Michael Harris

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Michael Harris.

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Pol­i­tics has always had its share of self-inter­est­ed fak­ers mas­querad­ing as…

The Liberals should resolve their leadership issues now, before it’s too late

The Liberals should resolve their leadership issues now, before it’s too late

If the Lib­er­al Par­ty and the Prime Minister’s Office aren’t watch­ing the polit­i­cal…

Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick

Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick

For­mer U.S. pres­i­dent Richard Nixon once said, ​‘Well, if the pres­i­dent does it,…

Federal politics has entered a ‘none-of-the-above’ phase

Federal politics has entered a ‘none-of-the-above’ phase

Fed­er­al pol­i­tics has entered a ​“none-of-the-above” phase. And that means that…

NSICOP report more than a Pandora’s box of bad news for Canadian democracy

NSICOP report more than a Pandora’s box of bad news for Canadian democracy

The more secre­tive a soci­ety gets, the less demo­c­ra­t­ic it becomes. As The…

Trump’s vulgarity fast becoming signature across so much of our politics

Trump’s vulgarity fast becoming signature across so much of our politics

How did gross inci­vil­i­ty take over so much of the pub­lic square in both Cana­da and…

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Stormy Daniels could be American democracy’s only hope

Can an adult-film actress save the repub­lic from King Don­ald? Giv­en what is…

Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

Pam Damoff’s departure a canary in the coal mine on polarization

It wasn’t the biggest sto­ry com­ing out of Ottawa last week, but make no mis­take about…

Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

Beware of the ‘everything-is-broken’ crowd

There is a lim­it to how far Con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cians can car­ry the…

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

Who can stop Benjamin Netanyahu?

The stag­ger­ing death toll of Israel’s war of rage and vengeance demands an answer…

God save us all: Trump’s selling Bibles now

God save us all: Trump’s selling Bibles now

Even the most pumped-for-Trump MAGA-fool must have had a queasy moment when they saw…

Being real is still most powerful attribute for politicians, especially today

Being real is still most powerful attribute for politicians, especially today

On the face of it, alter­ing a pho­to­graph — even if you are a princess — is…

Tackling humanitarian disaster takes guts, not words

Tackling humanitarian disaster takes guts, not words

Polit­i­cal lead­ers who can no longer hear the peo­ple are usu­al­ly on their way to…

One Man’s March to Beat Poilievre in His Own Riding

One Man’s March to Beat Poilievre in His Own Riding

If any­one in Cana­da needs to fas­ten ice cleats to his boots, it’s Bruce Fan­joy. No…

There’s no guarantee that what happens in America, stays in America

There’s no guarantee that what happens in America, stays in America

Liv­ing next to Rus­sia requires watch­ing very close­ly what hap­pens in that coun­try.…

Changing leaders will not save the Liberals

Changing leaders will not save the Liberals

Ask not for whom the polls toll, they toll for thee. That is the mes­sage Cana­di­ans are…

Obvious loser in ArriveCan scandal is Trudeau government

Obvious loser in ArriveCan scandal is Trudeau government

Apart from the Cana­di­an pub­lic, the obvi­ous los­er in the Arrive­Can scan­dal is the…

U.S. Republicans, Canadian federal Conservatives give Zelenskyy the shaft, and that’s a crying shame

U.S. Republicans, Canadian federal Conservatives give Zelenskyy the shaft, and that’s a crying shame

To the utter dis­grace of what is left of the Unit­ed States’ inter­na­tion­al…

‘Authenticity’ must be Trudeau’s word of the year

‘Authenticity’ must be Trudeau’s word of the year

Could a good dic­tio­nary help Justin Trudeau refur­bish his tar­nished image?…

Who would be the best Canadian leader to ‘manage’ a Trump presidency?

Who would be the best Canadian leader to ‘manage’ a Trump presidency?

I am the first to admit that the trans­for­ma­tion of Amer­i­can pol­i­tics into…

Trudeau should proactively release all details he submitted to ethics commissioner prior to Jamaica trip’s approval

Trudeau should proactively release all details he submitted to ethics commissioner prior to Jamaica trip’s approval

Pol­i­tics used to be a con­test of ideas between par­ties with dif­fer­ent visions…

Why Poilievre doesn’t deserve the 17 per cent lead in the polls

Why Poilievre doesn’t deserve the 17 per cent lead in the polls

“All things are sub­ject to decay and when fate sum­mons, mon­archs must obey.” — John…

Biden should stop financing an unconscionable war

Biden should stop financing an unconscionable war

Events unfold­ing in the Mid­dle East are show­ing just how right Cana­da was to call for…

Canadians on cusp of most consequential election in our history

Canadians on cusp of most consequential election in our history

Cana­di­ans are on the cusp of the most con­se­quen­tial elec­tion in our his­to­ry. The…

Anger, apathy, and despair drive democracy to the brink

Anger, apathy, and despair drive democracy to the brink

Is democ­ra­cy becom­ing a form of hope in which peo­ple no longer believe?…

Poilievre continues to place Trudeau on Canada’s ‘most unwanted’ list and his strategy appears to be working

Poilievre continues to place Trudeau on Canada’s ‘most unwanted’ list and his strategy appears to be working

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre con­tin­ues to place Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Poilievre’s cheap shot at CP journalist has not gone unnoticed

Poilievre’s cheap shot at CP journalist has not gone unnoticed

So the man who wants to be prime min­is­ter had his Pinoc­chio moment in front of the…

On Trudeau’s future, Conservatives should be careful what they wish for

On Trudeau’s future, Conservatives should be careful what they wish for

No mat­ter what non­sense goes in Ques­tion Peri­od — that orgy of brag­ging, slag­ging,…

Circles of sorrow emerge from the grim arithmetic of war

Circles of sorrow emerge from the grim arithmetic of war

While Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau grap­ples with the pub­lic request from 23 of his…

The negotiating table, not the battlefield, is where the bleeding stops and peace begins

The negotiating table, not the battlefield, is where the bleeding stops and peace begins

When it comes to the Israeli/​Palestinian con­flict, few have more exper­tise than Thomas…

Trudeau’s dreaming if he thinks he can get New Delhi to co-operate in Nijjar investigation

Trudeau’s dreaming if he thinks he can get New Delhi to co-operate in Nijjar investigation

I am one of those peo­ple hop­ing that jus­tice will be done in the June assas­si­na­tion…