Neil Moss

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Neil Moss.

A new age for Canada-Saudi relations? Human rights concerns passed over for economic links

A new age for Canada-Saudi relations? Human rights concerns passed over for economic links

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment wel­comed a Sau­di minister’s high-lev­el vis­it with…

Canada can’t afford to squander chance for rare Indo-Pacific role with AUKUS, say analysts

Canada can’t afford to squander chance for rare Indo-Pacific role with AUKUS, say analysts

Three years after the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment was pil­lo­ried for its absence from the…

Plan to bring 10,000 Uyghur refugees to Canada off to slow start, says advocacy group

Plan to bring 10,000 Uyghur refugees to Canada off to slow start, says advocacy group

Progress has been slow on a new pro­gram to reset­tle Uyghur refugees in Cana­da as…

GAC’s ability to perform essential duties, sustain foreign presence threatened by financial crunch: memo

GAC’s ability to perform essential duties, sustain foreign presence threatened by financial crunch: memo

As bil­lions of dol­lars get invest­ed in Canada’s defence, Ottawa’s oth­er…

Another round of consultations on Canada’s Africa ‘approach’ extends two-year wait for rethink

Another round of consultations on Canada’s Africa ‘approach’ extends two-year wait for rethink

The delay for the fed­er­al government’s African pol­i­cy revamp con­tin­ues to grow,…

Canada’s next submarine fleet likely to be foreign built as Navy faces timeline crunch, say defence experts

Canada’s next submarine fleet likely to be foreign built as Navy faces timeline crunch, say defence experts

With just over a decade left until the Cana­di­an Navy needs new sub­marines,…

Another privilege battle brewing as feds refuse to give House unredacted green fund docs

Another privilege battle brewing as feds refuse to give House unredacted green fund docs

The House of Com­mons’ top lawyer is sound­ing an alarm as scores of gov­ern­men­tal…

Bloc accuses feds of backing TC Energy dispute at the expense of mounting defence against Ruby River claim

Bloc accuses feds of backing TC Energy dispute at the expense of mounting defence against Ruby River claim

With the legal saga over the scrapped Key­stone XL pipeline hit­ting a road­block,…

Canada downplays cost of meeting NATO spending mark as $60-billion projection will need to rise

Canada downplays cost of meeting NATO spending mark as $60-billion projection will need to rise

Although the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has placed an annu­al price tag of $60-bil­lion on…

GAC downgrades chief legal adviser role despite global focus on international law

GAC downgrades chief legal adviser role despite global focus on international law

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment declares its sup­port for inter­na­tion­al law, it is…

Chinese envoy says Beijing won’t change approach to next Canadian election, denying foreign interference charges

Chinese envoy says Beijing won’t change approach to next Canadian election, denying foreign interference charges

With Bei­jing under the micro­scope over alle­ga­tions of gov­ern­ment med­dling in…

Deadly Hurricane Beryl a stark reminder of the need to confront climate change, says Saint Kitts and Nevis envoy

Deadly Hurricane Beryl a stark reminder of the need to confront climate change, says Saint Kitts and Nevis envoy

After Hur­ri­cane Beryl brought dev­as­ta­tion when it reached land­fall in the East­ern…

MPs sound alarm over threat of losing ‘invaluable’ tool for fiscal oversight

MPs sound alarm over threat of losing ‘invaluable’ tool for fiscal oversight

As bil­lions of dol­lars of gov­ern­ment spend­ing went with­out com­mit­tee scruti­ny,…

Info watchdog, Defence Minister Blair keep clashing in court cases over access law compliance

Info watchdog, Defence Minister Blair keep clashing in court cases over access law compliance

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair is ask­ing the courts to quash two infor­ma­tion…

Ten parliamentary committees forgo scrutiny of $25-billion in spending estimates

Ten parliamentary committees forgo scrutiny of $25-billion in spending estimates

Nine House com­mit­tees, plus a joint House and Sen­ate com­mit­tee, eschewed…

‘An eroding democracy’: Canada faces difficult dilemma with prospect of convicted Trump in the White House

‘An eroding democracy’: Canada faces difficult dilemma with prospect of convicted Trump in the White House

With Don­ald Trump becom­ing the first pres­i­dent in Amer­i­can his­to­ry to have been…

