save us all: Trump’s selling Bibles now

Even the most pumped-for-Trump MAGA-fool must have had a queasy moment when they saw the king of grifters on TV hawking his latest product.It wasn’t cologne.It wasn’t those $399 Never Surrender gold high-top running shoes.It wasn’t a T-shirt featuring Teflon Don’s mugshot.

Being real is still most powerful attribute for politicians, especially today

Being real is still most powerful attribute for politicians, especially today

On the face of it, altering a photograph—even if you are a princess—is small potatoes.With two major wars raging, Donald Trump offering Americans a fascist buffet in the U.S. presidential election, and the planet running a deadly fever while world leaders dither on climate change; manipulating a family photograph does not seem to be the stuff of a viral, global story.

Tackling humanitarian disaster takes guts, not words

Tackling humanitarian disaster takes guts, not words

Political leaders who can no longer hear the people are usually on their way to defeat.That is one of the takeaways from the recently cancelled event featuring Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and visiting Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni in Toronto.

One Man’s March to Beat Poilievre in His Own Riding

One Man’s March to Beat Poilievre in His Own Riding

If anyone in Canada needs to fasten ice cleats to his boots, it’s Bruce Fanjoy. No matter how cold the winter weather, Fanjoy spends every afternoon knocking on doors in pursuit of the Liberal nomination in the federal riding of Carleton. So far, he has shown up at 5,000 homes to meet voters face to face.ANNOUNCEMENTS, EVENTS & MORE FROM TYEE AND SELECT PARTNERS Remember Darren Barefoot by Studying His Climate Action PlaybookRemember Darren Barefoot by Studying His Climate Action Playbook And by donating to his legacy fund to help his work continue.‘Strings of the Universe’ Celebrates the Connections Between Weaving and Music‘Strings of the Universe’ Celebrates the Connections Between Weaving and Music The new collaborative work from Debra Sparrow and Jack Campbell will be performed on violin, harp and double bass.

There’s no guarantee that what happens in America, stays in America

There’s no guarantee that what happens in America, stays in America

Living next to Russia requires watching very closely what happens in that country.As Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has found out, it can be a life-and-death proposition to misread Russian President Vladimir Putin’s intentions.It is no accident that both Sweden and Finland have joined NATO in the wake of Russia’s unprovoked and illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Changing leaders will not save the Liberals

Changing leaders will not save the Liberals

Ask not for whom the polls toll, they toll for thee.That is the message Canadians are giving these days whenever they are surveyed about their views of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.

Obvious loser in ArriveCan scandal is Trudeau government

Obvious loser in ArriveCan scandal is Trudeau government

Apart from the Canadian public, the obvious loser in the ArriveCan scandal is the Trudeau government.After all, it takes a special kind of incompetence to turn an $80,000 project into a $60-million boondoggle of epic proportions.Thanking the Auditor General for writing what could be your political epitaph isn’t fooling anyone. Neither is the promise to accept her recommendations. Or protestations that you are committed to handling taxpayers’ money responsibly. In the light of the AG’s findings, that is all nonsense.

U.S. Republicans, Canadian federal Conservatives give Zelenskyy the shaft, and that’s a crying shame

U.S. Republicans, Canadian federal Conservatives give Zelenskyy the shaft, and that’s a crying shame

To the utter disgrace of what is left of the United States’ international reputation, another “ally” is getting the shaft. This time it’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy.The politicians whom the Ukrainian president trusted to have his back in his country’s existential struggle against Russian invaders have betrayed him.

‘Authenticity’ must be Trudeau’s word of the year

‘Authenticity’ must be Trudeau’s word of the year

Could a good dictionary help Justin Trudeau refurbish his tarnished image?I think it could. Allow me to explain.Since 2003, the Merriam-Webster dictionary has been putting out a list of words that were of particular interest to people in that year. It then chooses the “Word of the Year” based on the public’s searches of its various websites. The word with the most hits shoots to the top of the list.

Who would be the best Canadian leader to ‘manage’ a Trump presidency?

Who would be the best Canadian leader to ‘manage’ a Trump presidency?

I am the first to admit that the transformation of American politics into a lost episode of The Three Stooges can at times be screamingly funny.Where else can you see a man running for the most powerful office in the world warning voters that his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, might lead the country into World War Three?Where else would you see a presidential candidate boast about having beaten Barack Obama in an election, forgetting it was Hillary Clinton he defeated in 2016?

Trudeau should proactively release all details he submitted to ethics commissioner prior to Jamaica trip’s approval

Trudeau should proactively release all details he submitted to ethics commissioner prior to Jamaica trip’s approval

Politics used to be a contest of ideas between parties with different visions of the country. At election time, that produced a winner and a good loser.Now it is a Texas death-match of ideologies. The other side is no longer just an opponent, but an enemy, a traitor, or worse. No victor is legitimate, and there are no good losers.

Why Poilievre doesn’t deserve the 17 per cent lead in the polls

Why Poilievre doesn’t deserve the 17 per cent lead in the polls

“All things are subject to decay and when fate summons, monarchs must obey.”—John Dryden, 17th century Augustan poet.Is it time for Justin Trudeau to start reading John Dryden?With the PM’s popularity fading like a flower left unwatered on a post-holiday table, has the moment arrived for him to accept his fate? Is it true that he is no longer wanted on the political journey, and ought to resign?

Biden should stop financing an unconscionable war

Biden should stop financing an unconscionable war

Events unfolding in the Middle East are showing just how right Canada was to call for a ceasefire in the atrocious Gaza War.The nightmare scenario—an all-out regional conflict involving Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and potentially Iran on one side, with Israel and the United States on the other—is no longer a long shot.

Canadians on cusp of most consequential election in our history

Canadians on cusp of most consequential election in our history

Canadians are on the cusp of the most consequential election in our history.The heart and soul of the country are on the line. Depending on who wins, we could wake up to a different country after the votes are counted, exactly as the United States will should Donald Trump become president next November.In that country, a man who wants to suspend the U.S. Constitution and use the Department of Justice to jail his critics and opponents is spiking in the polls.

Anger, apathy, and despair drive democracy to the brink

Anger, apathy, and despair drive democracy to the brink

Is democracy becoming a form of hope in which people no longer believe?A hint of that has surfaced in a number of ways that could be described as declining citizen interest: apathy toward elections, political events, public meetings, and voting itself. Ontario offers a disquieting insight into the depth of that apathy.

Poilievre continues to place Trudeau on Canada’s ‘most unwanted’ list and his strategy appears to be working

Poilievre continues to place Trudeau on Canada’s ‘most unwanted’ list and his strategy appears to be working

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre continues to place Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Canada’s “most unwanted” list.Poilievre’s usual modus operandi is to take a page from Donald Trump 1.0: the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and it’s all the fault of one man. Substitute the name “Justin Trudeau” for “Joe Biden,” and it’s the same argument as Trump is now making to his deluded followers.

Poilievre’s cheap shot at CP journalist has not gone unnoticed

Poilievre’s cheap shot at CP journalist has not gone unnoticed

So the man who wants to be prime minister had his Pinocchio moment in front of the cameras last week.After jumping to the conclusion that the tragic accident at the Rainbow Bridge on Nov. 22 was a terrorist attack—a thesis which quickly proved to be patently false—Pierre Poilievre was asked by a CP reporter if it was responsible of him to make that public declaration before the facts were known.

On Trudeau’s future, Conservatives should be careful what they wish for

On Trudeau’s future, Conservatives should be careful what they wish for

No matter what nonsense goes in Question Period—that orgy of bragging, slagging, and attempted sand-bagging that tries to pass for reasoned debate and accountability—Canadians are getting the picture: none of the major leaders can be taken at their word.Canadians know that things are not as rosy as the Liberal government claims, not as bad as the Conservative Party complains, and not as easily solved as the NDP naively declares.

Circles of sorrow emerge from the grim arithmetic of war

Circles of sorrow emerge from the grim arithmetic of war

While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau grapples with the public request from 23 of his own MPs to advocate for a ceasefire in the Gaza War, he might want to read the following passage: “It was a fine cry—loud and long—but it had no bottom and it had no top, just circles and circles of sorrow.”

The negotiating table, not the battlefield, is where the bleeding stops and peace begins

The negotiating table, not the battlefield, is where the bleeding stops and peace begins

When it comes to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, few have more expertise than Thomas L. Friedman.The New York Times opinion columnist with three Pulitzer Prizes under his belt has covered the story for 50 years.

Trudeau’s dreaming if he thinks he can get New Delhi to co-operate in Nijjar investigation

Trudeau’s dreaming if he thinks he can get New Delhi to co-operate in Nijjar investigation

I am one of those people hoping that justice will be done in the June assassination of Sikh activist and Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar.That said, the odds are against it. When the circumstances of a vicious murder collide with the geopolitical self-interest of several nation states, the individual victim gets lost in the shuffle. It seems that some heads of state—like certain banks—are too big to fall.