‘We believe in international law, or we don’t’: South African envoy counters claims of moral equivalence in ICC warrant applications

‘We believe in international law, or we don’t’: South African envoy counters claims of moral equivalence in ICC warrant applications

As the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment rejects any equiv­a­lence between Israeli and Hamas…

House Canada-China Committee looking to interrogate officials and parliamentarians who visited China

House Canada-China Committee looking to interrogate officials and parliamentarians who visited China

With a spate of Cana­di­an offi­cials and par­lia­men­tar­i­ans start­ing to…

Canada’s pledged forced labour bill should follow U.S. example banning Xinjiang imports, says Uyghur advocate

Canada’s pledged forced labour bill should follow U.S. example banning Xinjiang imports, says Uyghur advocate

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment renews a bud­get pledge to bring for­ward…

Liberal government faces test defending royal prerogative as opposition MPs vie for say in Canada’s foreign policy

Liberal government faces test defending royal prerogative as opposition MPs vie for say in Canada’s foreign policy

While For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly said ​‘we can­not change for­eign pol­i­cy…

Canada has been concerned with a lack of diplomatic access in China amid turbulent ties

Canada has been concerned with a lack of diplomatic access in China amid turbulent ties

Amid its con­tin­ued rocky rela­tion­ship with Bei­jing, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has…

Will Mr. Poilievre go to Washington? Former diplomats hope so

Will Mr. Poilievre go to Washington? Former diplomats hope so

With the Con­ser­v­a­tives enjoy­ing a com­mand­ing lead in the polls, observers of…

‘Absolutely the wrong direction’: feds respond to calls for more money for foreign ministry with budget cuts

‘Absolutely the wrong direction’: feds respond to calls for more money for foreign ministry with budget cuts

Amid mount­ing calls for more invest­ment in Canada’s for­eign min­istry, includ­ing from…

‘Flexing some legal muscle’: info watchdog takes Blair to court as DND eschews access law

‘Flexing some legal muscle’: info watchdog takes Blair to court as DND eschews access law

In response to access-to-infor­ma­tion stonewalling by Canada’s defence estab­lish­ment,…

Some foreign envoys voice ‘frustration’ over access in Ottawa as others downplay concerns

Some foreign envoys voice ‘frustration’ over access in Ottawa as others downplay concerns

With long response times for mes­sages, and dif­fi­cul­ty in secur­ing meet­ings, some…

Taiwanese envoy warns against banning MPs’ sponsored travel, but former Harper-era minister Kent says MPs should not accept ‘large gifts’

Taiwanese envoy warns against banning MPs’ sponsored travel, but former Harper-era minister Kent says MPs should not accept ‘large gifts’

Taiwan’s top diplo­mat in Cana­da says he is wor­ried about the effect that…

Renewed ‘Team Canada’ effort in the U.S. needs to take advantage of parliamentary links on Capitol Hill, says former Grit MP Easter

Renewed ‘Team Canada’ effort in the U.S. needs to take advantage of parliamentary links on Capitol Hill, says former Grit MP Easter

With a loom­ing pres­i­den­tial elec­tion south of the 49th par­al­lel, ​“Team…

Trudeau nears record high for political diplomatic appointments as Bennett goes to Denmark

Trudeau nears record high for political diplomatic appointments as Bennett goes to Denmark

With the appoint­ment of Car­olyn Ben­nett as Canada’s newest ambas­sador to Den­mark,…

Ever-changing geopolitical world increasingly pressing Canada’s consular efforts into action: former diplomats

Ever-changing geopolitical world increasingly pressing Canada’s consular efforts into action: former diplomats

After a year of wide-scale evac­u­a­tion efforts, Canada’s con­sular ser­vices will…

CUSMA and friends? Costa Rican trade minister makes pitch to join North American pact

CUSMA and friends? Costa Rican trade minister makes pitch to join North American pact

With momen­tum build­ing south of the bor­der, Cos­ta Rica’s top trade offi­cial has…

Partisan clashes cloud implementation of revised Ukraine trade bill as experts pan Tories’ carbon tax complaints

Partisan clashes cloud implementation of revised Ukraine trade bill as experts pan Tories’ carbon tax complaints

With a bill to imple­ment a revised Cana­da-Ukraine trade deal mov­ing through…